

A Research on Rapeseed Seed Value

【作者】 李艳军

【导师】 李崇光;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 市场经济条件下,企业的竞争优势来源于为顾客创造更多的价值,这一法则同样适用于处于市场经济变革期的中国种子产业。准确把握种子价值构成和价值要素,是种子企业有效提高价值创造能力和核心竞争力的前提。本文从理论与实证方面对我国油菜种子价值要素及结构进行研究。其基本内容有:一、对种子价值相关理论及研究方法进行了系统分析与归纳。认为:第一,劳动价值论、效用价值理论、特征价值理论和顾客价值理论是价值研究的主要理论与方法;第二,产品价值由不同的价值要素构成,这些要素或具体单元以及它们在总价值中所占比例形成产品的价值结构;第三,效用价值理论和顾客价值理论均强调价值的主观性和顾客的决定性。效用价值理论认为消费者对商品的感知效用是决定商品价值的重要力量,顾客价值理论认为价值决定于顾客对产品属性的功效所感知的偏好与评价。本文主要从效用价值理论和顾客价值理论相结合的角度对种子价值要素及构成进行分析。对于价值要素的测量与评价,主要采用联合分析法,它是国外广泛应用的从顾客价值角度测量价值要素及重要性的方法。其基本原理是,提供给消费者以不同的属性水平组合形成的一系列产品轮廓(product profiles),根据消费者对不同产品组合的打分、排序,用分解的办法计算各个属性或者价值要素的效用在总效用中的比例。运用联合分析法对种子价值要素和价值构成进行测定,在同类研究中尚属鲜见。该方法的引进和采用,使我国种子价值的定量研究,在方法上更具科学性和规范性。二、论文以湖北省油菜主产区的600余油菜种植户资料为依据,对油菜种子价值要素及价值构成进行了实证分析。运用因子分析和结构方程模型提炼并验证影响农户对种子价值判断的因素;运用联合分析法对油菜种子价值要素的重要性和种子价值构成进行测量:运用条件价值评估法探测农户对更好种子的支付意愿和支付金额。研究显示,影响农户对油菜种子价值判断的主要因素是种子质量、服务、价格和品牌,其中,种子质量和服务是最重要的价值影响因素;油菜种子价值构成是:种子质量:85%,服务6.71%,品牌4.45%,销售宣传3.30%,说明油菜种子总价值绝大部分来源于种子质量的贡献;农户对更好种子的支付意愿强烈,油菜种子产业通过为农户提供更好的种子以提升价值创造空间的前景很广阔。本文研究结论与国内某些学者的假设和判断基本吻合,根据政府相关部门管理人员和种子企业经营者的检验,本文研究结论符合我国种子产业的实际情况。三、从理论与实证结合上分析了除种子整体产品因素外其他影响农户购种行为和种子价值判断的因素。认为,农户户主个人特征、农户家庭经营规模和状况、农产品销售政策和市场销售情况均从不同方面影响农户行为和对种子价值的判断。其中,家庭耕地面积和油菜种植面积对农户购种心理和行为的影响广泛,耕地面积和油菜种植面积越大,农户对种子技术服务、信息服务和价格等因素的重视程度和敏感度也越高。这说明经营规模影响农户对市场变量的反应,我国目前农业的小规模经营状况可能会弱化某些价值要素对农户的刺激效果。四、基于上述研究,本文从企业和政府两个方面提出了对策和建议。作为种子企业,应提高种子质量和服务水平,改进促销方式,实施适度营销,以此提高价值创造能力和竞争力;政府和种子产业协会,应制定相应政策引导种子产业适度集中,形成公平合理的产业链利益分配机制,促进产业链各环节的良性互动,建立政府、企业和其他民间机构共同参与的种子信息服务和技术服务网络,满足农户对技术服务和信息服务的需求,以此提高我国种子产业的整体价值创造能力和国际市场竞争力。论文可能的创新点是:第一,从效用价值理论和顾客价值理论相结合角度对油菜种子价值构成及价值要素进行定量研究,这在国内外尚为鲜见,研究角度和研究内容有一定创新;第二,采用结构方程模型提炼油菜种子价值要素,将评价消费者偏好的联合分析法引入油菜种子价值构成的测量中,研究方法的运用上有一定新意;第三,通过研究,第一次得出了量化的油菜种子价值结构模型,揭示出销售服务(宣传)效用变化的倒“U”特点,研究结论体现出较强的创新性且对企业提升顾客价值创造能力具有现实指导意义。

