

【作者】 陈翠玉

【导师】 张培田;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 法律史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 土地制度是社会的基本制度,土地制度的变革是整个社会变革的基础。综观中国历史长河中的每次巨变,农民们最强烈的愿望是获得土地及其收益。到了近代,很多社会团体及个人都提出过解决土地问题的方案和主张,但都以失败告终。历史的重任最终落在中国共产党身上。自成立后,共产党就以解决农民的土地问题作为自己的使命,沿着“耕者有其田”的目标前进。建国后,共产党更是领导人民群众进行了轰轰烈烈的土地改革运动,使千百年来受封建土地制度奴役的中国农民获得了其赖以生存的土地。从中央到地方颁布的以《中华人民共和国土地改革法》(以下简称为《土地改革法》)为核心的一系列政策法令,为土地改革运动的有序开展提供了保障。本文即以西南地区实施《土地改革法》为论题,以档案材料为主要依托,力图从制度建设和实践运作两个层面对这段史实进行了梳理和分析。就制度建设而言,本文着重探讨了中央及西南地区围绕《土地改革法》进行制度建设的情况,并对其中的核心规定进行了梳理说明。就实践运作而言,本文探讨了土地改革制度,特别是其中的核心性规定,在实践中被遵照执行的情况及存在的问题,并对一些偏离土改政策法令的过激行为及原因进行了分析。在上述梳理和分析的基础上,笔者试图跳出权力话语,对建国初期土地改革及其政策法令的历史命运进行理性反思,分析其间蕴含的独特社会治理模式,并由此考察其对中国社会及法制建设的深远影响。除了导论和结语之外,本文主体部分分为七章。第一章为建国初期土地改革及其《土地改革法》。本章首先对建国前中国共产党解决土地问题的实践及制度进行了梳理,在此基础上,分析了建国初期土地改革的缘起与部署,继而详细考察了《土地改革法》出台的过程及主要内容,并指出以《土地改革法》为核心的一系列政策法令的颁布,使建国初期土改运动得以在有法可依的前提下展开,为土地改革运动的顺利完成提供了保障。第二章为西南地区土地改革及其基本制度。文章首先描述了西南地区土地改革的背景和开展情况,接着归纳分析了西南地区为了配合《土地改革法》的实施进行制度建设的情况。西南地区土改制度建设继承了中央一贯坚持的调查研究、典型试验和广泛征求基层意见等理念;西南地区制度建设的主体包括西南局、各行署或省、地市、县等;西南土改制度的种类可具体分为布置工作类、批复下级请示类、经验推广与教训警示类、补充细化类、其他类:西南地区土改制度建设的内容既包括较为宏观的对各地土改进行总体安排的基本制度,也包括较为微观的针对土改各环节问题的一些具体规定。笔者将西南地区土地改革的基本制度归为三大类别:即分别指向农村一般地区、城市郊区和少数民族土改问题的土地改革实施办法或补充规定、城市郊区土改实施办法以及少数民族土改问题的特殊规定,这些规范文件及其规定构成了西南地区实施《土地改革法》的基本制度。本章仔细梳理了《川东区土地改革实施办法》、《川西区土地改革实施办法》、《川南区对实施土地改革法的若干具体问题处理办法》、《川北区土地改革实施办法》、《云南省土地改革实施办法》、《贵州省实施土地改革补充办法》、《西康省关于实施“中华人民共和国土地改革法”的若干补充规定》以及《重庆市郊区土地改革实施办法》等基本规范,并将其与上位规范进行了对照分析,指出了西南地区围绕着实施《土地改革法》进行配套制度建设的几种做法。文章还简要了探讨西南地区少数民族土改问题的制度建设情况。此外,西南地区围绕实施《土地改革法》具体环节中的问题也出台了大量政策法令,涉及到农民协会的整顿、阶级成份的划分、土地及其他资源的重新分配、土改人民法庭的组建与运作等等方面的内容。对这些内容的制度建设与实践运作情况的探讨,将在随后几章里逐一展开。第三章为农民协会的整顿。农民协会是土地改革的合法执行机关。本章首先梳理了中央及西南地区农民协会制度建设情况,指出了其核心在于对农协入会条件的规定,并对之进行了重点说明。在此基础上,从相关档案材料出发考察了农民协会在实践中存在的成份不纯问题及进行整顿的情况,并以重庆市江北县为个案,具体展现了整顿前后的农民协会在会员人数和领导成份等方面的变化。本章最后对农民协会的性质、特点和历史命运进行了反思,指出了虽然农民协会在制度上被设计为群众自治性组织,却在实践中部分地承担了基层政权组织及反封建统一战线的功能,并具有过渡性、依附性、综合性等特征,但无论如何都不可小视农民协会在建国初期土地改革运动中的重要作用及其对中国社会的影响。第四章为阶级成份的划分。阶级成份划分是土地改革的重要工作,是农村重新分配生产资料和确定社会政治地位的基本依据。本章首先对《土地改革法》、《中央人民政府政务院关于划分农村阶级成份的决定》及其补充规定、《西南局关于划分农村阶级的若干问题与答复》、《西南局关于划分农村阶级成份的几点意见》等文件进行了梳理,指出这些文件的核心内容在于界定和说明阶级成份划分的标准,并探讨了有关规定。随后,结合具体档案材料对阶级成份的划分及错划问题进行了考察分析,并以成都市华阳县二区的王骏昌阶级成份申诉案件为分析对象,展现了乡村社会各阶级围绕着阶级成份定性问题进行激烈斗争的场景,进一步细致阐述了农村社会各阶级在土改中的思想动态与行为逻辑。相对而言,阶级成份划分实践中出现的问题与偏差最多。造成阶级成份错划的原因主要有基层指导情况、干部作风及群众心态等等。阶级成份错划的深层原因则蕴含在阶级成份的人为建构性与乡村社会传统文化的冲突中。已有越来越多的研究者指出,革命前的中国乡村社会固然存在着阶级分化和阶级对立,但它们绝不像共产党领导人和后来正统史学家们所说的那样严重和普遍。阶级成份划分以土地占有及其剥削关系为基本标准对乡村社会成员进行分类,但这种划分并非是基于自然、历史的传统,与传统的乡村文化间存在着一定的冲突,带有很强的人为建构色彩。共产党通过阶级成份的划分不仅对土地进行了重新分配,也有效实现了民众动员、资源汲取和社会治理等目标。第五章为土地及其他资源的重新分配。土地及其他资源的重新分配无疑是土地改革的重要阶段之一。这一阶段制度建设的核心问题在于土地及其他资源重新分配的原则和方法。本章考察了中央及西南地区对此的相关规定,并以大量详实的资料展现了对乡村社会资源重新分配的具体情形,呈现了土地分配的大致结果。这一阶段实践中也同样出现了较多偏差,如分配标准混乱、偏离阶级路线、违反某些分配原则等等。本章以昆明市楚雄地委牟定县委违法征收富农土地规定的事件为个案,详尽分析了基层实践如何背弃了土改政策法令的规定、上级机关对此的态度及其纠正策略。笔者在陈述并分析这些偏差及现实原因的基础上,更试图揭示其深层根源所在。土地改革本身的固有性质使它带有某种没收财产的性质。而在组织者的治理策略中,和平土改必须反对,土改必须以无偿剥夺地主阶级的方式进行。最后笔者以社会学的视角分析了对土地及其他资源重新分配过程中农村社会各阶级的行为策略。