

Study on Urban Building Land Potential in Land Market in China

【作者】 刘琼

【导师】 欧名豪;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 土地资源管理, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 随着我国工业化、城镇化进程不断向纵深推进,用以承载非农产业活动的城市土地保持着快速增长的势头。同时,因城市土地急剧扩张而导致的粮食安全、环境保护及失地农民保障等问题也日益突显。城市土地内涵挖潜、集约利用的呼声日益高涨,并在决策层得到了积极的响应和部署,新一轮土地利用规划编制明确提出要盘活城市土地潜力。因此,需要对城市土地潜力开展系统研究,以推动城市土地利用从外延扩张走向内涵挖潜,提高集约利用水平。由于土地的粗放和集约利用归根到底是资源配置的问题,所以土地市场的运行机制和资源配置将是潜力研究的出发点和着眼点。因此,本研究将依据城市经济学的相关理论,通过分析一般城市土地市场运行机制,在明确界定城市土地潜力概念的基础上,研究我国特殊的市场结构下,城市土地价格的形成机制及其对城市土地规模和密度的配置,从而明确我国城市土地潜力的形成机制、提出定量测算方法,以期对土地利用总体规划中安排城市土地挖潜任务提供参考依据。论文首先通过文献综述,揭示了经济学中关于城市土地的基础理论研究和国内对城市土地潜力研究的历史与现状,认为我国城市土地潜力研究的不足主要表现在理论研究薄弱,明确了未来研究的方向和目标。同时,介绍了发达国家和地区在城市土地潜力开发中的实践经验,并将其与我国的实践进行对比。由此认为城市土地市场运行机制是城市土地潜力研究的起点。接下来,论文对一般城市土地市场的资源配置进行了分析,通过引入单一中心城市假设,分别分析了城市经济静态模型和动态模型中的城市地租和地价内涵,从而明确了城市土地规模和密度变化的规律,将其作为界定城市土地潜力概念的标准。在动态模型中,城市边界点的条件是城市地租等于农业地租和资本租金之和、城市土地密度曲线由于城市土地再开发而比静态模型中的更为复杂。同时,文章对我国城市土地市场产权基础的特殊性进行了分析,明晰了三大交易主体,其中地方政府是城市土地市场的核心参与者;划分出三个市场层次,分析了各市场层次上现存的多种交易方式及其市场化程度。因此,相对于一般城市土地市场而言,我国城市土地市场结构具有明显的二元性,其资源配置方案可能与一般城市土地市场存在明显区别,这就构成我国城市土地潜力形成的背景。据此,文章以完全竞争条件下的城市土地市场规模和密度为标准,对城市土地潜力的概念进行了界定,并将其划分为城市土地规模潜力和城市土地密度潜力两种类型。根据以上分析,论文首先对我国城市土地规模潜力的形成机制和测算方法进行了分析。首先将基于地租的城市边界确定模型修改为基于地价的模型,即城市土地价格曲线和农用地转用成本线的交点决定城市边界;其次在我国城市土地市场上选择土地征用市场和二三级市场作为决定城市边界的市场层次,并对其现行价格进行了分析,认为土地征用市场的交易价格——土地征用费严重低于合理值,二三级市场由于一级市场的价格传导作用,交易价格偏高,从而绘制出相应的价格曲线;在此基础上可以得到,我国城市土地边界将超过完全竞争条件下的合理值,过度扩张的这部分土地属于城市土地规模扩张的范畴,这就构成了城市土地规模潜力的来源;然后,论文回顾近年来我国城市土地规模变化轨迹,对上述结论进行了验证。根据规模潜力形成机制的分析,论文采用“柯布—道格拉斯”生产函数,在GDP、固定资产投资存量、城市土地扩张量之外,引入“土地市场价格吻合程度”这一变量,作为定量测算城市土地规模潜力的方法。然后,论文对我国城市土地密度潜力的形成机制和测算方法进行了分析。论文选择土地征购市场和一级市场作为决定城市土地密度的市场层次,并对其现行价格进行了分析,认为土地收购市场的交易价格——土地收购补偿费严重低于合理值,一级市场上工业用地价格低于合理值,而住宅、商服用地的价格包含垄断利润,高于合理值,从而绘制出相应的价格曲线;根据以上价格曲线,可以得到工业用地开发密度偏低、住宅和商服用地开发密度偏高、城市内部的土地再开发规模将超过合理值,城市土地密度潜力将提前形成的结论,从而明确了城市土地密度潜力的形成机制;然后论文通过回顾近年来我国城市土地密度变化轨迹,对以上结论进行了验证;最后采用成本收益法,提出了针对微观地块的城市土地密度潜力判定方法。在理论分析之后,论文以江苏省南通市为例,分析其土地市场交易情况,对其城市土地规模潜力进行了测算,结果表明在经济社会快速发展的同时,南通市新增城镇建设用地中有相当部分是过度扩张的,城市土地规模潜力十分可观;此外,论文选择了江苏省昆山市,通过大样本调查,对1412家工业企业的用地密度进行了评价,结果表明昆山工业企业用地密度整体处于较低水平,工业企业用地密度的区域差异与工业发展水平的区域差异不符。通过理论分析和实证研究,论文提出以下基本结论:(1)土地产权制度的特殊性是我国城市土地市场结构特殊性的根源;(2)地方政府的直接参与及利益追求所导致的土地价格扭曲及土地资源配置的差异是我国城市土地潜力形成的根源;(3)我国城市土地规模扩张中有相当部分是过度扩张的,城市土地规模潜力十分丰富;(4)现有的城市土地密度潜力中有一部分潜力是虚假潜力。基于以上结论,论文提出以下政策建议:通过产权改革,强化集体土地所有权地位、保护城市土地使用权是从根本上促进城市土地市场化程度提高的出路;在产权改革短期内难以完成的情况下,应该对地方政府行为进行规范,比如限定征用权行使范围和土地使用权收回范围并提高补偿标准、严格划拨用地范围、推行工业用地招拍挂;创新中央政府对地方政府的约束手段,如实行绿色“GDP”考核、改革财税体制、改革土地出让金制度等经济手段来提高对地方政府的监管效果。

【Abstract】 With the development of industrialization and urbanization, the urban building land use, which supports non-agricultural industry activity, keeps a trend of rapid increase in recent years. Meanwhile, some consequent problems due to urban building land expansion become more seriously, such as food security, environment protection and lost-land farmers. Demand of potential exploitation and intensive use of urban building land seems quite urgently. Further more, it is actively responded and deployed by policy makers, the new-round land use planning points clearly the requirement of exploiting urban building land potential. Therefore, it is urgently needed to launch a systematic research on urban building land potential so as to enhance land intensive use and realize the transition from outside expansion to inner potential exploitation.As a matter of fact, resource allocation is the essential problem of both extensive land use and intensive land use, so that the operation system and resource allocation of land market can be regarded as the starting point for potential research. According to relevant