

【作者】 吕志兴

【导师】 曾代伟;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 法律史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 法律体系是现代法学概念,系指由一个国家的全部现行法律规范分类组合为不同的法律部门而形成的有机联系的统一整体。中国古代法律没有划分为刑法、民法、行政法、诉讼法等法律部门,因此,中国古代的法律体系不是由不同的法律部门,而是由具有特定部门法属性的各种法律形式构成的有机联系的统一整体。北宋初年,沿用中唐和五代的法律体系。随着社会阶级、经济关系的变迁,政治体制的变化,宋代法制的内容和形式也在发生着变化,至神宗元丰时期进行立法改革,构成法律体系的各法律形式的性质及功能发生变化,与此相关联,宋代的立法模式及法典体例也发生变化,从而形成具有自身特色的、新的法律体系。至南宋,宋代新法律体系进一步发展、完善。宋元丰以后法律体系较前期发生了重大变化,具有新的特点。然而,学界对此注意不够,对宋元丰以后法制的研究亦比较薄弱。基于此,本文以中唐、五代及北宋初年为参照,对宋元丰以后法律体系的变化和相关特点等法律基本问题进行研究,并对之作出评价。全文由引言、正文、结语构成。正文部分包括六章。第一章立法及新法律体系的形成。本章首先对宋代立法进行梳理,以为全文论述的基础。文章将宋代的立法活动分5个时期,对各时期立法的特点作简单叙述,并将各该时期制定的主要法律以表格的形式列出,注明有关法律的内容和特点。然后,在前文的基础上,对宋代立法的变化及新的法律体系的形成进行论述。文章将宋代法律体系的发展变化分为沿袭期、萌芽期、形成期、巩固期、完备期:太祖、太宗时期为沿袭期。在该阶段宋政府制定了《宋刑统》、多部(编)敕和《淳化令》、《淳化式》,建立了一套较完整的法律体系,然而该法律体系多沿袭中唐及五代法律体系的形式和内容,尚无自身的特色。真宗至神宗熙宁年间为萌芽期。在该时期,虽然仍沿用宋初的法律形式和立法模式,但法律体系的不少因素已在缓慢地发生变化,如(编)敕的编纂体例和篇目结构发生了变化,开始区分全国通用的“海行(编)敕和适用于某部门或地区的“一司一务一路一州一县"(编)敕;对“海行(编)敕”按律的篇目分为12门;(编)敕的部门法属性向刑事法律规范和非刑事、制度性法律规范两个方向发展。令、式的内容及表现形式也发生变化,开始制定单行令、式。神宗熙宁末至元丰时期为形成期。在该时期,宋政府对法律体系进行改革,宋代具有自身特色的、新的法律体系形成,其标志为:其一,神宗对(编)敕、令、格、式作了新的规定,该四种法律形式的性质及功能发生重大变化;其二,立法模式发生变化,将以(编)敕对律、令、式进行修改、补充改为对(编)敕、令、格、式作直接、统一、同时修订,编纂“敕令格式”综合法典:其三,编“刑名断例”以补制定法之不足。哲宗至孝宗乾道时期为巩固期。哲宗初年,神宗时期改革的反对派司马光等执政,废改了元丰时期的立法模式和主要法典。哲宗亲政后,又恢复了元丰时期的立法模式,徽宗时完全按此模式立法。高宗时的立法,则将元丰时期的立法模式延续到南宋,孝宗初年沿而不改。神宗元丰时期形成的新的法律体系及立法模式得以巩固。孝宗淳熙以后至宋末为完备期。其主要标志是对(编)敕、令、格、式分门别类进行汇编的“条法总类”、“条法事类”编纂体例的创制和使用。该体例吸收“(编)敕”和“敕令格式”法典的优点,更为合理。在本章中提出的新观点是:宋代具有自身特色的、新的法律体系乃神宗元丰时期形成,至南宋孝宗淳熙以后,新法律体系进一步发展、完善。第二、三章各法律形式的性质及其变化(上、下)。中国古代的法律体系是由具有特定部门法属性的各种法律形式构成。本章对构成宋代法律体系的律、令、格、式、(编)敕、制、敕、宣、御笔、申明、例等法律形式的性质、位阶及其变化进行了叙述,对有关问题进行了辨析。律,主要是刑事法律规范(因为不少律文规定的完全是民事法、行政法或诉讼法内容)。从北宋到南宋,《宋刑统》虽被多次修订,但律文却很少修改,律的性质和内容基本没有改变,稳定性最强,位阶最高。令,基本是正面制度性法律规范(若与律中“违令”条结合看,有刑法化倾向)。神宗元丰立法改制,令的性质未发生变化,但其内容量有变化,编纂体例及立法模式也有变化。令虽常被修订,但其内容是关于国家基本制度的规定,因而位阶与律相当。(编)敕,元丰以前,是综合性法律规范,可对律、令、式进行修改、补充,性质随被其修改、补充的法律而定。元丰以后,(编)敕成为刑事法律规范,只能对律进行修改、补充,(编)敕的功能发生变化,并引起宋代立法模式的变化。格,神宗元丰以前与(编)敕性质相似,元丰以后成为令的量化性细则。元丰以后的格都是行政法律规范,并不都是赏格。式,元丰以前是令的实施细则,元丰以后则成为执行令过程中的公文格式。格、式都与令有一定的对应关系,是令的下位法,格、式位阶相当。(编)敕与格、式同时修纂,稳定性相同,因而三者位阶大致相当。制、敕、宣、御笔,都是皇帝命令的具体形式,具有相同的法律效力,它们都是宋代最主要、最经常的立法形式。在部门法属性上,除宣为军事行政法外,制、敕、御笔都是综合性法律规范,可涉及法律的各个方面。制、敕、宣、御笔的主要区别在颁降的部门和制定的程序上:制、敕由中书门下颁降,宣由枢密院颁降,程序极为严格。御笔则不经中书或枢密院,直接由皇帝批降,程序简便,但容易为昏君、奸臣用作谋取私利的工具。与制、敕等有关的,需要辨析的几个问题是:赦书、德音系制书的具体适用,而非皇帝命令的具体形式;内降系皇帝违反国家政策法律而给予某些亲近人物特殊利益的命令,皇帝本人事后可以不认帐,台、谏部门可以执奏,行政机关可以不执行,因而不是皇帝命令的形式,更不是法律形式;指挥是指皇帝的命令,但宋代法律文本中没有指挥这一法律形式。历史文献中的指挥都以第三人称形式出现,故指挥实乃皇帝命令的总代指或总代称,不是皇帝命令的具体形式;“制敕断罪”与制、敕不是一回事。制敕断罪乃皇帝在特定条件下对某些案件所作的特殊处理,系特旨断罪的案例,是例的一种,因这种特旨断罪不符合法律一般规定,不能作为以后类似案件处理的依据,充其量也只能作参考。而制、敕是制定法,有规范性内容,具有普遍法律效力,只要不被以后的制、敕冲改或在编敕等立法活动中被废止,即一直具有法律效力。申明,分“申明刑统”和“申明敕”。“申明刑统”是以“申明”的形式对《宋刑统》的内容所作的补充或解释、说明,是宋代中后期对《刑统》内容进行修正的重要形式之一。“申明敕”是以制、敕的形式对律、(编)敕、令、格、式的内容作补充、解释与说明,是宋代中后期法律解释的主要形式。申明主要以制、敕的形式出现,故在位阶上与制、敕相当。例,有时指法律原则或规定,有时指对某人某事的参照,后者是其本意。宋代的文献中涉及例的极多,都有其特定的含义。例在类别上可分为先例、惯例、常例、优例、散例、编例等。其中断例系“其情法可疑,法所不能该者”,“曾被刑部等处举驳者”,或“其罪人情重法轻,情轻法重,有荫人情不可赎之类,大辟情理可悯并疑虑”,被皇帝特旨处分的刑事案件编类而成的案例选编。分“刑名断例”、“特旨断例”及“颁于天下之例”、“刑部大理寺检用之例”。“刑名断例”与“颁于天下之例”大致对应,具有先例或判例的性质,可对制定法起补充作用:“特旨断例”与“刑部大理寺检用之例”大致对应,只在处理某些特殊案件时起参考作用。例在部门法属性上属综合性法律规范,具有判例和惯例性质的例在适用上的原则是“法所不载,然后用例”,故其仅是制定法的辅法,在法律体系中的地位最低。在该两章中提出的新观点有:(1)律主要是刑事法律规范,稳定性最强,位阶最高。(2)令基本是正面制度性法律规范,元丰以后令的性质未发生变化,但其内容量有变化,编纂体例及立法模式也有变化。(3)元丰以后,(编)敕成为刑事法律规范,只能对律进行修改、补充,(编)敕的功能发生变化,由此引起宋代立法模式的变化。(4)元丰以后,格成为令的量化性细则。(5)元丰以后,式成为执行令过程中的公文格式。(6)御笔手诏是宋代皇帝命令的具体形式之一,具有法律效力;(7)赦书、德音系制书的具体适用,而非皇帝命令的具体形式;(8)内降不是皇帝命令的形式,更不是法律形式;(9)指挥是指皇帝的命令的总代称,不是皇帝命令的具体形式;(10)“制敕断罪”与制、敕不是一回事。制敕断罪系特旨断罪的案例,是例的一种,不能作为以后类似案件处理的依据,充其量也只能作参考。而制、敕是制定法,有规范性内容,具有普遍法律效力。(11)断例中只有“刑名断例”是先例,“特旨断例”只是处理疑难案件时的参照。第四章各法律形式间的关系及其变化。宋代各法律形式间的关系,可分为律与令、格、式,令与格、式,律、令、格、式与(编)敕,律、(编)敕、令、格、式与制、敕等,律、(编)敕、令、格、式、制、敕等与例五组。律与令、格、式的关系:律中不少犯罪的罪状须由令、格、式的内容补充,令、格、式的法律强制力须由律来保证。令与格、式的关系:神宗元丰以前,令是除刑法之外的国家基本制度的规定,式是令的细则性规定,格则对令、式进行补充或修改。元丰以后,格、式的性质发生重大变化,格成为令的细则性规定,式成为公文程式,实际上是执行令时应填写的表、状、籍帐等的格式要求。三者首先在部门法属性上趋于一致,即都属于非刑事、制度性法律规范;其次,令与格、式基本形成对应关系,令是核心,是主法,统率格、式;格、式是令在不同方面的具体规定和要求,是令的辅法。律、令、格、式与(编)敕的关系:神宗元丰以前,律、令、格、式是一般法、前法,(编)敕乃特别法、后法,(编)敕对律、令、格、式可作补充、修改,其性质随被其补充、修改的法律而定;元丰以后,(编)敕变成刑事法律规范,只能对律进行补充、修改。学界对宋代“(编)敕律关系”曾开展广泛的讨论,关于神宗以后律的行用问题已基本澄清,但关于(编)敕与律的内部有机关系,仍未说透。实际上,若用一般法、前法与特别法、后法的关系来理解“(编)敕律关系”,一切皆可迎刃而解。律、(编)敕、令、格、式与制、敕等的关系,有两个方面:第一,两者有一般法、前法和特别法、后法的关系,如果(编)敕、令、格、式与其后颁行的制、敕等内容抵触,应优先适用制、敕等。