

【作者】 毛德龙

【导师】 种明钊;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 经济法学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 本文立足于中国社会转型的现实实践,来梳理当前困扰中国经济法学的一些重大理论问题,指出社会法学在中国的兴起标志着经济法学的传统研究路径已经走到了尽头,中国经济法学要想真正解说中国的总体经济现实,不应当片面向西方求证,不应当再重复“从西方到西方”的老路,而应当格物致知,返身自省,走“从中国到西方,再从西方到中国”的新路径。中国的经济法学之所以陷入困局,就在于没有直面中国经济社会的现实实践,这也就是为什么看似热闹的中国经济法学理论对中国的社会经济现实几乎没有解释力和指导力的根本原因。本文提出了“转型经济法”的概念,并力图在这一总括性概念之下,批判既有经济法学研究的路径,厘清经济法学研究的迷雾,描述中国经济法的实然(经世济民之法)和应然(具有法治精神和反思性格的以竞争法为核心的经济法)。全文共分为六章。第一章,当前中国经济法学研究的现状与困境。在本章中笔者既重述了中国经济法学研究取得的巨大成就,又着重指出目前中国经济法学面临的巨大挑战。并进而指出,中国的经济法学研究之所以出现目前之诸侯割据、挑战不断、话语混乱的局面,主要原因就是因为目前的经济法学理论根本无法回答和阐释中国社会转型的伟大实践。而之所以无法回答或者阐释中国社会转型的现实,主要原因就是我们的传统研究路径是一种“从西方——西方”的研究路径,这条研究理路由于完全建立在西方的经济法理论和实践上,所以无法解释中国的实际也就丝毫不足为奇了。第二章,社会法学的兴起与经济法学传统研究路径的破灭。如果说传统的经济法学研究理路在相当时间和程度上还具有一定说服力的话,随着社会法理论的兴起,经济法的那些所谓特有的范畴和概念就变得不再具有专属性,因此社会法的理论化引起了经济法学界的又一次分裂和恐慌。伴随着经济法学界苍白无力的辩解,中国的经济法学越来越具有玄学的倾向。一个实体法律部门的玄学化与其说是研究的深化,还不如说是无力的挣扎。因此,一种新的、能够解释转型中国之经济法律现象的理论已经成为时代的呼唤。第三章,中国经济法学对西方社会学法学理论的曲解。笔者认为,中国的经济法学研究之所以存在误区,不能解释中国之经济法律实践,与中国经济法学界对西方个别法学流派的曲解恐怕不无关系。不完整的理解这些法学流派的理论,就不可能对这些法学流派的理论进行真正的、有意义的借鉴。因为,西方的法学理论是建立在西方经济社会基础之上的,换句话说,西方的法学理论在一定意义上也是一种“地方性知识”,盲目的、不加分析的移植只会是南桔北枳,徒增笑柄。而在西方众多的法学流派中,对中国的经济法学研究影响最大的当数社会学法学派。西方社会学法学派的一些主要理论和观点,无论是从概念术语还是到思维范式,都对中国的经济法学研究产生了巨大的影响。在本章中,笔者首先介绍了西方社会学法学流派的总体概貌,其次分述了西方社会学法学流派的主要代表人物和观点,最后,着重介绍了西方社会学法学流派对中国经济法学的巨大影响,进而指出中国经济法学研究中存在着对西方社会学法学流派的严重曲解。中国的经济法学研究必须根植于中国社会转型的现实实践,在此基础上对西方社会学法学流派思想的借鉴才是真正有价值的。第四章,中国经济法学对西方后现代法学思潮的误读。西方的后现代法学思潮对中国的经济法学研究影响甚大,以至于有些学者大有相见恨晚之意。其实西方的后现代法学思潮的碎片化和解构性与目前中国之经济法学是完全不相容的。对于一个缺乏自由主义传统和法治精神的古老中国,西方的后现代法学思潮不仅无益而且有害。要构建一个具有法治精神、具有反思性格的经济法学理论才是中国经济法应然的发展方向。在本章中,笔者首先总括性的介绍了西方后现代法学思潮的基本特征,并简要介绍了西方后现代法学流派中一些代表人物及其主要观点。最后,笔者落笔于中国经济法学研究对西方后现代法学思潮的盲目崇拜和误读,指出中国经济法学研究中存在着对西方后现代法学思潮不求甚解、囫囵吞枣的不良倾向。这种为我所用、以偏概全的引用和借鉴不仅无益于中国经济法学研究的真正深化,在某种意义上,还会产生些许玄化的不良倾向。要想真正把握中国经济法学的真谛,我们首先要做的,就是要研究中国的社会经济现实。第五章,转型中国与中国法律的总体特征。认识中国的经济法,就必须认识转型中国和中国法律的总体特征,没有对转型中国和中国法律总体特征的体认,要想准确的描述中国经济法学的特征无疑是不切实际的。在本章中,笔者认为转型中国的特征有四个:第一个就是三种思想交互激荡,呈现出一种错综复杂的思想脉络;第二个就是经济持续高速增长二十年,计划与市场博弈,权利与权力交织是中国经济的现实特征;第三个就是政治改革缓慢,社会变迁迅速,法治的曙光已经点亮东方;第四个就是中国已经融入世界,中国不能无视世界,世界在改变中国,中国也在影响世界。同时,在本章中,笔者还着重论述了转型中国法律的总体特征,这个总体特征就是:中国的法律还在传统与现代之间徘徊,既有强烈的现代要素,又有明显的传统基因。作为与中国社会变迁关系最为密切的法律部门之一的中国经济法,不可避免的打上了这个时代的烙印,转型经济法就是对目前中国经济法的最好解释。第六章,转型经济法的实然与应然。本章是对前面五章论述的水到渠成的总结,它以中国的社会转型为认知工具,正式提出了“转型经济法”这一核心范畴,指出目前中国实然的经济法是经世济民之法,体系庞大,界限未明,并且体系内部存在着三种异质的法律:一种是传统的经济统治法,一种是为市场经济创造条件的经济行政管理法,还有一种则是具备了现代性因素的宏观调控和市场秩序法。正是由于存在着这三类明显异质的法律,中国的经济法学体系和理论就必然显得涣散和不够严谨,中国的经济法律、法规也呈现出了令人炫目的八大特征,即:现实性、分裂性、过渡性、工具性、回应性、本土性、意识形态性和现代性。但是,也正是由于中国的经济法已经具备了一定的现代性,并且这种因素正在不断增强,中国的经济法必将成为一个以竞争法为核心的、具有一定中国特色的现代法律体系,这就是中国经济法发展的应然方向。结语:中国法学必须回应中国问题。在这一部分,笔者着重回答了关于转型经济法几个令人蛊惑的问题。第一,关于转型经济法的视角问题。转型经济法证成的前提是对中国社会经济总体现实的把握,社会转型和转型社会理论是笔者观察和体认中国经济法学的基本视角。社会转型理论为研究中国当下所处的历史情景提供了一种分析范式从社会转型的视角,运用转型社会的理论来解说中国的经济法学就成为本文基本的认知模式。第二,关于转型经济法转型的期限问题。笔者认为转型经济法的转型期是与中国社会转型的期限同步的,至于中国社会转型的期限,任何的判断都只能是一种预测,可能是五十年,也可能是一百年甚至是更长的时间,这个期限的长短可能还会因一些无法预测的突发事件而拖延或者缩短。第三,关于转型经济法的目标模式问题。转型经济法必然有其目标模式,但是这个目标模式现在显然并没有完全清晰,西方的经济法只是转型经济法的一个参照系,转型经济法未来发展的方向取决于中国社会经济发展的现实。中国社会转型的目标模式本身就存在巨大的争议,趋同论者认为中国社会转型的目标就是西方发达资本主义国家的模式,而差异论者认为中国社会转型的目标与西方不同,并且还提出了“社会主义和谐社会”是中国社会转型的真正目标的理论。笔者认为,中国社会转型的未来发展方向依然在摸索中不断调整和修正。由是观之,中国转型经济法未来发展的目标模式是不是就是西方的经济法?