

Research on the Setup and Management of Chinese Super-bookstore

【作者】 李松

【导师】 方卿;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 出版发行学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 书业大卖场即出版物大卖场,是指经营场所建筑面积超过6000平方米,店面展陈的出版物品种不低于20万种的综合性零售书店。书业大卖场作为我国图书零售业近年来出现的一种新现象,表现出了巨大的生命力,并对我国出版产业链的发展产生了重大的影响。然而,尽管关于书业大卖场的理论研究随着书业大卖场的迅猛发展表现得比较活跃,但仍不够深入。书业大卖场在图书零售业中扮演的中坚作用及其对出版产业链产生的重大影响又客观上要求关于书业大卖场的理论研究必须加速。因此,本文拟在现有关于书业大卖场理论研究综述的基础上,采取理论联系实际的方法、定性描述与定量分析相结合的方法、同一性与差异性相结合的方法、文献研读与个案研究相结合的方法,将实践中真实的、典型的书业大卖场研究案例引入到全文的论述中来,以弥补书业零售理论研究的不足、书业大卖场理论研究的不足、书业大卖场微观业务环节理论研究的不足、书业大卖场研究数据依据不足和研究理论代表性的不足等,以期在经济学和商业零售理论体系的框架体系中,形成关于书业大卖场的组建与运营管理课题方面比较系统、比较完整的研究理论体系。本文的“绪论”部分对现有的书业卖场研究理论,从书业大卖场的市场调研与分析、卖场图书分类法、采购管理、零售管理、管理信息系统、物流管理、人力资源管理、财务管理和宣传促销等业务环节作了一个全面的综述,以肯定成果、发现不足,为全文的论述打好基础。本文的第2章是讲解“书业大卖场在出版产业链中的作用和地位”。因为书业大卖场特殊的价值实现和价值增值功能、销售服务与阅读服务功能、信息搜集和信息反馈功能、竞争促进与服务提升功能、行业生存与业态进化功能及其和谐产业链的功能,使得书业大卖场在图书出版产业链中占据了独特的地位。也正因此,本文的研究才显得更有意义。本文的第3章“中国书业大卖场组建研究”和第4章“中国书业大卖场主营业务研究”分别讲解了书业大卖场组建时要注意的几大问题和书业大卖场在运营过程中的两大主营业务。其中,书业大卖场组建时要完成的任务有:图书市场调查和市场预测、书业大卖场图书分类法的研究与制订、管理信息系统及信息标准化研究、量化考核制度的推行等;书业大卖场的核心主营业务即是指图书的采购和图书的销售,亦即如何做好供应链管理工作和日常的采购工作、如何组织好店面的零售工作与后台的团购工作问题,也即是最终解决如何“采进来”和如何“销出去”的问题。本文的第5章和第6章主要是讲述在书业大卖场的运营管理过程中,能使企业处于优势竞争地位的两大问题,一是书业大卖场的客户关系管理问题,二是书业大卖场的营销管理问题。其中,利用ERP系统可以对书业大卖场的供应商、消费者、竞争性企业、内部员工等进行有效的维护和管理;从产品策略、价格策略、渠道策略和促销策略四个方面同样可以完善书业大卖场的整合营销传播工作。从某种意义上讲,本文的第7章“中国书业大卖场运营管理模式研究”是全文结论部分,也是对书业大卖场未来形态的一种预测。通过对我国书业大卖场竞争优势、劣势、机会和风险的分析,辅以与一般商业零售业的比较,依据不同区域和不同的市场条件,模拟出了地理位置优越、物业成本较高的“精品式的文化主题商场”和交通较为便利、物业成本较低的“仓储式的文化MALL”两种书业大卖场商业模式解决方案。也希望以这样大胆的假设来为书业大卖场的研究抛砖引玉,将书业大卖场的理论研究推上一个新的台阶。

【Abstract】 A super-bookstore, or a super-publication store, is a multi-category publication retailing bookstore that owns no less than 6000 square meters business area and no less than 200,000 titles of publications. The super-bookstore grows very well in China even as it’s a brand-new model in Chinese book retailing market, and influences the Chinese publishing industry chain deeply.But, the research on super-bookstore is still at a relative low level although the sharp improvement of super-bookstore has made the research works more positive than it was. And the academic research has been accelerated because the super-bookstore has acted a more and more important role in the book retailing market and even in the whole publishing industry chain. To consummate the theory of book retailing, the theory of super-bookstore and the theory of the detailed book retail behavior, to enrich the basic data of the book retailing market, to make the theories more practical than it was, and to work out a relative integrated and systemic theory of super-bookstore under normal business and economic environment, this article will discuss this issue base on some real, typically cases in China by using the researching methods of case study, data analysis, difference compare, classic theory research, etc.The introduction chapter summarizes the views, opinions and theories about the investigation and analysis of super-bookstore market, about the book category in bookstore, about the management of stock, retailing, enterprise resource plan, logistics, human resources, accounting and promotion in super-bookstores. Undoubtedly, this chapter is the base of discussion of the whole thesis.The second chapter is focus on the issue of the function and position of the super-bookstore in the publishing industry chain. The super-bookstore positioned specially among the publishing industry chain because of its function of value-realization and value-increasing, sales service and reading service, information collection and information feedback, competition prompting and service promotion, industry surviving and evolution, and even balancing the whole publishing industry chain. The special functions and unique position of super-bookstore make the discussion in this article meaningful.The chapter 3 and chapter 4 will pay more attention to how to set up a brand-new super-bookstore and how to arrange it. In one hand, the investigating and foretelling of publishing market, the researching and decision on the book category of super-bookstore, the researching on the information system and information standard, the application of data-based management skills are the key problems that should be solved before the super-bookstore has been set up. In the other hand, how to make the book stock efficient and how to sale the stock efficiently is the key to well arranging the set super-bookstore.The chapter 5 focuses on how to well manage the customer relationship, including the suppliers, consumers, competitors and its own crew, in the super-bookstore. And the chapter 6 mainly discusses how to well market the super-bookstore by the tools of product strategy, price strategy, place strategy and promotion strategy.In some sense, the chapter 7, the business models of China super-bookstores, is the conclusion of the whole thesis, and is also a foretelling of the future of China super-bookstore. Based on the analysis of strength, weakness, opportunity and threaten, compared with the normal merchandise retailing, and according to different business conditions, two business models of China super-bookstore were simulated. One is well positioned and costly Culture Emporium, and the other is convenient and less cost Cultural Shopping Mall. Hope the assumption of the business models will be the clue to guide my peers to find the truth in prospering China super-bookstores.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 01期