第二,(编)敕、令、格、式以制、敕等为素材编纂而成。但律和(编)敕、令、格、式与制、敕等的关系又略有不同,制、敕等的制定不得违背律的基本原则和精神。律、(编)敕、令、格、式、制、敕等与例的关系:例补法之不足,但不得破法;例对创立新制有一定的制约作用。宋代的律、(编)敕、令、格、式、制、敕、例等各法律形式之间已形成有机联系的统一整体。在本章中提出的新观点有:(1)律与(编)敕的关系是一般法、前法与特别法、后法的关系,两者若有抵触,优先适用特别法、后法,即(编)敕。(2)律与制、敕也是一般法、前法与特别法、后法的关系,但制、敕的制定不能违反律的精神原则。第五章法典体例的变化及其特点。宋代前、中期,刑统、令、式法典的结构及篇目与唐代相同。真宗时,(编)敕按律的篇目分为12门:仁宗以后,出现了单行的令:英宗和神宗前期,则编订了大量的单行式。同时,格、式由以中央六部所属24司名称为篇目,向以所规范事务的类别为篇目过渡。神宗元丰以后,宋代令、格、式在结构体例及篇目上,与唐朝及北宋前、中期相比发生更大的变化。首先,法典内容结构发生变化。自《元丰(编)敕令格式》以后一直到南宋,宋代在法典编纂上均采用将(编)敕、令、格、式等多种法律形式合编的体例。其次,令、格、式之卷数均较唐代大幅度增加。第三,令、格、式的篇目发生变化。神宗元丰以后至南宋孝宗乾道时期,宋代令、格、式的分类和篇目较乱,实行“各随其罪,厘入诸篇,以约束为令,刑名为敕,酬赏为格,更不分门”,不便于查阅。孝宗淳熙时期改革法典编纂体例,编订“条法总类”和“条法事类”法典,对(编)敕、令、格、式分门别类进行编纂。宋代法典编纂体例变化的方向有二:一是采用(编)敕、令、格、式等多种法律形式合编的法典体例:二是以所规范的事务的类别为令、格、式的名目。神宗元丰以后,宋代法典编纂体例的主要特点,是将(编)敕、令、格、式等多种法律形式合编。《宋刑统》、各部“敕令格式”法典及“条法总类”、“条法事类”法典都是律、(编)敕、令、格、式或(编)敕、令、格、式、申明多种法律形式合编”。宋代“多种法律形式合编”的法典体例特点的形成,与法律形式的性质及功能变化的关系表现在:宋初继承唐朝、五代法律及立法模式,修订了刑统、令、式法典,以(编)敕对刑统、令、式进行修改、补充。元丰二年(1079年),神宗对(编)敕、令、格、式性质作了新的规定,(编)敕成为刑事法律规范,格成为非刑事、制度性法律规范,即令的实施细则,式成为执行令的公文程式,(编)敕、令、格、式的性质已严格区分开来,互不交叉。因(编)敕、格性质的变化,用(编)敕或格已不能对各种不同性质和形式的法律进行修改和补充,(编)敕和格的立法功能也发生了变化,宋朝政府不得不采用直接对(编)敕、令、格、式进行修订的方式,对施行中的(编)敕、令、格、式进行修改和补充,形成对(编)敕、令、格、式进行统一修订这一新的立法模式。与此相适应,元丰以后,在法典编纂体例上则编订“敕令格式”综合法典。在本章中提出的新观点是:宋代法典编纂体例的主要特征是“多种法律形式的合编”。第六章变化之因剖析及评价。宋代法律体系的变化,其原因是多方面的,但主要有以下几点:第一,经济关系、阶级关系及政治体制的变化,对国家立法提出要求,此乃根本原因;第二,宋代皇帝重视法制,关心并亲自参与立法活动,指导立法。皇帝是立法权的主体,皇帝的立法改革是法律体系的主要原因:第三,宋代士大夫具有强烈救世情怀,关心民间疾苦,又通晓法律,他们的立法建议及具体立法活动对法律体系的变化起到重要的推动作用。对宋代法律体系变化和特点,不同时代的人有不同的评价。从宋代一些臣僚的奏章可以看出,持批评意见的居多,大多是批评宋代法律苛细、多变。近代以来,持肯定意见的日多,如梁启超就曾对宋代法制大发感慨,称其“可谓千古之壮观矣”。笔者以为,宋代法律体系弥补了唐代法律体系的某些缺陷,体系更加完备:其法律规范分成刑事法和非刑事法两大系列,律与(编)敕、断例,令与格、式形成对应关系,相互关系更加协调、统一;例的编纂和适用,使得法律体系可能的缺陷得以最大程度的预防和弥补:法典均以律、敕、令、格、式或敕、令、格、式、申明等多种法律形式合编的形式出现,法律规范的内容集中,且以类分编,更便于查阅;从中国古代立法发展看,法律的法典化,多种法律形式合编于一部法典是立法技术成熟的表现。宋代多种法律形式合编法典的普遍化,是法律法典化的最高级形态,因而是中国古代立法技术臻于完善的表现和标志,也是中华法系臻于成熟的表现和标志之一。在本章中提出的新观点有:(1)元丰以后,宋法律体系内部形成律、(编)敕、断例和令、格、式两个系统,前者系刑事法律规范,后者系行政法律规范;(2)宋令真正成为法律体系的主干。依据是,第一,宋令的数量之多较其他法律形式有压倒优势。第二,宋令规定国家基本制度,并统率格与式:(3)宋代法律体系较唐代更加合理、完备。其优长之处在一于:各法律形式之间的对应性、协调性更强。法律均以法典形式出现,内容集中,分类编纂,便于查阅。综合性和专门性《敕令格式》分立,立法更加灵活、便捷。以例补制定法之不足,法律体系更加严密。因而,宋代法律体系及法典体例较唐代更加合理、完备。(4)多种法律形式合编是法律法典化的最高级形态,宋代多种法律形式合编法典的普遍化,是中国古代立法技术臻于完善的表现和标志,也是中华法系臻于成熟的表现和标志之一。综上,本文在法律体系的框架下,对宋代各法律形式的性质及其相互关系、各法律形式的表现形式即法典的编纂体例等进行了探讨,在此基础上对宋代法律体系及其历史地位进行了评价。本文的研究对重新认识宋代法律体系乃至整个宋代法制都有一定的裨益。

【Abstract】 Legal system,a concept of modern legal science,is an organic united integration which is made up of different legal branches which are classified and composed by all existing law specifications of one nation.As for Chinese ancient law,there is no clear division among law departments such as criminal law,civil law,administritive law, procedure law and so on,therefore the legal system in ancient China is an organic united integration which is not formed by different legal departments but as a whole formed by all kinds of legal forms with special department laws characteristic.During the early period of North Song dynasty,with inheriting and adopting legal system of mid-Tang dynasty and Wu-Dai,the change of economic relationship of social class and political system,the content and form of Song dynasty legal system are also changed.By the time of Shenzongyuanfeng period,the government make legislation reform,thus the characteristic and function of all legal forms which composed the legal system also changed.Along with this,the legislation mode and structure of code changed, too,then they developed into a new legal system with its own characteristic.By the period of South Song dynasty,the new legal system of Song dynasty was on the way of making itself perfect.Compared with the former times,the legal system after the Yuanfeng Period of Song dynasty changed greatly,which has new characteristics.Whereas,the academic circle didn’t pay enough attention to it and the study of the legal system after the Yuanfeng Period of Song dynasty was weak comparatively.As for all these,with reference to the mid-Tang and Wu-Dai’study,this article will do some studies on the basic problems which connected with the change and relevant characteristics of the new legal system after the Yuanfeng Period of Song dynasty.The whole article composes of perfaee,body