

Li Yu’s Integrated Drama Theory and Its Theoretical Studies

【作者】 高源

【导师】 曾繁仁;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 文艺学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 李渔是清初著名的戏剧理论家、作家和活动家,他的戏剧理论代表了中国古典戏剧理论的最高水平。有关李渔戏剧理论的研究,在李渔研究中一直处于重中之重的地位。本文从中国古典戏剧理论发展史的角度,结合李渔自身情况,探讨了其整体戏剧观念形成原因,揭示了其理论的基本特征,并以此为出发点,按照戏剧活动基本过程这一全新视角,对其戏剧理论进行了总体研究。本文共分四章:第一章阐述了李渔整体戏剧观念的形成过程及其理论的基本特征。中国古典戏剧艺术特别是戏剧理论的长期发展,为李渔戏剧理论的构建打下了坚实基础。但由于对中国传统艺术形态的继承关系,“以曲为本位”的诗化戏剧理论长期占据统治地位;明中叶以后,大量文人的参与,在提高戏剧艺术和理论水平的同时,也使得创作中“案头化”的倾向日益严重。明代万历年间,以汤显祖为代表的“临川派”和沈璟为代表的“吴江派”爆发了一场有关“情辞”和“音律”的大争论,影响深远。“汤沈之争”以后到李渔之前的中国古典戏剧理论史,在一定程度上是“以曲为本位”戏剧理论和“案头化”创作理念相博弈的历史,但这两者都忽略了戏剧艺术的独特性质,使戏剧艺术的发展偏离了正常轨道。李渔多年的戏剧活动特别是舞台搬演经历,使其深知‘优人搬弄之三昧’,积累了丰富的舞台经验,使其能从剧作家、舞台搬演者和观众等多维视角观照戏剧艺术,逐步形成了其整体戏剧观念,并在自觉构建戏剧理论的强烈要求下,通过对自身创作经验的辨证总结和前人理论的批判继承,创造性地提出了“填词之设,专为登场”和“设此种文字,借优人说法,与大众齐听”,回答了“戏剧是什么”的问题,并以此构建了戏剧文本创作理论(设此种文字)、舞台搬演理论(借优人说法)、观众接受理论(与大众齐听)所组成的相对完整的理论体系,把握了戏剧的一般特性和基本规律,将“以曲为本位”的理论传统和“案头化”的创作理念推向了以“舞台搬演”为核心的综合化戏剧理论。从李渔开始,戏剧艺术才被真正视为一种综合艺术而进入中国理论家的理论建构之中。第二章,李渔的戏剧文本创作理论。李渔的文本创作理论将戏剧文本视为整个戏剧艺术的一部分,所以其有关结构、语言、音律、题材和情节的论述虽与前人有着明显地继承关系,但立论的角度和理论深度已大不相同。“结构第一”强调了从一次戏剧活动的起点来通盘考虑整个文本的艺术构思;语言论则基本上摆脱了前人在“文”与“俗”、“雅”与“俗”这一层面上的争论,而是立足于舞台搬演这一核心,完备地提出了“一贵一戒三重”,即“贵显浅”、“戒浮泛”和“重机趣”、“重宾白”、“重科诨”;在音律问题上,李渔主张语言和音律的和谐统一,音律的地位虽被李渔一再强调,却已不是其理论的侧重,“别解务头”的说法就集中反映了他的音律观;题材论则主要针对戏剧创作中的“虚幻不实”而造成的戏剧舞台搬演混乱,要求处理好“虚”与“实”的关系,并衍生出处理好“古”与“今”的关系;情节论则以“新”释“奇”,合理地避开了“幻”的纠葛,完成了中国古典戏剧理论重要审美范畴由“奇”到“幻”到“新”的转化。第三章,李渔的舞台搬演理论。本文首先确定了“舞台搬演”在中国古典戏剧理论中的含义,并以明清传奇演出的主要团体——家班作为切入点,谈了三个方面:一是对戏剧文本的选择与改编,强调了由“场下文本”向“场上文本”转化的必要性,还集中论述了该如何实现由“场下文本”向“场上文本”的转化,使“舞台剧本”直接连结了文本创作和舞台搬演两个领域。二是对家伶的选择和教育,相对摆脱了“声色”的单一选择标准,主张“惟楚有才,惟晋用之”;强调家伶的培养要根据“天性”和“喉音”因材施教;注重对家伶戏剧专业素质的培养,提出“唱曲易有情”,将中国古典戏剧艺术的演唱技巧由“字”、“腔”、“气”,发展到“情”,主张四者的完美结合,并重视“说白”教育;看重家伶综合素质的培养,高度重视家伶的文化素质培养,主张“翰墨为上,丝竹次之,歌舞又次之”循序渐进的艺术教育方法。三是关注舞台演出的效果,在演出时间上主张“宜晦不宜明”,要求加强剧场的人工照明管理,论述了伶人舞台表演的“闺中之态”和“场上之态”转化关系。第四章,李渔的观众接受理论。他的观众意识全方位地渗透到其理论构建中,时刻牵动着李渔的理论之笔。一是敏感地把握到了接受群体的差别性,对观众的认知有了明显层次感,特别重视“不读书之妇人小儿”欣赏接受,同时主张满足不同接受群体的不同需要。二是高度重视戏剧艺术对观众的作用,主张“教化”和“娱乐”并重的戏剧功能观,提出了“重机趣”以摆脱道学气的说教,从而实现“教化”和“娱乐”两者的统一。三是重视观众在戏剧活动中的作用,认为戏剧艺术价值的最终实现离不开观众,把观众作为评判文本创作和舞台搬演成功与否的主要标准;同时并不一味地迁就观众的好恶,重视观众素质对戏剧艺术发展的影响。最后是本文的结语,主要谈了四个方面:一是主要立足于李渔戏剧理论的自我表述,就学界长期争论的有关李渔戏剧理论和作品不一致的问题,谈了一点个人的意见,认为李渔的戏剧理论和戏剧作品存在“合而又离”特点,即某种程度的“背离性”,其理论有着相对独立的品格。二是谈了李渔的戏剧理论对其后中国古典近代戏剧艺术和理论发展的影响问题,认为李渔的戏剧理论没有从根本上动摇中国古典戏剧理论的诗化传统和现实中“案头化”的创作倾向,在戏剧活动中并未发挥其应有的指导作用,这其中最重要的原因是清代“复古崇古”的社会文化大背景。三是有关李渔戏剧理论的当代价值和局限性,认为其理论暗合了戏剧艺术的基本规律和一般特性,对我们当今社会如何搞好戏剧影视工作有着重要的指导作用,并特别谈到了李渔所提倡的“文人墨客”参与戏剧活动的积极意义。同时,李渔戏剧理论的也有不足之处,主要表现在其思想上的局限性、对地方戏的轻视态度和过分的技巧性追求等。四是将他戏剧观点与西方一些著名戏剧理论在同类问题上的阐述进行了比较,认为李渔的戏剧理论不仅是中国戏剧理论史上的骄傲,也应在世界戏剧理论史上占据重要地位。