至少在目前之中国,似乎这个结论还不能轻易的得出。当然,中国的经济法随着市场经济的扩展必定与西方各国的经济法越来越具有同质性,这一点应当是毫无疑问的。至少在目前,相对于西方的经济法而言,中国的经济法还是一种在自由主义与统治经济之间徘徊的混合物。第四个问题就是转型经济法文化相对主义的解释。笔者认为,“中国法学必须解决中国问题”,不能回应中国社会转型现实实践的经济法是没有生命力的。中国法学取法泰西,乃文化高低流动之常理,取法泰西对于中国法治建设具有不可替代的重要意义。但物极必反,如果一味抄袭照搬,不顾消化融合,则不但不能解决中国之“真问题”,而且可能成为自言自语的“伪学术”。矫枉可能过正,但并意味着转型经济法与西方的经济法理论毫无联系,转型经济法的理论源泉恰恰是世界的,尤其是德、日等众多经济法学名家观点的综合。之所以在本文中,笔者更注重强调转型经济法的本土性,就在于中国的主流经济法学理论在强调向西方学习的过程中已经出现了“直把杭州作汴州”的倾向,其结果是使得中国的经济法学理论几乎完全脱离了转型中国的现实实践。实践脱离了理论就是盲目的实践,理论脱离了实践也就变成了毫无指导意义的理论。转型中国的经济法学无疑更需要在社会主义市场经济的大潮中去体味、去总结。

【Abstract】 Based on the actual social situations of China, which is still in its transitional period, the thesis sets out to tackle a series of key theoretical issues of economic law of China. It points out that the traditional research work of China has come to a dead end. If the economic law of China is to interpret in a real sense the true state of the Chinese economy, it should back away from the blind alley that it is in now. Namely, it should stop from mechanically copying Western economic laws; instead, it should blaze a new trail for itself by basing its theories on the actual conditions of China. The author argues that the very reason for the dead end facing the Chinese economic law lies in the fact that the Chinese economic law fails to base itself on a solid understanding of the economic practices of China during its transitional period. The very failure also accounts for the fact that why the Chinese economic law theory, grandiose as it seems, hardly plays any role in guiding and interpreting the social economic conditions of China. In this thesis, the author proposes a new concept, namely transitional economic law, and with this inclusive concept as an umbrella, the author criticizes the existing research methods of Chinese economic law, clarifies the fogginess shrouding the research of Chinese economic law, describes the Chinese economic law as it is, that is, a law that aims to improve economic administration and enrich the people, as well as defines the Chinese economic law as it should be—an economic law that is reflective in nature and enshrines the rule of law, with the competition law as its core.This thesis consists of six chapters. Chapter one reviews the current state of Chinese economic law research, the impasse as well as the challenges it is faced. The chapter points out that the root of the disorderly contention between different schools of Chinese economic law lies in the fact that the existing Chinese economic law theories cannot solve or interpret the problems arising in actual economic practice of China during its transitional period, as the traditional research model of Chinese economic law is totally based on the theory and practice of Western economic law and fails to take the actual conditions of the Chinese economy. It is therefore only natural that such an economic law cannot play any effective role in interpreting the realities of Chinese economy.The second chapter focuses on the rise of social legal science and the death of the traditional approach in economic law research. Although the traditional approach can remain standing for quite some time, those so-called