and conclusion.The body part includes six chapters.CharpterⅠThe formation of revising and compiling of the law and the new legal system.Firstly,this chapter will sort out legislation of Song dynasty and make it as the basis of the whole article which will divide the legislation activity of Song dynasty into five periods,then will make a brief narrative of the legislation characteristics of different periods.As to the main law of every period,the article will present them by tables and mark the the contents and charateristic of law.Based on this,the essay will conserve the legislation changes of Song dynasty and the formation of the new legal system.In this essay,the history of the legal system development and change of Song dynasty will divide into five stages which are inheriting stage,the sprouting stage,forming stage,consolidating stage and perfecting stage.The inheriting stage covers Taizu and Taizong period.During this stage a comparatively systematic legal system which includes Song XingTong(宋刑统)、several(Bian)chis(编敕)、Chunhua Ling(淳化令)、Chunhua Shi(淳化式)was formulated by the Song government,but this legal system did not have its own charateristic for it mainly inherits Middle Tang and Wu-Dai legal system and contents.From Zhen zong to Shen zong-Xining period,it belongs to the sprouting stage. Though the government still adopts legal form and legislation mode of Song dynasty,many factors of the legal system are changing little by little.For example,the compiling and catalogue structure of(Bian) chi(编敕) have changed and begans to distinguish the national widely used "HaiXingBianChi"(海行编敕)from "-Si-Wu-Lu-Zhou-Xian"(Bian) chi(-司-务-路-州-县)(编敕)(which applies to certain department or region.The "Hai Xing(Bian) Chi"(海行编敕) is divided into twelve departments.The development of department law property of(Bian) Chi(编敕) leads to two directions which were criminal law specificaton and non-criminal systematic law specificaton.The contents and forms of presentation of "Ling"(令)、"Shi"(式) also changed,and the government begins to formulate separate "Ling"(令)、"Shi"(式).The formation period begins from the last stage of Shenzong-Xining to the period of Yuanfeng.During this period,Song government have reformed the legal system and the new legal system with its own characteristic was formed.Its marks are as follows:firstly, Shenzong has reformulated(Bian) Chi(编敕)、ling(令)、ge(格)、shi(式),so the natures and foundations of the four kinds of legal forms had changed a lot.Secondly,the legislation mode has changed,too.Making the modification and supplement of lv(律)、ling(令)、ge(格)、shi(式) into revising them directly and simultaneously,codify the comprehensive lv、ling、ge、shi code.Thirdly,the compiling of Xingmingduanli(刑名断例)so as to make up the deficiency of the statute.The period of consolidation is from Zhezong to Xiaozong-Qiandao.In the early years of Zhezong,When Sima Guang and other persons who were against the reformation in Shenzong Period were in power,they abolished and changed the legislation mode and major codes of Yuanfeng period.When Zhenzong rose to authority,he restored the legislation mode of Yuanfeng period.In the period of Huizong,laws were formulated according to this legislation mode compeletly.When Gaozong came to the throne,the government adopted the legislation mode of Yuanfeng period and continued it to South Song dynasty,and the legal mode was lasted to South Song dynasty.And the mode has not been changed until the early years of Xiaozong.Therefore,the new legal system and legislation mode that formed in Shenzong Yuanfeng period had been consolidated.Perfection period is from Xiaozong-Chunxi later years to the end of Song dynasty. The main mark was that the formulation and use of compiling structure of Tiaofazonglei(条法总类),tiaofashilei(条法事类) which compiled separately by(bian)chi、ling、ge、shi.The legal structure takes the advantages of(bian)chi、ling、ge、shi code so that it was more reasonable.The new point in the essay is that Song dynasty has new legal system with own character which is formulated during the Shenzong yuanfeng period and new legal system develops and perfects further after South Song Xiaozong-chunxi period.The second and third chapter the nature and changes of all kinds of legal form (above,below).The ancient Chinese legal system consists of all kinds of legal forms with specific department law property.In the chapter,we will narrate the natures,status and changes of the legal forms which including lv、ling、ge、shi、(bian)chi、zhi(制)、chi(敕)、xuan(宣)y、ubi(御笔)、shenming(申明)、li(令),etc,which composes legal system of Song dynasty and makes discrimination to some relevant problems.Lv(律),mainly refers to the criminal legal specifications.