

Theoretical Analysis and Empirical Study on the Subject Behaviors of Circular Agriculture

【作者】 陈诗波

【导师】 李崇光;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 随着我国经济的高速发展和人口的不断增加,农业已由最初低层次的传统生产方式,逐渐转变为以“高开采、低利用、高排放”为特征的“石化农业”生产模式。这种以消耗资源为代价的农业增长方式,一方面促进了我国农业的快速发展,另一方面也导致了我国自然资源的巨大浪费和农业生态环境的不断恶化。转变农业增长方式,走资源节约、环境保护的循环农业之路,是我国农业发展的当务之急。论文旨在通过不同地区循环农业发展模式下,农户、企业、中介组织和政府不同主体行为及影响因素的分析,探寻循环农业的发展模式和规律,为循环农业的理论研究和实践发展提供有益的参考和建议。论文是在对农村循环农业发展实地调查研究基础之上完成的。论文选择了湖北省宣恩县(山地)、仙桃市(平原)、武汉市江夏区(城郊)、新洲区(城郊)四个省级生态农业试点县,和湖北省洪湖市(湖库区)、京山县(丘陵)二个国家生态农业试点县,以及湖南省常德市澧县等为调查点,通过对25个村,515份农户,7个典型农业龙头企业,以及调查点地方政府官员的问卷调查和访谈、座谈等,获取了论文所需要的第一手资料和数据,并通过理论分析和研究形成本文的基本内容和观点。论文研究的主要内容包括:一、循环农业发展的理论支撑体系,包括:循环农业内生机理与产业联动机制、循环农业行为主体的参与机制以及各主体间的互动协调机制等。二、循环农业发展的主体行为分析,包括农户参与循环农业的动力因素与制约因素;企业参与循环农业的激励与制约因素、组织模式;农村中介组织参与循环农业的行为及激励与制约因素;政府指导循环农业发展的必要性、政府的行为分析以及农户对政府行为的评价等内容。三、循环农业发展中各主体相互关系分析。对循环农业中农户、涉农企业、政府和农村中介组织之间的博弈关系进行了分析,运用随机前沿生产函数模型(Translog模型)、因子分析法和OLS方法,建立“循环农业农户生产技术效率外生性决定因素回归模型”,对农户生产技术效率的各种外生性影响因素进行剖析,藉此探讨如何建立各主体之间的长效利益机制,形成合力,共同推动循环农业的健康发展。四、我国发展循环农业的途径与对策建议。调查和研究结果表明:(1)发展循环农业有利于提高农户的经济效益和环境效益,有利于提高企业综合竞争力,循环农业的发展必须走农业产业化的道路。当前,由于我国循环农业相关技术缺乏,生产成本太高,农民组织化程度较低,循环农业产品的市场价格优势和效益不明显,企业发展规模、资金受限等问题,导致我国农户、企业发展循环农业缺乏有效的利益引导机制。(2)建立了“循环农业产出效益影响因素结构方程模型”。测算结果显示:循环农业的效益除受农户投入行为的直接影响外,农户作为参与主体,人口、劳动力和年龄、教育年限以及社会经历等自身特征,都会通过农户的各种行为,如决策、投资和风险规避等,对农业的投入及产出产生直接的影响,进而影响循环农业发展的实践与成效;同时,外部环境,如市场价格、产品销售渠道、当地的种养殖环境和技术水平、以及政府的相关政策等都对循环农业的发展和效益带来直接或间接的影响。(3)运用logistic回归模型分析了不同地区农户参与循环农业项目的意愿及影响因素。分析表明,循环农业作为一项新的事物,在乡村的推广还有待深入;其在非传统农业地区,较之于在传统的、以种植业和养殖为主的地区更容易开展,比如在洪湖市和新洲区就要较之在宣恩县和仙桃市等传统农业地区要更容易被群众接受。同时,在农业专业化和产业化程度较高的地区,农户参与循环农业项目的热情更高,这主要是因为农户收入和就业与农业的关系更紧密。另外,政府的鼓励对农户参与积极性也是有显著影响。(4)涉农企业通过延伸产业链和产业带动,成为推动循环经济发展的关键切入点。研究表明,促使企业参与循环农业的内在动力主要包括:企业自身的发展目标、企业的道德责任感等;外在动力主要包括:技术推动力、政府主导力、需求拉动力和竞争驱动力等,这些因素共同构成了影响企业参与循环农业的内外环境。当前,改变外部大环境是促进企业转变环境治理策略最为重要的推动力量。因此,在着力增强企业道德责任感的同时,应通过实施各类环境政策手段对企业参与循环农业的策略行为产生直接影响。此外,由于目前相关制度缺失,循环技术研发滞后,资金短缺以及其他参与主体发育不完全等原因,也使得企业参与循环农业的动力严重不足。(5)在目前我国农户生产规模小、经营分散,农技部门服务职能缺失的情况下,发展循环农业亟需各类农村中介组织的引入。农村中介组织通过统购统销,降低农户的生产成本,保障农产品销售价格;通过单个力量的联结有助于提高农民的组织化程度,有效表达农民诉求;通过提供各类技术指导,为发展循环农业提供必要的技术支持。组织运行不规范、发展资金严重短缺、管理体制落后等问题是制约农村中介组织参与循环农业发展的内部因素;缺乏政府的引导和扶持、农户参与率低、同企业业务联系不紧密等问题是制约农村中介组织有效参与循环农业的外部因素。(6)“市场失灵”、循环农业的经济特性等因素使得政府介入循环农业成为必然。调查显示,目前我国政府在提供农村公共物品、营造良好的市场环境等方面存在很多问题,未能有效地为农户、企业等相关主体参与循环农业提供便利条件。同时,作为参与主体,政府在循环农业中的决策行为同样会受到各种因素的影响,地方财政收入的匮乏、基层政府受上级部门牵制过多和基层干部素质不高以及地方政府片面追求政绩导致政府行为短视等因素也是影响政府行为的重要原因。(7)通过随机前沿生产函数和因子分析法,建立农户生产技术效率外生性决定因素计量模型。研究结果表明,政府、协会和企业对农户生产技术效率高低具有重要影响;特别是三者的交互效应对农户生产技术效率的影响最深远;而协会对农户技术效率的影响最直接,其作用也十分重要。政府的参数估计值在三者中最小,但政府的间接影响效用最大,特别是政府在推动农业产业化,扶持和促进农业龙头企业发展,扶持和推动农业专业技术协会的成长等方面具有非常重要和不可替代的作用。(8)综合前面的研究,针对循环农业发展中存在的问题与不足,结合我国的基本国情,提出了“政府引导、企业参与、农户主导、中介组织助力”的角色定位和培育新型主体,完善市场服务体系、信息保障体系,建立循环农业激励制度和法律制度,构建我国循环农业“四位一体”长效发展机制,共同促进循环农业发展的相关对策和建议。论文研究可能存在如下几点创新:一是论文明确界定了农户、企业、农村中介组织和政府为循环农业发展的四大主体,并从主体本身以及循环农业运行的内在机理等角度进行研究,建立了关于我国循环农业相关主体决策行为的理论分析框架,在研究视角上较之以往有了一定的拓展和创新。二是利用结构方程模型,以实地调查的农户数据为依据,建立了“循环农业产出效益影响因素模型”;并运用随机前沿生产函数、因子分析法和OLS方法,对6个调查地区的农户生产技术效率和政府影响因子、企业影响因子、农村中介组织影响因子和农户特征因子等进行测算;再以各影响因子为自变量,以农户技术效率作为因变量,建立了“循环农业农户生产技术效率外生性决定因素回归模型”,这可能会是方法上的一个创新。

