

The Negative Psychological and Physiological Effects of Media Violence Information among College Students of Different Real Life Violence Exposure

【作者】 王渭玲

【导师】 苗丹民;

【作者基本信息】 第四军医大学 , 应用心理学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 大众媒体与家庭、学校和同龄群体的影响一样,已经成为影响个体社会化进程中的重要因素。青少年是各种媒体的重要消费者,电影、电视和网络中的暴力节目直接影响到青少年的暴力行为、敌意的认知和负性情绪情感等。大众媒体对于青少年的社会化过程以及生理和心理的影响一直受到社会各界的关注,大众媒体的发展特点决定了媒体对青少年的影响已不再是某一个国家的问题,而是一个世界各国普遍存在的问题。本研究的目的是在准实验室的情境下,研究媒体与现实生活中的暴力对大学生敌意的认知、对待暴力和不良健康行为的态度(如吸烟、喝酒等)、竞争行为、负性情感和生理上唤醒程度的影响。根据被试在家庭和社区生活中所接触到的暴力量的不同,在实验室随机安排被试去看两个暴力程度不同的网络游戏视频中的一个,以观察对被试的影响程度。本研究的主要研究内容和步骤:A.选取西安交通大学理工类专业05级和06级大学生对家庭、社区和媒体多个情境中所接触的暴力进行测查。对每一个情境中接触暴力的可能影响进行检测;媒体暴力对于在生活中接受了更多暴力的青少年是否有更大的影响;暴力接触量的多少是否与不良的健康行为有关;暴力接触量的多少与不良的认知行为之间是否存在可能的中介因素。B.按照大学生在家庭和社区所接触的暴力量的不同,把参加研究的学生分成三组:高暴力量接触组、中等暴力量接触组和低暴力量接触组。C.在中等暴力量接触组抽取16名学生进行预试验,采用平衡法顺序在实验室随机让他们观看攻击内容不同的两个网络游戏视频(反恐精英:坏孩子和跑跑卡丁车:海盗追皮蛋),检测血压和脉搏的变化情况,然后对所观看的网络游戏视频的特点进行评估(如游戏的趣味性、兴奋性、内容和画面是否暴力等)。D.在高暴力量接触组、中等暴力量接触组和低暴力量接触组抽取128名男性学生,在实验室进行准实验研究,把暴力接触量相同组别并且暴力量相同或相近的被试配成一对随机选择观看攻击内容不同的网络游戏视频中的一个(反恐精英:坏孩子和跑跑卡丁车:海盗追皮蛋),并检测血压和脉搏的变化。E.观看完网络游戏视频后,通过测验了解被试的情绪、以及对不良健康行为和暴力的态度。F.通过两个模糊的社会情境,测查被试的敌意认知偏见。G.通过社会困境游戏,测查被试的攻击性。H.用7点量表评估网络游戏视频的特点。本研究的主要研究成果:A.大学生在生活中接触的暴力量中,社区暴力接触量大于家庭暴力接触量,间接暴力大于直接暴力。B.家庭人口越多、父母亲的文化水平越低、来源地越不发达、家庭子女越多,在生活中所接触的暴力量越多;结交的朋友当中不良行为的朋友越多,其社区暴力接触量就越大;男性更多地与社区暴力和暴力接触总量相联系。C.家庭人口越多、来源地越不发达、家庭子女越多,越容易出现负性情绪;父母亲的文化水平越低、与有不良行为的朋友交往越多,更容易出现有害健康的行为;玩游戏的经验越丰富,对评价具有高暴力内容和画面的游戏时其程度越低。D.随机观看暴力游戏视频的被试比随机观看非暴力游戏视频的被试在实验结束后表现出更多的生气和负性情绪,对社会信息的处理更加的敌意、对暴力和其它不良健康行为(如喝酒、抽烟等)持更加消极的态度、有更多的竞争性行为。E.生活中接触的暴力越多,观看游戏后对暴力和不良健康的行为持更加消极的态度;在社区接触的暴力越多,有更多的负性情绪;在家庭接触的暴力越多,对社会信息的处理更加的敌意、有更多的竞争性行为。在生活中接触的暴力和对不良健康行为的消极态度均与不良行为同辈的交往有关。F.生活中的暴力接触与媒体暴力的实验室条件在脉搏、敌意的信息加工和对不良健康行为的消极态度上存在交互作用。观看暴力游戏视频的被试脉搏从静息期到观看游戏后的变化量、敌意信息的加工、对不良健康行为的消极态度对于在生活中接触了高暴力的人群作用更加的显著。