(Because some law documents regulate completely the content of civil law,administrative law,and procedure law).Although the Song Xing Tong(宋刑统) had been revised for many times from North Song dynasty to South Song dynasty,the law documents had been revised rarely.The nature and content of the lv had not been changed basically and it had strongest stability and had the highest status.Ling(令),basically refers to the positive institutional legal specification(if it is seen from the perspective of connection with "be against order" law,it trends to criminal laws). When Shenzong-yuanfeng changed the mode and reconstructed laws,the nature of ling had not been changed,but its content volume had changed,and its compiling system and legal mode had been changed,too.Although,ling was often changed,yet its status is similar to lv because its content is related to the regulation of national basic system.(bian) chi(编敕),before Yuanfeng period,it is a kind of comprehensive law specification,can modify and supplement lv、ling、shi,and the nature of the latters depends on the former correspondingly.Alter Yuanfeng period,(bian)chi became criminal law specification,it can only modify and supplement lv,the function of it changed and led to the change of the legislation mode of Song dynasty,too.Ge,before Shenzongyuanfeng period,the nature of it is similar to the(bian)chi’s,but after this period it became the ling’s quantization detailed rules.After Yuanfeng,ges are all administrative law specifications rather shange(赏格).Shi,before Yuanfeng period is the implementing detailed rules of ling, but after that it became the format of official document in the process of implememting ling. Both ge、shi have certain corresponding relations to ling,they are underordiate law of the latter,The status of ge、shi is quite equal.(bian) chi and ge、shi revised and compiled at the same time,they have the same level of stability,therefore the status’ of them are equal quite equal,too.Zhi(制),chi(敕),Xuan(宣) and Yubi(御笔) are all the concrete forms of emperor’s order and they have the same legal effects.They are all the most important legislation form which used in Song dynasty most usually.As for the nature of department law,Zhi、chi and Yubi are comprehensive legislation form which can be involved in all kinds of law aspects, execpt xuan is used as military administrative law.The main difference between zhi、chi、xuan and yubi lies in the promulgating departments and the enacting procures.Zhi、chi are promugated by Zhongshumen,and xuan is promulgated by Shumiyuan,the procure is very strict.Yubi was approved and promulgated by the emperor directly without checking and approving by Zhongshu or Shumiyuan,the procedure is simple and convenient,but is exploited easily by fatuous emperor and treacherous courtiers for seeking private interests. There are a few problems need to differentiate and analyze which related to zhi and chi. Sheshu(赦书)and Deyin(德音) are the concrete appliance of zhishu(制书) rather than the concrete form of the emperor command.Neixiang(内降) is the command which gave some intimate perons special interests by the emperor who going agaist the national policy and the laws,the emperor himself may deny it after the event.The departmet of Tai and Jian can present a memorial,but the administrative department has power to non-execute it, so it is not a form of emperor command and even not the form of law.Conducting is one of the emperor commands,but among the laws of Song dynasty there is not this law form.The commend is the order of the emperor,while there is not the form of commend in the literature of law in Song dynasty.Due to the conducting appeares mainly by the third person,so it is the general pronoun or reference,instead of the concrete form of the command