

【作者】 李雄

【导师】 李开国; 金邦贵;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 民商法学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 在联合国的人权条约和国际劳工组织(ILO)的基本公约中,平等权利与不歧视原则是两个核心,平等权利是不歧视国际劳工标准所贯彻的法律精神,是反就业歧视的权利支点。就业是民生之本,是安邦之策;平等就业是现代社会平等价值的一个极其重要内容,是保障人的基本权利的根本途径。然而,在目前情形下,我们必须承认,而且需要有足够的道德勇气承认:我们正面临就业不力与就业不平等的双重困局,其中,就业不平等所导致的负面影响和破坏力是全局性的,远比我们想象的还要严重,就业不平等是当前社会不平等的一个最为突出的表现。随着“和谐社会”、“执政为民”、“以人为本”与“科学发展观”等理念的兴起,全体劳动者公平分享改革发展成果,已经成为一种广泛的社会共识,而平等就业则是实现这个基本目标的根本途径。正是从该意义上讲,平等就业权,这个既具有朴素的平民情节,又关系到职场的民主化、多样性和机会均等等具有社会正义性质和法律意义的重大课题,就不再是一个简单的权利宣示,而是一种积极的权利主张,是广大劳动者的一个最普遍的利益诉求。同时,平等就业权的正面研究和依法保障,不仅寓意深远,而且应当成为新时期理论思考和制度设计的着力点。依法构建一个“体系健全、制度完备、功能发达、保障有力”的平等就业权的制度体系,是本文研究的中心任务。本文在研究思路上以平等就业权为中心,注重从权利本身入手;以形式平等就业权和实质平等就业权为主线,重视对平等就业权的正面研究和制度创设;以消除平等就业障碍为保障,依法规范平等就业权与用工自主权这对最基本、最核心的关系,致力于从法制层面建构符合我国国情的平等就业权的制度体系,从而为依法保障平等就业权提供最直接和最有效的法制支撑。同时,本文结合历史与当前、国际与国内、理论与实践,运用多种研究方法,对平等就业权的概念体系、理论体系、内容体系、运行机制和保障机制等基础而重要问题做了比较系统的研究和阐释。本文在结构安排上共分为六个部分。第一部分为回溯与反思及我国平等就业权的现状与主要问题。第二部分为平等就业权的解读。第三部分为平等就业权的理论基石。第四部分为我国平等就业权的内容体系。第五部分为我国平等就业权的运行机制——统一人力资源市场。第六部分为我国平等就业权的保障制度。第一章:回溯与反思:我国平等就业权的现状及主要问题本部分一方面对平等就业权的国际经验做了比较系统的梳理、分析和论证,并对平等就业权的国际实践做了简要评价。值得一提的是,平等就业权的西方实践无不告诉我们这样一个道理:平等就业权是一个综合性很强的权利束,保障平等就业权是一个整体框架,需要广泛参与和集体行动,其中,除了法制的关键性力量外,政治意志与社会一致也必不可少。同时,在经济全球化背景下,必须转变就业的传统观念与政策,把平等就业作为促进就业和减少失业的一个关键措施。什么时候放弃了平等就业,不仅失业问题无法根本解决,而且不平等就业所导致的问题就会累积到摧毁社会基本价值体系的严重程度;另一方面,本部分对平等就业权在我国的政策立法及研究现状做了系统梳理,同时还对平等就业权在我国存在的各种深层次问题给予了格外关注,并着重指出:从整体上讲,我国的平等就业权策略还只是一种对当前各种就业问题简单应对的被动策略,是一种存在“系统性”缺陷的平等就业权策略,是一种没有中国立场的平等就业权策略;在各种不平等就业的问题中,最核心的问题在于劳动者平等就业权的实际沦落和用工自主权对平等就业权的肆意剥夺和侵害。在对平等就业权中西模式比较研究的基础上,本部分最后指出:一方面,平等就业权在全世界都是一个重大的“责任话语”,具有不同的“意思场域”;平等就业权绝不是一个抽象或均衡的问题,而是一个与各个国家和未来紧密勾联在一起的“具体问题”。平等就业权在西方有其独特的文化支撑、理论支撑和制度支撑。另一方面,我国对平等就业权的研究,既不能只满足于对平等就业权的国际立法及实践进行简单的描述,不能简单地用表态的方式去看待平等就业权的国际化,也不能不加反思和批判就在描述中不知不觉地接受西方的经验及其支配。实际上,平等就业权的世界性并非一个全新的现象,确切地讲,而是一种对待平等就业权问题的视角。因此,平等就业权在我国的理解、定位和实践必须充分结合我国国情,实现平等就业权的“中国化”。同时,任何理论体系都必须通过某一核心概念展开它自身。我国平等就业权制度的创设,首先必须依赖于对平等就业权概念本身的准确理解和充分把握。由此,重构我国平等就业权的概念体系,成为建构我国平等就业权制度体系、破解我国不平等就业问题的一个最基本的理论前提。第二章:平等就业权的解读:社会法视野中的平等就业权如本文第一章所指出,平等就业权既是一个世界话语,更是一个具有不同“意思场域”的具体问题,因此,选择一种合适的“理论场域”重构我国平等就业权的概念体系,成为建构我国平等就业权保障制度的一个最基本的理论前提。本章的目的就是在社会法视野中解读并构建有中国特色的平等就业权的概念体系。以公法、私法和社会法为分类方法的“三元法律结构”和劳动法属于社会法范畴的观点,不仅在西方得到广泛的认同,在我国也成为劳动法学界的通说。因此,社会法理念应当成为我们考察平等就业权的主要理论背景和“理论场域”。同时,只有把平等就业权置身于社会法视野下,才能获得对其最充分的理解,平等就业权的制度功能才能获得最大限度的释放。在对平等就业权概念体系的解读和建构中,本章不仅对社会法的源起、发展、概念、性质和位阶等基本问题做了梳理和分析论证,并特别阐述了社会法特殊的法律本位、权利与义务观、法律原则以及独立位阶等对平等就业权产生了全面而深远的影响,平等就业权在社会法视野中找到了其崭新的注解。在对社会法基本范畴论述的基础上,本章还对一直以来就争论不休的平等与平等权利这些基础而重要问题做了特别阐释。当然,本章要解决的中心问题还是平等就业权概念体系的建立。其中涉及如下关键问题:平等就业权的概念;平等就业权的属性;平等就业权与自主择业权的关系;平等就业权与反就业歧视的关系;平等就业权与用工自主权的关系。这些最基本、最核心和最关键的问题,不仅是人们长期以来就争论不止的重要话题,也成为建构我国平等就业权概念体系的支柱性问题。本部分最后指出:在对平等就业权概念体系全面解读的基础上,我们还无法全面揭开我国平等就业权制度体系的神秘面纱。因此,继续探索平等就业权的内部权利内容体系,是不可回避的一个重要问题。首先要为平等就业权的内容体系的确立提供一种理论上的证成,并究问平等就业权内容体系的法律配置的妥当性和正当性。于是,在全面解读平等就业权概念体系的基础上,继续探究平等就业权内容体系所依据的理论基石,便成为具有实质意义的一个重大问题。第三章:平等就业权的理论基石在第二章末尾的论述中,我们已经认识到:继续探索平等就业权的内部权利内容体系,是进一步揭示我国平等就业权制度体系的一个不可回避的重要问题。首先要为平等就业权内容体系的确立提供一种理论上的证成,寻求一种共识性的信念而非一种功利性的证明。本文认为,在社会法视野下,社会法独特的法律本位和价值承载为平等就业权内容体系的确立找到了最合适的“意思场域”,平等就业权的内容体系在社会法视野中也就有了明确而特殊的涵义。本章的中心论点是:平等就业权的核心理论基石是社会法及其所蕴涵的法律本位社会利益。本章的论证逻辑为:以社会法本位社会利益作为平等就业权的宏观理论基石,从宏观层面探寻平等就业权的两个向度;以社会法所蕴涵的核心权利社会权作为平等就业权的中观理论基石,从中观层面刻画平等就业权的三个维度;以社会法的基本权利之生存权作为平等就业权的微观理论基石,从微观层面解读平等就业权的基本规定性。总之,社会法法律本位、核心权利和基本权利作为平等就业权的理论基石,不仅有其妥当性和正当性,而且能够使平等就业权的权利内容获得最充分的展开。第四章:我国平等就业权的内容体系确立一个什么样的平等就业权的内容体系,不仅是我国平等就业权制度体系建构的一个难点,也是本文所致力于建构的平等就业权制度体系的实质内容。随着平等就业权概念体系的确立和平等就业权的理论基石的建立,社会法视野中平等就业权的内容体系就获得了坚实的概念支撑和理论支撑,其建构就不再那么困难了,并呈现出呼之欲出的态势。本章论述的目标是:立足于平等就业权在我国面临的主要问题、所承载的特殊功能、及其所诉求的制度目标等因素,建立符合我国国情的平等就业权的内容体系。在整体上,我国平等就业权的内容体系由两个层面构成:一是形式平等就业权,二是实质平等就业权。平等就业权的内容体系的第一层次即形式平等就业权。所谓形式平等就业权,是指作为平等就业权的主体劳动者,在法律上享有平等就业的权利。形式平等就业权的基本内容包括:就业准入和就业退出的权利平等;法律赋予劳动者的就业权利平等;劳动者的就业机会平等;劳动者在劳动力市场中的竞争规则平等。形式平等就业权的要义和基本价值是保证所有劳动者都有一个平等的起点,是人权平等和自由原则在就业领域的集中体现。平等就业权的内容体系的第二层次即实质平等就业权。所谓实质平等就业权,是指作为平等就业权的主体劳动者,由于其在社会、经济、文化等方面存在事实上的差异,并基于平等就业权所承载价值功能的客观需要,进而所依法享有的从国家那里所获得的就业帮助、并在实质层面上实现就业平等的权利。实质平等就业权的基本内容包括:提供“体面劳动”;反就业歧视;加强职业培训;强化社会保障。实质平等就业权的要义和基本价值是在弥补形式平等就业权不足的基础上,为社会弱势群体就业提供倾斜保护,确保其在结果上享有平等就业权。实质平等就业权不仅是社会利益在就业领域的根本要求,也是社会权在就业领域对自由权的修正和推动,更是生存权在就业领域的价值依归。如果说形式平等就业权为劳动者平等就业提供了一个起点平等的机会,那么,实质平等就业权则为劳动者在结果意义上提供了平等就业的最终保障。因此,在社会法视野下,形式平等就业权是平等就业权的基本要求,实质平等就业权是平等就业权的终极目标。总之,我国平等就业权的内容体系应当是形式平等就业权与实质平等就业权的完美结合,两者最终统一于社会法本位社会利益之上。