

Research on the Model and Planning for Eco-Industrial Park

【作者】 徐海

【导师】 冯之浚;

【作者基本信息】 上海大学 , 工业工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 生态工业园示范区是我国继经济技术开发区、高新技术开发区之后的第三代工业园建设式样。它运用工业生态理论,寻求企业间的关连度,进行产业链接,建立相关企业间的生态平衡关系,以实现环境与经济的可持续发展。它是前两类开发区建设的更高层次的升华和优化。产生于19世纪末20世纪初,勃发于19世纪70年代的工业园,在工业生态学理论指导下,必然走生态工业园发展道路,而生态工业园是生态工业发展的典型模式。我国生态工业园与发达国家存在一定差异。与发达国家相比,无论是我国生态工业园建设的道路选择,还是微观层面上的运行机制,二者均有不同的特点。宏观上,我国生态工业园项目由国家环保总局负责规划与审批,目前已有广西贵港等26家获得批准的国家生态工业示范园区。但是,应当看到,在市场化运作方面,我们还缺乏成功的经验。微观上,我国的生态工业园运作可以有两个层面:①以公司级层面为主,围绕主导产品,在一定区域内组建(或改造)许多工厂(或企业),形成生态工业网络;②区域层面。这里无所谓主导产品或非主导产品,在一定区域内,按生物链方法将许多不同行业的企业网络起来。另外,我国生态工业园区目前大多以园区、政府、社区为主导者,利用总体规划引导、鼓励企业进驻园区构筑工业生态网络,而不是由企业因为对利益的追求而自主形成共生体模式。本文主要探讨了生态工业园的发展模式和产业链规划模式,为生态工业园进一步开展循环经济建设、提升园区资源减量化使用水平而做出有益的理论探索。其目标是:研究生态工业园的发展和建设规律,确立生态工业园的产业规划链网模式,探讨工业园生态系统中有生命力且节约资源的产业约束关系,为我国生态工业园的循环经济建设提供制度创新思路、环境评价方法和若干建议。本文主要研究了以下内容:一、通过回顾和分析生态工业园的理论基础、发展现状和未来趋势,总结生态工业园的普遍发展规律和模式。二、系统研究生态工业园的关键环节:产业链网设计和规划。本文规划和设计了10条产业链和6张生态产业网,覆盖了电子信息产业、电子废弃物循环利用、精品钢延伸产品、精品钢回收利用、汽车零部件制造、食品储藏和加工、制药、纺织服装、户外旅游产品、创意产业、新材料、信息咨询服务等。三、在循环经济法基础上的、生态工业园建设的制度创新问题。四、生态工业园循环经济建设的成果评价问题。在目前的多层次多指标评价体系基础上,本文运用了能值分析的理论和方法并建立了相关评价指标。最后选取了上海金山第二工业区作为评价对象,运用本文建立的生态工业园能值评价指标进行了计算和评价。通过系统归纳和定性定量研究,本文得到的研究结论如下:一、生态工业园有其自身的发展规律,可以根据其资源利用方式、建设方式和企业地位进行园区发展的模式归类。二、生态工业园区需要建立和完善生态产业链网,以进一步提升园区的循环经济发展水平,以节约资源并带动区域可持续发展。三、目前我国生态工业园的建设需要进行制度创新,包括政府的支持制度和园区内规划、评价、准入、激励、警示五大制度。四、生态工业园的循环经济建设效果可以采用能值分析方法来进行评价,这种方法对生态工业园能流、物流、信息流、货币流、人口流进行定量分析和衡量,从中评价其在社会经济系统中的作用和地位,更符合循环经济资源集约化利用的原则。五、运用能值分析方法对上海金山第二工业区的循环经济建设绩效进行评价,发现2005年上海金山第二工业区生态经济系统中,可更新资源(包括太阳能和雨水势能等)的能值占工业区总能值使用量的0.624%,数量非常少。2005年金山第二工业区废弃物的总能值比例较高,应该注重减少废弃物的产生量,并提高废弃物的再利用率。同时该工业区能值自给率极低,经济系统对外界的依赖程度很大,对内部资源开发程度不足。另外2005年金山第二工业区能值功率密度较高,说明该园区的经济发达程度较高。本论文的特色及创新之处在于:一、生态工业园的发展模式研究,是对以往生态工业园区建设和发展经验的总结和进一步升华。无论从现实条件还是从未来前景来看,该结论都具有很强的针对性和应用性,将会进一步推动生态工业园循环经济的发展。二、本文依据循环经济的理论和原则,规划了生态工业园各类产业链网,而这正是当前全国各类工业园区转型或新建时所迫切需要的。本论文的完成必然具有较高的实践价值。三、能值理论及分析方法虽然在近期才由美国生态学家H.T.Odum提出,但其更能体现能量流动是生态经济系统的本质特征之一。能值分析方法目前在我国大多用于农业产品在区域、流域范围内的宏观分析和评价,其在生态工业园区层面的利用,是一种创新性的应用。本文的实证研究证实了能值指标在生态工业园建设中的定位和指导作用。四、本文基于循环经济法的生态工业园制度建设创新,为我国生态工业园管理者、园区企业投资者、政府决策者提供了相应制度框架和管理方略。