of the emperor.Zhisheduzui(制敕断罪) is not the same thing of zhi and she.It is the the particular treatment of the emperor to some law cases in special situation,mainly about the cases of judging the criminal,because this kind of cases are not accord with the rule of the law and cannot take as the gist of other similar criminal cases afterwards,but just as consult to them.However,zhi and she as the positive law,have the normalized content and are provided with the effort of the general law;besides,if they not conflict with the new zhi and she in the follow dynasty,their legal effort will persist to the last.Shenming(申明) has two forms:shenmingxingtong(申明刑统) and shengmingshe(申明敕).Shenmingxingtong is a very importment form to modify the xingtong(the literature of the criminal law) of the middle and anaphase of the Song dynasty,which is the complementarity、explain or declarition of the content of the songxingtong(宋刑统)(the general criminal law of the Song dynasty) in the form of declarition;while shenmingshe is the complementarity、explain or declarition to lv、she、ling、ge、shi,in the form of zhi and she,and it is the main form of the legal explanation in the middle and anaphase of the Song dynasty.Since the shenming appeared mainly in the form of zhi and she,it has the equal status with zhi and she at the legal field.Li(例),sometimes it refers to legal principle or rule,sometimes it is consult for somebody to somethings,and the later is its word meaning.In the literature of law of the Song dynasty,there are a lot of aspects in relation with Li,and all of them has specifical meaning respectively.In the regimentation,Li has a lot of categroies:precedent, convention、common practice、good practice、fragmented practice、compiled practice. Among these classifications,DuanLi(断例) is the selection of these criminal cases,which the emperor has been dealed with purposely,such as "the cases that can not be forgiven by law,but are reasonable","the cases that have ever been condemned by the execution department of the central government" and "the cases that are unlawful but reasonable,or that of lawful but unreasonable".Moreover,DuanLi can be divided into the categories of XingmingDuanLi(刑名断例),TeZhi DuanLi(特旨断例),Published Li(颁于天下之例), Xingbu Dalisi Li(刑部大理寺检用之例).However,Xingming DuanLi" and Published Li are mostly corresponding with each other.They have the quality of precedent and case and play the role of complementing to the statutory law;while TeZhi DuanLi(and Xingbu Dalisi Li are almost harmony with each other,and they work as reference in dealing with some special cases.Li belongs to the comprehensive legal rule,and the applied principle of these Li,which have the quality of case and custom is the cases that law is not functional,Li proves to be useful.Comparing with the statutory law,Li was merely to play a supporting role,so it is in the lowest position in the legal system.The new points putting forward in those two charpters includes:(1) Lv(律) is mainly criminal law specification,the level of stability is strongest and the stutas is also highest.(2) Basically,Ling(令) is positive law specification,its nature did not changed after Yuanfeng period,but the amount of content changed and the compiling structure and legislation mode thus follow it.(3) After Yuanfeng,(bian)chi(编敕) became criminal law specification can only modify and supplement the law,the function of(bian)chi changed thus led to the legislation mode of Song dynasty changed,too.(4) Ge(格) became the quantization detailed rules of ling(令) after Yuanfeng period.(5) After Yuanfeng shi became the format of official document in the process of implememting ling.(6) Yubishouzhao(御笔手诏) is the concrete form of the emperor command of Song dynasty and has legal force and effect.(7) Sheshu(赦书) and Deyin(德音) are the concrete appliance of zhishu(制书) rather than the concrete form of the emperor command.(8)Neixiang(内降)is not the form of the empheror command and even not the law form.(9)Conducting is the general pronoun of emperor command rather that the concrete form of emperor command.