

Household Biogas Utilization and Its Coenvironmental Benefits: Evidence from Enshi

【作者】 张嘉强

【导师】 丁士军;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 能源是现代人类生产生活的必备条件,是经济和社会发展的重要物质基础。工业革命以来,世界能源消费剧增,煤炭、石油、天然气等化石能源资源消耗迅速,不少化石能源资源面临枯竭、短缺、供应紧张的困境。我国已成为世界能源生产和消费大国,随着经济和社会的不断发展,我国的能源需求包括农村能源的需求将持续增长。增加生产生活的能源供应、保障能源安全、保护全国特别是中西部地区脆弱的生态环境、促进经济和社会的可持续发展,是国家一项现实而迫切的重大战略任务。生态环境的保护需要发展可再生能源。我国政府对发展包括农村户用沼气在内的可再生能源极为重视。为解决农村能源供应的贫困问题,中国政府相继在广大农村地区推广了省柴节煤灶、户用沼气、小水电、风能、太阳能等节能项目和可再生能源项目,有效增加了农村地区的用能供给,提高了农村用能效率和用能水平,促进了农村的经济发展和农民生活条件的改善。近年来,随着农村经济的快速发展,农业生态环境脆弱、生物质资源利用率低,农产品安全等问题越来越突出。在这种背景下,我国政府选择了将沼气作为农村能源的重点推广项目,通过农村沼气建设推进农业循环经济模式,以期实现农村农业良性互动发展。尽管我国农村户用沼气的发展经历了试验和起步、技术突破与工艺技术完善、快速发展等相当漫长的不同阶段,但农村户用沼气建设、推广及使用从总体上看是比较成功的,形成了以“一池三改”为基本建设单元,同时根据不同地区的自然经济条件以及调整农业产业结构的实际需要,将沼气与农业产业发展相结合,创造性地发展出以南方“猪-沼-果”(养猪与沼气、种植果树等相结合)、北方“四位一体”(养猪与沼气、种植蔬菜、建日光温室等相结合)为典型代表的农村户用沼气生态能源发展模式。目前,随着国家投入的不断增加,我国中西部广大地区正在努力以沼气为纽带或龙头发展农村能源,发展生态型农业,深入推进社会主义新农村建设。农户沼气发展过程中充满着机遇,同时也面临更加艰难的挑战。归纳起来,这些挑战与问题主要包括以下几个方面:(1)开发利用效率低与使用中的浪费现象并存;(2)能源资源供求分散,建设、运营和管理成本较高;(3)技术和服务支撑能力严重不足;(4)区域差距大,公共财政支持能力不足,难以实现能源的普遍服务:(5)政府扶持力度不大,体制机制落后;(6)部门利益驱动的干预脱离农户的实际需求等。探讨一个问题可以有多个视角。目前关于农户沼气使用问题的研究更多的是从政府管理的角度出发,而从农户的现实处境出发,着眼于农户自身意愿与实际使用状况对农户沼气的推广乃至由此带来的效益的获取与评价,进一步发现出现问题与挑战的成因,找出出路和提出对策等角度的研究,尚不多见。本文所关注的是,从农户行为分析的角度,考察农户在建造、使用沼气过程中表现出来的意愿是什么,从农户生计的角度考察他们建造使用沼气的投入产出问题,并探讨相关因素之间的内在关系,从实证的角度考察农户沼气能源对其产生的生态环境效益评价进行分析,探讨或者试图建立一个农户沼气能源产生的生态环境效益的评价指标框架体系。在研究过程中,主要采取了文献研究、实地调查、案例分析、生态环境评价、计量经济分析、系统建模等多种研究与分析方法,运用来自湖北恩施州的大量的一手农户调查资料展开分析,力求做到问卷调查与定量相结合,理论分析与实证研究结合,探讨各种相关因素或者变量之间的相互关系及变化规律。本文共分七章。第一章为概述,主要是全面介绍研究背景和研究目的、内容和方法等。第二章为理论与方法的综述,主要目的是对本文研究的相关概念、理论、方法做介绍与研究现状综述,为本文的实证分析研究提供依据。第三章是对调查地区的基本情况描述,主要目的是介绍调查地区的沼气发展概况与当地基本背景资料,在基本情况描述的同时还对一些调查研究的背景资料和数据做了分析。第四章是对农户沼气采用行为进行分析,主要目的是通过模型构建来分析影响农户选择沼气技术行为的主要因素并探讨相关因素之间的相互关系。第五章是对农户沼气系统使用做成本效益及能流分析,主要目的是分别从工程经济学和生态经济学角度计算分析沼气建设及沼气生态系统的投入产出效益。第六章是农户沼气生态环境效益评价的实证研究,主要目的是研究探讨建立一套简明可行、专门针对农户沼气能源生态环境效益评价的指标体系框架,为今后开展农户沼气能源的生态效益补偿以及建立相关补偿机制研究做一点尝试。第七章是本文的结论和建议。此外,本文还尝试运用系统动力学方法对恩施州农户沼气系统的综合效益发展趋势做了模拟预测。本文的研究在借鉴国内外相关研究成果的基础上,基于大量一手的农户调查数据资料围绕研究目标进行分析,本文的创新具体体现在以下几个方面:(1)研究角度创新。从农户角度出发对沼气的生态环境效益评价以及农户在使用沼气能源过程中的多种影响因素进行分析。目前对沼气系统产生效益多是从政府管理的角度对产生的综合效益进行研究,从农户行为角度专门就农户沼气使用及效益问题开展研究并不多见。(2)评价指标体系创新。本文通过大量调查数据分析和实证分析,评述了现有生态环境效益评价的指标存在的主要问题,提出了简洁、可操作性强的户用沼气生态效益评价指标体系。本文考虑到沼气生态环境效益的产生直接与农户用能结构、沼气利用程度、生产行为相关联,因此从生态和环境效益两方面选取了供应农田有机肥、提高有机污水处理率、提高人畜粪便处理率,提高SO2减排率,增加土地生态破坏率,减少森林破坏率共七个指标构建了两层指标体系,七个指标均可直接通过农户调查获取的第一手数据计算与转换得到,提供了一套新的具有一定实用价值的农村户用沼气能源生态效益评价体系。(3)研究理论和方法的综合集成。本文综合运用了行为分析、案例分析、能流分析、系统评价、生态效益计量、系统动力学等多方面的理论和方法,多角度地对农村户用沼气能源的生态环境效益评价问题、农户沼气使用行为特征及影响因素等进行定性、定量的评价与分析,将生态经济学、生态环境科学、环境系统科学紧密结合,因此在理论和方法的综合集成运用方面具有一定创新性。