第五章:我国平等就业权的运行机制——统一人力资源市场任何理论建构与制度创设最终都需要在社会实践中得到充分的检验。尤其是在中国社会转型时期,人们解决许多重大社会问题的难点并不是看不清问题的实质或者提不出解决问题的最佳方案,而是如何有效推行和实现的问题。当我们对社会法视野中平等就业权的概念体系、理论基石和内容体系等重要问题做了系统的阐述以后,接下来的任务就是如何使平等就业权这个庞大而复杂的体系在实践中运行并得以落实,这是平等就业权保障的关键。同时,平等就业权所涉及的领域和因素非常广泛并无比复杂,在中国目前的情形下,我们还无法找到比市场化平等就业的更好的机制和办法。因为,平等就业权庞大而复杂的权利内容只有在人力资源市场中,才能获得最充分的展开。在平等就业权的运行机制市场化的基础上,建立我国统一的人力资源市场,成为我们改革的终极目标。本章论证的进路和主要观点为:首先,本章不仅交代了劳动力市场的定义和特征等基础性问题,还对劳动力市场中与平等就业权密切相关的政府角色、企业社会责任等复杂问题做了专门阐述。其次,本章依比较法的视角对中外劳动力市场的实践做了梳理和分析,并着重指出我国劳动力市场存在的主要问题。最后,本章的中心任务是重构我国统一人力资源市场。建立何种模式的统一人力资源市场,是破解我国不平等就业问题的关键。本部分在对重构我国统一人力资源市场的目标、内涵和性质等基本问题逐一阐释后,进一步提出了重构我国统一人力资源市场的整体架构即六个“统一”:统一人力资源市场法制;统一人力资源市场范围;统一人力资源市场管理体制;统一人力资源市场用工制度;统一人力资源市场服务体系;统一人力资源市场社会保障制度。应当说,本文所设计的我国统一人力资源市场的架构,并不是“空穴来风”,而有其现实根据和必然诉求。同时,上述六个“统一”既相互独立,又相互影响和促进;它们从不同角度和层次为我国统一人力资源市场的建构提供了相对完整的制度支撑,并为平等就业权各项权利的充分展开和有效运行提供了坚实的平台保障。当然,本部分也特别指出:处于一个经济和社会转型的国家,受各种复杂因素的影响和制约,我国统一人力资源市场的重构既要与计划经济的“遗产”相对接,又要直面新形势、新问题和新要求,既有破题之难,也有立题之惑,确实是一项宏大而异常艰巨的历史任务。同时,重构我国统一的人力资源市场,涉及方方面面,统一人力资源市场的运行和实施远比我们想象的还要复杂和困难。总之,在统一劳动力市场的构建中,如果我们不在人力资源市场的规制上下工夫,不在中介服务体系的建设上下工夫,不在就业能力的培育上下工夫,中国的就业问题就不可能得到解决。当GDP不断飞涨的时候,对于扑面而来的就业压力,中国成了“睡不着”的国家。现在的问题已经很清楚了:经济增长已经很高了,在这种情况下,我们还存在很大的就业问题,这确实需要我们从更广泛和更深层次来思考和解决这一问题了。所有这些重大问题,成为我国统一人力资源市场改革者和设计者们的新课题。第六章:我国平等就业权的保障制度“无救济便无权利”,借用这句话,我们可以说:无保障,平等就业权最终只是一张没有兑现的“空头支票”。从法学的角度来研究平等就业权,需要关注的最重要的问题就是依法对平等就业权进行保护和救济。按照本文所确立的平等就业权制度体系,正如我们所设想的那样,新的平等就业权制度体系将成为促进我国就业和推动和谐社会建设的一个关键性力量。同时,平等就业权所发挥的这种巨大作用还必须有赖于一个切实有效的权利保障制度。在各种可以选择的方案中,依法保障平等就业权无疑是最直接、最可靠和最有效的制度选择。尤其是在我国社会经济转型的过程中,在就业压力不断加剧而平等就业规制“失范”、用工自主权无限扩大而平等就业权利“短缺”的特殊背景下,突出平等就业权的法制保障,就显得格外迫切。我们始终坚信:我们不能再陶醉于目前因大量便宜劳动力所带来的经济增长和表面繁荣。因为如果沾沾自喜,我们就会忽视法制建设,不去建立有利于保护平等就业权的法律制度。因此,依法保障平等就业权,不仅是国家尊重和保障基本人权的一个现实性命题,也是本文建立平等就业权制度体系的最终目标。同时,依法保障平等就业权的核心任务是,从立法、执法和司法三个层面构筑有中国特色的平等就业权法律保障制度体系。在立法方面,本部分不仅阐述了我国平等就业权立法保障的价值定位和立法模式,还分别从《宪法》、《劳动法》和《就业促进法》等三个方面论述了推进我国平等就业权保障的立法建设,其中,着重论述了在《劳动法》和《就业促进法》层面建立我国反就业歧视法制的极端重要性,并对反就业歧视法制的若干基本问题给予了积极的回应。同时,为了深化社会法视野中实质平等就业权的应有涵义,本部分还对反就业歧视中女性劳动者的特殊保护问题做了专门论述。在执法方面,本部分针对我国平等就业权保障行政执法中存在的主要问题,对平等就业权执法保障的立法建设、组织建设、工作机制建设、执法重点和执法监督等重点问题一一予以论述。在司法方面,本部分在指出我国平等就业权司法保障不足的基础上,从《宪法》、《劳动法》和其它相关法律和诉讼机制等角度,分别阐述了我国平等就业权司法保障的制度建设。其中,本部分特别对平等就业权司法保障中的宪法司法化、劳动争议处理体制改革、平等就业权司法保障中相关诉讼机制的对接与合作、以及平等就业权司法保障中的法律责任制度建设等热点和难点问题都做了相应的论述。本部分最后指出:依法保障平等就业权,不仅是世界的共识,也是我国平等就业权保障必须破解的一个重大课题。然而,没有一种适用于世界各国的灵丹妙药来消除就业歧视中根深蒂固和顽固不化的传统观点和偏见。构建平等就业权保障的法律体系,确实是一项浩大的系统工程,企图在各个方面都要面面俱到,这显然是本文难以企及的。退一步讲,即便是按照本文所精心建构的法律体系,平等就业权的保障也不可能带来“速溶咖啡”似的效果。在法律与政策的背后,传统的不平等就业观念,才是阻碍平等就业权向前发展的最后堡垒。因此,本文从法制的视角展开对平等就业权保障的研究,还仅仅是一个开始。有效保障平等就业权,还必须有赖于相关配套措施的推行以及平等就业文化的培育及其发扬光大,从而全面推动并促进我国平等就业权保障与反就业歧视“全民运动”的纵深发展。而这正是本文孜孜不倦的追求。

【Abstract】 In the treaty of U.N. human rights and the basic pact of International labor Organization, equal right and no-discrimination are the two core principles of them. Equal right is the law spirit carried out by International labor standard, as well as the right pivot of anti-employment. Taking up an occupation is the base of people s livelihood and the policy for a country s stability, obtaining an employment equally is such an important content of modern society’s equal value, as well as a fundamental approach of ensuring hominine essential rights. However, inequality in employment is the most outstanding manifestation of social inequality. Negative influence and devastation resulted from inequality is widespread, far more severe beyond our imagination. In the transition of our society, there is an extensive common sense that the whole labors should share the fruits brought from reformation as the harmonious socialist society be constructed gradually, and our people can obtain a job equally is essential. Just in this sense, the equal rights of employment is not a simple rights declaration but a positive rights proposition as well as labors’ pervasive interests appeal, as it has a plain civilian frame of mind and is related to democratization , diversification , equal opportunity of occupation and other significant problem, which provide with qualities of social justice and legal meanings .Meanwhile, positive study and legal protection toward the right is not only of implication, but should also becomes the respect of theoretic reasoning and institution designing in new period.Central task of this paper is to build a right system of equal employment which is characterized by perfect