【Abstract】 Li Yu is a drama theorist, writer and activist in Qing Dynasty. His dramatic theories reached the summit in Chinese classic drama theory. Studies concerning his drama theories are the core among Li Yu’s research. The dissertation discusses the causes about his integrated drama conception from the perspective of the history of Chinese classic drama development and Li Yu’s own experience, in order to show features of his theory and conduct a general study of his drama theory with respect to the process of drama activity. The dissertation composes four chapters:Chapter one discusses the formation of Li Yu’s integrated drama concept and its fundamental characteristics. It is known that rhyme-based poetic drama theories dominated the Chinese traditional art forms. After mid-Ming dynasty, with the development of drama art and theories, the tendency of "Performance-Detachment" was becoming serious. During Wan Li year of Ming dynasty, the debate between school of Lin Chuan, represented by Tang, Xianzu, and the school of Wu Jiang, led by Shen Jing, was influential. The period after this debate and the Chinese classic drama theoretic history before Li Yu was a phase, to some degree, of rhyme-based drama theory and "Performance-Detachment". Both theories neglected the unique quality of drama art, which made drama deviate from its normal development. Li Yu’s years involvement in drama activity made him perceive the ’valuable experience of performance by actors’ and keep an eye on drama art multi-dimensionally, and constructed his integrated drama theory. He proposed "write play for performance" and "play for public through actors’ voices" based on his own experience of creation and inheritance and criticism of former theories. His integrated drama theory centered on "stage performance" enabled drama art to become synthesized construction by theorists as a comprehensive art.Chapter two is Li Yu’s theory of drama play script. He regards play script text as the component part of creation in the whole drama art. Though his explanations of structure, language, rhyme, subject matter and plot had a hereditary relation with the formers, his perspective of argumentation and the depth of his theory are totally different. Among them, "structure first" emphasizes considering the whole artistic outline from the very beginning. Linguistic theory is fresh from the distinction between "formality" and "elegance", putting forward "one emphasis, one refrains and three focuses", i.e., to emphasize conciseness, refrain from affectation and focus on interest, actors’ lines and funny wordings. In terms of rhyme, Li Yu held that language and rhyme, together with text and rhyme, coexist harmoniously. The saying of "another explanation of key issues in rhyme" reflects his concept of rhyme. Subject matter deals with the stage confusion caused by "delusion". The relation between illusion and substance entails the relationship between ’ancient’ and ’present’. The