

Danwei System Reform and Gender Inequality in Labor Market

【作者】 武中哲

【导师】 李汉林;

【作者基本信息】 上海大学 , 社会学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文主要探讨了“单位制”变革与当前城市劳动力市场中性别不平等的关系。“单位制”是计划经济时代中国城市社会的基本组织制度,在这种组织制度下,男女平等的国家理念通过各级各类单位组织得到较好的贯彻和实施。虽然这种依靠政权力量和社会动员推进的平等在很多方面还存在着局限性,但是不能否认这个时期中国成为世界上实现男女同工同酬的少数国家之一。单位制的变革改变了这种维持性别平等就业的制度条件。单位组织的利益化趋向以及市场化组织的数量增长导致女性在就业领域受到一系列的不平等待遇。目前的劳动力市场由体制内单位组织和体制外的非单位组织两大部分组成,前者仍然处在国家的控制之下,履行一定的社会和政治职能;后者则处在国家的行政体系之外,执行较为单纯的经济职能。由于管理体制的不同,这些组织在接纳就业、职位晋升、权益保护和社会保障等方面的性别差异具有不同的表现形式和形成机制。本文通过对单位组织和非单位组织在劳动就业中的性别差异的特点和形成机制的分析和比较,发现当前女性就业面临的组织、制度和结构性障碍。首先是在接纳就业方面。由于原有单位组织的内部分化,现有的机关、事业和企业单位在接纳就业中性别不平等有不同的表现形式。除了实行公务员考试制度的机关单位以外,女性在进入事业和企业单位时有较大的困难。这些单位在就业过程中对女性必须执行的平等待遇产生一种负反馈效应,导致单位在接受员工时倾向于排斥女性。相比之下,体制外组织在就业过程中对于女性的各种待遇和保障较少受到国家法律和政策的严格控制,因此在接纳就业时更倾向于岗位的性别适应性。因此,体制外组织在接纳就业中既存在多元化的统计性歧视,同时也反映出一种性别分工的趋势。其次是在职位晋升方面。女性在就业过程中职位的晋升与她们的收入直接相关,也体现了平等就业的一个主要方面。传统的家族文化和男尊女卑,男主外女主内的传统观念是导致各类组织中女性地位难以提高的根本原因。除此之外,体制性原因也影响到女性职业地位的提升。影响体制内组织中女性职位晋升的主要因素是女性被提名的困难、社会评价机制的歪曲以及女性自身的主观原因。国家政策的干预对于机关和事业单位比较有效,但是对于国有企业则存在着外源权力渗透的困难。体制外组织在职位晋升中一方面贯彻能力原则,另一方面受到传统观念的限制,女性获得晋升的机会受到限制。第三是在权益保护和社会保障方面。体制内组织中女性的特殊权益能够得到较好的保障,而体制外组织中的女性权益则缺乏稳定的保障,呈现出一种差别性待遇。改制中的国有企业面临的主要问题是工会组织在维护女性权益方面处于尴尬的地位。市场化改革导致企业法人与工会组织的目标分裂,传统的制度设置已经不能适应这种改变了的现实的需要。女性早退休是造成社会保障性别差异的主要原因,但是不同单位的女性和同一单位中不同职位的女性对于早退休有不同的认识和感受。由于组织制度的不同,体制内组织和体制外组织对于女性员工承担着不同的保障责任,前者受到国家行政力量的制约,后者则具有自主性和随意性,由此影响到接纳就业时的性别策略。结果是体制内组织的性别不平等主要体现在接纳就业上,体制外组织的性别不平等主要表现在就业的过程中。在市场化改革的背景下,依靠单位体制保障女性平等就业已经显示出越来越大的局限性,现实要求有普遍约束力的法律法规来保障劳动力市场中的性别平等。现有法律规定虽然已经涉及到两性平等就业的各个方面,但是因为在实际中缺乏贯彻的手段使其不能真正发挥作用,同时,法律法规的负反馈效应进一步强化了就业中的性别歧视。因此,改革的目标是增加现有法律法规的系统性和可操作性,使法律法规真正起到保障性别平等就业的作用。为此,西方国家的立法经验以及一系列保证法律实施的组织和社会政策措施值得我们学习和借鉴。

