

A Study on the Issue of Constitutional Construction of CPC Since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Party

【作者】 高宝琴

【导师】 张锡恩;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 科社与国际共运, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 论文共包括导言、正文和结论三个部分。宪政即宪法控权下的有限政府,它是以控制政府权力为手段、以保障人权为目的、以宪法至上为根本保障的民主政治制度,是人类政治文明发展成果的集中体现和全人类的普遍追求。它是立宪、行宪、护宪的有机统一,立宪就是制定规制国家权力、保护公民权利的宪法,行宪的主要环节是国家权力依法行使,而护宪则是通过违宪审查、宪法诉讼等机制确保一切违反宪法的行为都受到严格追究。中国共产党的成立标志着自1898年以来的中国宪政之路进入了一个全新的阶段。经过局部执掌政权的实践,1949年,新民主主义宪政开始在全国范围内初步实施,为社会主义宪政积累了经验、奠定了基础。1954年,新中国第一部宪法的颁布,标志着以人民代表大会制度为根本制度的社会主义宪政在我国正式确立。十一届三中全会后,在总结我国宪政建设正反两方面经验教训、借鉴宪政发达国家有益经验的基础上,中国共产党揭开了宪政建设的新序幕。经过30年的探索,宪政所蕴涵的价值原则在中国基本确立。1982年宪法赋予公民广泛的权利并且把公民权利和义务一章提到了国家机构一章前面,凸显了先有权利后有权力的宪政价值取向。1991年11月,我国政府发布了第一个《中国的人权状况》白皮书,向全世界公开昭示:“继续促进人权的发展,努力达到社会主义所要求的实现充分人权的崇高目标,仍然是中国人民和中国政府的一项长期的历史任务。”1997年,党的十五大第一次把“尊重和保障人权”作为党执政的纲领写入了党的文献,2004年,通过了“国家尊重和保障人权”的宪法修正案。尊重和保障人权成为中国共产党宪政建设的终极价值,实现了我国宪政与人类政治文明正确发展方向的对接。限制政府权力是保障人权的重要手段。十一届三中全会后,我党逐步确立了权力必须受到制约的思想,不断理顺党政之间、国家政权内部之间以及国家与社会之间的关系,权力配置趋于合理。在横向权力配置中,经过《宪法》、《立法法》和《监督法》,人民代表大会及其常委会制约“一府两院”的能力增强;行政司法审查初步建立,司法权制约行政权的能力提到提升;依法行政取得一定成果。在纵向权力配置中,民族区域自治制度不断完善;特别行政区的建立使我国单一制的国家结构具有了某些复合制的特征;从财政包干到分税制,财政联邦主义在我国初步实现。中国特色的政党制度作为我国的一项基本政治制度明确载入宪法,多党联合政府再现曙光。公民社会得到一定程度的发展,国家与社会二元分离的格局初步形成,为我国宪政建设奠定了社会基础。确立宪法至上的原则并给予制度保障是宪政国家的基本原则。1982年宪法明确规定了宪法是国家的根本大法、具有最高的法律效力,并规定了严格的修宪程序。从《宪法》到《立法法》再到《监督法》,以行政层级为主的违宪审查模式不断完善。从1988年开始,我们采用宪法修正案的宪法变迁模式,在一定程度上实现了宪法稳定性和适应性的有机结合。与宪政发达国家相比,由于我国宪政建设的时日尚短,中国共产党的宪政建设还存在许多问题,如人权保障的内容不完善、结构、理念不合理;无论是党政之间、人大与“一府两院”之间、还是中央与地方之间,权力关系没有根本理顺,权力腐败和滥用依然是我国宪政建设面临的最大障碍之一。全国人大常委会监督宪法实施的模式使我国至今缺乏对人大及其常委会制定的法律进行违宪审查的程序性规定,宪法的控权性质尚不突出。产生这些弊端的根本原因在于宪政不是我国经济、社会和文化自然演进的产物,而是为挽救民族危亡不得已采取的手段。首先,西方的宪政是建立在市场经济基础之上的,随着市场经济逐步产生了一个强大的市民社会,成为控制政府权力的主要力量,因此,宪法是人民成立政府的意志而非政府的意志。而我国市场经济发育很不完善,缺乏宪政的经济基础以及由此产生的市民社会,这就导致我国宪政的推进模式与西方正好相反,是政府主导型的,这种模式在一定程度上存在着强化政府权力的倾向,与宪政限制国家权力的宗旨不一致。其次,西方的宪政为了维护人权,防范政府的侵犯,必然要求一个弱政府;而中国的立宪一开始就以救亡图存、国家富强为目标,这必然导致一个强政府。再次,西方的宪政是以自然法、对人性的怀疑等理论为基础的,承认人具有天赋的不可剥夺的权利,人们建立政府的惟一目的就是维护这些权利,而中国过分强调主权对人权的保护,人权仅仅是政府同意下的正当权益,对权力的过分信任必然导致权力防范意识的缺失。推进我国不断走向宪政是本文的出发点和根本归宿,笔者在总结学界研究成果的基础上,提出了完善我国宪政建设的几点措施。首先,应该继续扩大非中共党员在人大的比例,以消除目前仍然存在的执政党包揽一切的情况;把代表党团作为执政党“形在体中”的表现,避免由中央委员会或政治局直接向人大提出议案。其次,把党的集体领导与行政首长负责制结合起来,行政机关应该试行党组票决制,经过集体投票表决后的重大问题由行政首长向人大提出立法建议,以此实现执政党对行政机关的间接领导。最后,应该逐步把政治协商会议纳入到国家政权内部中,以保证政治协商结果的法律性。