system, mature institution, advanced operation and powerful security. Research path of this thesis starts with right itself while is centralized in it. Main clue of the paper is formal as well as substantial right and attaches importance to the positive study and system creation. It’s aimed at eliminating the obstacle of equal employment, regulating the equal rights to employment and the right of choosing the employees which are both the essential and main relations, dedicate to construct a system of equal right for employment, which accord with the situation of our country, so as to provide the most direct and effective legal support for the rights security. At the same time, this paper combines the research method about historic and current, international and domestic, theory and practice to study and exam the concept system, theory system, content system, operation mechanism, security mechanism and other essential and significant problems systematically.The structure of this thesis is divided into six parts. For the first part, it includes retrospect and reflection--the status and the main issues of equal employment rights in China. The second part is the interpretation of the equal employment rights. The third part is the theoretical foundation of the equal employment rights. The forth part is the content system of the equal right to employment. The fifth part is the operation mechanism of the equal right to employment in China --unifying the human resources market. The sixth is the security system of the equal right to employment in China.Chapter 1: Retrospect and reflection: the status and the main issues of the equal right to employment in China.In this part, on the one hand, I have coordinated, analyzed and examined systematically about the international experiences of the equal rights for employment. And at the same time, I made a brief evaluation about them. What is worth to mention is that the practice in the Western countries of the equal rights for employment tells us a truth. Equal employment right is a gathered right with strong syntheses, and the right is an overall framework, needing extensive participation and collective action. And apart from the critical strength of the rule by law, political consciousness and social consensus will also be essential. At the same time, under the background of economic globalization, we must change the traditional concept and employment policy and take the equal employment as a key measure to the employment promotion and the unemployment reduction. When we abandon the equal employment, not only the problem of unemployment can not be resolved fundamentally, but the problems caused by unequal employment would accumulate and reach to the serious extent which can destroy the basic value system of the society; On the other hand, in this part, we make a coordination systematically about the policy legislation and the research status of the equal right to employment in China. And at the same time, we also give special attention about deep-seated problems about the equal right to employment in our country, and emphasize in particular that the strategy toward all sorts of employment problems in our country are merely passively, have a systematic defection , and don’t stand on China’s own feet. Fundamentally speaking, the biggest problem of China’s employment inequality lies in actual reduction of the workers’ equal right to employment and the arbitrary deprivation and violation of the equal employment rights by the autonomous employment of the enterprises.On the base of comparative study about the equal rights to employment of Chinese and western modes, firstly, the last part of this paper point out that equal rights for employment is an important responsibility statement in the whole world with different meaning domains. Absolutely, the rights are not an abstract or balanced question but a concrete question close related to each country and the future. Equal rights for employment have special support in culture, theory and system in western countries. Secondly, the study about the equal right to employment in our country should not just present the international legislation and judiciary practice, merely show your opinion on the internationalization, or accept the western experience without any