

Study of Transfer Trajectory Design Method for Deep Space Exploration and Application to Small Body Exploration

【作者】 乔栋

【导师】 崔平远;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 飞行器设计, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 本学位论文结合863计划项目“深空探测自主技术与仿真演示系统”、“星际高速公路的低能量转移轨道设计技术研究”、国家自然科学基金资助项目“深空探测转移轨道机理与优化方法研究”与我国首个小行星探测计划构想,针对深空探测转移轨道与小天体探测目标选择与轨道方案设计问题进行了深入研究。主要研究内容包括以下几个方面:针对转移时间自由的星际探测发射机会搜索问题,特别是小天体探测中的大规模发射机会搜索,结合Gauss算法与变分原理,提出了一种全局-局部协同搜索方法。该方法根据探测任务要求定义待搜索目标函数并确定搜索域,利用Gauss算法和星历计算进行降维,结合变分原理与边界条件推导出搜索所需的解析梯度函数,采用全局-局部协同搜索方法求解,解决了传统方法计算量大,计算效率低的问题。同时,还提出了一种转移时间固定的多脉冲转移发射机会搜索方法。该方法结合最优脉冲转移的必要条件,由主矢量变化历程寻找和判别中间脉冲,将直接转移轨道发射机会搜索问题的研究推广到了多脉冲领域。针对星际探测多目标交会转移轨道设计问题,结合Tisserand原理、Prok-Chop图法和“软匹配”策略,提出了一种多目标交会的混合设计方法。该方法采用P ? rp曲线确定借力目标的序列,利用Pork-Chop图确定设计参数的可行域和时序,避免了传统方法对借力交会目标序列和初始轨道段的假设,通过“软匹配”和惩罚策略寻找最优设计参数。通过对金星借力探测火星任务和ROSETTA任务转移轨道方案的设计,验证了该方法的正确性和有效性。研究了借力飞行及其衍生技术的机理,给出了借力飞行俘获、逃逸和顺行与逆行轨道转变的条件、界定了有推力借力的俘获区域、提出了气动-借力转移轨道方案设计的拼接条件。针对借力飞行技术,基于圆型限制性三体模型,深入研究了全相角借力飞行自由参量与轨道变化的隐含关系,给出了借力飞行俘获、逃逸和顺行与逆行轨道转变的条件。同时,将对该问题的研究拓展到椭圆型限制性三体模型,分析了借力天体相位角和偏心率对借力飞行轨道的影响。针对借力飞行的衍生技术,分别结合限制性三体与气动模型,界定了有推力借力的俘获区域、提出了气动-借力转移轨道方案设计的拼接条件。这些关系和条件将为星际转移轨道方案设计提供重要准则。针对星际转移轨道设计问题,提出了一种基于动平衡点不变流形结构的星际转移轨道设计方法。该方法首先通过Poincaré映射,将连续动力系统离散化并降低维数,由单值矩阵分析该系统,确定出与目标周期轨道(Halo轨道)相切的局部子空间,并将其拓展为不变流形。然后,由停泊轨道向动平衡点目标周期轨道转移,利用该系统的不稳定流形逃逸以实现低能量的星际飞行。在小天体探测中的应用显示了该转移方法的潜在优势。结合本文研究内容,针对我国首个小行星探测计划构想从目标选择到转移轨道方案设计进行了系统的研究计算,给出了一套行之有效的小天体探测目标选择与轨道方案设计方法。首先基于最优两脉冲和借力机制可接近性评价方法对探测目标进行筛选与评估,得到26颗科学价值与工程可实现性兼具的目标星。然后,基于任务约束,采用大规模发射机会搜索方法,确定(1627)Ivar小行星为目标星, (3288)Seleucus和(4660)Nereus为备选目标,针对Ivar小行星,设计了直接和借力两类转移轨道方案,对比分析确定了2:1ΔV-EGA转移轨道方案,该方案可有效降低探测任务所需的发射能量和总速度增量,使之满足任务要求。最后,对2:1ΔV-EGA转移轨道方案进行了拓展设计,实现了“一探三”Ivar小行星的多目标交会任务,并对其测控等轨道特性进行了分析,验证了任务的可行性。