【Abstract】 With the fast development of economy and durative increase of population, the agricultural production model had turned from the low level traditional mode to "petrochemical agriculture", whose character is "high exploitation, low utilization, and high discharge". On one hand, this kind of agricultural increasing model for which the cost is consumption of resources accelerated agricultural development; On the other hand, it also consumed the nature resource and deteriorated agricultural environment. It is urgent for us to transfer agricultural increasing model and develop circular agriculture through resource saving and environmental protection. This paper analyses the subject behaviors and their influence factors of peasant household, agricultural company, government, and rural intermediary organization of different circular agricultural developing model in different areas, and seeks the developing model and rules of circular agriculture, and provides beneficial reference and the suggestion for the theoretical research and practice of circular agriculture.The paper is based on fieldwork on circular agriculture. And the research range includes four provincial eco-agricultural demonstration counties of Xuanen (mountainous region), Xiantao (plain), Jiangxia (suburbs), Xinzhou (suburbs) in Hubei; two national eco-agricultural demonstration counties of Honghu (lake district) and Jingshan (knap) in Hubei; and Lixian in Hunan. Plentiful of first-hand data were got by expert interview, agricultural company discussion (7 questionnaires), village officer visit (2Svillage questionnaires), and farmer investigation (515 questionnaires). And these data and information formed the basic content and viewpoints of the paper through theoretical analysis and research.The paper included eight chapters. Main research content had four parts. Firstly, theory support system of circular agriculture had been studied, which included endogenesis and industry linkage mechanism of circular agriculture, relation of agro-industry model and circular agriculture, participating mechanism of participating subjects, mutual harmony mechanism of each subject. Secondly, the paper analyzed the subject behaviors of circular agriculture, which included the driving and restricting factors of peasant household, company and rural intermediary organization, the necessity of government instructing circular agriculture development, the conduct analysis of government in circular agriculture, the estimating of peasant household to government conduct. Besides, the successful experience and emerged shortage had been anatomized in the development of circular agriculture by demonstration analysis. Thirdly, the paper analyzed the interrelation of each subject in developing circular agriculture, namely the game relations of peasant household, agricultural company, government, and rural intermediary organization. By using Stochastic Frontier Production Function Model (Translog model), factor analysis, and the method of OLS, the paper set up an "exogenous determinant regression model of peasant household technique efficiency in circular agriculture", anatomized the various exogenous influence factors to peasant household technique efficiency, discussed how to establish the long-effective benefit mechanism in each subject, and to promote the healthy development of circular. Lastly, the paper brought forward the approach and countermeasure of developing circular agriculture. Research results were as follows:(1) Developing circular agriculture was propitious to improving the economic and environmental benefit of peasant household, to increasing the overall competitive power of company, and to establish outstanding company visualize. Circular agriculture development was needed to proceed with agriculture industrialization. At present, developing circular agriculture of peasant household and company were devoid of effective benefit-leading mechanism, because of lacking of relative production technology of circular agriculture, high production cost, low peasant household systematization degree, low market price superiority, limited company scale and founds of circular agriculture produce.