(10) Zhichiduanzui(制敕断罪)is not the same thing as zhi(制),chi(敕).Zhichiduanzui refers the cases of tezhiduanzui(特赦断罪),and it is one kind of li,can not be used as the basis of hadling the following similar cases,at most can be seen as references.But Zhi(制),chi(敕) are statutes,have normative content and popular law force and efficiency.(11) Only xingmingduanli(刑名断例) is precedence among duanli(断例),tezhiduanli(特旨断例)is only the reference to handle the difficult cases.ChapterⅣRelationship and change of legal form.The relationship between the forms of the law system of the Song dynasty could be devided into Ling(令)、Ge(格)、Shi(式), Ling and Ge、Shi、Lv(律)、Zhi(制)、Chi(敕) and so on.Lv,(bian)Chi、Ling、Ge、Shi、Zhi and Chi,etc.and five groups.The relationship between Lv、Ling、Ge and Shi:there are a lot of indictments of some crimes should be complemented by the content of Ling、Ge and Shi;while the legal compulsory force of the Ling、Ge and Shi should be guaranteed by Lv.The relationship between Ling and Ge、Shi:the years before Shenzhong Yuanfeng, Ling is the rule of the basic system of the state’s excepting the criminal law;Shi is the provision rule of Ling;while Ge is the complementary or amendment to Ling and Shi.After the year of Yuanfeng,the nature of Ge and Shi changed a lot,Ge becomes the provision rule of Ling;Shi becames the official program,actually it is the format requirs such as the form, the petition and the membership account,which should be filled when executing Ling. Firstly,the three should be corresponding witn each other at the attribution of the department law,that is to say they should belong to non-criminal and non-system law. Secondly,the corresponding relationship of the basic form between Ge、Ling and Shi:Ling is the core in three of them;it is the main law,and it is the leader of Ge and Shi.Ge and Ling are the demands or specific provisions to Ling in different aspects;they are auxiliary law of Ling.The relationship between Lv、Ling、Ge、Shi and Zhi,(bian)Chi:in the years before Shenzhong Yuanfeng,Lv、Ling、Ge、Shi are the general law,or we can say the updated law of the Song dynasty;while(bian)Chi is the special law,or new law;(bian)Chi could be complementary or amending to Lv、Ling、Ge and Shi,and its character depends on the law which need to be complemented or amended.Later,(bian)Chi became the rule of the criminal law,and it could only play the rule of amending or complementing to the law.In academic field,academicians had extensive discussions on the relationship of(bian) Chi and Lv of Song dynasty.vAll of dicussions,the implemention of Lv has been basically clarify the issue after Shenzong,but the internal and organic relations of(bian) Chi and Lv remain unclear.If by the relationship of the general law,the former law the special law and after law to understand the relationship between the“relationship of(bian)Chi and Lv”, everything can be solved.The relationship between Lv、(bian)Chi、Ling、Ge、Shi and Zhi、Chi and so on includes two aspects:First,they have relationship of general law,the former law and the special law and after law.If(bian)Chi,Ling、Ge、Shi and subsequent Zhi、Chi promulgated have conflict,priority should be given to application of Zhi、Chi and so on.Second,materials of (bian)Chi、Ling、Ge、Shi are based on Zhi,Chi.But the relationship between Lv、(bian)Chi、Ling、Ge、Shi and Zhi、Chi and so on is slightly different.This was reflected in what formulation of Zhi、Chi must not violate the basic principle and spirit.The relationship of Lv、(bian)Chi、Ling、Ge、Shi、Zhi、Chi and so on and Li:Li adds the lack of law,but it must not voilate Lv;Li has certain constraints role in the creation of new Zhi aspects.In the Song dynasty,(bian)Chi、Ling、Ge、Shi、Zhi、Chi、Li and other legal form has formed organic link system.he new points of this chapter are:(1) The relation between Lv and(bian)Chi is the relation between universial law and special law or the original law and latter law.If the two laws conflict,should give priority to the special law and latter law,namely(bian)Chi.