

Study on Intensive Rural Residential Land Use during New Socialist Countryside Development

【作者】 马佳

【导师】 韩桐魁;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 土地资源管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 随着城市化进程进入加速时期,对城市建设用地的需求剧增,导致大量耕地流失。与此同时,农村建房也在不断侵占耕地,严重威胁到国家的粮食安全与生态安全,人地矛盾日趋严峻。在这样的形势下,国家提出了统筹城乡建设用地,将城镇建设用地增加与农村建设用地减少相挂钩的思路。因此,农村居民点用地的节约集约利用意义重大。党的十六届五中全会提出了建设社会主义新农村目标:“生产发展、生活富裕、乡风文明、村容整洁、管理民主”。建设社会主义新农村为农村居民点用地的集约利用创造了良好契机。然而,过去的相关研究往往流于表面或仅从单个角度(如从经济学角度或从建筑学角度)考虑,缺乏融合多学科的深入分析和研究。在我国城市化快速发展时期,农村居民点用地的利用现状与问题是怎样的?是否有必要集约利用农村居民点用地?如果有必要,其实现的可能性又如何体现?规划、社会经济、制度等因素是否影响、如何影响农村居民点用地的集约利用?面对农村居民点用地这样一个复杂的巨系统,如何建立起一个科学的农村居民点用地集约利用评价体系,有效评价目前农村居民点用地集约利用水平?本文带着这些问题,沿着提出问题——分析问题——解决问题的思路构建分析框架,以实地调研为基础,试图系统地研究我国农村居民点用地集约利用问题,这对于构建更为完善的土地集约利用理论体系,指导农村居民点用地合理的集约利用具有重要的理论价值和实践意义。本文力图拓宽研究视角,综合并借鉴土地利用规划学、建筑学、地理学、乡村社会学和经济学等多学科的研究成果,基于我国人地矛盾突出和农村社会经济文化发展的大背景,站在国家的立场,全面探索集约利用农村居民点用地的路径。研究的主要内容包括以下八章:第一章:绪论。首先论述了新农村建设中农村居民点用地集约利用这一选题的背景和意义,接着在对国内外研究进展进行回顾的基础上,进行了相关的评述,然后介绍了论文的研究内容与方法,指出了研究中可能具有的创新。第二章:农村居民点用地现状与问题。界定了农村居民点、农村居民点用地的内涵;分析了农村居民点用地的特性,包括面积的有限性、利用方向的相对固定性、位置的空间性、对基础设施的依赖性、利用后的社会性、福利性;通过大量的统计和调研数据剖析了农村居民点用地过程中不同程度存在的问题,主要表现为:规划缺位,农村居民点用地有序性差、布局散乱;农村居民点用地总体规模并未减少,且占用大量耕地;人均农村居民点用地水平偏高,土地利用率较低,土地资源的浪费现象严重;“空心村”现象普遍。第三章:农村居民点用地集约利用的必要性和可能性。首先对土地集约利用、土地可持续利用、土地合理利用这三个概念加以辨析,并对农村居民点用地集约利用的内涵进行了界定,即农村居民点用地集约利用是以符合村镇规划、土地利用总体规划及相关法规为导向,在某一发展时期,在可以利用的三维空间范围内,在一定的农村道路、管线和其它基础设施支撑下,在尊重农民意愿的基础上,保证宜居的环境、景观前提下,一定规模的土地上可能聚集农村居民活动的最大总量,为用地者提供最大效用。它具有动态性,随着农村发展目标的变化而变化;具有整体性,应从农村发展的整体角度来进行认识和评价;具有地域性,其集约利用的程度、评价的标准、方法及相应的指标体系,与农村居民点的类型有密切关联。然后阐述农村居民点用地集约利用的必要性和可能性。第四章:农村居民点用地集约利用影响因素分析。从规划角度、资源禀赋角度、社会经济角度、人本角度、制度角度剖析农村居民点用地集约利用的影响机理,是构建评价指标体系的理论基础。第五章:农村居民点用地集约利用评价理论体系构建。农村居民点的基本构成是乡镇和村庄,不同层面的农村居民点用地集约利用表现是有所差异的,因此本文农村居民点用地集约利用评价分别以乡镇层面的农村居民点用地、行政村层面的农村居民点用地为对象,从规划、资源禀赋、社会经济、人本和制度五个方面选取指标构建评价指标体系。通过对乡镇层面的农村居民点用地集约利用评价,揭示乡镇总体农村居民点用地集约利用情况,并以此划分各乡镇农村居民点用地集约利用类型;通过对行政村层面的农村居民点用地集约利用评价,判定各行政村农村居民点用地集约利用类型,揭示空间分布规律,作为指导各行政村建设的依据。第六章:农村居民点用地集约利用评价实证分析。从乡镇和行政村两个层面,对湖北省孝感市孝南区的农村居民点用地集约利用进行评价,对孝南区行政村层面农村居民点用地集约利用综合指数的空间分布差异进行分析,并对武汉市江夏区农村居民点用地集约利用情况进行了分析,得出结论:(1)乡镇层面评价结果:孝南区各乡镇(场)农村居民点用地集约利用的水平都比较低,具体分为三级:朱湖农场、肖港镇、朋兴乡、新铺镇、祝站镇属于集约利用Ⅰ级;卧龙乡、陡岗镇、三汊镇、毛陈镇、杨店镇为集约利用Ⅱ级;东山头原种场、闵集乡农村居民点用地集约利用水平最低,为集约利用Ⅲ级。(2)村级层面评价结果:肖港镇各行政村农村居民点用地集约利用水平都很低,具体分级为:集约利用Ⅰ级:群爱、肖港;集约利用Ⅱ级:黄祠、余神、永久;其他行政村为Ⅲ级。(3)运用ARCGIS 9.2软件对肖港镇农村居民点用地集约利用综合指数空间分布差异进行分析的结论是:该镇农村居民点用地集约利用的变化趋向在西南——东北向上为最大;其农村居民点用地集约利用重心位于肖港村境内,靠近107国道;各行政村农村居民点用地集约利用既不聚集也不分散,处于分团聚集状态。(4)通过障碍诊断方法,得出影响孝南区各乡镇农村居民点用地集约利用的主要障碍因素为:建筑密度(X4)、农村道路密度(X5)、饮水设施完善程度(X6)、农户对规划的认知程度(X2)、城市化率(X8)、单位农村居民点用地面积人口承载量(X9)。评价结果与孝南区农村居民点用地的实际情况基本符合,能够客观反映农村居民点用地的现状水平,说明本文构建的评价指标体系具备较强的实用性。(5)同属于中部平原地区的武汉市江夏区农村居民点用地集约利用情况与孝感市孝南区相似,印证了孝南区作为研究对象的典型性。运用与评价孝南区各乡镇(场)农村居民点用地集约利用水平的相同方法,构建农村居民点用地集约利用评价指标体系,对江夏区五里界镇农村居民点用地集约利用情况进行评价,结果为:五里界镇农村居民点用地集约利用总体水平较低,其镇区北部的中洲村、西部的花山吴村、肖家榨村、镇西南部的锦绣村,镇区东部滨湖地区(尤其是东南部的唐涂村等),农村居民点用地的利用相对较集约,与现实情况相符,进一步印证了评价指标体系以及综合评价方法的有效性。说明本文建立的农村居民点用地集约利用评价体系对中部地区的农村居民点用地集约利用评价研究具有重要的借鉴价值。第七章:农村居民点用地集约利用的实现。在充分剖析农村居民点用地集约利用影响因素、正确评价农村居民点用地集约利用水平、把握农村居民点用地现状与规律的基础上,借鉴各地先进经验,从五个方面提出了实现农村居民点用地集约利用的对策。第八章:结论与讨论。总揽全文,综合本研究的主要结论,并对论文中的不足进行讨论。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of urbanization,the demand for urban construction land becomes increased,resulting in the loss of arable land.At the same time,rural housing is constantly occupying arable land,which is a serious threat to the country’s food security and ecological security.The contradictions are increasingly grim.In such a situation,the state proposed the thoughts of connecting the increase of urban construction land with the decrease of rural construction land to harmonize construction land in urban and rural areas. Therefore,intensive rural residential land use is of great