consideration. Actually, the internationalization of the equal rights for employment is not a newly phenomenon, but a newly angle of view. Therefore, in order to realize the rights in China, we should combine our state conditions to understand, to locate, to practice the rights in our country. Meanwhile, every theoretic system should extend itself by some central concepts. In the first place, we must rely on accurate understanding and full holding toward the right to build the rights system. Consequently, rebuilding our concept system about equal rights for employment becomes the most fundamental theoretic premise to construct the rights system and crack the unequal employment problem in our country. Chapter 2: the interpretation of the equal right to employment: the equal right to employment in social law perspective.As pointed out by the first chapter, the equal right to employment is not only a world discourse but also a specific question with different "means field". Therefore, choosing a suitable "theoretical field " to reconstruct the concept system of the equal right to employment should become a basic theory premise to construct the security system in China. The purpose of this chapter is to interpret and construct the concept system of the equal right to employment with Chinese characteristics in social law perspective. The view points that "Ternary legal structure", which adopts the classification of public、private and social law ,and labor law belonging to social law, not only in the West have been widely recognized, but also in China have become popular in the labor-law domain. Therefore, the concept of social law should be the main theoretical background and the "theoretical field" in our inspecting the equal right to employment. At the same time, only the equal right to employment being in the social law perspective can be its most fully understood, and the operation of the right system can be released to maximization. During the interpretation and construction of the concept system of the equal right to employment ,this chapter not only coordinate and analyze the basic issues of social law ,such as its origin、development, the concept、the nature and its ranks, but also particularly expounds the comprehensive and far-reaching impact which the social law give birth to the equal right to employment, through its special legal standard、its concept of rights and obligations, legal principles as well as independent rank. the equal right to employment find its new notes in social law perspective. On the basis of discussing the basic areas of the social law, this chapter also has done a special explanation about some basic and important issues, such as the equality and equal rights having been on the debate. Of course, the central issue of this chapter to address is the construction of the concept system of the equal right to employment. There are the following critical issues: the concept of the equal right to employment; the attribute of it; the relationship between the equal rights for employment and the right to choose their own jobs; the relationship between the equal rights for employment and the right of anti-discrimination in employment; the relationship between the equal rights for employment and the right of choosing the employees. These most basic, core and crux issues are not only having been on debate for a long time, but also become the pillars of the problem during the construction of China’s concept system of the equal rights for employment.This chapter concludes that: on the basis of a comprehensive interpretation of the concept system of the equal rights for employment, we can not fully open the mystery of its system. Therefore, continue to explore its internal content system is an inescapable and important issue. First of all, I should provide a theoretical permit for establishing the content system of the equal rights for employment, and examine the appropriateness and legitimacy of the content system in legal collocation. Therefore, on the basis of a comprehensive interpretation of the concept of the equal rights for employment, continue to explore the theoretical foundation of the content system of the right has become a major problem in practical sense.Chapter 3: the theoretical foundation of the equal rights to