

The Changed Media with the Varied Narrative

【作者】 马军英

【导师】 王鸿生;

【作者基本信息】 上海大学 , 现当代文学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 本文力图摆脱以往对改编问题的印象式评论或抽象式的理论演绎,尊重研究对象的有机性与完整性,通过研究改编以比较电影与文学在叙事方面所表现出来的具体差异,审视建立在文学叙事基础上的叙事学理论,以超越其局限,摆脱电影叙事研究对文学叙事理论的机械套用。论文首先梳理了改编研究中的不同路径与方法,认为符号学是一门具有普遍意义的学科,为我们比较不同的媒介叙事提供了相应的学理基础。皮尔士的符号学和索绪尔的语言学对电影理论的建设都产生过很大的作用,但法国电影理论家麦茨将索绪尔的语言学思想机械地套用于电影研究时,出现了一系列明显的失误。我们应该超越麦茨的理论局限,真正重视图像符号的本质特性。在借鉴彼得斯电影图像符号理论和英伽登作品构成理论的基础上,本文向自己提出的任务是:按照叙事文本的构成层次——故事、叙述、意义、载体——对陈凯歌电影改编中所涉及到的文学文本和电影文本进行细致深入地比较分析,并在此基础上,探讨文学叙事与电影叙事中的相关叙事理论问题。论文第二章从故事层面探讨异同,认为媒介是按照自己的特点建构叙事客体的。本文认为,文学叙事往往以话语或观念为中心;电影叙事则以运动为中心,即以人与物的各种言语、表情、表现的变化为中心。文字媒介难以呈现日常交流中的多层次性和多指向性;而电影媒介则能够真正地再现人类语言交流的复杂性。文学叙事几乎只使用日常语言,这造成了文学叙事无法摆脱人类的日常生活和自然感知;电影媒介则可以很好地再现文学叙事无法再现的各种非语言艺术以及人类的各种非语言经验。论文的第三章探讨叙述层面上的异同。人称、视角既与叙述有关也与观察、感知有关。电影的画面和声音构成了叙事视角的不同层次和维度,文字媒介的单一性却掩饰了文学叙事在生成上的多层次性。例如,在叙事时间的处理上,电影可运用镜头、剪辑、蒙太奇、声画结合与分离以及摄影速度与放映速度的差异等多种表现手段,形成特殊的电影叙事频率的建构方式;而文字书写的线性特质往往使文学叙事对频率的建构变得简单。本文强调,图像符号在画面上的集合可能,帮助电影获得了一种共时叙事的能力,这使电影叙事内在地表现出某种集成叙事的特点,从而易于建构一个完整的世界。论文第四章探讨媒介符号与意义表达问题。文字直接和意义相关,而图像符号直接和世界相关(即其表意方式更多地依赖于视觉思维),电影叙事往往通过综合调动各种构图来表达意义。由于文学叙事无法直接呈现世界,这使其意义表达存在一定模糊性;而电影中的图像符号表达意义则相对显得明确而丰富。作为一种集成艺术,电影在同时讲述多个故事时实际上也传达着多种意义。本文第五章探讨文学文本与电影文本的物质载体对于改编叙事的影响。作为一种现代工业的成果和大众传媒,电影叙事表现出更为复杂的叙述者与受述者关系。相遇在这里的力量,既有艺术家们的自由表达冲动,又有来自权力、资本、制度与习俗的控制。这些影响既有形式方面的,也有内容方面的。由而,改编过程也是一个各种力量相互博弈的过程。这使文学叙事和电影叙事之间会在认同方面表现出曲折而微妙的差异。虽然本文在细读的基础上,较为系统、深入地建立了一个研究改编问题的比较叙事框架,但所做工作仍然是初步的。首先,我们知道任何符号学的分析都依赖于最小符号单位的确定,而对电影符号研究来说,确定其最小单位目前还存在相当大的分歧和困难。其次,由于本人的知识局限,论文对光的叙事性、音乐的叙事性、表演的叙事性还难以入其堂奥。而相对确定的研究例证,也在一定程度上局限了自己的论述和发现。

