

The Comparative Study of the Chinese and South Korean Network Chatting Language

【作者】 崔馝席

【导师】 唐子恒;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 随着社会的发展和网络技术的飞速进步,互联网已经成为人们生活中不可或缺的一个组成部分。作为交流和沟通的工具,互联网给社会的方方面面带来了诸多的影响和改变,这体现在语言学领域就是产生了一种全新的语言社会变体——网络语言,它以自己崭新的面貌和独特的吸引力在网民甚至更多的人中流行、使用。但同时,社会各界对待网络语言这一新生事物的态度也褒贬不一,关于这方面的探讨和研究则渐渐成为热点。本文作者是一名在中国学习汉语的韩国留学生,对于汉语和韩语在各方面的共性和差异都有比较敏感的认识。在论述了网络聊天语在当今社会中巨大的影响力、出现的原因及其概念的界定、具有的性质特点等问题的基础上,本文还针对中韩网络聊天语言中新词语的构成类型及规范化问题进行了比较,希望在比较中寻找中韩两国网络聊天语言的异同及规范其发展的经验。关于网络语言的研究,无论在中国还是韩国,都已成为语言学界的一个热点。学者们普遍认为,网络聊天语言的出现除了得益于网络技术的发展之外,对输入速度的追求、对网络交际中人情味和形象化的追求、对个性化和时尚感的张扬等一系列因素也是催生其产生的必不可少的因素。本文所讨论的网络聊天语,不同于网络语言,它是仅指聊天时的用语,并不包括网络专业术语。这种特殊的语言既有口语的实时互动性,又有书面语的单向异步性,属于“互动的书面语篇”,其中的许多语言成分是网民们在已经熟识的、现成的语言成分中,使用各种方法制造出的新词语,所以说无论在产生的途径还是结果上,网络聊天语都在传统语言系统的语言形式和修辞方式的基础上发生了或多或少的变异。作为基础语言的一个新生的社会变异,网络聊天语与规范化的语言之间最明显差别体现在词汇方面。本文指出,中韩两国网络聊天语都不乏谐音形式、字母缩略形式、情状符号、旧词语获得新意义、新造词语等类型。但是,两者之间也存在相当多的差异。之所以如此,除去社会文化背景的因素外,两种语言系统及相应的书写系统的差异也是重要的原因。中韩两国的网络聊天语较为显著的差异主要表现为以下几点:第一,汉语的谐音形式比较多,而韩语中的谐音形式比较少。第二,汉语网络聊天语中旧词语获得新意义的现象非常多,而韩语中则相对较少。第三,韩语中字母缩略的例子非常多,而汉语网络聊天语中的字母缩略词则远少于韩语。第四,韩语中的情状符号数量繁多、成分复杂,而汉语中的情状符号相比之下则数量较少,构成简单。网络聊天语非常新颖,具有很大的吸引力,但是它对语言的规范化也提出了更高的要求。网络语言规范化的问题是中韩两国各界人士都十分重视的,无论在理论上还是实践上,两国都已经开始了积极的探索,其中,韩国在实践方面做得更加具体和深入一些,这对中国来说是一种很好的启示和借鉴。韩国在规范网络聊天语的使用上采取了很多措施,比如在学校给低龄学生开设具有针对性的课程,从小培养国民规范使用语言的习惯;规定网络管理员有责任驱逐聊天室中蓄意污染语言的网民,营造健康和谐的用语环境;同时还鼓励各种民间组织都积极地发起净化网络语言的国民运动等等。

【Abstract】 With the rocketing development of society and network technology, the Internet has become an indispensable part of people’s everyday life. In the same course, a completely new social language variety---network language-has come into being. This new language, with its unique characteristics, is popular in Internet users and even in more and more other people widely. There are many controversial discussions about this newborn language among the whole society. More and more researchers begin to probe into this field.The writer of this thesis is a Korean student who studies Chinese in China. He is very sensitive to the commonness and difference between Chinese and Korean.This thesis describes the profound influence imposed by society, the cause of its formation, boundary of definitions, and the specialty of online chatting language. Besides, it makes a comparison between new words created by Chinese and Korean Internet users, and the morphology and standardization of the online chatting language, on the purpose of finding the commonness and difference of the two languages and draw experience for developing standardization of language from it.The research on network language is a hot issue in both Chinese and Korean linguistic circles. It is generally believed that the formation of an online chatting language system not only benefits from the development of network technology, but also from many other reasons; for example, the requirement of input efficiency, the pursuance of humanity and visualization in network communication, and the exhibition of individuality and a sense of pioneering.Different from professional network language, the network language concerned in this thesis only refers to on-line chatting language, excluding professional jargons. This special language is not only a synchronized interactivity but also an asynchronous written language, in other words, a kind of "interactive discourse". Internet users make new words or derive new meanings from the existing words with which they are very familiar with. They also use many non-native language symbols to form new words. To some degree, they vary the conventional language form and methods of rhetoric. As a completely new social language variety,the most prominent difference between the chatting language system and the standard language system lies in the lexical level.This thesis points out that there are many homonyms (partial tone words or different words with the same pronunciation), alphabet abbreviations, symbols, words with widened meanings, and newly invented words that occur in both Chinese and Korean chatting languages. On the other hand, there are many differences between these two new languages, which are caused by the different social and cultural background and especially by the different spoken and written language systems.There are prominent differences between the Chinese and Korean chatting language, mainly in the following four aspects: Firstly, there are many homonyms in Chinese, but very few in Korean. Secondly, there are many more words with widened meanings in the Chinese chatting language than in the Korean. Thirdly, there are many more abbreviated words in Korean. Fourthly, there are many symbols with complex components in Korean, while in Chinese there are only a small number of symbols which are all very simple. Chatting language is a new system, but it is still based on the old lexical system. New words are produced by combining the original lexemes through morphological rules.Both Chinese and Korean people are concerned with the problem of standardization and have made great efforts in research both theoretically and practically. The Korean researchers have made greater achievements in the practical aspect, which is an inspiration and reference for Chinese people. For example, they hold special instructional courses for primary school students; forum hosts on BBS are expected to ban people who say dirty words deliberately; and governmental and various nongovernmental organizations also sponsor movements to purify language.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 01期
  • 【分类号】H109;H36
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】2104