(2) Using "influence factor structure equation model of output benefit in circular agriculture", measure result was that the benefit of circular agriculture was influenced by peasant household devotion conduct directly. As participating subject, population, labour force, and the character of peasant household, such as age, educated time, farming time, social experience, all would influence agricultural devotion and output through various peasant-household’s conduct like decision-making, investment, risk elusion, and influence the practice and effect of circular agriculture development sequentially. Meanwhile, exterior surroundings, such as market price, product market channel, local plant-breed condition and technology level, government policy, influenced and restricted the development of circular agriculture directly or indirectly.(3) Logistic Regress Model was used to analyze the will and influence factors of peasant household participating in circular agriculture program in various regions. Result indicated that circular agriculture program, as a new business, awaited in-depth extend in rural. And the program was accepted easier in non-traditional agricultural regions than in traditional regions. Sample is the peasant household in Honghu and Xinzhou accepted circular agricultural easier than the one in Xuanen and Xiantao. Meanwhile, in the regions possessed higher agro-specialization level, peasant household had participating in circular agriculture more fervency, because peasant household income and employment had close relation to agriculture. In addition, government encouragement had remarkable infection to peasant household’s positivity.(4) The key cut-in point of driving circular agriculture developing was industry chain extending and industry driving. The immanent motivity driving company taking part in circular agriculture included: developing target and moral responsibility of company itself, and so on. Exterior motivity included technology impetus, government dominance, requirement pull-power and competition driving-force. All of those factors composed the inside and outside surroundings. At present, changing outside surrounding was the most important impetus in promoting company changing environment governance. Therefore, on one hand, company moral responsibility should be improved; on the other hand, different kinds of environment policy should be actualized to influence the strategical conduct of company participating in circular agriculture directly. Furthermore, some reasons, like related system scarcity, science and technology research of circular economy hysteresis, fund lack, and other participating subjects ateliosis, also made the impetus deficiency gravely of company participating in circular agriculture.(5) It is necessary to depend on the rural intermediary organization to develop circular agriculture in the condition of small produce scale, dispersive manage, absent service function of agricultural technology department. Rural intermediary organization could reduce produce cost by stocking capital goods collectively, ensure farm produce price by selling unitedly, improve peasant-household’s systematization level and give voice to them effectively by coupling single strength, and provide necessary technology support by offering different kinds of technology instruction. At the present time, inside factor of restricting rural intermediary organization participating in circular agriculture development were the organization function non-criterion, expanding fund lack, and manage system laggard. And the outside factor were inadequate induct and support of government, low participating rate, incompact touch with company operation.