【Abstract】 Eco-Industrial Parks(EIPs) are the third generation of industrial parks succeeding the Economic & Technological Developing Parks and High-Tech Developing Parks in China.Guided by eco-industrial theory, the conections among enterprises and linkages between industries can help the balance among related enterprises and the sustainable development for environment and economy.EIPs are the upgrade and optimization for the former two kinds of parks.Emerging in 1920’s and prospering in 1970’s,industrial parks are necessary to go into a route to EIPs guided by eco-industrial theory.EIPs are the typical model for eco-industry’s development.There are difference between EIPs in developed countries and our country.Compared to those in developed countries,both the EIPs’ developing pattern and micro- operation system in China are different. From the macro-level,presently 26 EIPs are permitted a demonstration such as Guigang,Guangxi Project. However the experiences of marketing are lack for the operation of EIPs.From the micro-level,the EIPs in China can be operated by two levels:(1) company level.Many factories or companies are built closed to a major product in order to form an eco-industrial network.(2) region level.There are no major products here.In one region many companies are related similar to a biological chain.Additionally,in China mostly the government,parks,or communities dominate the companies’ entrance into the EIPs by planning policies.The eco-symbiosis is not decided by companies longing for benefits voluntarily.The dissertation mainly discusses the development model and industrial chains for EIPs.It will help the development of circular economy in China.The targets for the study are to provide new ideas for the institutions, evaluations and suggestions for EIPs building.The dissertation mainly studies the following contents:1) The common models for EIPs’ development.2) The key points for developing EIPs:industry chains or nets.10 industry chains and 6 eco-industry nets are designed,covering electronic information industry,electronic wastes recyling,quality steel extended products,quality steel recyling chain,accessories for car manufactory,foods storage and processing,medicine making,textile and clothes,articles for outside tours,creative industry,new materials,and information consultation,etc.3) The institution innovation for EIPs’ information.4) The performance appraisal for EIPs in forming the circular economy.Excelled the traditional system with multi indexes and hierarchies,the emergy appraisal method is proposed based on the emergy theory and its application in other research fields.Subsiquately,Shanghai Jinshan No.2 Industrial Park is chosen to be appraised by the suggested emergy indexes calculated.After the systematic concluding and qualitative,quantitative analysis,the following conclusions are made:1) According to the methods to use resources,to build EIPs and the status of companies in EIPs,therefore the models of EIPs can be classified.2) EIPs need industrial chains or nets to build circular economy and save resources in driving the sustainable development of cities.3) The institution innovation includes government’s supportings,and planning,evaluating,permission, stimulation and caution systems in parks.4) Emergy analysis can be used to appraise the performance of EIPs’ circular economy.Emergy analysis calculates the energy flow,material flow,information flow,currency flow and population flow in EIPs,so that the role and positon for EIPs in social and economic system can be indentified.This method further accords with the principles of circular economy.5) The results from the emergy analysis on Shanghai Jinshan No.2 Industrial Park show that in 2005,the emergy of the renewable energy(including the solar and rain energy) is only 0.624%of the park’s total emergy used.It is a very small part in this eco-economic system.The emergy of wastes in this park comprises a high propotion,which indicaties the park should reduce its wastes and improve its re-use rates as possible as it can. The rate for emergy self-supply in this park is also very low,indicating its strong dependence on the system outside and the short usage on resources inside.Additionally in 2005 the high density of emergy power of this park shows its high stage in economy development.The features and contributions in the dissertation are:1) The models for EIPs are concluded which is the generalization of the experiences from EIPs development now.2) Following the theory and principles of circular economy,the dissertation designs some industrial chains or nets for EIPs and offers guidance for updated or newly built EIPs,as proves the value of this dissertation.3) Emergy theory was recently developed by H.T.Odum,an ecologist in USA;however it better explains that the energy flow is one of the natures of eco-economic system.Emergy analysis method presently is mostly applied in the macro-analysis and appraisal for agriculture products in some regions or valleys.It is a creativity to apply emergy index in EIPs.The case study in the dissertation shows emergy index is helpful in EIPs’ orientation and guidance for EIPs.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 上海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 02期
  • 【分类号】F424;F205
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】3307
  • 攻读期成果