【Abstract】 On the background of market economy,the enterprise competitive advantage is originated from creating more value for customer;this law is the same with the Chinese seed industry during the period of market economy reforming.The premise of improving value creative ability and core competition effectively of Chinese seed industry is holding seed value composition and value elements accurately.This paper study Chinese Rapeseed seed value elements and structure from theory and demonstration aspect.The basic content as follows:Discuss the theory and study approaches correlated to seed value.It includes three aspects:First,laboring value theory、efficacy value theory、characteristic value theory and customer value theory are the main theories and approaches;Second,product value is composed of different value elements,and the product value structure is composed of material units or elements of product value and the shares of those in total value;Third, efficacy value theory and customer value theory all stress on the subjectivity of value and customer’s decision.Efficacy value theory thinks that customer’s perceptive avail to product determines commodity value in large extent.Customer value theory thinks value is determined by customer’ perceptive preference and evaluate to product attribute and efficacy.This paper analyses seed value elements and composition based on the angle of efficacy value theory and customer value theory.For measure and evaluate value elements, conjoint analysis is abroad extensive use method to measure value elements and significance from customer value angle.The basic principle is providing a series of product profiles composed by different attribute level mix to customer,scoring and compositor to different product mix,using disaggregated method to calculate each attribute or the shares of value elements avail in total avail.Conjoint analysis has not been used to measure seed value elements and value composition in the congener studies.So the method of studying Chinese seed value is more scientific and normative by introducing and using conjoint analysis.This paper carries out the empirical analysis of rapeseed seed value and value composition, which based on the main producing rapeseed areas in Hubei province of more than 600 farming families.Using factor analysis and structure equation model to abstract and validate the factors of influencing farmer’ s judgment to seed value;Using conjoint analysis to measure rapeseed seed value elements significance and seed value composition.Using contingent valuation method to detect farmer’ s payment will and payment sum to better seed.The study shows the main factors of influencing farmer’ s judgment to seed value are seed quality、service、price and brand.Seed quality and service are the most important influencing factors.Rapeseed seed value component as follows:seed quality:85%,service 6.71%,brand:4.45%,sales service(publioity):3.30%,it explains that seed quality is the most important component in seed total value;farmer’ s payment will to better seed is intensity.This paper’ s study conclusion accords with some scholar’ s hypothesis and judgment in home.This paper’ s study conclusion accords with Chinese seed industry practice based on the test of manager in correlative administration and enterprise runners.This paper analyzes the factors of influencing farmer’ s buying behavior and value judgment besides the factor of seed integration product by using theories and experience. It thinks farmer’ s individual character、family management status and size、farm product selling police and market selling status influence farmer’ s behavior and value judgment to seed in different aspect.Family planting area and Cole planting area extensively influence farmer’s buying psychology and behavior,the bigger of planting area and Cole planting area,the more sensitive to correlation factors.It shows that management size influences farmer’ s reaction to market variable.Now agricultural small size management status may weaken stimulative effect of some value elements to farmer in our country.This paper advances countermeasure and suggestion from enterprise and government two side based on the study.As seed enterprise,it must improve value creative ability and core competition by improving seed quality,betterment promotion way and implement marketing.As government and seed industry association,it must improve integration value creative ability of seed industry and international market competition by setting down relevant policy inducting seed industry concentrate to form rational industry chain profit distribution mechanism,establishing seed service and technical service net that government,enterprise and other folk organizations all take part in to meet the farmer’ s need to technical service and information service.The innovation of the paper as follow:first,it carries out the study using quantitative method to seed value composing and value elements by integrating efficacy value theory and customer value theory,this is rare to see,so it has innovation in study content and study angle;second,it carries out the study by using structural equation model to refine rapeseed seed value elements,which will evaluate consumer preferences introduction of the joint analysis of the rapeseed seed value of a measurement,the method of studies on the use of a certain novelty;Third,through research,the first time to came up to the quantitative structure model of rapeseed seed value,which revealed sales service (publicity) effectiveness of the changes inverted "U" features,the conclusion of the study reflects a strongly innovative and it has practical significance as a guide to enterprises to improve customer value creation capacity.

【关键词】 种子油菜种子种子价值价值要素价值构成
【Key words】 seedrapeseed seedseed valuevalue elementvalue composing
  • 【分类号】F224;F324.6
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】525
  • 攻读期成果

