

The Standard of Educational Technology Capability in Militray Academies Teacher

【作者】 陈云虹

【导师】 苏博; 谢百治;

【作者基本信息】 第四军医大学 , 社会医学与卫生事业管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 高校的教育现代化建设正以惊人的速度大步迈进。开展教育现代化不仅需要信息化的教学设施、教学资源,还应有具备教育技术素养的教师,教育现代化才有根本保证。尽管教育部制定颁布了许多相关文件与办法进行教育技术的能力培养和培训,来提高高校教师教育技术能力,众多的专家、学者对高校教师的教育技术能力、信息技术素养等问题都有一定的诠释和分析,而且目前各类教师信息技术培训、信息技术与课程整合的培训非常多,但是这些培训也尚没有统一的标准可以参照。至今为止,国家也尚未出台高校教师教育技术能力标准,使得我国高校教师的教育技术能力要求无章可循。军队院校作为国家教育系统的一个重要组成部分。军校教师承担教书育人、为部队培养人才,提高军队素质的重要使命。制定军校教师教育技术能力标准,既是我们确保培养出新型的军事人才,又为地方高校教师教育技术能力标准的出台趟石铺路。欧美、日本等西方发达国家对于教师教育技术能力、信息素养能力等标准的研究均起步较早,研究国外有关教师教育技术培训、教育技术能力认证的有益经验,对我国教师教育技术能力标准的制定有很大的借鉴价值。1、各国都将教育技术能力或信息技术能力作为教师资格评价的重要指标,而且在标准的制定和实施过程中配备有大量优秀的案例。特别是美国的国家教师教育技术标准,还提供了教师教育技术培训实施的方案计划。2、重视树立教师在日常教学活动中自觉地利用信息技术的意识,如瑞典。3、各国都强调信息技术与课程的整合是教师教育技术能力的重要组成部分。我国对于教育技术标准的研究虽然起步较晚,但全国教师教育信息化专家委员会从成立之日起就向教育部师范司提出建议——应尽快制定我国的《中小学教师教育技术能力标准》。该标准已于2004年12月颁布实施。众多学者的研究成果虽然出发点不同,分析的角度不同,但提出的教师应具备的教育技术素质或能力内容有众多相同之处。1、大多数研究都认为,教师对于教育技术的态度和意识,直接影响教师在教育教学过程中使用技术的程度与效果。因此在维度的划分上都对教育技术的态度和意识首先做出了要求。2、对比中小学教师教育技术能力要求而言,在对高校教师教育技术素养或能力要求的研究中,更加强调对高校教师的教学研究能力的要求。3、对于技术技能的要求无论是中小学教师还是高校教师都是必备的要求。4、国内的研究都不仅仅停留在对于教师教育技术素养和能力的规定和要求上,参照要求对教师教育技术能力的培训提出统一的行动标准和考核标准。因此我们的研究也应该进一步深入。我们对于已有的先进的经验,除了继承和借鉴,更重要的是创新和发展,结合国情和军情的特点,在我们的标准中必须得到体现。我们的研究中最大的创新点就是要联系军校教师的特殊角色,瞄准未来信息化战争的迫切要求,提出对军校教师的教育技术能力要求。信息时代,教育观念、教育方式、教育内容、教育对象均发生了相应的变化,教师必须积极调整思想观念,认同和适应教育信息化。信息化教学环境下,对教师扮演的角色以及应具备的能力结构提出了新的要求。但相比中小学教师而言,高校教师的教育技术能力标准要求存在以下困难:高校教师重科研轻教学;缺乏系统的教育学理论知识;分布的学科门类庞杂等。但同时,高校教师相比中小学教师教育技术能力的提高又有一定的优势:高校教师是智力高度密集行业,人员的平均学历高、学识深;高校教师队伍的专业化和职业化都要求高校教师不断提高综合素质,具有完善的智能结构。借鉴英国心理学家弗农发展了斯皮尔曼提出的“层次结构理论”,采用分层架构模式划分信息时代的高校教师教育技术能力为五个层次。最底层是态度和意识:包括对教育技术重要性的认识;对教育技术在教学中作用的正确认识以及关注现代教育技术理论与学科教学活动的结合。第二层是对教育技术基本理论和基础知识的掌握。包括掌握教与学的基本理论,教学设计、媒体技术的基本理论以及信息技术的基本知识等。第三层是具备教育技术应用的能力,包括应用教育技术手段管理学生的学习活动,信息技术与学科教学的有效整合等。第四层是对教师创新能力的要求。包括教学辅助软件的设计和开发,信息化教学环境下教学模式的探索等。最高层是信息社会的责任感要求。包括教学的交流与协作,教学资源应用的安全性与保密性意识等。层与层之间存在一定的关系,上一层必须以下一层为基础。一般地,我们应该先掌握下一层的能力再掌握上一层的能力,但又不能只停留在下一层。上一层能力的掌握又让我们反过来审视下一层的能力的重要性。一个具备优秀教育技术能力的教师各个层次的能力应该是比较均衡的,并且这些能力不应该是独立,它们应该能组合在一起发挥出整体性的作用。军队院校转型后,军事任职教育更强调理论与实践的结合,强调技术人才的动手能力。因此我们必须将当今军队院校教育改革和发展的方向,作为我们制定和研究标准的参考和借鉴。军校教师的一个关键特征就是必须具备信息化战争的意识,要“姓军为军”,并将这种意识融入教学实践,为未来战争培养高素质信息化军事人才。因此在高校教师教育技术能力结构框架的基础上,结合对军校教师特殊性的分析,在高校教师教育技术能力结构框架中加入信息化战争意识能力这个新的层次。图军校教师教育技术能力层次结构按照对高校教师教育技术能力结构的分析,我们设计了一个问卷调查,了解军、地高校教师教育技术能力现状,调查表从五个维度进行划分,主要内容包括:(1)教育技术的态度和意识(2)教育技术理论与技术的掌握(3)教育技术理论与技术的应用(4)教育技术理论与技术的创新(5)信息社会的责任感。共发出问卷XX份,收回有效问卷XX份,对于问卷中的问题,我们分几类进行分析、归类,并按照科学性、全面性、实用性、发展性、实践性、统一性、军事性的原则,对不同教师群体教育技术能力的要求体现不同的特征,在对军校教师教育技术能力标准的划分上我们对教师按照专业技术职称的对应关系划分了A、B级,对应高级专业技术人员提出A级标准,初、中级专业技术人员提出B级标准。借鉴美国国家教师教育技术标准以及我国颁发的中小学教师教育技术标准的“主标准项+指导项”体系结构形式。参照军校教师教育技术能力结构,以及我们对军、地高校教师教育技术能力现状的分析,将军校教师教育技术能力标准划分为六个维度,形成的初稿经40余名教育技术专家、机关领导、学科专家评议、修改,最终形成军校教师教育技术能力标准送审稿。内容包涵:1、教育技术的态度和意识——教师要明确教育技术能力是教师必备的专业能力之一;认识到教育技术在教学实践中的重要性与作用;具有了解教育技术概念的意愿;具有了解教育技术基本理论和掌握基本技能的积极性。2、信息化战争意识能力——军校教师的教育技术能力必须具有“含军量”和“含新量”,作为军校的教师必须熟悉信息化战争的性质、了解信息化装备;明确信息化军事人才的特征,清楚教育技术在培养信息化军事人才中的作用;具备军人特有的信息化战争的安全意识。3、教育技术基本理论和基本知识的掌握——了解教育技术的发展历史;理解教育技术基本概念的内涵和外延;了解教育技术学的理论基础;掌握教学设计的基本理论;熟悉信息技术的基本知识与技能;掌握信息技术与课程整合的基本理论;熟练掌握信息技术的相关技能。4、教育技术基本理论与技术在教学中的应用——教师要能够规划和设计教学活动;实践信息技术与学科教学的有效整合;选择恰当的技术,实施有效的教学来适应不同的学生,实现有效的分组和评价;运用技术手段分析教学结果,选择合理的教学策略。5、教育技术理论与技术的创新能力——结合自己的学科参与有关教育技术应用的课题研究,并能够参与学科教学课件的设计与开发;应用技术多角度创设教学环境,促进学生的知识与技能发展,培养学生高级思维能力。6、信息社会的责任感——了解教育技术相关法律、法规和知识产权规定;教学实践中注重并示范学生对教学资源合法、健康的使用;经常性与学生、家长、同事、教育技术专业人员进行交流与合作。能够在技术支持下开展自我学习,促进自身的专业发展。军校教师教育技术能力标准的研究推动了军事教育技术学科的发展,研究制定军校教育技术能力标准,形成一个指导性指标,结合标准的研究,在今后进一步研究中,要制定军校教师教育技术培训大纲,提出培训目标、培训内容、培训模式,形成一套军校教师教育术培训方案专家评议表较多地征询了教育技术专家的意见,由于时间关系对于学科教师、教学管理干部的意见调查分析不够,因此,在标准的要求上可能存在局限性,还需要经过实践的推广试用。

【Abstract】 Educational modernization is developing at an amazing speed in University. Not only advanced teaching facilities and teaching resources,but also qualified teachers with higher teaching capacity will be needed in the development of education. Only in this way, Educational modernization can be guaranteed.The Ministry of Education has enacted many relevant rules and documents in order to improve the technical capacity of teacher in colleges and universities, and many experts and scholars gave certain interpretation and analysis on informational technology literacy and educational technology capacity of university or college teachers. Currently, there are