employment.At the end of the second chapter, we have come to realize that continuing to explore the internal content system of equal employment rights is an unavoidable important issue for further revealing China’s system of the equal rights for employment. First of all, I should provide a theoretical permit for establishing the content system of the equal rights for employment and seek a consensus rather than a utilitarian proof. This article holds that, with the social law perspective, its unique legal standard and value bearer help to find the most appropriate "means field" for establishing the content system of the equal rights for employment. So, the content system of the right will have a clear and specific meaning under social law perspective.The central argument of this chapter is that the core theoretical cornerstone of the equal rights for employment is social law and social standard embraced by it. Demonstration logic of this chapter is that exploring the two dimensions of the equal rights for employment from the macro level on the basis of social interest as the cornerstone of macroeconomic theory of the right; that depicting the equal employment right’s three dimensions from the middle level on the premise of social right, the core right of the social law ,as the cornerstone of middle-economic theory of the right; that interpreting the basic provisions of the equal employment rights from the micro level on the premise of right to life ,social law’s basic right, as the cornerstone of microeconomic theory of the right. In short, that the legal foundation of social law, the core rights and basic rights are as the theoretical foundation of the equal rights for employment is not only appropriate and legitimate, but also can provide the content of the right an access to most fully launch.Chapter 4: the content system of the equal right to employment in China.What kind of the content systems of the equal rights for employment to be established is not only a difficult issue in the construction of the system, but also the substance in this paper to construct the system of equal employment right. With the establishment of the concept system of the equal rights for employment and the theoretical cornerstone of it, the content system of the right in social law perspective has access to a solid support of the concept system and theoretical support, the construction no longer so difficult, and has shown the trend being ready to.The objectives of this chapter are that establishing the content system of the equal rights for employment according to China’s national conditions on the basis of considering over the major issues the equal employment right facing to in China, the special operations the right carrying, the system target the right pursuing, and so on. On the whole, China’s equal employment right’s content system poses two levels: first, the formal right to equal employment, and second, the substantial right to equal employment. The first level of the content system of the equal rights for employment is the formal equal employment right. The so-called formal right means the main workers have the equal employment rights in law. The formal right of equal employment includes the following basic contents: the right access to or withdraw from employment both equal; labors’ employment right given by law are equal; opportunities for labors’ employment are equal; the competition rules used by labors in the labor market are equal. The justice and fundamental value of the formal equal employment right is to ensure that all labors have an equal starting point, which is the concentrated expression of principles of human rights, equality and freedoms in the field of employment. The second level of the content system of the right of equal employment is substantial equal employment right. The so-called substantial equal employment right means that the main labors lawfully have the right to obtain employment help from the government and to achieve the real equal employment rights, without reference to labors’ social, economic, cultural and other differences but considering the objective need required by the value operation of the equal employment right. The substantial equal employment right includes the following basic elements: the provision of "decent