

How Did Suicide Actions Get Their Social Significance (1919-1928)

【作者】 刘长林

【导师】 朱学勤;

【作者基本信息】 上海大学 , 社会学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 自杀如何被赋予社会意义,这是一个饶有兴味却甚少研究的社会学问题。本文取样集中于中国1919-1928年爱国运动。这是一个异常激动的时期,整个社会弥漫着愤怒的情绪,一些爱国者愤而自杀。他们企图以自杀警醒同胞,促使国人团结御侮、一致对外、坚持抗争。他们将献身行为赋予比生命更有价值的意义。近代中国媒体恰在此时出现,大规模介入并放大自杀行为的社会意义,赋予其崇高的社会价值。同时,组织者为动员民众,纷纷为自杀者举行追悼会,彰显为国尽忠的传统观念和现代意义上的爱国主义精神,追悼会成了有效动员民众的场所。自杀者个人渴望社会承认其为国捐躯、警醒同胞等公共性价值,追悼会各个环节也是接受并放大这一公共性价值。各种追悼仪式使其为国捐躯的“烈士”定位获得仪式上的肯定。人们虽不赞成自杀,却大多肯定自杀的道德价值与社会价值。媒体报道、追悼会、抚恤公葬成为社会动员,促使抗议运动深入发展层层递进的连环环节。这从一个侧面说明为什么五四运动等能发展为大规模的群众性爱国主义运动,甚至取得胜利。自杀行为多在事后被赋予并放大社会意义,具有建构的特征。自杀是一种特殊的抗议策略与报国方式;传媒提振社会动员;追悼会突出自杀者为“烈士”义举,学者评论言说文明走向、人生悲剧与社会改造。通过这四个环节,自杀社会意义的建构得以完成。本文通过这四个环节,揭示上述建构过程,切入社会学、历史学的结合部,填补一二空白,对历史社会学这一新兴学科或能有所助益,有所推动。

【Abstract】 How is suicide action endowed with social meaning?This is a fairly interesting but rarely-studied sociological question.Here we take our examples mostly from Chinese patriotic movements in 1919-1928.lt was an age when the whole socity were aroused by an indignant emotion. Some patriotics took their own lives wrathfully, trying to alert their compatriots and spur a shared feeling of solidification,resistance,and struggle. They held that their self-sacrifice were more praiseworthy than lives. Coincedently, modern China media appered. They reported these suicide actions zealously,strengthened and magnified their social meaning, endued them with lofty social values. In order to mobilise the people, solemn memorial meetings were always held. By honorring the traditional idea of fedelity and the modern patriotism,the memorial meetings bore the function of mobilisation. The patriotics themselves longed that the society would acknowledge their actions’public values of "sacrificing for motherland" and alerting compatriots, whereras the memorial meetings accepted and magnified these values. Different kinds of mourning rites affirmed their reputation of "martyrs". Although the practice of taking one’own life was not encouraged,the moral and social values of the suicides were accepted. Media reports,memorial meetings,the comfort and compensation to the bereaved family, and public funerals became a successive series in social mobilization and in driving the remonstrative movement further more. This explains from one side of the problem why the May Fourth movement could develop into an extensive patriotic movement with a mass character and even triumphed.The process that suicide actions were endowed with social significance which was greatly magnified bore the characteristics of social construction. Suicide action was a special protesting strategy and way of dedicating themselves to motherland;the media shouldered the responsibility of social mobilization actively; the memorial meetings honorred the suicides as "martyrs";the scholars’comment expressed their opinions about the future of human civilization, the tragedy of human being,and social reform Through the construction of these four stages, the social significance of suicide actions was realized.The paper devotes to open out the above-mentioned construction process by these four stages. As the question lies in somewhere between the subjects of history and sociology, we do hope our research would make some contribution to the new branch of learning,sociological history

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 上海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 02期
  • 【分类号】B846
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1577