第六章为土改人民法庭的组建与运作。土改人民法庭是具有一定群众性的临时特别审判机关,它旨在镇压了阶级敌人的反抗与破坏,并力图适度规制土改中的群众行动,为《土地改革法》的实施提供保障。本章以人民法庭组建和运作为关注重点,梳理了中央及西南各地相关政策法令规定,并以大量详实的资料生动地展现了对土改人民法庭组建和运作及其中存在的问题进行了专门的考察分析。最后以贵定市贵築县白云区人民法庭公审恶霸案件为例,进一步展现了土改人民法庭组建和运作情况。在此基础上,本章还特别阐述了土改人民法庭的实践功用与其制度定位间存在的偏离,分析了人民法庭组建和运作中的一些基本特点,如临时性、特殊性、仪式性和象征性及群众性等,在肯定人民法庭历史功绩的同时,分析了其历史局限。第七章为土地改革及其政策法令的评价与反思。本章试图在总结西南地区土地改革史实的基础上,对土地改革及其政策法令进行理性反思,并透视其对中国社会及法制建设的深层影响。土地改革结束了中国几千年的封建土地制度,实现了农民“耕者有其田”的愿望,同时也改变了乡村权力结构及运作方式,重塑了国家与乡村社会的关系,确立了运动型乡村治理模式,并由此奠定了此后中国农村社会的基本格局。可以说,正是通过土地改革运动,共产党才得以将民众纳入国家权力体系的运行轨道,实现了乡村治理的目标,并迅速型构了新的民族国家。作为思想革命的土改也极大地影响到民众思维习惯和行为方式。民众的心灵日益被阶级思维集体化。群众运动的大规模运用,使革命话语在宏观政策和微观心理层面得到了延续。土改的顺利开展离不开从中央到地方一系列政策法令的指导。作为全国土改总纲领的《土地改革法》继承了以往共产党解决土地问题的经验教训,并根据时代的要求有所发展。土改制度建设工作始终受到从中央到地方各级领导的高度重视,并贯穿于整个土地改革运动的全过程,为土地改革的顺利完成作出了重要贡献。但必须承认的是,土改制度建设中也存在着诸多问题。一方面,由于时间仓促,经验不足,很多规定本身还相当笼统和粗糙。另一方面,“行动中的法”与“文字中的法”也存在永恒的张力。文字中的法需要借助干部及群众的实践努力才能得以实现。同时应当看到,土改政策法令失范的深层根源在于群众运动与制度建设的“二律背反”。建国初期土改运动的依靠力量只能是广大人民群众。而群众一旦被发动起来,形成了大规模运动,则往往难以控制,有时难免会超越政策法令的边界。作为一场伟大的社会变革,建国初期的土地改革运动的历史意义远远超出了经济领域,在政治、思想、文化等广阔的领域内对中国的历史进程产生了深刻的影响。其中,更重要的影响在于土地改革改变了农村的社会结构,重构了乡村社会的政治秩序,为国家意志在乡村社会的实施提供了常规行政手段所无法比拟的有利条件,最终形成了一种独特的乡村社会治理模式,即后来学者所称的“运动型治理模式”。此外,土地改革中政策法律的混用和群众运动的存在,虽然有一定的历史合理性,但也给未来的法制建设带来了某些消极影响。应当说,建国初期土改政策法令还带有很强的过渡色彩,它所创建的制度、组织、程序等基本上还是探索性的。总之,建国初期的土改法制,不是正常时期的法制,更不是理想的现代法制。在我们建立和谐社会和法治国家的今日,对这一段光明与歧途共存的法制旧路应当进行理性的反思。

【Abstract】 Being the basic system of a society, the reform of land system lays the foundation for the reform of the whole society. Looking back at the Chinese history, every great reform characterized with the land reform, which reflected the peasants’ hope to have the land and its profits. In recent history, a lot of organizations and individuals proposed many ways to solve the land problem without any success. Having regarded this task as the historical responsibility, the Communist Party has tried to help the farmers realize their dream of owning the land ever since its birth. After the PRC was founded, Chinese farmers finally got the land which they had longed for thousands of years as the Party carried out the great Land Reform Movement through the promulgation of a series of policies and laws, which secured the orderly development of the Land Reform.This dissertation, focusing on the enforcement of the Land Law, tries to retell and analyze the history from both the institutional side and the practical side on the basis of archive materials. On the institutional level, the dissertation studies the form and content of the institutions including the policies, laws and organizations. On the practical level, the dissertation investigates the specific ways of land reform as well as their success and failure. The author, having analyzed the reasons for the extreme measures in the Reform, purports some rational reflection on the policies and laws, which stand for a special kind of social control, and their influence on the Chinese society.In the first chapter, the Party’s