

Research on Idustrialization of Chinese Television Media

【作者】 唐月民

【导师】 江奔东;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 专门史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 在传媒经济中,电视传媒的地位、作用最为突出。与西方发达国家的电视传媒相比,中国电视传媒的市场化程度低,这既不符合传媒产业发展的规律,也不利于其“喉舌”作用的发挥。因此,在这一背景下,对中国电视传媒产业化进行研究具有重要意义。目前在学术界,中国电视传媒产业化问题的研究较为薄弱。本文以中国电视传媒产业化作为研究方向,旨在从理论上深化传媒经济学的研究,为做大做强中国电视传媒业提供理论支持。本文思考及解决的主要问题是:什么是中国电视传媒产业化?也即,如何界定中国电视传媒产业化?然后再讨论中国电视传媒应如何产业化?本文除绪论和结语外,分为六章。基本思路是:首先通过实证分析,指出计划经济时期建立和发展迄今的中国电视传媒业,并非经济学意义上的真正“产业”,因此才有“产业化”之必要。第一章中,讨论了电视传媒的经济特征,这是全文的理论基础。第二章中,对国外电视产业的发展特点及政府规制做了说明,主要目的是为分析和探讨中国电视传媒经济发展中存在的问题,及其找寻中国电视传媒产业化的对策思路,提供有益的借鉴。第三章中,通过对中国电视传媒业的历史考察,指出了中国电视传媒产业化的制约因素。最后,在第四、第五、第六章中,针对中国电视传媒发展中暴露出的问题,从几个主要领域,提出并分析讨论了中国电视传媒产业化的路径。结语部分,对全文进行了小结,阐明了研究结论、创新点、及有待深化研究的问题。下面是各部分内容的提要:在《绪论》中,主要提出了中国电视传媒产业化问题。本文从产业经济学的角度,把中国电视传媒产业化界定为我国由传统计划经济向社会主义市场经济转型时期的一个特有概念,是指电视资源配置由政府分配向市场化转型,以市场机制来取代计划机制的运行过程。在第一章《电视传媒的经济特征》中,首先界定了电视产品概念和电视传媒组织类型,然后分析了电视产品的经济属性,最后分析了电视传媒组织的经济特征。在第二章《国外电视产业发展特点及政府规制》中,本文归纳出“商业化”、“集团化”是国外电视产业发展的特点。“商业化”具体表现为:第一,原先实行单一国有国营或公有公营电视传媒发展模式的国家增加了商有商营电视传媒组织:第二,国有国营或公有公营电视传媒组织出现了私有化倾向。“集团化”是市场经济的必然结果,国外电视传媒集团都是通过并购的方式完成的,多元化经营和全球扩张是其主要经营策略。另外,在电视传媒业的政府规制方面,自1980年代以来,无论是以商业电视传媒为主导的美国,还是以公共电视传媒为主的欧洲,都掀起了政府规制改革之风,即给本国电视传媒企业以更大的市场自主权、加强对电视节目内容及外资进入的规制,并迅速波及其他国家和地区。第三章《中国电视传媒业的发展及产业化的制约因素》,侧重从历史考察角度对本课题进行探讨。本部分重点分析了改革开放以来的中国电视传媒业,指出中国电视传媒产业化的制约因素主要为:电视传媒资源配置不合理、规模经济和范围经济不突出、政府规制改革滞后。第四章《关于中国电视传媒资源配置问题》,是针对中国电视传媒资源配置不合理问题提出的解决方案。本部分从中国电视传媒内容和渠道资源配置两个方面进行探讨。本部分分析了中国电视内容资源和渠道资源的配置原则和理想配置模式。优化中国电视内容资源配置的路径是制播分离,优化中国电视渠道资源配置的路径是公商二分模式。为实现中国电视内容资源配置的优化,制播分离改革需要循序渐进,这也是代价最小的改革方式,至于具体的改革模式,由于中国电视台级别不同,经营能力不同,制播分离改革不能整齐划一,需要根据本台实际情况,探索一条适合自己的节目资源配置方式,总体说来,最终把电视台内部的节目制作机构从电视台剥离出来,成为市场主体,与其他电视制作机构平等竞争,才能真正实现电视内容资源配置的优化。为实现中国电视渠道资源配置的优化,首先,现有电视台“事业单位、企业化管理”的二位一体模式需要转变为“事企二分”模式,即电视台不能产业化,依然属于事业单位,但电视台中的可经营性业务可以分离出去,另组公司,如节目制作部门(非新闻类节目)、广告部门等,然后,把现有的电视台拆分为公共电视台和商业电视台。第五章《关于中国电视传媒集团问题》,在考察了中国电视传媒业所处的国际环境后,分析了中国目前的广电集团。本章通过研究得出结论:组建具有核心竞争力的中国电视传媒企业集团是中国电视传媒产业化的必然诉求。我国目前存在的广电集团的驱动力主要是国家政策或行政命令,并不是市场竞争的选择。集团化本应是市场经济的产物,平等竞争环境是市场活力的保障,但在已经划分行政级别的前提下,我国不同级别的广电集团在传媒市场上本身就是不平等竞争。离开平等竞争,资源配置就不可能被优化。因此,事业性质的中国广电集团并不能壮大中国的电视传媒业。本文认为:中国电视传媒企业集团的出现是一种理想的模式,在短期内不具可能性,但从电视产业发展规律看,组建中国电视传媒企业集团是未来的方向。本文指出:中国电视传媒集团化不能操之过急,结合现有的电视传媒集团实际情况,分“两步走”,即先由合到分,再由分到合,不能颠倒顺序。需要指出的是,中国电视传媒企业集团出现的前提是在现有广电集团内部进行“公商分离”,公商分离的目标并不是组建公共电视传媒集团和商业电视传媒集团或电视传媒企业集团两种模式,电视传媒企业集团是中国电视传媒产业化的结果,公共电视传媒机构是产业化模式的一种补充,其本身并不需要组成集团。第六章《关于中国电视传媒业的政府规制问题》,提出了中国电视传媒业政府规制的改革思路。在中国电视传媒业体制变革中,应打破三大壁垒,即产权壁垒、行政壁垒、行业壁垒。在中国电视传媒业内容质量和安全方面,应强化对中国电视传媒内容产品的规制,并限制境外电视节目在中国电视台的播出。在中国电视传媒业的法规建设方面,应首先明确电视传媒业可以作为一个法律调整的对象,其次要利用中国加入WTO的契机,健全法律体系。结语部分,对全文进行了小结。本文的主要结论:1、中国拥有全球最大的电视传媒市场,电视传媒的经济效益却不是最好的,中国电视传媒必须产业化。2、使市场在国家宏观调控下发挥电视传媒资源配置的基础性作用是中国电视传媒产业化的核心内容。3、按照市场整合原则,组建具有国际竞争力的中国电视传媒集团,是中国电视传媒产业化的重要选择。4、强化政府依法管理电视传媒业,是中国电视传媒产业化中的一个必然趋势。本文的主要创新点:1、本文从产业经济学的学理角度,结合中国国情界定了“中国电视传媒产业化”,为中国电视传媒产业化研究提供了理论基础。2、本文在分析电视产品的经济属性时,有一定创新。3、本文提出了优化中国电视渠道(电视台)资源配置的途径之一是“公商二分”。4、本文提出了中国组建电视传媒集团的“两步走”策略。此外,在结语部分还对需要进一步研究的问题做了说明。

【Abstract】 Television economy plays the most important role in media economy.Compared with western developed countries,the marketability of television media is low,which is neither correspondent with the developmental rule of media industry nor helpful to fulfill its propaganda effects.Therefore,it is of great significance to research the industrialization of Chinese television media economy.Currently,in the academic circle,the research of the industrialization of the television media is relatively weak.This article takes the industrialization of the television media as the focus,aiming at furthering the research of media economy and providing the theoretical foundation for strengthening the Chinese television media industry.The problems this article addresses are as follows:what is television media industrialization or how to define television media industrialization;how to realize the industrialization of Chinese television media.Based on the two questions,this article consists of six chapters besides Introduction and Conclusion.Firstly,through the empirical analysis,this article presents that economically speaking,the Chinese television media industry established since planned economy is not "industry" at all hence the necessity of "industrialization".The second chapter illustrates the developing features and government regulations of foreign television industry in