【Abstract】 The Paper consists of introduction, main text and conclusion.Constitutionalism is a limited government under the control of constitution. It is a democratic political system with the supremacy of constitution, of which the purpose is to protect human rights by means of controlling governmental power. And it is a reflection of development of political civilization and the universal pursuit of mankind. It is an organic unity of constitution establishment, implementation and defense. Establishment of constitution is to enact the constitution, which is to regulate state power and to protect human rights. Implementation of constitution is to implement state power according to laws. And defense of constitution ensures that all the acts in violation of the constitution should be strictly judged and punished by constitutional review and litigation.The foundation of Communist Party of China (CPC) marked a new stage of constitutionalism in China since 1898. After the practice of CPC partial governance, the new democratic doctrine constitutionalism had been implemented nationwide since 1949, which accumulated experience for the foundation of socialist constitutionalism. Then in 1954, promulgation of the first constitution indicated the formal establishment of Socialist Constitutionalism, in which the People’s Congress System was the fundamental constitutional system.After the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee, CPC drew lessons from past, learned from developed countries’ experience and opened a new prelude of constitutional system. After 30 years of exploration, the constitutional value has been basically established and accepted in China.1982’s constitution widely provisioned civil rights and arranged the chapter of civil rights and obligations previous to national institutions, which highlighted the constitutional value of civil rights being prior to state power. In November 1991, the Chinese government published the first white paper on China’s human rights situation, declaring to the world, that continuously promoting the development of human rights to meet the requirements of Socialism was still a long-term historical task for the Chinese people and government. And on the 15th CPC National Party Congress, "to respect and protect human rights" was established as part of the Party’ programme. Then, "the state respects and safeguards human rights" was written into the amendments to the constitution in 2004. Human rights protection has become one of the ultimate goals of CPC constitutional construction, which leads our constitutional system to develop in the direction of political civilization.Limiting state power is an important means for the protection of human rights. After the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee, CPC gradually established an idea that power must be restricted. She rationalized the relationships between the party and government, within state power, and between the state and society. And the allocation of power became more rational. In the horizontal distribution of power, due to the laws of "Constitution", "Legislation" and "Supervision", the capability of National People’s Congress(NPC) and its Standing Committee to restrict the government was growing. The judicial review mechanism of executive power was initially established. And the law-based administration made certain achievements as well. In the vertical distribution, the Regional Ethnic Autonomy System was continuously improving; Establishment of Special Administrative Region made the unitary state structure of China become diversified. From the financial responsibility to the tax system, Fiscal Federalism was initially realized in China. As one of the basic political systems, the political party system with Chinese characteristics was written into the Constitution. To some extent, the pattern of binary separation between state and society was initially formed, which laid a foundation for constitutional construction in China.The supremacy of Constitution is one of basic constitutional principles. 1982’s Constitution clearly stipulated that the Constitution was the country’s fundamental law with highest legal effect, and regulated strict procedures for revising the Constitution. From the "Constitution" to the "Legislation Law" and "Supervision Law", the mode of constitutional review was continuously improved. Since 1988, China had been adopting the mode of constitutional amendment, which, to a certain extent, realized the organic integration of stability and adaptability of the Constitution.Compared with developed constitutionalism, China still has many constitutional problems due to short developing history, such as protection content of human rights is imperfect, protection structure and idea is unreasonable, power relationships have not been fundamentally rationalized, corruption and abuse of power is still one of the biggest problems in the constitutional construction, and the mechanism that the National People’s Congress Standing Committee supervises the implementation of the Constitution still lacks a procedural reviewing law. The causes of such problems are mainly that constitutionalism is a means taken to save the nation from peril, rather than a product of economic, social and cultural evolution in China. First of all, western constitutionalism is built on the foundation of market economy, while China’s market economy development is still imperfect. And lack of economic infrastructure leads to a contrary developing model. This model is government-dominated and tends to strengthen the power of government, which is inconsistent with the purpose of restricting governmental power. Secondly, in order to protect human rights from being violated, it is necessary for the western constitutionalism to have a weak government; while in China, national survival and prosperity is the original goal of constitutionalism, which is bound to lead to a strong government. Thirdly, western constitutionalism is based on natural law and suspicion of human nature. It advocates that people have inalienable natural rights and the only reason of establishing a government is to protect the rights. In China, however, too much emphasis is put on the protection of human rights by sovereignty, and human rights are legal only if under governmental permissions. Excessive trust in the power will inevitably lead to the loss of preventive awareness.The original intention and final purpose of this paper is to promote the constitutionalism in China. On the basis of former research, the author puts forward measures of improving China’s constitutionalism. First, it is necessary to keep raising the proportion of non-CPC members in the NPC, which can avoid authoritarian policies. In order to prevent the Political Bureau or the Central Committee from raising a motion directly to the National People’s Congress, a form of representative caucus should be adopted. Secondly, to realize the indirect leadership of ruling party on executive authorities, the party’s collective leadership should be organically integrated with the chief executive accountability system, and the executive authorities need to try voting system, in which the chief executive makes legislative proposals about significant issues to the NPC after voting. Finally, Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference should be gradually incorporated the state political system, so as to ensure that the conclusions of political consultations are legal.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 12期

