

Study on Low Noise Wallclimbing Robot Based on Negative Pressure Suction

【作者】 吴善强

【导师】 孙立宁;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 机械电子工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 目前国内安全形式严峻,安全保障工作得到了国家政府的高度重视,安全部门对适用于城市楼宇危险环境中执行反恐侦察的爬壁机器人提出了紧迫需求。爬壁机器人具有在竖直壁面和倒立天花板上的运动、并携带工具执行任务的能力,可通过城市建筑物外墙壁潜行到事发点窗户附近,通过搭载的侦察系统进行侦察工作,将事发地点的信息发送到安全指挥中心,为形势判断提供现场依据,可显著提高任务执行的成功率,有效保障反恐人员的安全。本课题得到国家863计划项目“面向反恐侦察的微声爬壁机器人的研究”(项目编号:2005AA4202302)支持,其研究目标是研制一种应用于城市楼宇侦察的小型无线、低噪声负压吸附的轮式移动爬壁机器人系统。本文首先对爬壁机器人系统进行建模,机器人运动学问题是机器人运动控制的基础,吸附过程及稳定性分析是影响机器人能否正常工作的重要因素之一。在分析墙壁表面与运动轮接触应力对爬壁机器人运动影响因素的基础上,确定机器人运动机构的结构形式。通过爬壁机器人吸附条件的理论分析,推导出在竖直墙壁任意位姿下的机器人最小安全负压工作条件。低噪声负压吸附系统的研究是负压吸附爬壁机器人的研究重点,要求其具有噪声低、吸附可靠的特点。在分析爬壁机器人噪声产生机理的基础上,从噪声源降噪入手,通过对负压吸附系统的气动热力学过程分析,运用CFD方法研制了低噪声、低转速、流量-压差特性接近平直规律的高效率离心风扇。为了适应不同缝隙的墙壁,研制了具有自动密封功能、对墙壁摩擦力小的密封装置,运用流体动力学相关理论对密封性能进行分析,推导出密封机构泄漏流体的流动状态、压力和流速分布、气流泄漏量的计算公式。良好的密封能力确保离心风扇工作在低流量、低噪声的稳定压力场和速度场输出状态。通过降噪原理分析,采取相应的隔音和吸音措施,进一步减小了负压吸附系统的噪声,提高了机器人的隐蔽性。基于位姿的负压控制系统是低噪声负压吸附爬壁机器人研究的重要内容,本文建立了爬壁机器人的位姿模型,在分析机器人负压和重力对位姿误差影响的基础上,设计了带前馈的位姿复合控制系统,提高了位姿控制的精度;针对爬壁机器人负压吸附系统的特点,在合理假设的基础上,运用键图理论建立了负压吸附系统键图模型,在研究泄漏量变化引起负压控制系统状态变化规律的基础上,为提高控制性能,采用模糊控制的方法,设计了以电流环为内环、负压环为外环的双环负压控制系统,以ATmega128为处理器的嵌入式控制系统实现了传感器信号采集、位姿和负压控制及无线通讯功能,使负压吸附系统工作在最小安全负压,从而达到减小爬壁机器人噪声的目的。最后搭建了试验系统,对爬壁机器人负压吸附系统性能、综合系统性能进行了评估实验,试验结果表明了理论研究和系统设计的正确性,爬壁机器人移动灵活、吸附可靠,噪音控制在70分贝以内,满足城市楼宇的侦察工作要求,本文的研究为爬壁机器人性能的进一步改进和提高提供了理论基础和技术依据。

【Abstract】 Wall climbing robots, being able to move on the vertical wall, can carry tools to clean a wall, spray shell structure of ships, detecting oil storage, aircraft and bridge where it is hard to reach or dangerous for mankind. Advanced special devices for reconnaissance purpose in dangerous area are demanded by security department. Carrying camera and mike, wall climbing robot as a scout can sneak to guilty place from wall surface and then transmit pictures and voice to control center, which plays an important role in anti-terror, reducing the danger and protecting the security force efficiently.Due to the special application circumstance, good adaptability on wall for guaranteeing the safety of the robot, high moving speed to reduce time moving to the goal place, low voice are specially demanded to prevent from detecting by criminals. A wireless portable wall climbing robotic system for reconnaissance purpose was developed to meet the specification of the project, which size is 320x280x150mm, the weight is less than 5kg, the locomotion speed is more than 10m/min, the working duration is 45-70min, the noise in 1m is less than 70dB. Based on analysis of safety attraction, the least negative pressure value is deduced while the robot is static and dynamic moving on the wall. Since negative absorbing process model is the base of negative pressure adhesion system design and negative pressure control, A mathematical model of the transient sucking process was made with bond graph theory by reasonable assumptions, and simulations were made by 20sim software. Since the locomotion system model is the base of locomotion control, it was made after analyzing the stress impacting on the locomotion system between the wall and wheels.Low noise and high efficiency suction equipment and sealing mechanical part of small fiction and good adaptability on wall were carefully studied as key technical problem of the wall climbing robotic system for reconnaissance purpose. After analyzing the mechanics of noise, a stable pressure generating radical fan of high efficiency was designed with the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) tool keeping in mind of requirements of a wall climbing robot after pneumatic thermodynamics analysis. The sealing system should automatically prevent leakage between the robot and the wall and reduce the flow mass to keep the fan working under the expecting condition based on fluid dynamics. The sealing system has advantages of low friction and efficient seal performance. To reducing noise further, sound insulating and noise deadening ways were taken after analyzing the noise reducing principle.The control system of wall climbing robot is based on ATmega128 processor which implementing sensors data fusion, motor control and wireless communication. Pressure and posture control are important content of research on wall climbing robot. This paper proposed a two loop pressure fuzzy control system which inner loop is current loop and the outer loop is pressure loop after studying the fluid flow leakage influence on the state of the control system. A composite posture control system was designed after analyzing the pressure and weight influencing on the posture. Simulations and experiments were conducted and the result was presented to confirm the control system satisfaction on the application.At last, the experiment setup was built to evaluate the performance of negative pressure suction system, general abilities of wall climbing robot. Experiment results show valid analysis and design of robot. Wall climbing robot can move at a high speed, stably attract on wall and accomplish reconnaissance mission successfully. The theoretical and experimental result of research on wall climbing robot will contribute to further perfect the performance of robot design. At the same time, a wall climbing robotic system for reconnaissance purpose can be used as a novel equipment for secure department in urban area.