【Abstract】 The effects of media, similar to those of home, school and peer groups, have become an important factor affecting the socialization of individuals. As the major consumers of various forms of media, adolescents are directly affected by violent programs in film, television and internet. The influence is associated with their violent behavior, hostile cognition and negative emotion and affects, etc. The effects of media on adolescents’socialization, physiology and psychology have always been the concern of various social groups; and the development of media has determined that its effects on adolescents have become a universal problem not confined to a particular country.This research, under the condition of quasi-experiment, aimed to investigate the effects of violence in media and real life on college students’hostile aggression, attitudes towards violence and harmful health behavior (eg. smoking, alcohol use etc.), competitive behavior, negative affects and physiological arousal. Parallel to the fact that individuals are exposed to different levels of home and community violence, participants were randomly assigned to watch one of the two video games with different degrees of violence in order to test their effects for participants.Major contents and steps of the researchA. Some science and engineering students among the freshmen and sophomores of Xi’an Jiaotong University were randomly chosen, and their exposure to home, community and media violence was examined respectively. The potential effects of violence exposure were tested under each condition: did media violence pose greater influence on adolescents exposed to more violence in real life? Was the quantity of violence exposure associated with harmful health behaviors? Were there any mediating factors between the quantity of violence exposure and negative cognitive behaviors?B. The participating students were divided into three groups based on the quantity of home and community violence exposure: the high-violence exposure group, the medium-violence exposure group, and the low-violence exposure group.C. 16 students from the medium-violence exposure group were chosen for a pre-experiment. They were asked to watch o the two video games that included different levels of violence. Then their blood pressure and heart rate were taken and recorded. And finally they were demanded to comment on the features (like their interest, excitement and whether there was violence in the content and image) of the video games.D. 128 male students from the high-violence exposure group, the medium-violence exposure group and the low-violence exposure group were chosen for the quasi-experiment. Pairs of males were matched on lifetime violence exposure group and randomly assigned to watch of one the video games (Counterstrike and Popcart) that included different levels of violence. And changes in their blood pressure and heart rates were tested.E. After watching the video games, the participants’emotion and attitudes towards violence and harmful health behaviors were examined.F. The hostile cognitive bias of the participants was tested through two confusing social conditions.G. The aggression of the participants was tested through social difficulty games.H. The 7-point scale was used to assess the features of the video games.The major findings of this research are:A. Among college students, community violence exposure is higher than home violence exposure and indirect violence exposure than direct.B. The greater is the number of family members, the lower is the level of parental education, and the more under-developed is the original place, the more violence the students are exposed to in real life. Likewise, the more friends with bad behaviors, the more community violence they are exposed to. More male students are associated with community violence.C. The greater is the number of family members, the more under-developed is the original place, and the more children the family has, the more likely are the students to show negative emotions. Meanwhile, the lower is the level of parental education and the more friends with bad behaviors, the more likely are the students to show harmful health behaviors. Besides, the richer is the students’experience in playing video games, the lower is the level of violence reflected by them.D. Compared with participants exposed to non-violent video games, those exposed to violent games are more likely to show anger, negative emotions, hostility in social information processing, negative attitudes towards violence and other harmful health behaviors (eg. smoking and drinking), and more competitive behaviors.E. The more is home and community violence exposure, the more likely are the participants to show negative attitudes towards violence and harmful health behaviors; more community violence is associated with more negation emotions; and more home violence is associated with more hostility in social information processing and competitive behaviors. Besides, the negative attitudes towards harmful health behaviors are also associated with peer association.F. Violence in real life and media violence, under laboratory conditions, interact with each other in their effects on the participants’heart rate, hostile information processing, and negative attitudes towards harmful health behaviors. Changes in heart rates (from at rest to after watching violent games), hostile importation processing, and negative attitudes towards harmful health behaviors are more significant in those belonging to the high-violence exposure group.