work"; anti-discrimination in employment; promoting vocational training; and strengthening social security. The justice and fundamental value of the substantial equal employment right is to ensure that labors have equal employment rights in the result through providing tilting protections to the vulnerable groups in the society, on the premise of making up for the insufficiency of the formal equal employment rights. The substantial equal right of employment is not only the fundamental demand required by social interests in the field of employment ,but also the amendment and promotion of the freedom right made by social rights in the field of employment, but even more is the value needed by the survival right in the field of employment. If the formal equal employment right provides an equal opportunity to labors at starting point, then, the substantial equal employment right provides labors for equal employment protection ultimately in the results. Therefore, in the vision of social law, the formal right of equal employment is equal to the basic requirement of the equal employment right, and the substantial equal employment right is its ultimate goal. In short, China’s equal employment right’s content system should be the perfect combination of the formal and the substantial rights of equal employment and the two eventually unify on the ground of the interests of the community in the social law standard.Chapter 5: the operation mechanism of equal right to employment in our country ----unification the human resources marketAny theoretical construction and system creation at all require fully examination in the social practice. Particularly in the transition of our society, difficulties in dealing with many significant social problems are that how to carry out and affect the optimum approach effectively, rather than the substance or approach is unavailable. Where systematic constructions on such significant problems have been made within the perspective of social laws, as system of concept, cornerstone of theory, and system of content of equal right to employment, the task followed is how to make it work in practice and put into effect, as is equal right to employment, the huge and complicated system. The later is the crux of the security of the equal right to employment. Meanwhile the field and factors which the equal rights of employment involving in are of extreme abroad and complication, we cannot get access to a better mechanism and approach apart from the market-oriented equal employment in the current context in China. Therefore only in the human resources market can make the equal right to employment get fully development, as it contains vast and complicated contents of right. Where the operation mechanism of equal right of employment is market-oriented, the ultimate object of our reform will become to establish a united human resources market for our country.The content below could show the train of thoughts and main viewpoints of this chapter. In the first place, it has been made clear that the definition and the features of labor market, including such other fundamental problems. Furthermore, certain complicated problems regarding to equal right to employment have been constructed specially, just as governmental role, enterprise’s social responsibility and the like. In the next place, an arrangement and analysis over the practice of labor market in China and foreign countries have been made under the comparative law, and underlying the main problems existing in our labor market. In the last place, the core task in this chapter is to reconstruct the united market of human resources in our country. However the pattern we should follow to establish the united market of human resources is the crucial part, by which the inequality in employment could be solved. After construing certain fundamental problems such as the object, connotation and nature of the reconstruction of our country’s united market of human resources in sequence, furthermore, this part put forward the integral structure of the reconstruction of our country’s united market of human resources, namely the six "unifications": the unification of legal system and institutions of the human resources market; the unification of scope of the human resources market ;the