significance.At the Fifth Plenary Session of the 16th Central Committee,the Party pointed out a mission to develop a new socialist countryside,which must be carried out according to the general requirements of advanced production,better living standards,a civilized lifestyle, clean surroundings and democratic management.Developing a new socialist countryside has created a good opportunity for intensive rural residential land use.However,past researches are often considered superficially or only from a single point of view(eg,from the economics point of view or from the architectural point of view),which are lack of in-depth analysis from integration of multidisciplinary.What is the status quo or the issues of rural residential land during China’s development period of rapid urbanization? Is it necessary to use rural residential land intensively? If necessary,how to bring forth the possibility?.Do Planning,socio-economy and other factors affect intensive rural residential land use? If so,how to? Facing such a complex giant system,how to set up a scientific evaluation system to assess intensive rural residential land effectively? With these questions,according to the line of presenting, analyzing and solving the problems,the thesis attempts to systematically examine the problems about rural residential land use,which is of the theoretical value and practical significance in building a more perfect theoretical system for intensive land use and guiding for rural residential land use.Based on the contradiction between people and the rural socio-economic and cultural development,it seeks to broaden the research perspective,and integrates land-use planning,architecture,geography,sociology and economics and other multidisciplinary research achievements from the country’s position. At last,it also explores the path of intensive rural residential land use.The main content includes the following eight chapters:Chapter 1 is the introduction.First of all,it expounds the background and significance of the research;then it comments on the incomplete and weak points of the studies based on the review of the domestic and international literature,and then it presents the content and methods adopted in the thesis,pointing out the possible innovations. Chapter 2 reveals the status and problems of rural residential land use.It defines the connotations of rural settlements,rural residential land and analyzes traits of rural residential land,including the area limitation,relatively fixed use,the spatiality of the location,the dependence on infrastructure,welfare function.Through a lot of survey data and statistical analysis of the problems made by rural residential land use,some phenomenon is discovered as follows:the absence of land use planning disordered rural residential land and scattered layout of residential land.It also shows:rural residential land scale does not decrease;rural residential land occupies a large number of cultivated land;the number of rural residential land per capita is large;land utilization is low;the waste of land resource becomes serious;the phenomenon of "Hollow Village" is widespread.At the beginning of Chapter 3,the concepts of intensive land use,sustainable land use and reasonable land use are differentiated.The connotation of intensive rural residential land use is delimitate,d,namely,the use of rural residential land should take town planning,land use planning and the relevant laws and regulations as guidance. During a developing period,in three-dimensional space that can be used,with the support from a certain rural road traffic conditions and infrastructure,on the basis of respecting for the farmers’ willingness and ensuring livable environment and landscape,a