

A Study on the Vocabulary of Inscription on the Ancient Bronze Objects of Shang Period

【作者】 金河钟

【导师】 杨端志;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文研究的课题是《殷商金文词汇研究》。对于金文何时出现这一问题,学者们意见不一。据笔者的初步调查研究显示,金文的出现时间可以追溯到商代早期。从商代早期到商代晚期的青铜器拓片共有4508片。尽管语料如此丰富,但是由于殷商金文本身构成简单,象形性强,除个别性研究外,几乎没有进行过体系性的研究。如果我们不研究殷商金文,不仅不能准确地把握殷商时期的语言,而且对西周金文的研究也会造成一定影响。殷商金文词汇研究不仅与上古汉语词汇及其系统、汉语词汇发展史有着密切关系,也是窥探殷商社会真实面貌的基础。本论文大体由两大部分构成。一是殷商金文词汇部分(论文的内容),二是殷商金文字形部分(附录)。4508片拓片按照动词的有无可以分为“非成篇金文(4246片,占94%)”和“成篇金文(262片,占6%)”,因此殷商金文词汇部分又可以细分为非成篇金文的词汇和成篇金文的词汇两部分。第二章到第四章对非成篇金文的词汇进行了研究,第五章到第七章对成篇金文的词汇进行了研究。本文以现代语言学理论为指导,既吸取传统训诂学的研究成果,又充分运用现代语言学理论的观点和方法,对殷商金文进行了全方位的动态研究。从研究方法来看,笔者不仅运用共时与历时、定量(Quantitative)与定性(Qualitative)、形式化描写与认知解释等研究方法,而且还考虑到了青铜器物的形制。总体来说,本文的研究内容主要包括以下几个方面:一、本文主要研究的是殷商金文词汇。二、根据前人研究的基础以及参考《金文资料库》和《殷周金文集成》的资料,找到属于殷商时期的4508片拓片。并把每片拓片上的字形与《金文资料库》、《殷周金文集成引得》、《金文诂林附录》、《古文字诂林》里的字形做比较,确定了1261个文字。三、对于族氏金文是否是文字以及族氏金文的含义、判定标准及其种类,玖肯晗傅亟胁觥?四、殷商金文中占94%的非成篇金文的内容大部分是人名、地名等专名,因此对殷商金文中出现的这些专名进行了尽量详尽的解释。五、对比《甲骨文字典》和殷商金文,研究殷商时期的总字数,然后调查只在殷商金文中出现的文字。六、对殷商金文中单音词的种类及其特点进行研究。七、对殷商金文中复音结构(词或词组)的种类及其特点进行研究。八、对殷商金文中出现的动词的种类、词义进行研究,并找到其特点。九、对殷商金文中出现的同义词、反义词的种类和特点进行描写和解释。简单介绍如下。全文正文共分八章:第一章:绪论。这一部分首先介绍了金文的出现时间、至今的金文研究状况及研究成果,然后叙述了殷商金文的研究状况和研究成果并提出研究殷商金文的必要性。特别是在研究范围上,综合《金文资料库》和《殷周金文集成》的时代划分及众多学者对其不足部分的见解,确定了4508片殷商金文拓片。为了进行科学、系统的分析,笔者把4508片拓片的字形逐一,与《金文资料库》《殷周金文集成引得》、《金文诂林附录》、《古文字诂林》等著录的字形进行比较分析后,采用了其中相对妥当、适合的字形。第二章:殷商金文的特点及其先决问题。迄今为止,很多研究金文的学者都把研究范围设定在两周时期的金文,这与殷商金文的特征有关。因此,笔者简单描述了对殷商金文的特征,即殷商金文文字的特点、殷商非成篇金文的体例及其特点(1字金文、2字金文、3字金文、4字金文的特点及其内容,1字金文与3字金文的关系、2字金文与4字金文的关系、1字金文—4字金文的关系等),又论述了殷商金文的内容(祭祀、征伐、巡视、狩猎、铸造、赏赐、宴享等7个部分)。此外,还对使用频率非常高,学者们间又存有争议的部分,即天干、亚字(形)、册字、宁字进行了分析。第三章:殷商族氏金文研究。殷商金文最大的一个特征就是“象形性”强。笔者把“象形性”强的金文命名为“族氏金文”进行研究。但由于“族氏金文”是否是文字及其内涵是什么,学者们的见解并不一致,所以笔者引用众多学者的学说后,对此归纳出了研究成果。另外,对族氏金文的判定标准、单一族氏金文和复合族氏金文的种类及其内涵进行了描写和解释。第四章:殷商金文专有名词研究。族氏金文可以表示人名、方国名、地名等专名。对专名是否有涵义的理论和专名的涵义以及殷商金文专名的特点进行简略论述后,对职官人名、日名制(庙号、日干名、天干人名)、子某、妇某等人名进行了仔细研究。而且,通过族氏金文和甲骨文专名的对照,了解哪些内容相互有关联。第五章:殷商金文词汇的构成。本章对字词关系进行简单论述后,对殷商金文单音词和殷商金文复音结构(词或词组)进行了尽量详尽的描写、解释。一、单音词:对单音词,笔者从出现形式、词类、内容等三个方面进行分类。特别是在单音词的内容上大体把殷商金文词汇中反映的内容分为青铜器文化、国家制度、社会生活、意识形态等4类进行描述,又把社会生活细分为经济生活(农业、畜牧业、渔猎等)、文化生活(居宅和邑聚、交通、乐器、人体、床笫茵席的坐卧之具)、意识形态又细分为历法、祭祀进行了描写。二、复音结构:因为殷商时期语言除专名以外,无法准确区分其是复音词还是词组,所以笔者对此不进行分类,称其为殷商金文复音结构来进行研究。笔者把复音结构判定标准分成形式标准(合文)、意义标准进行调查,发现了殷商金文复音结构一共有258个,对其进行语法构词法分析。另外,对其中除专名外的68个复音结构进行语义结构分析进而归纳出复音结构的特点。第六章:殷商金文动词研究。要想准确分析和释读殷商成篇金文,必需的一部分就是判定和分析动词。严格依据殷商金文实际用例的语法功能来判定的殷商金文动词共有70个,按词义可以分为五大类(行为、生活、生产、军事、祭祀)。本章对70个殷商金文动词的词义进行了仔细分析,又把这些词分为单义和多义、本义和引申义进行分析,归纳出殷商金文动词词义的特点。第七章:殷商金文同义词、反义词研究。同义词研究,主要对同义词的界说、认定以及同义词产生的原因和同义词的辨析进行简单描述后,对殷商金文同义词的种类及其语义进行了分析。反义词研究,对13对反义词按照互补(Complementarity)、反向(Converseness)、反义(Antonym)分类后,对这些反义词的语义进行了分析,归纳出殷商金文反义词的特点。第八章:结束语对前七章的内容进行了总结,并在此基础上对殷商时期的词汇状况有了更深的了解。通过对殷商金文词汇的综合性考察,揭示出殷商金文词汇的特点和规律。本文力图通过对殷商金文词汇的全方位考察,能对殷商时期词汇研究、殷商时期共时断代词汇研究和汉语历时词汇研究有所贡献。

【Abstract】 The topic of this thesis is A Study on the Vocabulary of Inscription on the Ancient Bronze Objects of Shang Period.Scholars have different opinions on the time when Inscription was invented.It can date back to the early Shang period because I think the symbol that is very pictographic is also character.There are 4508 rubbing on bronze vessels from early Shang period to late period.Although the linguistic material is abundant,systematic research has hardly been carried on except some individual study because the formation of the Inscription is extremely simple and pictographic.The vacancy of study on Inscription of Shang period will not only prevent us mastering the language of Shang period accurately but also bring negative effect to the study on Inscription of West Zhou immediately inherited from the Inscription of Shang period.The research of Inscription Vocabulary of Shang period not only has close relation with ancient Chinese vocabulary and its system and its development history but also is the base of exploring social situations of Shang period.The