

Personalization and Counteraction

【作者】 吕永林

【导师】 蔡翔;

【作者基本信息】 上海大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 本论文以1990年代小说中之部分“个人化写作”为主要研究对象,并在设定了某种新的文学史叙述之参照系的情况下,选取陈染和林白、朱文和韩东、棉棉和卫慧六位作家的作品作为具体切入点,以三个具有可互访性质的专题形式分别考察了这三对作家笔下人物之个人化的情态、动因、合理性、偏执性和贫弱性,从而从不同角度探讨了1980年代个人主义文学叙事之多种可能性在1990年代的阻塞或丧失问题,进而在基于文学叙事所特有的社会隐喻功能的基础上,从文学研究层面为我们对1990年代个人之个人化进行调整或反动提供一份微薄的学术性参考。考虑到任何问题皆是在一定的思想视界或知识架构中呈现其问题性的,在不同的视界或架构中,一个问题很可能会呈现完全不同的面相,因此在导言部分,本论文首先确立了一种能够自由出入于新旧种种版本的“人类故事”之间的总体性思想方式,并以此作为本论文所有讨论的方法论指导。本论文第一章对“潘晓讨论”、《WM(我们)》以及“共同体叙事之消隐”等文学史事件、现象或文学文本进行了再度考量,由此带出一种对1990年代的个人化写作进行研究的新的文学史参照。在第二章中,本论文通过仔细辨析,最终将1990年代的个人化写作界定为一种植根于个人的本位化和原子化及其相互增殖之上的写作,并从当代文学史、思想史、政治史、日常生活考察等多个角度分析了1990年代个人化写作在总体上趋向单调化、贫弱化的内外动因。在第三、四、五章中,本论文分别对陈染和林白、朱文和韩东、棉棉和卫慧这三对作家的某些作品进行了细部探究,深入挖掘了1990年代小说中的几种个人化生存模式各自所呈现出来的激进性、保守性和贫瘠性,在肯定“文革”后个人纵身于种种情欲和私人生活之合理性的同时,更揭示出其所付出的诸多代价,如个人的无限碎片化和孤立化、个人同世界的巨大断裂、个人重新进入或重构公共空间能力的严重不足、个人在面对种种现实秩序时的无能、个人的自我精神殖民或自我阉割,等等。在结语部分,本论文顺势指出当代“中间”类个人的主体强/弱双重性或多重性,及其对1990年代个人之个人化进行自我调整或自我反动的切身性与可能性,并进一步指出,对于我们重构公共空间或重新政治化的行动而言,弱者的反抗和强者的自新同样重要。

【Abstract】 When a new reference frame for the narration of literature history has been established, the thesis takes some of Individual Writing in 1990s as the main object of study, selects Chen Ran and Lin Bai, Zhu Wen and Han Dong, Mian Mian and Wei Hui’s works as the concrete penetrating point, inspects personalization of some novel characters on their modalities, causes, rationalities, biases and leanness by three special subjects that can take enter-access, thus discusses how various possibilities of 1980s’ Individualism Literature were blocked or lost in 1990s. Then based on the unique metaphor function of literature to society, the thesis provides a little academic reference to adjust or counteract 1990s’ personalization through the literature research.Considering any question will only presents itself in certain vision horizon or knowledge network, and a question can possibly present the completely different appearance in the different vision horizon or the knowledge network, therefore in the introduction part, the thesis establishes a kind of overall method at first which can be able to immerse and transcend freely all sorts of human stories new or old, and takes this overall method as methodological instruction for all discussions in the thesis.Chapter 1 reinspects and reappraises "Pan Xiao discussion", "WM (We)" as well as "the blanking of the community narration", thereout carries over a new kind of reference for literary history to research into 1990s’ Individual Writing.In chapter 2, through the careful discrimination, the thesis defines 1990s’ Individual Writing as the writing that is rooted in individual standard and separativeness and their multipling mutually. And explores external and intrinsic causes for 1990s’ Individual Writing as a whole to be monotonous and poor, through inspecting contemporary history of literature, thoughts, politics, daily life, and so on.In chapter 3, 4, 5, the thesis researches in detail on Chen Ran and Lin Bai, Zhu Wen and Han Dong, Mian Mian and Wei Hui’s works, discusses deeply the radicalness, the conservatism and the fruitlessness that personal survival patterns present. While affirming rationalities for individuals devoting into lust and private life after "Great Cultural Revolution", the thesis reveals varieties of costs the individuals pay, such as their infinite break and isolation from the world, their serious insufficiency to entering or reconstructing public space, their inability in face of all sorts of social orders, their self-colonization or self-castration in spirit, and so on,In the conclusion part, the thesis points out the duality or the multiplicity of the "middle figures" who place oneself between the strong and the weak, the vitalness and the possibility for the "middle figures" to take self-adjustment or self-counteraction, and further points out that the rebellion of the weak and the regeneration of the strong are equally important for us when reconstruct public space or construct new politicalization.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 上海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 02期