【Abstract】 Energy is an essential condition for the production and living of modern human beings and the important physical foundation for the social and economic development. The global energy consumption has been dramatically increased since the Industrial Revolution. Many fossil energy resources are facing the plight of exhaustion, shortage and tension in supply as fossil energy resources such as coal, petroleum and natural gas are rapidly consumed. China has become a big energy producer and consumer in the world. With constant socioeconomic development, China’s energy demand, including demand of rural energy, will continue to rise. It is the nation’s strategic mission that is practical, pressing and significant to increase energy supply for production and livelihood, safeguard energy security and protect the ecological environments of the country, especially the fragile one in the central and west regions.To protect eco-environments, renewable energy sources need to be developed. China’s government has attached great importance to develop renewable energy sources including biogas. The government popularized energy saving and renewable energy source projects including coal and firewood saving ranges, household biogas, small hydropower stations, wind energy and solar energy for the purpose of alleviating rural poverty in supply of energy. These measures have effectively increased energy supply in rural areas, rural energy efficiency and energy using levels, promoted the economic development of the countryside and helped improve the living conditions of the farm households. With the rapid development of the rural economy in recent decades, problems such as weak agro-eco-environment, low efficiencies in biomass resources utilization and insecure agricultural products, have been increasingly highlighted. Under this background, the government chose biogas as a key popularizing project of rural energy source with the expectation of realizing a benign and interactive development between the countryside and the agriculture through the pattern of agricultural circular economy driven by rural biogas construction. Although the development of biogas for farm household use has been through quite long and different stages including pilot and launching, technical breakthrough and improvement of procedure and technologies, and rapid development, the construction, popularization and usage of biogas for farm household use are successful as a whole. A basic construction unit featuring "one pit (biogas generating pit) and reconstruction of three places (kitchen, toilet and pen)" has been formed. In addition, according to the natural and economic conditions in different regions and the practical need in adjusting the industrial structure of agriculture, ecological energy development modes of biogas for farm household use has been creatively developed with the southern "pig-biogas-fruit" (combination of pig raising with biogas and fruit trees planting) and the northern "four in one" (combination of pig raising with biogas, vegetable planting and sunlight greenhouse building) as typical models. At present, with the constant increase of government investment, the extensive central and west regions of China are making efforts to develop rural energy sources and ecological agriculture with biogas as the bond or leading source for further facilitating the construction of a new socialist countryside.While farm household biogas development is filled with opportunities, there are more challenges. To summarize, these challenges mainly cover the following aspects: (1) co-existence of low efficiencies and wastes in use; (2) dispersed supply and demand of energy resources, relatively high cost in construction, operation and management; (3) severe deficiency of capability of technical and service support; (4) great regional disparity and insufficient capacity of public financial support, which makes difficult a far and wide service of energy; (5) weak governmental support and backward institutional arrangements; (6) deviation of farm households’ practical need due to intervention driven by government departmental self interests.Most of the current studies on usage of farm household biogas start from the perspective of government administration. It is rarely seen that studies set off from the actual situation of farm households with the views to further discover the causes for appearance of problems and challenges, find out ways out and proposing measures and coping strategies by taking into account farm households aspiration and actual use situation in promoting biogas development.This dissertation pays attention to investigate farm households’ inclination in the process of building and using biogas from the perspective of analyzing farm household behaviors. It studies the input-output of the building and using biogas from the perspective of farm household’s livelihood. In addition, it discusses the internal relationship among relevant factors. What’s more, it assesses, by means of empirical analysis, the eco-environmental benefits brought about by farm household’s biogas energy use and attempts to establish an assessment index framework system for the eco-environmental