experience and instituional accumulation and the origin and arrangement of Land Reform are retold, then the making as well as the major content of the Land Reform is investigated.The second part discusses the efforts made by the Southwestern Part of China to establish the institutions in order to implement the Land Reform Law. Having practiced the spirit of the investigation, study and the exemplary experiment which the Central Committee had persisted for long, the institutions of the Southwest are divided into three catagories: the policies for the general contryside areas , the suburb areas and minority areas,these policies constitute the major part of Land Reform. The author analyzes the following polices namely,"Land reform Implementation Means for Eastern Sichuan Area ","Land reform Implementation Means for Western Sichuan Area ", "The Means to Implement the Land Reform Law in the Southern Sichuan Area", "Land reform Implementation Means for Northern Sichuan Area", "Implementation Means for Yunnan Province ", "Supplement ary Means for the Implementation of Land reform in Guizhou Province ", "Means for the Implementation of Land reform in Xikang Province ", The dissertation compared these polices with the State level laws. Other measures to implement the Land Reform Law such as the management of the Farmers’ Association, the classification of the classes, the redistribution of land and other resources, the establishment and function of Land Reform Court are also analyzed by the author.The Farmers’ Association was the legal executive organ of land reform, the third chapter discusses the work of institution by the Central Committee and the Southwest, Based on the archive materials, and takes the JiangBei County as an example, the dissertation retells the changes took place after the work of management. At last, the nature, charisteristic of and the historical role played by the Fanners’ Association are analized, the author advocates that although designed as an autonomous organization, it functioned as thegrass governent.The forth chapter investigates the class division, which is the important work of Land Reform and the basis on which the fanners were distributed the resources and social political status. Author analyzes the important law such as the Land Reform Law in order to find the principles to have the class division. By means of archive materials and invididual cases, the author discloses the different attitudes and actions of different classes. Most wrongdoing existed in this part of work. The reasons for this are the following: the conflict between the abstract and ideal standards and the complexity of the reality, the traditional culture and the quality of the basic cadres. The key reason is that the division of social members by the class was by nature a kind of rationalist construction, which did not base itself on the historical tradition. What’s more, the class division became a kind of