

【作者】 张炜

【导师】 付子堂;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 法学理论, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 中国信访制度在了解民情、化解矛盾、解除民忧、公民监督和提供决策参考信息等方面曾发挥了重要作用。但是自20世纪80年代中期以来,信访活动所涉及的内容及其所造成的影响,却有违信访制度设计者的初衷。以较大规模群体访和表达形式激烈的个体访为主要标志的持续几年的信访高潮至今仍然没有明显的落潮迹象,成为影响社会和谐的主要因素。它不仅是社会的待解之忧,更是许多政府机构挥之不去的心痛。特别是进入新世纪以来,与信访相关联的一系列问题日益成为社会关注的焦点和难题。从中央、省、市、县(区)到基层街办、乡、镇,社会各阶层为了寻求破解之道而从不同层次和视角进行了探索。对信访工作的强调及工作投入前所未有,摸索的模式和方法层出不穷。而这一切未能有效遏制信访总量高位运行的态势,现实所呈现的效果并不尽如人意。总体上讲,当前信访工作实践面临更多地新情况、新问题,迫切需要理论界进行一定高度和深度的研究。之于民众而言,信访是权利表达方式;之于国家而言,信访又是一个权利表达机制。公民的权利表达不同于利益表达的关键在于表达内容的差异,权利是法律化的利益,使得权利表达本身要较利益表达更为明确和具操作性。中国当下的权利表达机制现状不容乐观,且不说信访职能的错位以及相关法律法规的缺失,单是制度层面的许多问题,已经让信访制度负载了不可承受之重。信访洪峰的出现给现行体制带来了警示。中国社会的矛盾尽管还没有激化到不可调和的地步,但是这种趋势的呈现也已经令人忧虑。侯玉宝作为中国西北农村一个普通的百姓,在长达十几年的上访过程中反映出的问题,清晰地给我们展示了一幅基层信访的画卷。通过对侯玉宝整个上访过程的回放和展望,我们看到的是基层政府夹在信访者和上级机关之间的两难境地,观察到群众权利诉求得不到满足的过程。一个正常的权利表达方式慢慢地在这样的虚耗中转向了过度,最终异化为一种不可欲的过分要求。当信访行为发展到极端时,无论是信访者还是政府,都不是赢家。侯玉宝事件毕竟已经成为过去,接下来的中国基层信访还将踏上曲折而漫长的道路。怎么走,走向何方?都是每一个信访参与人最为关心的问题。作为政府和民众之间的社会边界——基层政府,都做出了各自的应急策略选择。无论是“贵阳和沈河模式”还是“徐汇和德宏经验”,无论是“信访信息平台建设”还是“和谐使者”制度的实施,都是基层政府在摸索中前行的一步。只是这样的每一步都应当回头进行总结,以找到信访问题的解决方向。在信访中重视程序正义应当成为所有经验的一个基本前提。只有将信访制度纳入程序正义的视角下考虑,才会真正探索出一条属于信访制度的未来之路。这也是侯玉宝们以及在临潼区信访实践中做出过贡献的信访工作者所希望看到的一个结局。信访职业主义的提出是对程序正义下信访制度的进一步深化。不论是职业组织和机制建构、人员配置的改革,还是信访方式的创新,信访职业主义都提出了自己的应对策略。也许在下一次的信访博弈中,信访职业主义的成功建构是政府能否取得最优策略选择的关键所在。当然信访职业主义也许不是万能的,对临潼大拆迁的经验总结也未必能在全国具有普适性,但是无论如何,作为一个基层信访工作人员而言,信访职业主义的建构路径既是对自己实践工作经验的最好总结,也是对中国信访制度改革的建言。信访是否属于人治?法治是否排斥信访?在一个成熟的社会体系中,社会冲突和矛盾是不可避免的现实问题。如何应对冲突和缓解矛盾是社会控制的基点。单一的社会调控手段和解决方式不能完全回答这个问题。信访制度作为一种社会预警手段的运用,对社会冲突解决机制具有功能创新的价值。强化以现代社会的技术、物质、群众、社会组织为基础的信访预警功能,更能有力推动社会冲突问题的妥善解决。法治并不排斥信访,信访也不必然是人治。我们耳闻目睹的一些极端的信访“事件”,并不代表信访的全貌。其实多数的信访已经进入中国百姓的日常生活。在中国这样一个具有鲜明文化特色的国家中,即使我们已经走向了法治,信访作为公民的权利表达机制一定在法治中有自己的位置。

