

Study of Management Efficiency Evaluation for Domestic Listed Companies

【作者】 高伟正

【导师】 冯英浚;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 作为国民经济的“晴雨表”,上市公司的健康成长直接关系到国民经济的顺利发展。自从1990年上海证券交易所和深圳证券交易所成立以来,在短短的十余年里我国证券市场已逐步发展壮大为能够提高我国金融效率,加快国企改革,推动我国金融发展的中流砥柱。因此,客观、科学、合理的评价上市公司管理绩效将成为提高我国上市公司整体实力的出发点。在我国证券市场发挥重要作用的同时,我们也应该看到,与西方发达国家的证券市场相比,无论从投资者还是融资者的角度来看,我国上市公司的管理还相当不完善,如何评价管理好坏程度是提升管理水平的关键所在。同时我们也应该认识到,作为证券市场主体之一的上市公司本身就存在着由信息披露不完全,过度包装所导致的信息不对称问题。这种博弈的结果必然导致投资者不注重上市公司的投资价值,过度投机也就在所难免。如果要切实加强对上市公司信息披露的监管,就需要我们运用科学的,能够反映上市公司管理好坏程度的评价理论与方法体系,来判断上市公司是否真正创造财富,进而能有的放矢的对上市公司加以监管。因此,深入开展上市公司管理有效性评价理论与方法的研究具有重大理论意义与实践价值。目前,对于企业绩效评价究竟基于产出记录还是管理行为,理论界远未达成一致的观点。现有的理论与方法体系仅仅是从不同侧面对绩效加以阐述,而并没有从其本质属性出发,去建立能够反映动态性、相对性和多元性等兼容并蓄的基本评价框架。针对以往研究中的不足,本文做出以下一系列工作,以期为今后上市公司管理有效性评价研究提供一种新的理论框架与方法体系。本文在管理有效性理论的基础之上,深入分析了发展上市公司管理有效性评价理论的重要意义,并建立适合我国上市公司的管理有效性评价体系,归纳出应从盈利能力、成长能力、经营效率、偿债能力和现金能力五个方面评价上市公司的管理有效性。同时说明财务指标和非财务指标之间的关系,即可通过财务指标的动态变化,体现非财务指标的有效程度。针对现有上市公司管理有效性评价方法中较具合理性的数据包络分析(DEA)方法的不足,如传统DEA模型权重系数的随机性,以及如何科学确定锥比率区间等,本文以群决策法、线性规划与统计理论为工具,提出了一种聚类群决策DEA模型。此外,本文还进一步给出了基于聚类群决策DEA模型的扩展二次相对评价模型,从而为上市公司管理有效性建立了适合的评价方法体系,该方法不但可以体现上市公司管理有效性的动态性、相对性和多元性特点,而且还可以消除各个上市公司之间由于客观基础条件差异对管理有效性评价结果的影响。采用本文提出的上市公司管理有效性评价的扩展二次相对评价模型,并借助于因子分析等多元统计分析方法,结合2004年~2005年不同行业上市公司的财务统计数据,对我国300家样本上市公司进行了实证研究。通过对实证结果的分析,一方面验证了上市公司管理有效性评价理论与方法体系在实际应用中的科学性与可靠性,另一方面结合不同行业的实际情况,在分析管理有效性测算结果的同时,总结归纳了各行业上市公司的发展趋势和对策等。

【Abstract】 As the index of national economy, the development of listed companies will make contribute to the development of national economy. Since the establishment of Shanghai Security Exchange and Shenzhen Security Exchange in 1990, the national security markets have become the center of improving the financial efficiency, accelerating national enterprises innovation, and developing the financial reform. Therefore, how to evaluate the listed companies management efficiency and performance effectively and properly will be the starting points of improving listed companies’whole competitiveness. At the same time of developing national security markets, comparing with the western countries security markets, the domestic listed companies management performance is not quite perfect, whatever from the investor viewpoint or manager point. How to evaluate the management quality degree is the strategy for improving management. And we should notice that the problems of information asymmetric and information reporting incompletely for listed companies. This will lead that the investors neglect the investing value of listed companies. If the effective supervision of information reporting for listed companies is needed, scientific evaluation approaches and models will be used to reflect the management quality degree and to tell whether the listed companies create wealth or not. In this sense, the supervision for the listed companies will carry out completely. Therefore, developing management efficiency evaluation methods and theory for listed companies will have important theoretical and practice sense.Currently, people did not agree with one another that the enterprise performance evaluation should be based on output record or management behavior. Current theories and approaches about it only explained performance through different aspects, but not starting from the essential characters established uniform estimation skeleton, which reflected the dynamic, relative, and multiple characters. According to the restrictions about current research, following work has been proposed to provide a new theory and method system for management efficiency evaluation for listed companies. Based on management efficiency theory, the sense of management efficiency evaluation for listed companies has been deeply analyzed, and management efficiency evaluation system for listed companies has been established generating from benefiting, developing, operating efficiency, repayable and cashing abilities. At the same time, explained the relationship between financial index and non-financial index, that is, through the dynamic change of financial index, to show the effective degree of non-financial index.Facing the shortcomings of DEA methods in the management efficiency evaluation system for listed companies, for example, the random of traditional DEA model and cone ratio, group decision, linear program and statistics have been used to propose cluster group decision DEA model. Furthermore, comprehensive Two-Stage Relative Evaluation model based on cluster group decision DEA model has been established in order to give complete approach system for management efficiency evaluation system for listed companies, which can not only reflect the dynamic, relative and multiple characters, but also get rid of the basic condition influence to the management efficiency evaluation results for listed companies.Using the comprehensive Two-Stage Relative Evaluation model based on cluster group decision DEA model for listed companies and multiple statistics analysis, together with the financial data of listed companies from 2004 to 2005, 300 companies empirical research has been analyzed. Through the analysis of the results, not only proved the liability of comprehensive Two-Stage Relative Evaluation model system, but also with the real condition in different industries, at the same time of analyzing management efficiency, generated the developing trend and countermeasures for listed companies.


