

Research and Realization on the Techniques of the Manufacturing Grid Security

【作者】 蔡红霞

【导师】 方明伦; 俞涛;

【作者基本信息】 上海大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 制造网格(MG)以网络化制造为基础,充分利用网格开放服务体系架构(OGSA)、通用的标准和规范、统一的开发平台和工具,以实现制造企业间的协同工作和资源共享为目标,是网格技术在制造业的具体应用。但是,随着网格的研究方向开始向商业服务转变,制造网格的应用向企业扩展,安全问题则凸显出来。正是对安全的普遍疑虑,使得制造网格的应用举步维艰。所以制造网格亟需建立一个健全的安全体系,它是网格技术能够实际运用于制造业的强有力的保障,对网格技术的发展有着重要的意义。只有提供了强壮的制造网格安全体系,制造网格才能持续不断的发展,才具备一定的应用价值。正如互联网刚出现的时候,人们在强调共享性的同时忽略了安全性一样,目前网格的安全构架还不是十分完善。而且,制造网格系统具有制造业复杂性的特点,现有的网格安全技术不能满足制造网格的安全需求,人们对制造网格中安全保障的需求日益迫切。所以在研究制造网格体系结构及其实现技术的同时,很有必要开展制造网格系统安全性的研究。论文首先从本体论(Ontology)出发,对制造网恪安全领域所涉及的概念、关系进行综合和抽象,提出了基于本体论的面向安全服务的制造网格模型(OBMGMS)。分析了制造网格中地理分布的联盟(Union)和节点(Cell)的组织单元特征以及以任务为中心的网络联盟的生物型动态组织(Unit)结构模式。提出了不同的制造资源类别体现了不同的资源属性特征并关联不同操作,需要定义不同的安全级别。说明了任务具有状态变迁特征,以及在制造网格中任务的分解粒度遵循承担节点唯一化原则。通过实体间的上下文(Context)关联关系来描述制造网洛的动态特征。OBMGMS的提出为制造网格安全系统的体系结构的建立以及身份认证和访问控制的实现奠定了理论基础。基于制造网格体系结构,借鉴网格安全系统,针对制造业组织机构复杂,资源种类众多、协同合作周期长、范围广的的特性,建立了制造网格安全体系结构(MGSec)。MGSec安全基础设施层实现组织、用户、证书的管理,加速制造网格节点间合作的启动,节约启动成本。全局安全服务层支持制造网格上下文约束下的全局认证和授权。节点安全自治管理层自主控制共享服务,实现节点的策略管理,节点、用户间身份认证。安全服务入口层接受服务请求,用户、节点注册等。在深入研究制造网格动态组织状态转换机制的基础上,提出制造网格身份认证模型(MGAu),实现不同的上下文约束下采用不同安全强度的身份认证。制造网格身份认证机制也为制造业中的虚拟企业合作提供了一种新的身份认证解决方案。制造网格中采用三种证书格式,其中用户的证书有效期与动态组织的生命周期关联,解决了制造网格动态、分布环境中证书的有效期问题。详细介绍了制造网格中的用户、节点、证书的管理方式以及制造网格中用户、节点间的认证过程。制造网格的访问控制模型(MGAC)扩展了基于角色的访问控制模型(Role-based Access Control,RBAC),采用节点粗粒度、全局细粒度的访问控制策略,根据任务中需要的服务对应的执行组织机构及任务状态动态调整用户的可执行服务,最终在服务节点做出授权决策。全局细粒度的访问控制策略制定考虑了制造网格资源属性特征及基于服务层次关系的权限继承。节点粗粒度的访问控制策略基于节点和制造网格域的信任值的评估。采用两层角色管理分离了制造网洛业务角色和系统角色,提出了任务-角色模型解决动态制造网格环境中的业务角色管理问题。最后,对本文研究内容进行了开发和实现,并通过在上海大学制造网格试验床中典型应用实例的试验性应用,验证了制造网格安全系统实施的可行性,获得了很多有价值的经验,为制造网格进一步完善和推广实施奠定了坚实的基础。

【Abstract】 Based on the Networked Manufacturing (NM), with Open Grid Service Architecture (OGSA) as the system framework, and Globus Toolkit as the developing tools, some specifications as standard, Manufacturing Grid (MG) is the application of Grid technology in the manufacturing field to realize the resource sharing and collaborative working. However, for the MG, with the trend towards the application of business, the security is becoming more and more important. It is difficult for the MG to come into application because of doubt of security. Therefore, the reliable and extensive security architecture is significant for the MG, because it is the safeguard for the MG. Without the strong MG security architecture, it is impossible for the MG to come into business.While sharing is put emphasis on, the security is ignored in the early phase of the Internet. Nowdays, the Grid has encounted the same problem. The Grid Security Architecture has not been perfect enough to meet the reality. Moreover, the MG is more complicated than the computing Grid, so the Grid Security Architecture could not satisfy the MG’s requirement of security. Therefore, it is necessary for us to do some research work on the security of MG when we are developing the MG system.Based on Ontology, this dissertation proposed the Ontology based Manufacturing Grid Model for Security (OBMGMS) to abstract and synthesize the concept and the relationship in the field of MG security. In OBMGMS, it introduces the character of distributed organization composed by the unit and cell in MG. The unit is task-centered and the cell is the organization which provides the service.Resources are various with different characters and related with different operations. Therefore, they should be defined different security level. In the MG, the task can be decomposed to subtasks, one of which is responsible for by the only one cell. There are contexts related to the entities which reflect the dynamic character of MG. The OBMGMS provides the theory for the foundation of the MG security architecture and the realization of authentication and authorization in the MG.Based on the MG Architecture and OGSA, MG Security Architecture (MGSec) is proposed to meet the MG requirement according to the MG characteristic such as complicated organization structure, various manufacturing resource, long-term and large-scare involved cooperation. In the MGSec, there is Security Basic Infrastructure layer to realize the organization, certificate and policy management. With the help of this layer, it is easy to start the cooperation between the cells and it can reduce the cost of cooperation too. The layer of Global Security Service supports global authentication and authorization under the dynamic context. The Self-control Cell Layer realizes the local policy management, authorization and authentication between the cells and users. Users access the sharing service through the MGSec Portal.After doing researches in the status of dynamic organization, a context-restricted authentication mechanism is proposed. This authentication can also be applied in the any other virtual organization system. There are three certificate formats in the MG, one of which is the user’s short-term certificate. The validate time of the short-term user’s certificate is related with the lifetime of unit which can solve the problem caused by the dynamic characteristic of MG. The authentication process between cells and users is introduced.The Manufacturing Grid Access Control Model (MGAC) based on the Role-based Access Control (RBAC) adopts the global fine-degree and local coarse-degree authorization policy. The services which should be used in the task are enabled to use for the organization which is responsible for the task.The enabled property of the services should be adjusted when the status of tasks are transfer. The global fine-degree authorization policy considers the character of the resource type and service hiberarchy while the coarse-degree authorization policy is based on the trusts of the cells and unions. The system roles and business roles are managed apart, and the Task-Role Model is proposed to realize the management of the dynamic business roles.Finally, the Manufacturing Grid security system is developed and implemented. Its feasibility and rationality are validated by building up a test-bed of Shanghai University, and the experiences obtained from which are quite useful for further application.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 上海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 01期