unification of administrative system of the human resources market; the unification of employ institution of the human resources market; the unification of service system of the human resources market; the unification of social security institution of the human resources market. It is should said that, the structure of our country’s united human resources market designed in this text is not "Weakness lends wings to rumors", otherwise it is based on reality and appealed necessity. Meanwhile the above six "unifications" are of mutual independence, and mutual influence, mutual promotion as well; they provide relative intact institutional support for the construction of our country’s united human resources market from various angles and levels, and also provide viselike secure like the flat form for the fully carrying out and effective operation of each capability under equal right of employment. It is pointed out that in the context of a economical and social transformed country, influenced and restricted by all kinds of complicated factors, as it should be, the reconstruction of our country’s united human resources market is a great and extremely difficult historical task, which need to make contact joint with "heritage" of the Planned Economy, and to face the new situations, new problems, new requires directly else, which also have the difficulty of seeking arguments and the difficulty of justifying arguments. Meanwhile the operation and carrying out of the united human resources market are much more complicated and difficult than imagined, simply because that the reconstruction of our country’s united human resources market ranged over the four corners. In a word, in the construction of the united labor market, where we cannot concentrate efforts on the control of the human resources market, on the establishment of the intermediary services system, on the cultivation of the capability of employment, it is not possible to solve the employment problem in China. While the GDP rapid expansion, China becomes a "stay awake" country facing the coming pressure of employment. Now it is clear that economic growth has been to a great extent, however in such circumstance, lots of employment problems do exist, which indeed calls for us to consider and solve them from an even broader, deeper level. All these significant problems make up the new project for the reformers and designers of the united human resources market.Chapter 6: the security system of equal right of employment in our countryIt is could be said that without security equal right of employment is all just pie in the sky, according to the proverb about "Remedy Precedes Rights". Where from the angle of jurisprudence in study of the equal right to employment, it may be the most important problem concerned that to protect and remedy equal right of employment in accordance with the law. In light of the institutional system of equal right of employment established in this text, just as we planed, the new institutional system of equal right of employment will play a key role to promote our country’s employment and to push forward the construction of harmonious society. Meanwhile such role of equal right of employment is dependent on an at all effective institution in right security. Within all kinds of the optional proposals, it will not be questioned that the protection of equal right to employment in accordance with the law is the most direct, most reliable and most effective institutional option. Especially in the context of our country’s economical and social transformed progress, of being intensified pressure of employment however not well-regulated equal employment, of the limitlessly stretched free to employ however the shortage of equal right to employment, it has been the particularly urgent problem to underline the legal security of equal right to employment. It must be firmly convinced in our mind that we can no longer be intoxicated with the economical grow and superficial booming along with the great amount of cheap labor force currently. If self-complacence, as such, we will neglect the legal institutional construction, other than establish the legal institution in favor of the security of equal right to employment. Therefore the protection of equal right to employment in accordance with the law is a realistic proposition about the respect and secure of the basic human rights, furthermore is the final object of this text in the construction of the institutional system of equal right to employment.At the same time, the core task of guarantee the equal right to employment is to construct the equal employment right system of legal guarantee with Chinese characteristics from the legislative, enforceable and judicatory aspects。