many training of information technology and curriculum integration for the teacher, but these trainings cannot refer to a uniform standard. So far, the state has not yet issued educational technology capabilities standards for college Teacher. Therefore, requirements of educational technology capacity are unsystematic in our country’s college teachers.Military colleges and Universities, as an important component in the national education system, undertake education and training for the troops and foster the talent for the army in carrying its important mission. By establishing a educational technology capacity standards for Military Academy teacher, we can foster new military talents and promote education technology capacity standards issue for local colleges and universities of teacher.Studies about information literacy standards and the educational technology capacity of teacher were initiated very earlier in Europe and the United States, Japan and other developed countries. It will be of a great reference value on the educational technical capacity standards of China’s teacher to analysis the overseas precious experience.1.The capacity standards of educational technology or information technology has been a important indicators for evaluation of teachers in all countries, and a large number of outstanding teaching cases have been employed in the process of formulation and implementation of standards.2, Emphasize the conscious use of information technology in the day-to-day teaching activities of a teacher, such as in Sweden.3, It has been pay more attention to that the information technology and curriculum integration is an important component of the educational technology capacity in all countries.Although it is later to initiate the research on educational technology standards in our country, the Experts of the National Teacher Informational Education Committee made recommendations Education Teachers Secretary to the Ministry of Education to - should be enacted as soon as possible China’s "primary and secondary school teachers educational technology competency standards." from its establishment .Although many scholars have researched educational technology standards from different starting point and analyzed different perspectives, there are many elements in common about their view on the teacher’s capacity or the quality of educational technology.1, Most of researchers think that the teacher’s attitude and awareness to educational technology directly impact the degree and effect in the use of technology in the teaching process. Therefore, the educational technology attitudes and awareness are the first element.2, compared with educational technology standards in primary and secondary schools’teachers, the teaching research work is more emphasized to university teachers.3, The technical skill is essential requirements for both primary and secondary school teachers and college teachers.4, The national research should not stayed at the regulations and requirements of educational technology literacy and capacity, and present the training of technical capacity unified action and evaluation standards. Therefore, further study are also needed.We should not only inherit and learn from, but also innovate and develop advanced experience. Our standards must be reflected according to the national conditions and characteristics of military. In our research , the greatest innovation is to present educational technology standards requirements, to link the special role of teachers in military academies, to aim at the urgent request to the military academy of teacher competency in the future information warfare.In information era, education concepts, methods, the contents of education and education targets have been changed correspondingly. Teachers must be actively in adjusting the ideas and concepts, identifying with and adapting the development of informational education. In the Informational teaching environment, the role of teachers and the ability structure should have the new requirements.Compared with primary and secondary school teachers, educational technology capability standards of college teachers has the following difficulties : such as taking teaching work lightly and taking scientific research work heavily; lack of the education system theory and