(2) The relation between Lv and Zhi,Chi is also the relation between universial law and special law or the original law and latter law,but the formulation of Zhi,Chican not go against the spirit of Lv.ChapterⅤThe change of the structure of code and its characteristic.During early and mid-Song dynasty,the stucture and catalogue of Xingtong、Ling、Shi is the same as Tang dynasty’s.In Zhenzong years,(bian)Chi was divided into 12 branches in accordance with Lv’s catalogue.After Renzong,there appeared a seperated Ling;Before Yingzong and Shenzong period,the government compiled a large number of seperated Shi.At the same time,the Shi andGe are named by the titles of 24 divisions which be subordinated to 6 departments of central authority,which transfers to the way herein the catalogues is named by the classification which regulates the affairs.Compared with the Tang dynasty and the early and mid-North Song dynasty,structure and catalogue,title of Ling、Ge、Shi of Song Dynasty had changed largely after Shenzong Yuanfeng period.Firstly,since the formulation of Yuanfeng(bian)ChiLingGeShi till the South Song,the government of Song dynasty adopted the structure of combining codification with(bian)Chi、Ling、Ge、Shi and other law forms Secondly,the number of volumes of Ling,Ge,Shi was more than the Tang dynasty’s.Thirdly,the catalogues and titles of Ling,Ge,Shi had changed greatly.From Shenzong Yuanfeng Years to Xiaozong Qiandao period of the South Song dynasty,classification,catalogue and titles of Ling、Ge、Shi of Song dynasty was disordered comparatively:"classifying all the crimes in position, compiling in proper chapter,taking restrain as Ling,taking Xingming as Chi,taking rewards as Ge,regardless of the classification".It was not convenient to consult.In Xiaozong Chun Yi period,the codification of code was reformed.TiaoFaZongLei and TiaoFaShiLei was also compiled.(Compile)Chi、Ling、Ge、Shi was classified.The changes of Code’s style manifested in two aspects:first,it used the code system which was complied with Chi、Ling、Ge、Shi and other legal forms;the second aspect is that it used the names of these classifications of the fixed legal affairs to replace Ling、Ge and Shi.After the year of Shenzhong Yuanfeng,the main character of the code compiling system of the Song dynasty is that it used the means of composingChi、Ling、Ge、Shiand other legal forms. Songxingtong,all kinds of legal codes such as Chilinggeshi,and these legal codes such as Tiaofazonglei and Tiaofashilei,all above codes compiling were used the form of composing Lv、Chi、Ling and Shi,or form of Chi、Ling、Ge、Shi and Shenming.The formation of the characteristics of the structure of code of Song dynasty which is codified combinly by many law forms,the relation between the change of the nature and function of the law forms and it reflects in such respect,where at the beginning period of Song dynasty,the government revised the code of Xing tong、ling、shi by inheriting Tang dynasty law and Wu-Dai law and their legislation mode,modified and supplemented the Xing tong、ling、shi with(bian)chi.The Yuanfeng 2nd(the year of 1079),the emperor Shenzong made new regulation towards the nature of(bian)chi、ling、ge、shi,(bian)chi became the criminal law specification,ge became non-criminal and institutional law specifications,that is the detailed rules and regulations of implementation of ling,shi became the formula of the official document of executive order,the different nature of (bian)chi、ling、ge、shi has been distinguished strictly and they all were not overlapped. Because of the change of nature of(bian)chi、ge,they could not modify and supplement the law with different nature and forms,and the legislation function of(bian)chi,ge has changed accordingly,the government of Song dynasty had to adopt directly the way of revising the(bian)chi、ling、ge、shi,and modified and supplemented them which were being executed at that time,thus formed the new legislation mode of revising the(bian)chi、ling、 ge、shi uniformly.Corresponding to the change,after Yuanfeng period,as far as the style of code codification,the government codified the comprehensive code of "chi、ling、ge、shi".The new points in the chapter are:the major characteristic of the codification structure of Song dynasty’s code is "the combined codification with many law forms."ChapterⅥThe reason of change and overall appraisement.The reason of the change of the legal system of Song dynasty lies in various aspects,but the following points are dominant:firstly,the changes arising from the economic and class relation and political system put forward requirement to national legislation,this is