In terms of legislation, this part not only elaborate the value positioning and legislative mode of our country’s legislative guarantee of the equal right to employment, but also discuss how to promote our country’s legislative construction of guarantee the equal right to employment from three aspects of Constitution、Labor Law and Employment Promotion Law. In it, I focus on discussing the extreme importance of establishing our country’s legal system of anti-discrimination in employment in the levels of Labor Law and Employment Promotion Law, and also make positive response to some fundamental problems of the legal system of anti-discrimination in employment .While, in order to deepen the meaning of virtual right of equal employment in Social Law perspective, this part make specialized discussion of special protection to female laborers in opposing employment discrimination。In terms of enforcing the law, in accordance with the major problems which exist in our country’s administrative enforcement of law about guarantee the equal right to employment, this part discusses some important problems exist in the guarantee of enforcing law of the equal right to employment respectively, such as legislative construction、organizational construction、working system’s construction、the focus of enforcing law、the supervision of enforcing law and so on. In terms of justice, on the basis of pointing out the inadequate of our country’s judicatory guarantee of equal right to employment, this part elaborate respectively the system construction of judicatory guarantee of our country’s equal right to employment from aspects such as Constitution、Labor Law、some other related Law、litigation mechanism and so on. Among them ,this part makes some relevant discussion to the topics of general interest and difficulty specially, such as the constitution’s judicatory turns in judicatory guarantee of equal right to employment、the system reform of processing labor disputes、the connection and cooperation of related litigation mechanism in the judicatory guarantee of equal right to employment、the system construction of law responsibility in the judicatory guarantee of equal right to employment. This part point out finally that guarantee the equal right to employment by law, is not only the consensus of the world, but also a very important topic which must be solved in our country’s guarantee of equal right to employment. However, there is no wonder drug which can eliminate the inveterate and incorrigible traditional standpoints and prejudice in the employment’s discrimination. It is really a huge system engineering of constructing the legal system which can guarantee the equal right to employment, and attending to involve every part of each aspect is obvious too hard for this thesis to reach. Backing one step to say, even if according to the legal system which this thesis construct carefully, the guarantee of equal right to employment could never bring the effect like "Instant coffee". Behind law and policy, traditional idea of unequal employment is really the last bastion which prevents the equal right to employment from developing forward. Therefore, this thesis’s study of equal right to employment which sets off from legal system’s perspective is only a beginning. In order to guarantee the equal right to employment effectively, it must also rely on carrying out some related measures which form a complete system, nurturing and carrying forward the culture of equal employment, thus propel and promote the deep and broad development of our country’s guarantee of equal right to employment and "national movement" against employment discrimination completely. This is exactly the assiduous pursuit of my thesis.

【关键词】 平等就业平等就业权制度体系
【Key words】 EqualityEmploymentThe equal rights to employmentSystem
  • 【分类号】D921;D922.5
  • 【被引频次】45
  • 【下载频次】4355