concepts and categories unique in economic law will no longer remain exclusive. Therefore, the theorization of social legal science has triggered another wave of panic and division. With the futile and weak defense of the Chinese economic circle, the Chinese economic law is becoming more and more metaphysical. The metaphysicalization of a material law is not the sign of the deepening of its research work. Rather, it is the manifestation of its futile struggle. The time calls for a new theory that can interpret the legal economic phenomena of China that is in its transitional period.The third chapter deals with the misinterpretation by Chinese economic law circle of Western social legal science theories, which, the author of the thesis argues, are responsible for the mistakes in Chinese economic law research as well as its failure to interpret the practice of Chinese economic law. Without a thorough understanding of the Western economic law theories, the Chinese economic law circle cannot learn from them in an effective manner, because Western law theories are based on Western economy and society, in other words, Western law theories are local-specific knowledge. Therefore, blind and mechanic parroting Western law theories will be fruitless indeed. Among the many schools of law theories, the one that exerts most influence over the research of Chinese economic law is the school of social legal science, whose major theories and proposals have greatly influenced the Chinese economic law research, both in terms of terminology and thinking patterns. In this chapter, the author first presents a panorama of the school of Western social legal science; then introduces the major representatives of the school and their views; lastly the chapter focuses on the enormous influence the school of Western legal science has over Chinese economic law, emphasizing the grave misinterpretation by Chinese economic law circle of the school of Western legal science. The author argues that only by rooting itself in the actual economic practice of China during its transitional period can the research of Chinese economic law benefit by learning from the school of Western social legal science.The fourth chapter: the misinterpretation by the Chinese economic law circle of Western post-modern law theories. Great as its influence on Chinese economic law research is, the Western post-modern is not compatible with the Chinese economic law as it is now due to the fragmental and deconstructive nature of the former. The post-modern law theories can do more harm than good for China, an ancient nation with little tradition of liberalism and the rule of law. Accordingly, developing an economic law theory that" enshrines the rule of law and is reflective in nature is the direction that the Chinese economic law should head for. In this chapter, the author begins with a introduction to the basic characteristics of Western post-modern law theories, including some of the major representatives of the post-modern jurists and their views. The author ends the chapter with an analysis of the blind worship and misinterpretation of Western post-modern law theories, pointing out