order to explore the problems that exist in the course of the development of Chinese television media and the solutions.The third chapter points out the restricting factors for Chinese television media industrialization through the investigation of the history of Chinese television media industry.Finally,the last three chapters suggest the approach to Chinese television media industrialization from a few main areas according to the problems exposed during the development of Chinese television media.In the part of Conclusion,the author arrives the conclusion,makes clear the innovations and further questions that need addressing.in the part of Introduction,this article poses the question of Chinese television media industrialization from the perspective of industry economy,the author defines it as a specific concept during the transitional period from planned economy to market economy,which is equal to marketability of socialism and refers to the operating process of television resources deployment turning from government distribution to market and substituting plan mechanism with market mechanism.In the first chapter The Economic Features of Television Media,this article first defines the concept of television product and the organizing types of television media and then analyzes the economic features of television media organization.In the second chapter of The Developing Features and Government Regulations of Foreign Television Industry,this article summarizes two features of "commercialization" and "conglomerate".There exist two concrete reflections for the commercialization of television media:first,countries with the original implementation of a single state-owned television media development model increased the number of private-owned television media companies;second, privatization tendency appears to the state-owned television media institutions. "Conglomerate" is the inevitable result of market economy.The television media conglomerate overseas were realized by the means of merger,and multiple-angle management and globalization are the main strategies of television media conglomerate;since 1980s,the tide of government regulation reform has started in commercial television media-led America or public television media-based Europe and rapidly influenced other countries,which means to give more market autonomy to National television media companies and to strengthen the regulation to the programs and entrance of foreign capitals.Chapter Three The Development of Television Media Industry and Constraining Elements of Chinese Industrialization explores the subject from the perspective of history.This part mainly analyzes the Chinese television media industry since the beginning of reform and opening up,pointing out the principal restricting factors for the industrialization:the deployment of the television media resources is not reasonable,the scale is weak and small and the government regulation reform is behind.Chapter4 Problems on Optimization of Chinese Television Media Resources Deployment proposes the solution to the unreasonable problems of Chinese television media resources deployment.This part discusses the question from two aspects of television media content and television channel resources deployment.It analyzes the television products resources and the deployment principle and ideal deployment model.The approach to optimizing the deployment of content resources of the Chinese television is the separation of producing from playing and the approach to optimizing television channel resources is the separation of private from the public.To realize the optimization of deployment of television programs resources,the reform of separation of producing from playing can be carried on step by step and it is the reform pattern with the least expense.As to the specific reform model,it cannot be implemented with the same pace due to different television station ranks and management capacities. Instead,one should explore the proper deployment model according to the reality of the station.Generally speaking,the producing agencies should be separated from television stations and become the main body of market to compete equally with other television agencies,which can really optimize the deployment of television programs resources.Since this model is just an expectation with so many problems