theory of urban economics, this paper, based on the analysis of mechanism of general urban building land market, definite of urban building land potential and analyzes the formation mechanism of land price as well as its allocation on urban building land scale and density under special market structure in China. Then it specifies the formation mechanism and quantitative measurement methods of urban building land potential, in order to offer a reference for urban building land exploitation in the general land use planning.Firstly, this paper reveals basic theory research of economics of urban building land, presents the process and current advance of urban building land potential research based on literature review. It suggests that the shortcoming of the research of urban building land potential lies in theories, and clarifies the purpose of which research should achieve. Otherwise, the practical experience of urban building land development in developed countries and areas are introduced, which are compared with China. So, mechanism of urban building land market is thought to be the starting point of the research of urban building land potential.Secondly, allocation of land resources of general urban building land market is analyzed. By the hypothesis of polycentric cities, this paper separately analyzes the connotation of land rent and land price in urban economics static model and urban economics dynamic model and the change of urban land scale and density that become the standard of urban building land potential. In urban economics dynamic model, the rent of urban boundary is composed of agricultural land rent and the rent in capital of urban building land development from farmland. Due to urban building land redevelopment, urban building land density curve in dynamic model is more complex than that in static model. At the same time, this paper analyzes the specialty of the property base of urban building land market and clarities three transaction participants, the core participator of which is local government. It also classifies urban building land market to three levels, analyzes the market degree of many transaction methods, and defines urban building land market structure in China duality structure. So there are possibly a lot of difference about the allocation of land resources between urban building land market structure in China and the general urban building land market, which become the background of urban building land potential in China. So this paper defines urban building land potential based on the scale and density standard of urban building land market in condition of complete competition, and classifies it to urban building land scale potential and urban building land density potential.According to the analysis above, this paper analyzes the formation mechanism and quantitative measurement methods of urban building land scale potential. At first, it modifies decision model of urban boundary based on rent to land price, namely urban boundary is decided by the point of intersection of urban land price curve and farmland use-right transfer cost line. Secondly, it choice the requisition market and second-level and third-level urban building land market whose price decides the urban boundary. It is thought that the transaction price of the requisition market is much lower than reasonable price, and in second-level and third-level market, transaction price is higher for the effect of transmit. So the actual urban boundary will exceed the reasonable level, which overexpansion land belong to urban building land scale expansion. Next, it looks back