that there is an unhealthy trend within the Chinese economic law circle, namely, being content with a superficial understanding of Western post-modern law theories, which trend, the author argues, not only hinders the further development of Chinese economic law research, but also will ferment the metaphysicalizing trend in Chinese economic law research. To master the essence of Chinese economic law, we should first and foremost do a thorough and meticulous research into the social and economic realities of China.Chapter Five: general characteristics of China and Chinese laws during the transition of China. To understand Chinese economic law, it takes a thorough understanding of the general characteristics of Chinese laws and China which is still in its transitional period or an accurate description of Chinese economic law would not be possible. In this chapter, the author argues that the transitional China has four characteristics:1. three schools of thoughts are contending and interacting fiercely, forming a complex thought pattern for China;2. After twenty years of rapid economic growth, central planning and free market forces, power and rights are co-existing and intertwined;3. In the face of the slowing moving political reform, the Chinese society is changing by the passing day and the rule of law is already dawning on China.4. China is already integrated into the world and it is no longer possible for China to ignore the world. The world is changing China and conversely China is also influencing the world.In addition, the author also discusses the general characteristics of Chinese law. Chinese law is still caught between its tradition and its modernization, with both strong modern elements and a very visible traditional heritage. As the ones of the laws which are most closely related to the changing of Chinese society, the Chinese economic law is inevitably branded with the marks of the time, with the economic law on transitional economy as the most vocal example.Chapter Six: Economic law on transitional economy as it is and as it should be. This chapter is a conclusion drawn on the basis of the previous five chapters. This chapter presents the core category, economic law on transitional economy and points out that the existing economic law as it is in China is a law aiming at economic administration and people’s livelihood. Its system is large, yet it is not clearly defined. Besides, within its systems there exist two laws which are very different from each other in nature: one is the traditional law on economic administration; the other, however, is a law with modern elements, which aim at macro-regulation and market order. Due to the co-existence, the system and theoretical framework of Chinese economic law will remain loose and imprecise, turning the Chinese economic legislations and regulations into mere policies. On the other hand, however, due to the modern elements within the Chinese economic law that are already there and are strengthening constantly, the Chinese economic law will inevitably develop into a law with competition law as its core, which is the Chinese law as it should be.

  • 【分类号】D922.29
  • 【下载频次】919

