

Liaohe Oilfield Experimental Study on Heavy Oil Sand Control and Sandcontrol Technique Decision

【作者】 杨建平

【导师】 李兆敏;

【作者基本信息】 中国石油大学 , 油气田开发工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 稠油生产出砂是油气田开发过程中制约稠油油田进一步发展的重要因素。在调研了大量现场资料的基础上,总结了辽河油田的出砂概况和出砂规律。从理论和实验角度分析了稠油区块的出砂机理,理论研究表明地层出砂主要是由于近井地带岩石遭到破坏,破坏主要有剪切破坏和拉伸破坏,实验研究了稠油热采时高温蒸汽和稠油流动对岩心渗透率的影响,结果表明高温和稠油流动都会加剧地层的出砂。采用岩石力学的理论和方法,同时考虑射孔孔眼周围岩石应力场以及温度变化和流体冲刷对孔道稳定性的影响,并将反映储层岩石材料胶结程度强弱的抗压强度作为岩石破坏的强度准则,建立了射孔完井临界出砂预测模型,并进行了求解,用于油井的出砂预测。分析了井筒在正压和负压条件下,温度变化对井壁稳定性的影响。基于相似原理理论,建立了融机械和化学防砂模拟实验为一体的防砂物理模型,并设计了高温高压防砂物理模拟实验装置,可进行机械防砂模拟和化学防砂模拟实验。在结合辽河油田稠油区块防砂实际情况的基础上,建立稠油防砂数据库,将人工神经网络B-P思想应用于稠油防砂工艺的技术评价,并建立了不同防砂方法的相对经济对比模型,为综合优选出技术上合理、经济上可行的最佳防砂方法提供依据。最后,针对辽河油田稠油出砂情况复杂,防砂困难,结合油井出砂的特点,进行了“以防为主,防排结合”的综合防排砂技术研究,形成了油井深部防砂和携砂采油配套综合治理工艺技术。该项技术在辽河油田锦7块、海外河、曙一区、洼38块、杜84块、沈67块等12个区块进行应用,截至2006年11月共实施270井次,平均延长检泵周期107d,累计增油5.57×104 t。现场实施充分体现了该技术的优越性,出砂综合治理效果显著。

【Abstract】 The sand production in heavy oil block in Liaohe oilfield is very serious; and it has become an important factor which restricts futher development of the oilfield. On the basis of the survey of plenty of site materials, the sand production situation in Liaohe oilfield was summarized in this paper; the sand production mechanism of the heavy oil block was analyzed from the aspects of theory and experiment respectively; the theory research of the sand production mechanism indicates that the damage of the near wellbore rock causes the sand production, and the damage mainly boils down to shear damage and pulling damage, the lab experiment mainly simulated the influence of the high temperature steam and heavy oil flow during thermal recovery for the rock permeability, the results show that high temperature and flow will accelerate the sand production of the formation. The influence of the temperature viariation for the wellbore stability was analyzed through comparison.The theory and methods of the rock mechanics were adopted in this paper, the rock stress field near the perforation and the influence of the high temperature and fliud flow for the perforation passage stabilization was considered, and the compressive resistance which reflects the reservoir rock material consolidation degree was taken as the rock damage strength norm, A new sand production prediction model was established in this paper. The main purpose of the oil well sand control was to effectively block the sand production and get higher income; the objective of the sand control methods selection or evaluating index should reflex these two aspects. Combining the real situation in heavy oil block in Liaohe oil field, a heavy oil sand control database was established, the artificial nerual network was applied in the technology evaluation of the sand control methods, the relative economic contrast model was established. NPV, IRR etc economic index were calculated, which provided a basis for optimally selecting the sand control methods. Heavy oil sand control methods optimal selection software was developed based on the sand production prediction model and sand control methods optimal selection model, the software was applied in Liaohe oilfield and a good result was obtained.