thesis is constructed by two main parts.One is the vocabulary part as thesis content,the other is the graphemic part as appendix.According to whether there is verb or not,4508 rubbing on bronze vessels can be divided into "non-passage Inscription" (4246 pieces,94%)and "passage Inscription"(262 pieces,6%).So the vocabulary part of the thesis can be sub-divided into non-passage Inscription vocabulary and passage Inscription vocabulary.The former is analyzed from the second to the fourth chapters and the latter is studied from the fifth to the seventh chapters.Instructed by modern linguistic theories,this dissertation not only absorbs in the research results of traditional exegesis but also employs the viewpoints and methods of modern linguistic theories.In the thesis,I adopt various methods ranging from Synchronic to Diachronic,Quantitative to Qualitative,formal description to cognitive explanation and take the shape of bronze vessels into consideration as well. Generally speaking,this thesis studies the Inscription of Shang period in the following aspects:Ⅰ.The topic of this paper is Inscription Vocabulary on the Ancient Bronze Objects of Shang Period.Ⅱ.Based on the former research and with reference of the materials in《Jinwenziliaoku:金文资料库》and《Yinzhoujinwenjicheng:殷周金文集成》,I study the 4508 rubbings of Yin and Shang Period.By means of comparing the characters on every rubbing with the characters in《Jinwenziliaoku》(金文资料库),《Yinzhoujinwenjichengyinde》(殷周金文集成引得),《Jinwengulinfulu》(金文诂林附录),《Guwenzigulin》(古文字诂林),this paper eventually nails down 1261 characters.Ⅲ.Demonstrate whether the Inscription of Clan is characters,the implication of Inscription and its valuating criteria and types.Ⅳ.The non-passage inscription is proper nouns such as the names of people and places.Therefore,in this article,I will explain them in details.Ⅴ.By contrasting the Inscription with Oracle Bones Inscription Dictionary,this paper calculates the total number of characters in Shang period,and then surveys the characters that appear only in the Inscription of Shang period.Ⅵ.Study the types and characteristics of tone words in the Inscription of Shang period.Ⅶ.Study the types and characteristics of the polysyllabic structures(words or phrases).Ⅷ.Study the types and meanings of verbs of the Inscription and explore the characteristics.Ⅸ.Describe and explain the types and characteristics of the synonyms and antonyms that appear in the Inscription.The following is a brief introduction of the whole thesis.This article is divided into eight chapters:Chapter One:Introduction.In this partⅠfirstly introduce the time when Inscription appears,the current research conditions and the study results,and then put forward the necessity of the present study.Especially on the scale of study,this paper with reference to the division of times and opinions of Inscription Material and collection of Inscription of Shang period has selected 4508 rubbing as the range of study.In order to make scientific and systematic analysis,I adopt the relatively appropriate shape.Chapter Two:The Characteristics and the prerequisite of Inscription of Shang period.Up to now,many scholars that study Inscription concentrate on the Inscription of East and West Zhou,which has something with the characteristics of Inscription of Shang period.Now,I will briefly describe the characteristics of Inscription of Shang period.