

Research and Design of the Flight Control System for a Subminiature Unmanned Helicopter XZ03

【作者】 邓寅喆

【导师】 龚振邦; 刘亮;

【作者基本信息】 上海大学 , 机械电子工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 超小型无人旋翼机具有特征尺寸小,成本低,起飞着陆场地小,机动性好,特别是可作悬空飞行等特点,因此具有相当广泛的用途。无人旋翼机通常用于视距范围内由地面控制人员操纵飞行,但有效飞行半径小,一旦飞出视觉范围,旋翼机的姿态很难目测清楚,因而对遥控飞行带来困难。为了解决这一问题,必须设计出一种控制器,帮助完成视距外的自主姿态控制。本论文详细介绍了针对上述问题的超小型无人旋翼机飞行控制系统的关键技术研究,设计了实现超小型无人旋翼机的自主飞行控制系统。首先,在研究过程中发现机体结构振动对超小型无人旋翼机飞行控制器的性能、任务传感器的稳定性、图像传输的质量和数据链的可靠性等方面影响很大。为此针对旋翼机结构模态进行了分析和实验:用CATIA的有限元分析软件对结构动力学特性进行分析,计算出了旋翼机的各阶振型与频率。通过结构试验对CATIA计算结果进行验证,并且根据计算和实验的结果进行了结构调整。通过结构的调整和加强,超小型无人旋翼机的机体振幅有所减小。同时,根据超小型无人旋翼机机体的模态,飞行控制系统的各类传感器尽可能安装在机体振幅较小的位置,改善了传感器的工作性能。然后,对超小型无人旋翼机飞行中的受力和运动建模进行了分析。研究了旋翼飞行器稳定飞行,即悬空或者匀速平飞时的受力状态,并通过实验和计算,得出超小型无人旋翼机稳定飞行受力的结果。通过受力的计算,可以确认气动力参数的大致范围,为传递函数的确定奠定了基础。在上述研究的基础上,分析和推导了超小型旋翼飞行器纵向操纵响应、横向操纵响应、航向操纵响应、总距(垂直)操纵响应的传递函数。通过对旋翼飞行器操纵和响应的试飞数据采集和处理,采用改进型风修正权最小二乘法ARX模型进行辨识,在排除侧风和迎风对辨识干扰的情况下,获得了纵向操纵响应,横向操纵响应,航向操纵响应的传递函数参数。并以此为基础设计了改进PID控制算法,即整合模糊自整定PID和遗传算法优化PID算法,用遗传算法优化后的参数来代替模糊自整定PID控制中基础参数,从而实现最佳控制效果。本论文还研究和设计了超小型无人旋翼机导航系统算法和策略,并采用Kalman滤波技术进行信息融合的研究,实验证明信息融合系统在定姿定位精度方面有一定提高。在理论和实验研究的基础上,对飞行控制系统硬件进行了设计,研制了超小型无人旋翼机数据信号接口电路、遥控/自控切换电路等。本论文所研制的系统硬件在传感器配置、处理器性能、功耗、尺寸和重量方面具有先进性,并为系统的扩展和改进预留了接口。本论文最后介绍了基于硬件系统的飞行控制软件,阐述了软件的流程,下位机软件和基于VB环境开发的地面监控站人机界面。通过飞行试验,表明所设计的飞控系统控制性能完善,飞行姿态稳定,导航算法正确,初步实现了超小型无人旋翼机的自主飞行。

【Abstract】 In this paper, the flight control system for sub-mini unmanned helicopter was discussed. The key technologies were introduced and some research work of Shanghai University about unmanned helicopter was presented. Sub-Mini Unmanned Helicopters with the flight control system can perform aggressive maneuvers, its good performance and action as a flying robot and can be used in some particular circumstance.Before designing the FCS, the Model Analysis of vibration for subminiature unmanned helicopter should be researched. The software named CATIA is used to modeling and analysis for the subminiature unmanned helicopter. Some vibration experiments are also engaged to amend the result of the analysis. Comparing the result of vibration experiment with the data of CATIA modeling analysis; the values of nature frequency were accordant. From these results, it could be found that amplitudes of vibration on the bottom, main shaft and the upside of the helicopter are larger than other positions. For this reason, the frame of the helicopter had been strengthened, which improved the working condition of the sensors on the helicopter.To accomplish a control algorithm, a settles of dynamic equations must be modeled. As to work accurately out the dynamics model, the interference of wind could be taken into account.Then the amendatory ARX modeling based system identification algorithm should be used. Accordingly, the circuit for sampling to the manipulating channel and the response of pitch/ roll /yaw was made. Based on the experimental data of the test flight of the rotorcraft, the mathematical model structure, the identify model parameters were calculated finally. The result would be precise.Unmanned helicopter flight control system must have the ability to ensure attitude and altitude controlled. Based on the result of system identification, some amendatory PID and fuzzy algorithm were used for FCS. And the results of these research show that the it reached desired control effects.Unmanned helicopter have a planned reference trajectory and a feedback controller to accomplish the task of traveling from a launch point to a goal point. Differential GPS and IMU had been used, and a general methodology for finding feasible and approximately optimal trajectory without violating the state and input bounds equally was researched.On the basis of the above research, the hardware of the FCS is designed. The analog and digital signal interface circuits and remotely control / automatic control switch circuits are worked out, and the resources of MCUs in the hardware system are configured. The flight control system consists of sensor unit, flight control unit board, and wireless modem. Sensor unit includes 2 axis tilt sensor and 3 axis angular velocity gy- roscope which ensures flight stability in all phases of flight, and it also contains altimeter, compass, and is combined with a GPS (globe positioning system), which work for navigation. Wireless modem continuously transmits navigation and operational data between the Ground Control Station and FCU.Compared to some other hardwares of unmanned helicopter FCS, this hardware developped in papers has some advantages in configuration of sensors, performance of processors, low power asumption, small size and low weight.Ground Control Station (GCS) is mounted in a shelf and consists of a notebook computer, 7-inch monitor, a joystick, antenna, and interface circuit. Then the human-machine interface of the GCS is also developed in VB environment.Finally, the flight experiments are carried out; the results of the test proved that the autonomous flight of subminiature unmanned helicopter has been achieved.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 上海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 03期