involved, the author can only provide a general scheme instead of a concrete design program.It can not be realized overnight,but a gradual process.First,"the institution, corporation managing" model turns into "separation of institutions from corporation" model,which means that television stations are not industrialized and belong to institutions,but the managerial service can be isolated and form the company such as producers department,advertisement department(non-news programs).Second,the current television stations are divided into public television stations and commercial television stations.Chapter5 Problems on Chinese Television Media Conglomerate analyzes current Chinese broadcasting conglomerate s after examining the international environment. This chapter comes to the conclusion that it is the inevitable demand and main aim for the industrialization of the Chinese television media to form competitive television media conglomerate.The major motivation for current broadcasting conglomerate s is not market choice but national policy or administrative order.Conglomerate should be the result of market economy and equal competition should guarantee the vitality of the market.Under the premise of different administrative ranks,the existence of different ranks of broadcasting conglomerate s in the market itself is unequal competition.Resources deployment can not be optimized without equal competition. Hence,institution characterized broadcasting conglomerate are not able to strengthen Chinese television media industries.The author thinks that the ideal model is the occurrence of corporation television media conglomerate,which is not possible to be realized in short term,but from the developing rule of television industries,it is the trend of the future.This article points out that Chinese conglomerate can not be rushing which requires two steps according to the present condition,that is from merging to separation and again from separation to merging which can not be reversed.It is worth noticing that the aim of separation of public from commerce is not to form public television media conglomerate and commercial television media conglomerate.Television media conglomerate are the result of industrialization of television media and public television media agencies are a supplement to the model of industrialization that do not need to form conglomerate.Chapter 6 Problems on Government Regulations of Chinese Television Media industry proposes the reform methods of government regulation.Three barriers should be broken,property right barriers,administrative barrier and trade barriers.In terms of the content quality and security of the television media industry,the regulation should the strengthened as to television media content and the restriction should be taken to foreign television programs.As to the law construction of television media industry, first it must be made clear that television media industry can be taken as an adjustment target;second,the opportunity of entrance into WTO must be used to perfect the law system.The conclusion is as follows:1.China owns the biggest television market while the economic value of television media is not the best and industrialization is a necessity.2.The central issue of industrialization of television media is to make the market exert fundamental function of resources deployment under the macro-control of the government.3.Forming competitive television media conglomerate is the inevitable choice of China.4.It is an inevitable trend for government to administer television media industry according to the law.There are four innovations.1.This article defines "Chinese television media industrialization" in accordance with the conditions of China,which provides the theoretical basis for the research of Chinese television media industrialization.2.There is innovation when this article analyzes the economic characters of television products.3.This article points out that the approach to optimize television resources deployment is "the separation of private from public".4.This article proposes "two-step" strategy for forming television media Conglomerate.In addition,this part addresses the issues that need further research.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 01期
  • 【分类号】G229.2-F
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】2765
  • 攻读期成果