certain scale of rural residential land will gather the largest amount of activities and provide the greatest utility.Rural residential land has dynamic,entirety and regional characteristics.Then it discusses the necessity and possibility of intensive rural residential land use.Chapter 4 mainly analyzes influencing factors of intensive rural residential land use. From the perspective of planning,natural resources,and socio-economy,human-centered, institution,it expounds the mechanism affecting intensive rural residential land use,which is the theoretical foundation for setting up the evaluation index system.Chapter 5 builds up the evaluation theoretical system of intensive rural residential land use.Towns and villages are basic structure of rural settlements,and intensive rural residential land use in different levels performance differently.Therefore,the thesis evaluates intensive rural residential land use from the township level and the village-level respectively.It chooses indexes from the aspects of planning,natural resources, socio-economy,human-centered and institution to build up the evaluation system. Through the township level evaluation,the overall situation about intensive rural residential land use in township is revealed,and types of land use can also be classified. Through the evaluation in village level,laws of spatial distribution is revealed,which is the guidance for countryside development.The evaluation system of intensive rural residential land is applied to Xiaonan District of Xiaogan City in Chapter 6.Then it analyzes the spatial distribution of the intensive rural residential land use index and the status of intensive rural residential land use in Jiangxia District of Wuhan City.Conclusions are as follows:(1) The level of intensive rural residential land use in each town of Xiaonan District is very low.Zhuhu, Xiaogang,Pengxing,Xinpu,Zhuzhan belong to gradeⅠ;Wolong,Dougang,Sancha, Maochen and Yangdian belong to gradeⅡ;Dongshantou and Minji belong to gradeⅢ. (2) The level of intensive rural residential land use in each country of Xiaogang Town is very low.Qun’ai and Xiaogang belong to gradeⅠ;Huangci,Jinshen,Yongjiu belong to gradeⅡ;others belong to gradeⅢ.(3) With the use of ARCGIS 9.2,it analyzes the spatial distribution of intensive rural residential land use index in Xiaogang Town.The results show that the intensive use center locates in Xiaogang Country,close to 107 National Highway;intensive rural residential land use of all administrative villages in Xiaogang Town seems neither gathered nor dispersed.(4)The factors against intensive rural residential land use in Xiaonan District are found out by calculating the value of the obstacle degree of each index.The evaluation results are coinciding with the current rural residential land use in Xiaonan District,which shows that the evaluation system and evaluation methodology in this thesis are workable.(5) The situation of rural residential land use in Jiangxia District of Wuhan,which also belongs to Jianghan Plain in central China,is similar to that of Xiaonan District,which confirms Xiaonan District is typical as a study area.All these prove that the evaluation system built up in this thesis has significant reference value for evaluation of intensive rural residential land use in central China.Chapter 7 introduces how to use rural residential land intensively.Based on the analysis of the factors affecting rural residential land,the correct evaluation of intensive rural residential land use,some countermeasures are proposed from five aspects.Chapter 8 summarizes the main conclusions of this study,and discusses the weak points.According to the conclusions,some suggestions are put forward.


