

The Study on Customer Order Decoupling Point Positioning in Mass Customization

【作者】 徐宣国

【导师】 李向阳;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 随着经济全球化带来的日益激烈的竞争,企业要争取更大的市场份额就必须满足顾客的个性化需求,大批量定制已成为众多企业首选的生产模式。同时,先进的制造技术、信息技术和管理技术的发展使得大批量定制的实施成为可能。大批量定制生产模式是解决规模经济和个性化需求矛盾的有机结合:大批量生产使企业获得低成本的产出,而定制生产则可以提升顾客的满意度。协调这一矛盾的关键就是客户订单解耦点的有效定位。有些文献对客户订单解耦点的概念有所涉及,但依然缺乏对其机理、影响因素以及定位模型的系统全面研究。本文围绕客户订单解耦点的定义展开,对客户订单解耦点的基本理论、方法、策略进行研究。主要研究工作包括以下几个方面:1.大批量定制当前的研究重点及亟待加强的方向分析。通过综述现有大批量定制相关的研究文献,总结其中受到广泛重视的内容。进而,根据科学研究的发展提出该领域急需进行深入探讨的方向:客户订单解耦点定位的研究。2.客户订单解耦点的基础理论研究。客户订单解耦点的定位主要通过权衡定制成本、客户需求、定制时间以及企业生产能力之间的关系来考虑。首先,本文对客户订单解耦点概念进行诠释,探讨客户订单解耦点的概念及其在大批量定制模式中扮演的角色;接着从市场,产品和生产三个方面的因素分析客户订单解耦点定位的影响因素;最后,基于经济学理论,构建影响因素模型,并给出相关因素影响机理。3.客户订单解耦点定位模型研究。本文主要从生产的角度研究基于生产流程的客户订单解耦点的定位模型,考虑产品设计适应期的存在,采取循序渐进的思路,将产品生产过程细分为设计与制造两个阶段。首先对客户订单解耦点的定位进行分析;然后从制造角度分析解耦点的定位;接着从设计角度分析解耦点的定位;最后构建集成设计与制造的解耦点定位二维模型。4.客户订单解耦点定位中的延迟策略研究。在大批量定制的整个生产和流程中将相同程序的制作过程尽可能最大化,以获得规模经济,而将形成差异化的按订单生产过程尽可能推迟,即采取延迟策略。首先讨论延迟策略的基本理论,包括大批量定制中延迟策略的定义、优势及采用延迟制造的条件;接着给出基于解耦点的延迟策略分类以及不同类型延迟之间的比较;然后给出基于可拓优度评价的延迟策略选取方法;最后给出应用与实施延迟策略的指导思想及各种延迟策略的影响及适用情况。5.客户订单解耦点定位中的冲突消解研究。客户订单解耦点定位是一个群决策过程,不可避免的会有冲突发生。本文首先以形式化描述给出了客户订单解耦点定位中的冲突形成原因;接着运用系统聚类法确定客户群的订单需求;最后提出解耦点定位中冲突消解的模型。6.哈空调案例验证。作为本文主要创新工作的验证,首先对企业的基本情况、主要产品、面临的挑战等进行介绍;接着以哈空调空冷器管束为例,验证了本文提出的解耦点定位模型;然后对解耦点定位中的延迟策略选取模型进行了验证;最后,验证解耦点定位中的冲突消解模型。

【Abstract】 As the competition brought by the economical globalization becoming more and more furious, if you want to seize and extend the market you must satisfy your customers’individualized needs. And so, mass customization has been the preferred production pattern for enterprises. At the same time, the advanced manufacture technology, information technology and the development of management technology make the mass customization become possible. Mass customization is a pair of contradictory synthesis: the mass production causes the enterprise to obtain the low cost delivery, but the customization can satisfy the customer enormously. And the key to harmonize the paradox is the effective position of customer order decoupling point. Though several papers have discussed the conception of customer order decoupling point, little work has been done on its influence factors, influence mechanism and position model. Outspreading from its conception, this paper discussed the basic theory, method, strategy about customer order decoupling point. And the main work includes the following aspects:1. Analysis of focuses of mass customization and problems to be strengthened in future. By summarizing the existing mass customization relevant research literature, offers the attention in mass customization. Then, according to the development of scientific research in this field is urgently needed in-depth study direction that is customer order decoupling point positioning research.2. Study on the basic theory of customer order decoupling point. Position of customer order decoupling point is mainly determined by the relations among customization cost, customer need, and customization time and enterprise production ability. First, this paper annotated the conception of customer order decoupling point, and discusses the conception of customer order decoupling point and its role in mass customization production pattern. Then, factors that influenced customer order decoupling point position is offered, which mainly includes market, product, and production. Then, construction model is founded which is based on economic theory, and the analysis of its mechanism. Finally, the reason and motive of customer order decoupling point shift, and its influences to all factors is analyzed.3. Positioning model of customer order decoupling point. From the viewpoint of production, this paper mainly offers a customization order decoupling point position model which is based on production flow. And the production process is subdivide into design and manufacture along with the need of study. The part first offers the analysis of customer order decoupling point. Then, customer order decoupling point in manufacture viewpoint is analyzed. Then, customer order decoupling point in design viewpoint is analyzed. Finally, study on two-dimension model which integrated design and manufacture. Traditional production process involves manufacture and design together, which goes against analysis. This paper will offer the reason that from the different viewpoint of manufacture and design, and the reason of integration between them.4. Study on application of postponement strategy in customer order decoupling point position. In the production and process of mass customization, maximize the same procedure as far as possible to obtain the economies of scale, postpone those different production processes, namely postponement strategy. This part first offers basic theory of postponement strategy, conception of postponement strategy in customization, advantage and condition for postponement adoption. Then, classification of postponement strategy based on customer order decoupling point. And discuss the relation between postponement strategy and customer order decoupling point, influence of customer order decoupling point position to postponement strategy. Compare among different postponement strategy. Finally, application and implementation of postponement strategy is offered.5. Interference solving strategy in customer order decoupling point position. Positioning of customer order decoupling point is a group decision process, and interference can not be avoided during its decision. The part first offers the reason of interference occurrence, and mathematic model for interference. Then, systematic clustering method used to get customer group demand, mathematic description of individualized customer demand is offered. Finally, interference solving and harmony model is constructed.6. Case validation in Harbin Air Conditioner Company. First, basic condition of the company, main products, challenge faced is offered. And then, the model, theory, and method offered in this paper were verified by tube bundle, which is the main product in HAC Company.