the basic reason. Secondly,the emperor of Song dynasty paid more attention to the legal system,he concerned and instructed the activity of legislation and also took part in it himself.The emperor is the subject of the legislation power,his legislation reform is the main cause of change of legal system and the structure of code.Thirdly,the scholars of Song dynasty had strong feelings of saving the common people,showed concern about their suffering and hardship,they also mastered the law,their suggestion of legislation and concrete legislation activity palyed an important role in promoting the changes of legal system.The people who lived in the different times have different appraisements to the change and characteristic of legal system of Song dynasty.By reading the memorials of the courtiers of Song dynasty we can see the majority of them criticize it due to its severe details and changeableness,but since the modern times,the affirmative voice is louder gradully,for instance,Liangqichao was deeply touched by it and showed more exclamation, called it "a splendid wonder through the ages." I think the legal system of Song dynasty made up some defects of the Tang dynasty’s and made its system more perfect.Its legal specification divided into two major series,one was criminal law and the other was non-criminal law,the lui corresponded to(bian)chi、duan li and ling corresponded to ge、shi,the interrelation between them was more hamonious and unanimous.The compiling and appliance of li made the potencial defects of legal system to be prevented and prosthesised maximally.The codes were appeared by the way of codified combinly with lv、chi、ling、ge、shi or chi、ling、ge、shi、sheng ming etc and many other legal forms,the content of legal specifications was concentrated and were classified by bian so they were convenient for consulting.Seeing from the development of ancient legislation,the codifilization of the law, several law forms codified combinly into a code is the representation of maturity of legislation technology.The populization of several law forms codified combinly into a code in Song dynasty is the highest level of the codifilization of law,so it is the representation and mark of be perfecting of the chinese ancient legislation technology,is one of the the representation and mark of be perfecting of chinese legal system.The new points in this chapter are(1) Two systems are formed in the Song dynasty legal system,one is the Lv、(bian)Chi、Duanli,the other is Ling、Ge、Shi,the former system is criminial law specification and the latter is the administrative law specification. (2)SongLing became the backbone of law system,the arguments are firstly,the quantity of SongLing is far more than other law forms,secondly,SongLing regulates the country’s basic system and command Ge and Shi.(3) The legal system of Song dynasty is more perfect and reasonable than the Tang’s.Its advantage lies in the corresponsibility and harmoniousness between various law forms is strong.The laws are presented by the way of code,the content is central and codified by classification,and it is convenient for consulting.The comprehensive ChiLingGeShi and special one are formulated seperately,so the legislation is more flexible and convenient.With li to make up the defect of statute,so the legal system is tighter.Therefore the legal system and code structure of Song dynasty is more perfect and reasonable than the Tang’s.(4) The combined codification with many law forms is the highest level form of law codifilization.The popularity of the codes which codified combinely by many law forms is the mark and representation of the chinese ancient legislation technology which is perfecting gradually,and the mark of chinese legal system is be perfecting gradually,too.To sum up,the essay conserves the nature of various law forms of Song dynasty and their relationship,the presentation ways of various law forms namely the codification structure of code and on this basis further appraises the law system of Song dynasty and its historical status.The study of this essay brings into benefit for reunderstanding the law system of Song dynasty and even whole legal system of Song dynasty.

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