【Abstract】 This article mainly discusses the relationship between Danwei system transformation and the gender inequality occurs in current city labor market. Danwei system is the basic organization system of the planned economy time in Chinese cities. Under this organization system, the national idea of gender equality had been better implemented at all levels and each kind of unit. Although there is much limitation in this kind of equality that depends on political power and social mobilization, we cannot deny the fact that China has become one of the few countries in the world that carries out the equal pay for equal work.The transformation of Danwei system has changed the condition that maintains gender-equality employment system condition. The unit’s benefit trend as well as the market organization’s quantity growth causes a series of unequal treatment to female in the employment. The present labor market is composed of unit organization and non- unit organizations. The former is still under the charge of nationality, performing certain of social and political function; the latter is outside the national administration system, carrying out a simplexes economical function. As a result of the management system’s difference, these organizations have different manifestation and mechanism in the aspect of employment, promotion, rights protection and social security. By analyzing and comparing unit organizations and non-unit organizations in the aspect of the characteristic of gender difference in employment, manifestation and mechanism, the article educes the current organizational, institutional and structural obstacles in female employment.First of all is the reception of employee. Because of interior polarization of unit, existing state agencies, institutions and enterprises act differently in gender inequality. Except those state agencies which implement official test system, females face more difficulties in interview of institutions and enterprises. These units bring negative feedback effect to equal treatment which carried out in female employments. These effects cause those organizations prone to repel females. In comparison, outside system organizations are less under the charge of national law and policy regarding female treatment and safeguard. Therefore, they prone to situational sex compatibility in employment. So, outside system organizations have both multiplication statistics discrimination and sex division tendency in employment.The second is position promotion. Female position promotion has a direct relationship with their income. This is an important aspect of equal employment. Traditional family culture and ideas make female promote difficultly in each kind of organizations. In addition, the reason of system also affects the feminine status promotion. In those system organizations, the difficult is that females have little opportunity to be nominated, always be appraised falsely as well as their own subjective reasons. National policy support is effective to those institutions and the enterprise organizations. Otherwise, in state-owned corporations there are difficulties of out-right permeate. Outside system organizations implement ability principle in the promotion on the one hand, are affected by traditional ideas on the other hand. So the females also have limited promotion opportunity.The third is rights protection and social security. In system organizations the feminine special rights and interests can obtain a better safeguard, than those in outside system organizations where exist a kind of different treatment. The main problem national corporations’ face during the process of changing system is that the labor unions are at an awkward position when they maintain female rights. Market reform caused the enterprises’ goal is not accord with the labor unions’. Traditional system establishment already cannot meet the changed reality’s need. The feminine early retirement is the main reason that creates the social security sex difference. But females in different unions and different positions have different cognition and feeling of early retirement.Because of the differences of organization’s system, in system organizations and outside system organizations undertake different safeguard responsibility to feminine staff. The former are in charge of national administration, while the latter have more independence and liberty. The differences affect gender strategy in employment. The result is that gender inequality mainly reflects on admitting employee in the in-system organizations.In the background of market reform, depending on the unit system to safeguard feminine equal employment has already demonstrated more and more limitation. The reality requests laws and regulations that have pervasively binding force to safeguard gender equality in the labor market. Although the existing legal rule already involves each aspect of equal employment, it cannot play its role for lack of method to carry out. Simultaneously, the legal laws and regulations’ negative feedback effect further strengthened sex discrimination in employment. Therefore, the reform aim at increasing existing laws and regulations’ systematize and feasibility, making them plays the safeguard role in equal employment. The western nations’ legislation experience as well as a series of organizations and social policy measures which guarantee the execution of laws is worth studying and consulting.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 上海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 02期