【Abstract】 Chinese letters and visits (the Chinese word ’Xinfang’) system played an important role in so many fields, such as contacting the people’s situations, mollifying the clashes, solving the problems and offering the referred information for the policies deciders. However, the substances and impacts involving these practices had been against the original ideas of the designers who created the letters and visits system since the middle of 80’s in twenty century. The increasing climax of ’Xinfang’ in several years which symbolized as the larger scales of collective appealing, grieving or protesting (the Chinese word ’Shangfang’) and the radical expressing ways of individual’s ’Shangfang’ has not been ebbing away significantly, which become the major factor that undermine the harmony of Chinese society. It is the incurable pain for both some of Chinese people and some of the departments of Chinese government, which is the ’fashionable star’ of social focus and puzzle in new century’s China that is emphasizing and questing by the central committee of C.C.P, the provincial governments, the communities and even the every classes from different levels and perspectives. On the contrary, the overwhelming attentions did not obstacle the marches of ’Shangfang’ effectively and satisfactorily. So as a whole, more and more problems are emerging in the practices of ’Xinfang’, which make it an urge for deeply theorized researches.’Xinfang’ is a channel to announce civil rights meanwhile it is a mechanism to hear voices from people. The crucial diversity of the mechanisms of protecting rights and of protecting benefits is the substance, which the formal is defined as the legal benefits that is more definite and more practicable. However, not only the operating of this mechanism today is not optimistic which is full of wrong-allocating functions and leakages of interrelated laws and regulations, but the great many of problems in this system have damaged itself. The erupting of ’Xinfang’ should be taken as the alert to the current systems of China. Nevertheless the social contradictions of China have not been uncompromised; the trends have illustrated the dangers and worries.Taking Hou Yubao as a archetype, an ordinary person living in the northwest village in China who is racking in a more than decade movement of ’Xinfang’ has show us the panorama of individual’s ’Shangfang’ picturesquely. With the reviews and outlooks of his experiences, we find that the dilemma between the root-governments and their higher authorities and the sequence of those appealing in which rights announcers could not get the satisfied ’answers’ in China. In the last, a right way to express their rights alienated an extreme way to restraining the ’mob’s excess desires in the bilateral exhaustion that never be the win-win situation for both the visitors and governments. When the activity of ’Xinfang’ goes to an extreme, there will be no winner between visitors and the government.The event of Hou Yubao is the past-time, and the long winding way of Chinese ’Xinfang’ still remains ahead. ’How and where shall we go’ is the most regardful question for every visitor. Facing the eruptions of ’Xinfang’ burst, the root-governments as the social boundaries of the public and authorities should make their urgent choices, such as ’Guiyang’s and Shenhe’s model’ or ’Xuhui’s and Dehong’s experiences’ and ’the building of information platform of ’Xinfang" or ’the realization of envoy of harmony’ system, and explore the every stones and every traps, which help to review and find the direction of ’Xinfang’ in every steps.Furthermore, the procedural justice is a basic precondition of ’Xinfang’. The future of ’Xinfang’ depends on constituting the just procedures of ’Xinfang’ system form which is the content result for visitors and those whoever effort on the practice of ’Xinfang’.Another conception that assists to reform ’Xinfang’ system under the idea of procedural justice is the professionalism of ’Xinfang’. This kind of professionalism promotes its strategies which are not only on the professional organization and systematic construction but also the personnel and innovations. A game theory using in one ’Shangfang’, the governments may make a wisest options that benefit most from this professionalism established successfully. Probably, the professionalism of ’Xinfang’ is not the nostrum and also the provincial experience is not the axiom. Whatever, to a carry-outer of ’Xinfang’ in local government, the way to the professionalism of ’Xinfang’ is the best summary of basic practices and appeals to the reform of Chinese letters and visits system.The last motif of this paper discussed is whether ’Xinfang’ correspond to the principles of ’rule of law’, or not? As we know, the clashes and contradictions are the unavoidable problems in a mature social system and handling or mollifying these conflicts is the basic point of social control. ’One way street’ cannot dredge all the ’traffic jams’. ’Xinfang’ as one of the social pre-alarm works that based on the modern techniques, materials and social organizations is the functional innovation of its own system and the powerful measure of the proper solution of social collisions. Therefore, ’rule of law’ is not born to contradict ’Xinfang’ and ’Xinfang’ is not equal to ’autocracy’ inevitably. Some of ’extreme events’ are not representing the average ’Xinfang’ events as the Chinese’s daily lives. Even if we are approaching the ’rule of law’, ’Xinfang’ as the appealing mechanism of civil rights surely will find his niche in the ’rule of law’, especially in such a peculiar cultural characteristic country, China.

  • 【分类号】D632.8
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】2137