(the characteristics and the content of Inscription with one character,with two characters,with three characters and with four characters;the relationship between Inscription with one character and Inscription with three characters,the relationship between Inscription with one character and Inscription with three characters, relationship between Inscription with two character and Inscription with four characters and relationship between Inscription with one character and Inscription with four characters).In addition,I make analysis on the part that is frequently used and argued by scholars,i.e.Celestial stems,Ya(亚)character(shape),Ce(册)character,Ning(宁) character.Chapter Three:The Study to Inscription of Clan in Shang Period.The most obvious characteristics is that it is quite pictographic.I call Inscription that is quite pictographic "clan Inscription" and study it.Many scholars have different opinions on whether "clan Inscription" is characters and connotation of it,I have concluded the research results after citing many scholars’ viewpoints.Moreover,because "clan Inscription" is divided into "single clan Inscription" and "compound clan Inscription",I describe the judging standard and characters that each kind contains.Chapter Four:The Study to Proper Nouns of Inscription of Shang Period.Clan Inscription can stand for such proper nouns as name of people,countries and places. The present thesis briefly demonstrates the theories whether proper nouns have connotations or not and the characteristics of proper nouns in clan Inscription of Shang period and then makes specific study on names of officers and names of people.Besides, through contrasting proper nouns of the clan Inscription and oracle bone inscriptions, we can master the relevant content.Chapter Five:The Formation of Vocabulary of Inscription of Shang Period.This chapter focuses on the Monosyllabic words and Polysyllabic structure of Inscription of Shang Period after brief explanation of relationship between character and words. Because of diversity of form of Monosyllabic words,there is not a definite standard to make classification.Then I make classification from angles of the appearing form,word class and content.From the angle of content,I sub-divide the content that is reflected by vocabulary of Inscription into bronze vessels culture,national system,social life and ideology and sub-divide social life into economy life(agriculture,stockbreeding, fishing),cultural life(houses,transportation,musical instrument,bodies and beds)and then sub-divides ideology into calendar,sacrifice.As there is no accurate standard to make classification except proper nouns of language of Shang Dynasty,this dissertation study the so-called Polysyllabic structure of Inscription rather than make classifications between Polysyllabic words and phrases. Judged by form standard and meaning standard,there are 258 Polysyllabic structures, among which 68 are analyzed from grammar and semantic structure and I conclude the characteristics of Polysyllabic structures.Chapter Six:The Study to the Verb of Inscription of Shang Period.In order to accurately analyze and understand the passage Inscription,a critical step is to define and analyze the verbs.There are 70 verbs in Inscription of Shang Period according to grammatical function of Inscription.According to the semantic meanings,these verbs can be divided into five classes(behavior,life,production,army and sacrifice).This paper summarizes the characteristics of Inscription verbs by analyzing their original meanings and connotative meanings.Chapter Seven:The Study of the Synonyms and Antonyms.As for the study of synonyms,I present a brief introduction of the synonyms of the Inscription of Shang Period and its meaning after briefly describing the definition,the reason and the identification of synonym.In the study to antonym,I analyze 13 groups of antonyms according to Complementary,Converseness and Antonym and then conclude the characteristics of antonyms of Inscription of Shang Period.Chapter Eight:Conclusion.This part gives a summary of the previous seven chapters,on the base of which,we can better know the vocabulary situation of Shang Period.By the comprehensive investigation of the vocabulary of Inscription of Shan Period,the thesis describes the characteristics and disciplines of vocabulary of Shang Period.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 12期