knowledge; wide distribution of disciplines. At the same time, compared with primary and secondary school teachers, it has a certain advantage in improving university teacher’s ability of educational technology, because they are a high degree of intelligence-intensive people with lot of educational background and academic knowledge. It is required to improve general quality and smart capability structure for professional and occupational college teachers.We Referenced the "hierarchy theory" of the psychologist, Vernon of the United Kingdom, who developed the theory of Shipierman, and set up five levels of teacher Educational technology capacity by using a layered architecture model. The bottom is the attitude and awareness: including the understanding of the importance of educational technology; the understanding of the role of educational technology in modern teaching, as well as concerns about the combination of academic theory and teaching activities.The second layer is the basic theory and knowledge of education technology. Including the basic teaching and learning theories, the basic theory of instructional design and media technology, as well as the basic IT knowledge.The third layer is the ability of educational technology applications, including of managing students learning activities by technical means, the effective integration of information technology and disciplines. The fourth layer is the teacher’s innovation capabilities. Including the design and development of software, exploration the teaching models in informational teaching environment.The top layer is the responsibility requirements of the information society. Including teaching communication, collaboration, the application safety and consciousness of teaching resources confidentialityContracting with layer and the layer, the under must be a basis of the topper. In general, we should have the capability to the under level, a basis ability, but we can not just stop at the lower one. The topper capacity let us to know the importance of under level in turn. Having a good educational technology capability at all levels should be more balanced, and these capabilities should not be independent, they should be able to perform a holistic function.After the restructuring of military academies and universities, military education has more emphasis on education by combining theory with practice, and more emphasis on manipulative ability. Therefore, we must establish and study the educational technology standard of military academies teachers according to the direction of educational reform and development.The awareness of information technology is a key character of Military university teachers. They are military teachers and educators for army. They must integrate this awareness into their teaching practices, foster the high-quality information technology military talents for the future war.Therefore, based on the structural framework of teacher educational technology capacity, combined with the analysis of teacher’s particularity in the military academy, we added the information warfare awareness in the framework as the new level. According to the analysis of frame structure of teacher educational technology capacity, we designed a survey to find out the status of military teachers and educational technology ability. The questionnaire included the following five aspects: (1) the attitude and awareness of Educational Technology (2) the mastery of Educational Technology theory and technology (3) the application of Educational Technology theory and technology (4) the innovation of Educational Technology Theory and Technology (5) the social responsibility of the information societyXX questionnaires were send out, reclamation valid questionnaires were XX. These valid questionnaires were analyzed and classified into several categories. In accordance with the principles of scientific, comprehensive, practical, developmental, uniform, and military, we suggested different requirements for different groups of teacher’s educational technology capability characteristics. The teachers were classified into A and B groups according to their professional and technical capacity, corresponding to senior professional and technical personnel Grade A standards, the early to mid-level professional and technical