

Study on Theory and Application of Optimal Allocation for Eco-Environmental Water Requirements in the Urban Rivers

【作者】 杨薇

【导师】 孙德智;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 环境工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 随着城市化进程的加快,城市水环境恶化越来越严重。对城市水环境的有效管理是当前水资源与水环境保护工作面临的难题和新的挑战。本文从理论分析、数学模型、计算机模拟以及实际应用等多角度,对河流生态环境需水的基础理论、实现途径、仿真检验等进行了系统研究,以期为实现城市水环境的质量改善提供技术支持。本文在国内外河流生态环境需水量大量文献研究的基础上,深入探讨了城市河流生态环境需水量的概念和内涵、理论基础、研究范畴及特征,并界定了其组成部分。将城市河流生态环境需水量定义为维持城市河流生态环境系统功能不再恶化并逐渐得到改善所消耗的水资源量,或生态环境系统发挥期望的生态环境功能所需的水量;指出城市河流生态环境需水是基于城市生态环境学理论、水文循环原理和水环境承载力理论的研究;界定城市河流环境需水量由水生生物栖息需水量、河流输沙需水量、水盐平衡需水量、污染物稀释净化需水量、补充蒸发水量和补给地下水量组成,降雨引起的径流量可以作为河流生态环境水的补给水量计算,并对上述几个子模型进行组合,列出组合公式。将该计算模型应用于大庆市黎明河的研究结果表明,黎明河的理论生态环境需水量随时间和空间变化,各河段平均环境需水量分别为4.50 m~3/s、3.80 m~3/s和4.59 m~3/s。在河流生态环境需水理论的基础上,初步建立了河流生态环境需水优化配置体系。剖析了环境需水优化配置改善水环境的概念内涵、机理、主要研究任务、优化配置原则,并对其适用条件以及进行实际调度需要考虑的问题进行了详细探讨。对优化配置的目标辨识和数学模型进行了研究,建立了模糊多目标规划的河流生态环境需水优化配置模型,并采用遗传算法对其进行求解。该数学模型应用于大庆市黎明河的结果表明,为实现水资源的节约、综合效益损失和水环境容量三个目标达到协调,河流的生态环境水优化配置水量为3.07 m~3/s,比单纯的理论生态环境水量减少33.1%。为巩固环境需水配置改善河流水环境的效果,还应该重视周边污染源的有效控制,将污水处理厂的规划和环境需水优化配置相结合共同改善河流水环境,建立了灰色非线性规划的河流生态环境需水优化配置数学模型。该模型以规划的污水处理厂中污染物质的去除率以及水库湖泊向河流中的补充水量作为模型的决策变量,总的运行成本最小化为决策目标,保证河流水质达标。采用了遗传算法对该灰色非线性规划模型进行求解。将所建灰色非线性规划模型应用于大庆市黎明河流域的规划中,获得了较满意的污水处理厂和湖泊水库释放水量的规划结果。为在更广义的范围内实现河流环境需水优化配置并检验其工程效果,对城市河流生态环境需水优化配置的动态仿真进行了研究。根据实际的水环境抽象出与之近似的物理组件模型和概念组件模型,并研究了其基本属性和方法。其中物理组件模型包括构成和影响水环境的河流、湖泊、水库、以及污水处理厂等实体组件模型;概念组件模型包括与水量有关的降雨径流模型对象、人工调节河流的水动力学仿真对象、与水质相关的水质模型对象和水质仿真对象以及水污染控制的水质控制策略对象和水质级别对象等。基于有向无环图将建立的各物理组件模型构建为流域水环境网络模型图,研究了相应的运行和仿真算法,建立了流域河流环境需水优化配置的仿真运行机制。进行了流域水环境质量改善仿真系统的总体设计,包括三个主要子模块:水量仿真模块、水质仿真模块和水环境质量改善措施仿真和评估模块。并对系统数据库进行了初步设计。

【Abstract】 With the acceleration of the urbanism, water environment in the urban is becoming worse and worse. It is a new challenge for the environmental managers to manage and protect the urban water environment effectively. In this paper, the environmental water requirements of the urban rivers have been discussed from multi-dimension of theory analysis, mathematic modelling, computational simulation and the real-world application, which could support sciencitifcly the improvement of water environment.Based on a great deal of the literatures about eco-environmental water requirements of the urban rivers in the domestic and oversea, its theory has been researched comprehensively, which includes the concept, theory foundation, investigative category and features. And then the composition of environmental water requirements has been defined based on the functioning of the rivers. The eco-environmental water requirements of the urban rivers has been defined as the necessary water amount in the river to maintain the well-balanced ecological structures and the basic water environmental functions undestroyed with the setting standards of water functions. The research of eco-environmental water requirements has been performed based on the enviro-ecology theory, water cycle principle and water environment carrying capacity theory. The composing of the eco-environmental water requirements of the urban rivers includes water quantities for aquatic inhabit, sand transportation, water-salt balance, dilution and self-purification, evaporation and seeping supplement. The flow rate from rainfall-runoff might be looked upon the supply to the urban rivers. In this charter, the calculating formulas of the above modeling have been established, and the integrated formula, too. The theorical environmental water requirements for the Liming River-basin in Daqing City have been studied. As a result, the eco-environmental water requirements change spacially and temporally, and the average water amount needed in the three river sections is 4.50 m~3/s, 3.80 m~3/s and 4.59 m~3/s, respectively.The optimal allocation system of the eco-environmental water requirements has been established on the basis of its theory research. The connotation, mechanism, principle, dominating tasks and suitable conditions for application of the optimal allocation of the eco-environmental water requirements for improving water environment have analyzed. A fuzzy multi-objective programming modeling for the optimal allocation of environmental water requirements has been developed, and genetic algorithm has been used to sovle it. For the oprimal allocation of environmental water requirements, gerenal benefit loss and assimilative capacity should be considered besides the water quantity objective. Through the operation of the multi-objective programming modeling, the optimal water allocation for Liming River, that is 3.07m~3/s, has been obtained, which is cut down 33.1% from the theory water needed.In order to maintain the effect of environmental water allocation to improve the water environment, the pollutants surround should be controlled effectively. Therefore, the further modeling for optimal environmental water allocation has been established based on the grey theory and the planning of wastewater treatment plants in the river basin. In this modeling, the pollutants removel efficency of each plant and the water distribution from each reservoir and lake are looked upon the decision variables, and the minimum of the total cost is regarded as the decision objective, which include the establishment and operation cost of wastewater treatment plants and the water distribution cost from the reservoirs. At the some time, the solution of the modeling using by genetic alghrothm has been studied. The modeling based the grey theory and the planning of wastewater treatment plants has been applied to optimize the water environment management in the Liming River basin, and the satisfied results have been obtained.To research eco-environmental water requirements allocation in the wide scope and verify the effect of the project timely, the water environment simulation system based on object-oriented techniques has been established. The physical entities of the river basin and the conceptual entities of its water quality simulation and control have been represented through objects. Their basic attributes and methods have been developed. The physical entities include the correlative rivers, lakes, reservoirs and wastewater treatment plants, and the conceptual entities include the low flow frequency object, hydrodynamics simulation object, water quality object, water quality simulation object, water pollution control strategies object and the water quality estimation object. The network modeling of water environment has been established based on the directed acycling graph theory. The run mechanism and simulation algorithm has been developed. The general design of the simulation system of water environment improvement has been done, which makes up of water quantity simulation, water quality simulation and water pollution control strategies simulation. Preliminary design of the database has been done.