the changes of urban building land scale in China in late years, validates the conclusions above. According to the analysis of potential formation mechanism, it uses Cobb-Douglas production function as the ration evaluation method of urban building land scale potential based on adding the variable of land market price inosculation degree to GDP, capital assets investment stock, and expansion area of urban building land.Then, this paper also analyzes the formation mechanism and quantitative measurement methods of urban building land density potential. It choice the initial market and land Purchase in urban building land market whose price decides the urban land density. It is thought that the transaction price of land Purchase in urban building land market is much lower than reasonable price, and the price of industry land in initial market is lower while residential land and commence land are higher as they contain monopoly profit. Accounting to their price curve, it concludes that the development density of industry land will low and the density of land for residential and commence will on the high side, and for the lower compulsory purchase market price and higher initial market price, the redevelopment scale of urban building land and the density potential of urban building land will both exceed their reasonable values. Next, it looks back the changes of urban building land density in China in late years, validates the conclusions above, and puts forward determinant method of urban building land density potential evaluation to microcosmic parcel by cost-benefit method.After theoretic analyzing, this paper takes Nantong city of Jiangsu province as a case study, analyzes the transaction of land market and evaluates its urban building land scale potential. Furthermore, it takes Kunshan city of Jiangsu province as a case study, evaluates the density of land for industry and enterprise by large sample investigating.According to theoretical analysis and case study, conclusions come out as follows: firstly, the specificity of land property right system results in distinct duality structure in urban building land market in our country; Secondly, the direct participation of local government and its profit pursuit is the origin of price distortion in urban building land market, which leads to the specificity in allocation of urban building land in our country; Thirdly, due to the overexpansion of urban building land expansion, there is much scale potential presently. Finally, much of the density potential of present urban building land is false essentially. Based on the above conclusions, some policies and suggestions have been put forward as follows: firstly, through reform of property right, the market degree of urban building land can be dramatically increased by enforcing the status of collective land ownership and protecting urban building land use right; Then, the local government behavior should be normalized if the reform of property right can not be accomplished in a short period, some measures can be adopted : limiting the enforcement of land requisition right, taking back land use right, raising standard of compensation, controlling scope of allocated land use and implementing selling methods of bidding、auction and shingle about industry land; Eventually, restrained means enforced by central government to local government must be innovative, for example, some economic means can be used to improve the supervision effect to local government such as: the evaluation of green GDP, reform of financial and tax system as well as system of land transferring fee etc.