symble, which was monopolied by the Party and the leaders and through which the Party and leaders realized the aim to mobilize the social members, and manage the society.The fifth chapter discusses the redistribution of land and other resources, which were the key stage of Land Reform. Author not only investigates the related rules and polices but also retells the procedures of the distribution. Taking Shuangbai in ChuXiong Kunming as an example, the dissertation studies how the basis level violated the Land Reform Law and why they did this. Through the sociology perspective, the author analyzes the strategy of the social classes.The sixth chapter discusses the establishment and the operation of Land Reform Law Court, which was the temporary special trial organ and which functioned to conquer the rebellion and damage by the class enemies and to guarrantee the implementation of the Land Reform Law. Focusing on the establishment and the operation, with sufficient archive materials, the dissertation discusses the major problems, charactors and functions of the court.The seventh chapter is the appraisal and reflection. The Land Reform, drawing an end to the feudal land system and helping the farmers realize the dream of Having Land, brought changes to the power constituion and its operation in the countryside and rebuilt the relation betweent he state and the countryside. The Party quickly built a new national state through the Land Reform, which also influenced the mentality of farmers.Land Reform Law, as the general principle, was drafted with the accumulation of the experience of the Party. The work of Land Reform was stressed from the beginning by the leaders from the Central level to the basic. Undoubtedly, there were some problems in the Land Reform. Due to the lack of both time and experience, the regualtions were rough, thus leading to the great gap between the paper law and the living law. Another important factor is the conflict between the Mass Movement, Revolutionary Ideology and Institutional Construction. Specifically speaking, Mass Movement was adopted at the start of the Land Reform however, it was hard to check with its practice being beyond the policies and laws. Land Reform has great influence on Chinese society on large scope besides the economical sphere. The most significant is the form of a unique mode of social control, named Mass Movement Control, by means of changing the social structure and political order in the countryside. And the mixture of policies and laws as well as the adoption of Mass Movement, though being the historical product, has caused some negative points for the future rule of law, therefore, Land Reform did not finish the task of the constitution of new legal system, it is neither the normal nor the ideal modem legal system, it needs our attention while we are constituting the modern legal system.

  • 【分类号】F301
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】747

