

The Research of Zeng Guofan and the Resurgence of Tongcheng School

【作者】 邰红红

【导师】 袁进;

【作者基本信息】 上海大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文以“曾国藩与桐城中兴”为题,对曾国藩的古文理论和创作进行总体考察,进而分析曾国藩在近代散文变革中所显示的特殊文学和文化意义,以及桐城中兴在古典文学与现代文学的转型中所产生的重要影响和意义。全文共分七部分:导论、结语和正文五章。导论部分叙述论文写作缘由、思路、目标和方法等,并对当前的研究现状进行综述。第一章论述桐城中兴发端的背景。首先对桐城派与湘乡派关系进行溯源。在表面上,曾国藩主张的骈散兼容、经济致用的文论、湘乡派阳刚雄肆的风格与桐城文学大异其趣。但二者在内在精神和体系上,是血脉相连的。从理论框架、核心概念以及范本等几个角度入手,论证桐城与湘乡之间的和而不同,流中有变,是本文立论的基础。接下来论述中兴产生的具体社会、文学和学术背景,对文学“场”进行解读。尤其是学术背景中汉宋合流、理学转向、经世致用思潮与古文的发展与变革息息相关。第二章论述曾国藩主动接续桐城文统的努力。曾国藩并非桐城嫡系,他在面临文化危机的时刻主动连接桐城派,是个主动而自觉的过程。对其这一时期的思想特点和产生背景、发展原因进行探讨。他早期受到桐城文学影响,同时受理学影响,也表现出自己的思考,但尚未成熟完善。从戎之后,体现出一种将桐城文学融入整个学术体系的用心,传达出一种文学观念的泛化,也体现出对桐城古文现实功利性的倡导。第三章论述曾国藩中兴时期的文学思想。与前期相比,这一时期他的古文理论臻于成熟。主要体现为对文道观念的质疑与新的探索和阐释,同时将汉学、经济渗透入文学,体现出对词章之学的深入理解和对文学本体的尊重。在探讨其古文框架发生新变的基础上,对其变化原因及意义进行分析。此外,在古文观念的传达方式上,其家书、书信等相对私人的方式与诗歌、散文等载体表现出较明显的差异。这种观念与桐城派内部自梅曾亮以来的传统相呼应,同时与近代王国维等人所提倡的审美思潮暗合,体现出一种发端于传统文学内部的近代文学观念的演进。第四章论述曾国藩影响下,湘乡派作家的崛起和中兴的具体成就。涉及曾国藩对桐城中兴的影响、湘乡派作家的创作与成就。湘乡派作家作出了以姚鼐、梅曾亮、曾国藩为正统和典范的选择,体现出对桐城内部文统的别择。整体上中兴呈现出不尽同于桐城古文的新变,表现在体裁的兴盛、内容的开拓、风格的张扬以及古文理念方面,是对曾国藩的继承和发展。第五章分析桐城中兴在近代散文变革中的意义。桐城中兴首先体现出对文学独立性的尊重,体现了古文观念的近代变革。另外实现了古文的实用功能,并扩大了古文的应用范围。同时,桐城中兴关于文学审美性与实用性的张扬,对近代文坛产生了巨大而深远的影响。最后是结语部分。对曾国藩的文学和文化地位以及桐城中兴所取得的成就和面临的困境加以反思。

【Abstract】 Starting with the topic of Tseng Guofan and the resurgence of Tongcheng School, the thesis makes an investigation on the prose theory and creation of Tseng and his fellows. And then an analysis has been made on his partticular significance in the literature and culture fields of modern times.The thesis is constituted of seven parts: introduction, epilogue, and five chapters in text.The introduction made a sumary on the current research, and discoursed the cause, train of thought, objection and the research methods as well.Chapter one disoursed the origin background of Tongcheng School.Tracing the relationship between Tongcheng School and Xiangxiang School was the first step of the research. Xiangxiang School seems to be distinct different in both theories and creation style from Tongcheng. Propsing compatibility of prose and parallel prose, useness-oriented, heroic-style, they were in touch with each other closely. Based on the difference and similarity from the theory framework and core concept, the research could continue prosperous. Then there was a discourse on the specific background of the society, literature and academy, unscrambling the "field" of literature. The confluence of the academy of Neo-Confucianism of Song and Ming dynasties, the changment in direction of Neo-Confucianism, the reality-oriented train of thought played a great pole in the development of literature.Chapter two discoursed Tseng’s endeavour during the connetion with Tongcheng School. Faced with curious cultural crisis, he took great trouble to get in touch with Tongcheng School, his theory in this period and the factors imposed on it should be investigated carefully. All of his theories were affected by Tongcheng School and Neo-Confucianism of Song and Ming dynasties, and he had some ideas as well, independent but not mature. After having joined in the army, he laid a great emphasis on integrating Tongcheng School into the whole academic system. It’s a generalization of the literature idea, indicating the realiy-orientied initiation of Tongcheng School.Chapter three discoursed Tseng’s literature idea during the Resurgence period. Compared to the prior period, his theory on prose proved to be more mature. He questioned the relationship between literature and Confucianism, united Sinology and reality-oriented idea into literature, and showed deep comprehension and respection to the literature. It was meaningful to make such an analysis on the reasons for the new changement on account of his whole theory framework.With regard to the ways of theory conveying, the private pattern in his home letters and diaries differed from which in his prose and poems. He laid great empfasis on the aesthetics of literature, echoing the literature tradition from Mei Zengliang and the aesthetics thought Wang Guowei advocated in future, demontrating the evolution of literature idea in modern times.Chapter four discoursed the development of Xiangxiang School and the achievements they had made with the influence of Tseng. Tseng had affected Tongcheng Resuigency deeply in many factors, such as the creation and definite achievement. Xiangxiang School took Yao Nai, Mei Zengliang, Tseng Guofan as their model, exempilying their clear-cut choice on the literature tradition. On the whole, Xiangxiang School carried on Tseng and differed from Tongcheng School in the variety of the types of literature, expantion in the content, and publicization on the aesthetic style, et.Chapter five discoursed the significance of Tongcheng Resurgence in the development of prose during modern times. Laying an emphasis on the independence of literature aesthetics, Tongcheng Resurgence demonstrated the changement on prose idea of modern times. Simutaneously, the resurgence affected the literature field of modern times deeply with the interigation of aesthetics and reality of literature.The epilogue summaries in Tseng’s status in literature and culture, and the achievements Tongcheng Resurgency had made. And then a reflecation was made on the predicament of the resurgency.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 上海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 02期
  • 【分类号】K827;I206.2
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】857
  • 攻读期成果