theory about plot paraphrases ’queer’ into ’new’, eluding the confusion about transience.Chapter three studies Li Yu’s stage performance theory. First he defines ’stage performance’ within framework of Chinese classic drama theory, then the dissertation discusses in detail from three aspects, drawing sources of the main group in drama performance-family troupe company. (1) Li puts emphasis on the choice and adaptation of play script, especially the necessity of transference from "off-stage’ text to ’on-stage’ text. (2) He attaches importance to the choice and training of actors and realizes the benefit of seeking and employing talents by getting rid of the traditional standard which emphasizes voice and beauty. (3) As for performance time, night performance excels morning one. Furthermore, he investigates the transferable relation of actors’ daily life state and performance state.Chapter four studies Li Yu’s audience acceptance theory. On one hand, he sensitively found the hierarchy among audience groups, and the importance of meeting their different needs. On the other hand, he attached importance to the role of drama art played upon the audience, emphasizing the dramatic functions of both education and entertainment, which are realized by means of fun. Besides, Li valued the audience’ role in drama activity, which is embodied in the judgment by audience and their inner quality.Final chapter concludes with personal opinions about the long-disputed discordance between Li Yu’s drama theory and his works. Firstly, His theory and drama works display some sort of deviation, and possess relatively independent quality. Secondly, Li Yu never broke away from the poetic tradition of Chinese classical drama theory, and did not play a guiding role in drama activities because of the socio-cultural background of "Restoring the ancient and respecting the ancient" in Qing Dynasty. Thirdly, the modern value of Li Yu’s drama theory lies in its embedded general principles and characteristics of drama art. And meanwhile, the dissertation points out the limitations of Li’s theory in terms of lack of thought, contempt for local drama and excessive pursuit for techniques. Li Yu’s drama theory has implications for modern drama and film and video fields, and meanwhile, the complicated relation between dramatic theory and works leads us to ponder over how to do well theoretical research in our utilized and commercialized society. Fourthly, , the dissertation makes a comparative study between Li Yu’s drama theory and some influential Western viewpoints on drama, and concludes that Li Yu is not only the pride in the Chinese history of drama theory, but also an important member contributing to the world history of drama theory.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 02期

