

Building of Faith-based NPOs’ Organizational Identity

【作者】 黄海波

【导师】 李向平;

【作者基本信息】 上海大学 , 宗教社会学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 宗教界在社会公益事业中的作用,目前越来越受到重视。然而,基于宗教情怀和动机进入社会公益领域的组织,都不可避免地面临着组织身份的难题。组织身份是组织成员集体性地对组织核心、持久以及与众不同特性的理解与认同;它通过组织的符号、结构与行动呈现,并被组织外部行动者所感知,用以评判组织的价值和意义。因此,组织身份对组织具有引导与约束功能,这是由组织身份同既存的制度化行动领域相联系之特征决定的。本文考察了上海基督教青年会在不同历史时期组织身份建构的动因、结果以及条件,揭示了具有宗教背景的组织从事社会公益活动时,所面临的身份难题来自不同领域合法性的差异性要求所形成的压力;组织通过身份建构使合法性的来源与类型发生变化,从而有效整合不同领域的规范性要求,缓解合法性压力;身份建构得以进行并获得一定效果的条件是行动领域的多元化与制度化。这一过程对组织自身的影响,是形成了与宗教组织以及传统宗教慈善组织不同的非营利组织新类型—以宗教信仰为基础的非营利组织。这种类型的组织为宗教因素在世俗性公益事业领域中的存在提供了有效的组织架构基础,可以在清晰的制度规范所塑造的组织身份约束与引导下,汇集包括宗教资源在内的各种社会资源,与当前宗教组织主要在宗教领域内部开展的社会服务一起,共同增进社会福利。本文共分六章。第一章分析了人们对上海基督教青年会组织身份略显混乱的界定,引出本文探讨的主题。在文献回顾部分,概述了当前宗教公益事业研究所反映的一个共同现象:宗教在不同国家和地区应对合法性压力时采取的不同组织形式是影响宗教社会公益参与水平的重要因素之一。本章根据组织身份与组织合法性理论,提练一个初步的分析框架。从第二章到第五章,是本文的主体部分,从纵向历时性的角度,考察上海基督教青年会在不同阶段应对合法性压力进行组织身份建构的条件、过程与结果。第六章是全文的结论与讨论部分,在总结了基督教青年会的组织身份建构过程以后,又对当代宗教(主要是基督教)参与我国社会公益事业的组织化形式作了进一步探讨。

【Abstract】 The role of religious circles in social commonweal enterprises is now increasingly recognized. But the organizations with religious passion and motivation which enter into social commonweal field will inevitably be faced with the dilemmas of organizational identity generally. Organizational identity is what is central, distinctive, and enduring about an organization, collectively comprehended and identified by the members, presented outward by organizational symbols, structure, and activities etc., perceived by actors outside and is used to estimate the value and significance of the organization. Then organizational identity guides and constrains organizations. This capacity roots in the character of organizational identity that it relates to the established institutionalized action field. This thesis investigates the dynamic, consequence and condition of organizational identity building of Shanghai YMCA in different periods, reveals that the organizations with religious background which engage in social commonweal enterprises are under the pressure arising from the difference of the legitimacy requirememts in different fields; organizations build identity to change the origins and forms of legitimacy, which integrants different requirements effectively and relieves the pressure of legitimacy; pluralistic and institutionalized action field is the condition that organizational identity building can progress and be successful. A new type of nonprofit organization i.e.faith-based NPO which is different from the religious organization and traditional religious charitable organization is created from this progress. Faith-based NPO offers a effective organizational frame relying on which religious factors exist in the secular social commonweal field. Being Constrained and guided by organizational identity based on clear institutional norms, faith-based NPOs can collect plentiful of social resources including religious resources, and contribute to social commonweal enterprise together with the religious organizations which are now engaging in social services mainly in religious field.This thesis consists of six chapters. The first chapter derives the topic from analyzing those confused descriptions of Shanghai YMCA’s organizational identity. A common phenomenon revealed by the studies of participation of religion in commonweal field is summarized in the literature review: the fact that different organizational forms of religion under the pressure of legitimacy in different countries and regions is one of the important factors which influence their participational effect. In this chapter a primary analytical framework is offered based on the theories of organizational identity and organizational legitimacy. Chapter Two、Three、Four and Five are the main parts of this thesis. In historic dimension the dynamic, consequence and condition of Shanghai YMCA’s organizational identity building under the pressure of legitimacy in different periods are investigated respectively in these chapters. The last chapter is the conclusion and farther discussion. After summarizes the organizational identity building of Shanghai YMCA,the organizational forms of modern religion adopting which to participate in Chinese social commonweal enterprises are discussed.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 上海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 02期