【Abstract】 In the dissertation,I am trying to avoid both study on film adaptation with impressive previously and respect the object studied organic and completeness.By comparison the differences between film and literary in narrative,we may examine the Narratology built on the literal narrative,surpass the limit of literal narrative and get rid of what apply mechanically literal narrative to study on film,advance the development of the narratology.The dissertation in the beginning is carded the ways and means in the study of the film adaptation,the writer thinks that the Semiotics is a general discipline,which provides valuable theory’s resource to my study.Peirce’s Semiotics and Saussure linguistic have a large influence on film theory,but when Metz mechanically applied Saussure linguistic to film study,he made some mistakes.We should surpass Metz’s limit of theory,and truly pay attention to the picture’s specialty.By the virtue of Peters’ theory of picture and In garden’s text construction,the dissertation is carefully compared the film narrative and literal’s from four aspects:story,narrative, meaning and carrier.The ferst,there are comparisons on the different narrative objects.The literature narrative is centred on the hero’s utterance,and the film narrative is done on the hero’s posture.The hero’s utterance in the literature directs both the other hero and the narratee,but the hero’s ones do only another in the film.As a linear medium,the literature medium does hardly appear the utterance is multi-levels and multi-directing; but the film medium does the utterance’s ones.The literary narrative does hardly represent sounds and voices.The film narrative may represent the real space,time and various things,but the literal narrative does only the idea about them,so the literal narrative often evades object,which it could not represent.Such object may be represented by film narrative.The literal narrative has many limits which is reduced in language self,and the film medium can surpass the limits of the language.We may say that the medium constructs the object and transform the ones based on his characteristics in the process.The second part is to compare their narrative methodes.As a formative art,the film may use compositions of a picture to realise time in the literary narrative,so the frame may show varieties time’s form:it may represent the diachronic narrative and synchronic ones.The visual angle in the film’s picture often is third person,but the voice’s persones is not limited by frame.Therefore,the persons in film are variety and shows mult-lavers,which change continuously.The literal narrative shows singular and stable which is either the first person or the third ones.Film,as a mult-media,it obtains much freedom in operation of time.Just as literary narrative,the film narrative operate the time’s length and order.In the meantime,the film narrative has his very complicated characteristics specially in the frequency built,but because the language’s abstractness,the literal narrative becomes very simple;and the film narrative has many other methods such as frame,shut,montage and sound with(out) picture display。Because the represent as a whole,the film narrative have not to pause,and the literature narrative often has to pause.Because of the character in the film narrative, the film shows it is endlessly charm,literary narrative,because of linear characteristic,does hardly to realize synchronic narrative,it can only do it by one. Visual sign and sign auditory produce synchronic;it gives synchronic characteristic to the film narrative.The film becomes a compounded narrative;it often includes muir-story.The third charpter is compared the express of the sense in the different texts.The word(character) keeps immediately in contact with the sense.In addition,the literal narrative can express the sense.However,the film narrative express in the liner of the frame relying on the visual thinking which appears on the composition of frame.At the same time,the film narrator often uses varied sound and voices to give the sense to the frame to produce a metaphysical sense.Sometimes,literary narrative has difficult immediate to present things,so sometimes the literal narrative becomes obscure in sense.The plot is a very important method in the express of sense.As a synchronic narrative,what the film can tell mult-stories means that the film can express more than one sense at the same time.The film represents the word and the society as to show the sense of nature and cultureAs a moderu industry fruit and mass media,the material carrier hints the relations between the narrator and the narratee.The relation has large influence on the adaptation,which results in the compressing or cutting down the time or space or both ones.With the exception of this,the adaptation sometimes caters to mass’s desire and evades authority or hints his individual thought.The adaptation in fit in with the needs of the market leads to the changes on the hero’s identity.Because the picture sign is very complexity,it results very difficulty to study on the adatation.The second,a researchers need to define the nature of the object,but the theorists have hardly to define the film’s nature.The third the film study relatives a lot of knowledge,but what the researchers has really knowledge is too lower to the knowledge,which he should have.The result that the researchers have to avoid many problem:such as the light,the music and the perform.Except that,the film narratives have much other form,because of the choice of the objects,the dissertation did not to research.

【关键词】 文学电影改编符号学比较叙事学
【Key words】 LiteratureFilmAdaptationsSemioticsNarratology
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 上海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 02期