【Abstract】 With the supports of the Tenth Five-Year 863 Program‘Autonomy Technology of Deep Space Exploration and Its Simulation and Demonstration System’,‘Investigation on Entry Orbit Design and Optimization of Interplanetary Surperhighway’, National Natural Science Foundation of China‘Investigation on Mechanism and Optimal Method of transfer Trajectory for Deep Space Exploration’, and the First Asteroid Exploration Program and Scenario of China, this dissertation deeply studies the transfer trajectory of deep space exploration and target selection and design of trajectory profiles for small body exploration. The main contents of this dissertation are as follows:For the‘transfer Free-time’search problem of launch opportunity for interplanetary exploration, especially Large-Scale search of launch opportunity for small body exploration, combining Gauss Algorithm and Variational Theory, a search method with Global-Local Coordinated is presented. According to the requirments of exploration mission, it defines the target function and makes certain search domain. Then, it reduces the search dimension, combining Gauss Algorithm and ephemeris computation, obtains the necessary analytical partial derivatives by Variational Theory and boundary constraints, and solves this problem by using Global-Local Coordinated method. Compared with traditional method, the method proposed by this dissertation needs little compute time and becomes more efficient. On based of Primer Vector theory, a‘transfer Fixed-time’search method of launch opportunity with multiple-impulsive transfer is proposed. In the method, combining the necessary condition of optimal transfer, it finds and judges the midcourse impulse by using history of Primer Vecotr magnitude. The method, which search launch opportunity with multiple-impulsive transfer, extends the investigation about search problem of launch opportunity with direct transfer to the multiple-impulsive fields.For design problem of transfer trajectory with multiple encounters for interplanetary mission, combining Tisserand theory, Prok-Chop plots with“soft matching”ideal, a hybrid method is presented. In this method, it determines flyby sequence by using P ? rpcurve, on base of Tisserand theory, and makes centain feasible domain and time sequence of design paremeter by using Prok-Chop plots, avoids the assumption of flyby sequence and intial trajectory segment by using traditional method. Then it finds the optimal design parameters by using“software matching”and penalty function strategies. Design and computation of transfer trajectory for Mars Mission with Venus Gravity assists and ROSETTA mission demonstrate the effectiveness of the method.For the gravity-assisted and its derivative technology, it proposes conditions of capture, escape and change of orbit type, developes the capture fields of powered swingby, presents the patching condition of aerogravity-assisted transfer trajectory. For gravity-assisted technology, based on CR3BP model, it studies implication relation between free parameters of gravity assist and orbit change with all phase angles, presents conditions of capture, escape and change of direct and retrograde orbit. Then it extends this investigation to ER3BP model, and puts the emphasis on the relation between phase angle, eccentricity of gravity-assisted body and trajectory. For the gravity-assisted derivative technology, it developes the possible capture fields of powered swingby, presents the patching conditions of aerogravity-assisted transfer. These relations and conditions will provide principle for designing transfer trajectory profile of interplanetary mission.For the design problem of interplanetary transfer trajectory, a design method of transfer trajectory with Libration point by using invariant manifold structures is presented. In this method, the five-dimension continuous systems can be reduced four-dimension discrete system by using PoincaréMapping. It uses the monodromy matrix to analyze this system for determinating the local subspace which involved in target periodic orbits. Local subpace will be extended to stable invariant manifold. Then the spacecraft transfers from parking orbit to target periodic orbits associated with librations point, and escapes from unstable invariant manifold associated with the system to achieve interplanetary flight with low energy. Application in the small body exploration mission demonstrates the potential predominance.For the First Asteroid Exploration Program and Scenario of China, combining the contents of this dissertation, systematical research and computation from target selection to design profiles of transfer trajectory is performed. A set of effectual method about target selection and transfer trajectory design of small body exploration is presented. Firstly, basing on evaluating accessibility method of global optimal two-impulsive and gravity-assisted, the possible target is evaluated and filtrated. 26 targets which involved in scientifically significant and technically feasible can be obtained. Then, according to constraints of the mission, it selects the 1627 Ivar asteroid as the target of the mission, the 3288 seleucus and 4660 Nereus asteroid as the possible candidates by using Large-Scale search method of launch opportunity. For the Ivar asteroid, it designs transfer trajectory profiles by using direct transfer and transfer with gravity-assisted and selects the 2:1ΔV-EGA transfer profile by comparison of several different profiles. This profile can decrease the launch energy and total velocity increments to satisfy with requirements of the mission. Finally, it extends the 2:1ΔV-EGA pofile to mulitple flybys pofile for Ivar asteroid exploration mission, achieves the mission to rendezvous with three target objects, and analyzes the trajectory characteristics assoicated with measure and control system of spacecraft to validate the feasible of the mission.


