

The Interactive Model Construction of Higher Education and Regional Economy in North-West China

【作者】 张铭钟

【导师】 丁三青;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学 , 科技与教育管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 如何理解高等教育在经济社会发展中的职能,以及解释区域经济增长动力源,是国内外理论界一直在研究和探讨的问题。就目前研究进展来看,国内外研究者普遍认为高等教育对区域经济发展有驱动作用,并在高等教育与区域经济互动的共性理论基础和互动实践方面有了初步的研究和认同。但专门就落后的地区高等教育与区域经济互动问题展开系统深入的研究还是非常少见。论文选取位于我国落后地区的以资源型经济为特色的西北五省(区)高等教育与区域经济互动模式构建作为研究对象,采用理论研究与实证分析相结合的方法,以及定性分析与定量分析相结合的方法,从我国西北五省(区)的一般高等教育与社会经济特征出发,运用高等教育学、教育管理学、教育经济学、区域经济学、发展经济学等学科的理论和方法为研究基础,对我国西北五省(区)不同经济时期高等教育与区域经济发展进行评析,通过对我国西北五省(区)高等教育与区域经济进行全面的统计分析,并遵循高等教育与区域经济互动效率与效益统一的基本原则,利用主成分分析模型(PCA)对现阶段西北五省(区)高等教育与区域经济互动成效关系进行了实证分析,然后采用主成分分析模型计算得出高等教育与区域经济发展的相关系数为0.61,具有明显的正相关效应,从而在较大程度上支持了本文的理论模式。在全面、系统分析了影响西北五省(区)高等教育与区域经济互动的内外因素的基础上,构建了西北五省(区)高等教育与区域经济互动模式,以及对互动模式的发展策略进行了系统分析。首先,论文构建了一个促进高等教育与区域经济互动发展的多维互动模式组合,由四个模式组成,包括多主体合作办学互动模式、实验室和工程中心技术创新合作互动模式、大学科技园区产学研合作互动模式、区域产业群资源开发合作互动模式。其次,在互动模式构建的基础上,充分考虑到高等教育的特性和自身价值观、区域经济制度的协调性对互动模式成效的影响,论文从区域互动模式宏观发展的角度提出发展策略:互动模式运行组织及制度建设、互动模式运行机制和市场建设、互动模式实践的创新体系构建,促进区域形成持续竞争优势和后发优势,最终形成区域经济增长极,以推动区域经济社会又好又快地发展。最后,论文从中观、微观层面出发,提出建立一系列保障实现互动的具体发展策略,如深化高等教育职能的拓展发展区域文化及文化产业,完善有区域特色的高等教育体系,调整区域高等教育科学合理的布局及院校定位,构建区域高校人才培养模式及建设区域高校优势学科及专业。这些互动模式虽然具有普适性,但对于少数民族众多,以及教育、科技落后的资源型经济区域——西北五省(区)来说更具有发展潜力和提升空间。

【Abstract】 How to understand the functions of higher education, explained regional economic growth momentum is theoretical circles at home and abroad has been in research and examination. Determine the current general lack of higher education and regional economic interaction between the common theoretical foundation and interactive effectiveness, specifically on backward and underdeveloped areas of higher education and regional economic interaction issues system-depth study is still very rare.This thesis takes the Northwest China’s five provinces as the example, starting from the general socio-economic characteristics of the higher education, the theory and method of discipline of the higher education, education economics, economics, regional economics, development economics, etc. then applying the combining analysis methods the theoretical and empirical research, and the combination analysis method of qualitative analysis and quantitative to analyze comprehensively the statistics of the higher education and regional economic development of the five provinces in Northwest China, and studies empirically the interaction effect and the relationship between the impact factors of the higher education and regional economic by the Principal Component Analysis Model(PCA), the model validates the adaptability and contribution rates, to a greater extent, the conclusion support the theoretical model. On the base of comprehensively systematic analysis of the higher education and regional economic interaction factors of the five provinces in the northwest, the thesis constructs the interaction model of the higher education and regional economy and the running mechanism, and analyzes the developing tactics of the interaction model.Firstly, the thesis constructs four interaction model of the higher education and the regional economy in North-west China, i.e. the interaction model of laboratory and engineering center of technology innovation cooperation, the interaction model of industry cluster of resource development cooperation, the interaction model of national university technology district of enterprise, university and Research, the interaction model of running a school by Multi-body. On the basis of the interaction model of the higher education and the regional economy, the thesis forms the interaction organization, system, running mechanism, market system and innovation system of interaction model for the interaction model of the higher education and the regional economy. On the basis of the research, the thesis put up the developing strategies of interactive model for higher education and regional economy in North-west China, the developing strategies comes from the macro-aspect and the micro-aspect of higher education and regional economy interactive model. The macro-aspect includes the organization construction, system construction, mechanism construction, market system construction and innovation system construction; the micro-aspect includes the distributing of the regional higher school is adapt to the industry distribution of regional economy, the orientation of the regional colleges is unity to the service competence of regional economy, the higher education system is adapt to the regional economy development level, training mode of higher education talent is united with the need of the regional economy talent, the advantage subjects and majors of college is adapt to the regional characteristic industry, development of the function the higher education is adapt to the creation of regional culture and the culture industry. At last, the thesis puts forward a tridimensional and multi-lays interaction model of the higher education and economy, which are well service to the development of the resourceful region.

  • 【分类号】G649.2;F127;F224
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】2515
  • 攻读期成果