(6) It was necessary that government intervened in circular agriculture for "market malfunction" and economy character of circular agriculture. Survey showed that our government had many problems in providing country public facilities, building well market surrounding. And government didn’t provide advantage condition for the correlative subjects like peasant household and company participating in circular agriculture. Meanwhile, as participating subject, the decision-making of government in circular agriculture also influenced by many factors. Some local government could not make both ends meets, which restricted government carrying on their work. In addition, there were other aspects, like basic-level government tripping over by superior department, diathesis of basic-level officer being low, pursuing achievements in one’s official career unilaterally also influencing local government conduct.(7) Establish exogenous determinant model in peasant household technique efficiency by using stochastic frontier production function and factor analysis method. Research results indicated that government, association and company all influenced peasant household technique efficiency. Triangular interactive effect influenced peasant household technique efficiency most profoundly, and association influenced that most directly. Parameter estimated value of government in the three businesses was least, but the indirect influence of government was biggest, especially in impelling agriculture industrialization, supporting the development of agricultural flagship company, and promoting the growth of agricultural specialty technology organization.(8) Aimed at the problems and shortages in circular agricultural development and combined essence national condition, the paper put forward a series of countermeasures and suggestions of role definition (government leading, company participating, peasant household as subject, intermediary organization assisting), cultivating new subjects, perfecting the market service system and information ensure system, establishing the stimulant system and law system of circular agriculture, building long-acting development mechanism of "quaternity" of circular agriculture in China.There were probably some innovations in the paper. Firstly, the paper defined the four subjects of developing circular agriculture (peasant household, company, rural intermediary organization and government) demonstrably, established the theory analysis framework of correlation subject decision-making behavior in circular agriculture in China for the first time from the point of subject behavior itself and the inherent mechanism of circular agriculture development, and the research angle may be an innovation. Secondly, the paper set up "influence factor model of output benefit in circular agriculture" using structure equation model according to the peasant household field investigation data. The paper also measured the peasant household technique efficiency, the influence factor of government, company, rural intermediary organization, and the character factor of peasant household in six investigation region, by using stochastic frontier production function, factor analysis and OLS method. At the same time, the paper set up "exogenous determinant regression model of peasant household technique efficiency in circular agriculture" with the independent variable being each influence factor and the induced variable being peasant household technique efficiency. This may be an innovation in method.