personnel Grade B standard.We studied the architecture of”main criteria +guideline”from standards of educational Technology in the United States and China’s primary and secondary schools teacher, referenced the military teacher’s educational technology capacity structure , and analysed the status of educational technology capability of university teachers. We can divided military educational technology competency standards into six dimensions. The first draft had been examined and revised by more than 40 educational technology experts. Eventually, the preliminary standards of military educational technology capability were made. It includes :1, The attitude and awareness of educational technology - teachers must have a clear recognition that the educational technology capacity is one of the professional capability of teachers required; that educational technology played the important role in the teaching practice. Teachers desired understanding the concept and basic theory of the Educational Technology. They want to master the basic skills of educational technology initiative.2, The information awareness - the military academy teachers must have the military and creative capacity of the educational technology. As a military academy teacher, they must be familiar with the characters of information warfare, master the information equipments, be clear with the characteristics of information in warfare talent training, understand the function of educational technology and have the unique safety awareness of information warfare.3, The mastery of basic theory and basic knowledge of Education Technology– Teachers should understand the development history of the educational technology; Understand the connotation and extension of basic concepts of educational technology; understand the theoretical basis of educational technology; master the basic theory of instructional design; be familiar with the basic knowledge and skills of IT ; master the basic theory of the integration of information technology and curriculum; master the skills related to information technology.4, The application of basic educational technology theories and techniques in the teaching practice- teachers should be able to plan and set up the teaching and learning activities, practice the effective integration of the information technology and curriculum; implement effective teaching to adapt different students by selecting the suitable methods, make effective group and evaluation, can analysis the teaching results and select teaching strategies by using the fit technical means.5, The innovation capacity of educational technology theory and technic - teachers should involve the educational technology research combining with their own disciplines, design and develop the teaching courseware, create the teaching environment from multi-angles, promote the development of student’s knowledge and skills, cultivate the high-level thinking abilities of students.6, The social responsibility of the information society- understand the laws, regulations, and intellectual property rights related to technology; teach and demonstrate the teaching resources in lawful and healthy use for students, communicate and cooperate with students, parents, colleagues and education technology professionals, and they can carry out them in the self-study, promote their own professional development by technical supporting.Military Academy teacher educational technology standards fill a blank of research in China and promote the disciplines of military educational technology development. By researching and drawing up educational technology capacity standards, we can form a guideline for standards research. In further studies, we should suggest the training objectives, training contents, training modes and form the training programs for the training of educational technology in military teachers.The standards were examined and revised by educational technology experts. Because of time-limiting, we have a little investigation and analysis from the professional teachers and managers. Although our standards may be limited and are still very rough, it is also necessary to apply in the practice .

  • 【分类号】G645.1;E251
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】1499
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