benefits.The various research and analytical approaches adopted involve literature review, fieldwork, case study, eco-environment assessment, econometric analysis, and system modeling. Large quantity of first-hand farm household data from Enshi, Hubei, is employed for the empirical analysis. Quantitative questionnaire survey and analysis are combined with qualitative analysis in an effort, and theoretical and empirical studies are jointly used together. Thereby, the relationship and rules of changes among each relevant factor or variable are discussed.The disertation is divided into seven chapters. The first chapter is an overview, which gives a general introduction of the research background, objectives, contents and approaches etc. The second chapter is an overview of the theories and empirical approaches. Its major objective is to introduce the basic concepts, theories and approaches pertinent to this study and the summary of the research status quo, which provides references for the empirical analysis of this study. The third chapter is a description of the background information of the study area. It mainly introduces the general situation of the biogas development in the study area and local background. The fourth chapter analyzes farm household behavior of adopting biogas. This is for the purpose of analyzing main factors affecting farm household behavior in choosing biogas technologies through modeling and discussing the relationship among relevant factors. The fifth chapter involves cost-benefit-analyzes of farm household biogas system and energy flow analysis, with a view of analyzing input-output benefit of biogas use and biogas ecological system from the perspective of engineering economics and ecological economics. The sixth chapter is an empirical study of the eco-environment benefit assessment of biogas development. It focuses on studying and discussing the establishment of a simple and feasible index system framework specially aimed at the eco-environment benefit assessment of biogas energy. It makes an attempt to help develop compensation on the eco-environment benefit of farm household biogas use and establish relevant compensation mechanisms. The seventh chapter is conclusions and suggestions. Besides, this dissertation tries to make a simulating prediction to the development trend of the overall benefit of the farm household biogas system in Enshi by means of system dynamics analysis.The study of this dissertation has been based on scientific knowledge already available both domestically and internationally. It based on plenty of first-hand data and information from the study area and the study farm households. The main innovative points may include the following aspects:(1) The new research perspective: It starts from the perspective of farm households to analyze the eco-environment assessment and multiple influential factors during the usage of biogas energy. Most of the current researches study the overall benefits produced from the perspective of government administration. It is rarely seen that a study that is developed on usage and benefits of farm household biogas utilization.(2) An index system for household biogas assessment: This dissertation comments and discusses the principal problems of the existing eco-environment benefit assessment and proposes an eco-environment benefit assessment index system which is based on farm household biogas useI and is simple and easy to use practically. This dissertation takes into account the fact that the generation of biogas eco-environmental benefit is directly related to the energy use structure of the farm households, their utilization degree of biogas and action of production, whereby an index system of two levels (ecological and environmental benefits) consisting of seven chosen indexes (supply of organic fertilizers for farm land, increase of disposal rate of organic sewage, increase of disposal rate of animal and human excreta, increase exhaust rate of SO2, increase of damage rate of land ecology and increase of damage rate of forestry). The seven indexes can be calculated and converted through the first-hand data obtained from household questionnaire survey. A set of new eco-environment benefit assessment system of biogas energy for farm household use is thus provided.(3) Integration of research theories and approaches: This dissertation comprehensively applies diversified theories and approaches covering behavioral analysis, case studies, analysis of energy flow, system assessment, measurement of ecological benefit and system dynamics, to conduct qualitative and quantitative assessment and analysis on the eco-environment benefit assessment of biogas use at farm household level, behavioral characteristics of farm household’s biogas use and the influential factors etc. It closely combines ecological economics, the science of eco-environment and the science of environmental system, and has certain points of innovation in terms of integrated application of theories and approaches.

【关键词】 农户沼气能源生态环境效益评价
【Key words】 Farm HouseholdBiogasEnergy SourceEco-EnvironmentBenefit Assessment
  • 【分类号】F323.214;F323.22
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1211
  • 攻读期成果

