

A Phonological Study of Jin Dialect in the Southeast Part of Shanxi Province

【作者】 王利

【导师】 张树铮;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文以晋东南晋语语音为研究对象,在实地田野调查的基础上,运用描写法、比较法等基本研究方法,从整体上全面、深入地描写并探讨了晋东南晋语的语音特点及其历时演变。全文共分五章,其中第二、三、四、五章是论文的主体部分。附方言地图8幅。第一章,绪论。首先,简要介绍了晋东南地区的地理概况和建制沿革:其次,界定了晋东南晋语的范围并扼要评述了晋东南晋语的研究现状,包括前人已取得的研究成果以及研究中尚存的一些不足之处;最后,交代了本文的研究目的、意义、方法以及材料来源。从第二章到第四章分别对晋东南晋语的声母、韵母和声调的共时面貌和历时演变进行研究。这三章在写作模式上基本一致:首先简要介绍晋东南晋语声韵调的总体情况,然后重点描写较有特点的语音现象,并对其中某些现象进行了深入的分析。第二章,声母。主要讨论尖团音、中古知庄章组声母、中古影母和次浊声母在晋东南晋语中的读音类型及其演变情况。关于尖团音。在晋东南晋语中,有13个方言分尖团,与山西晋语其他片和中原官话汾河片方言相比,晋东南可以说是山西方言中分尖团比较集中的地区。本文在对古精见组细音在不分尖团的方言和分尖团的方言中今读音全面描写的基础上讨论了尖团音分混的历史层次问题。关于中古知庄章组声母。中古知庄章组声母在晋东南晋语中的分合关系主要有两种类型:合一型和二分型。合一型方言中,中古知庄章组声母已经合而为一,或读为[ts]组,或读为[t(?)]组,或读为[f∫]组。二分型方言中,中古知庄章组声母今读为两套声母,大部分方言是一套为韵母是洪音的[ts]组或[t(?)]组或[t∫]组,一套为韵母是细音的[t(?)]组或[t∫]组。从音类上看,二分型各方言的情况比较复杂:有些方言合口知庄章组已经合并,开口知庄章组因等呼摄的不同而未完全合并。有些方言开口知庄章组已经合并,合口知庄章组因等呼摄的不同而未完全合并。有些方言开口知庄章组和合口知庄章组则都因等呼摄的不同而尚未完全合并。根据中古知庄章组声母在二分型方言中的音类分合条件,本文将其细分为上村型、店上型、壶关型、沁县型、百尺型、景凤型、沁源型、黎城型、平顺型、东阳关型和礼义型。关于合一型和二分型之间的历史层次,本文认为二分型中的沁源型和景凤型有可能是中古知庄章组合一并读为[ts]组方言的早期阶段,而合一型与其余二分型则是中古知庄章组声母合并之后在不同方言中平行发展的两种类型,是语音系统中声韵母和谐发展的结果。关于中古影母和次浊声母。本文主要讨论开口影疑喻母、合口影疑喻母和微母、泥来母的分混、日系字、儿系字的读音及其演变问题。开口影疑喻母在晋东南晋语中有六种读音类型,本文在对其全面描写的基础上还详细讨论了开口影疑喻母在各类型方言中的演变情况。与山西晋语其他片相比,影疑母在今开口洪音韵母前今读[γ]声母以及今读开口呼零声母的情况可以算是晋东南晋语声母方面的特点之一。合口洪音影疑喻母与微母的读音有三种:①长治型,合流为[φ]。②沁县型,合流为[v]。③阳城型,合口洪音影疑喻母今读[φ],微母今读[v]。本文认为与沁县型和长治型相比,阳城型处于一个比较早的层次。泥来母在绝大多数方言中都不相混,只在高平一带的方言中部分相混。日系字和儿系字在各方言中的读音表现不同:儿系字的读音有[(?)r]、[(?)]和[(?)]三种,日系字的读音有[(?)]、[z]、[(?)]、[φ]和[l]五种,而且大部分方言的日系字都与中古知庄章组擦音呈清浊相配的格局。本文在全面考察儿系字和日系字读音情况的基础上分别讨论了二者在晋东南晋语中的演变情况。第三章,韵母。分别以阴声韵、阳声韵、入声韵为专题对其相关特点进行详细的描写和讨论。阴声韵部分主要讨论假摄开口三等、遇摄合口三等知庄章组字的韵母、蟹止摄合口一三四等以及[i][y]韵母的舌尖化现象。关于假摄开口三等。中古假摄开口三等精组、影组字今读韵母已经合流,从其在各方言中的读音差异可以看出今读韵母主要元音的高化过程:ia→iε→iE→i(?)→ie、iγ→i。假摄开口三等章组字韵母在晋东南晋语中有两种读音类型:今读齐齿呼的沁县型和今读开口呼的晋城型。本文认为这两种类型的形成与章组声母的卷舌化有关。卷舌化以后的章组声母与三等韵[i]介音在拼合上不和谐,这种拼合上的不和谐势必会引起声母或韵母上的变化:沁县型选择了变化声母的方式,晋城型则选择了变化韵母的方式。关于遇摄合口三等知庄章组字的韵母。遇摄合口三等庄组字与知章组字今读韵母的读音情况有两种:一种是二者读音有别的情况,一种是二者读音相同的情况。本文在对其读音类型共时描写的基础上讨论了遇摄合口三等知庄章组字韵母在各类型方言中的演变情况。关于蟹止摄合口一三四等。在晋东南晋语中,蟹止摄合口一三四等帮系字今都读开口呼,见系字今都读合口呼。而蟹止摄合口一三等端组、泥组、知章组、精组字今读韵母在各方言中则不尽一致,有五种读音类型:①北留型,今都读开口呼。②长治县型,知章组字今读合口呼,其余都读开口呼。③武乡型,泥母字今读开口呼,其余都读合口呼。④沁源型,泥组字今读开口呼,其余都读合口呼。⑤长治型,今都读合口呼。本文在此基础上,并联系蟹止摄合口一三四等在其他一些方言中的读音情况,认为北京话中今读[uei]韵母的蟹止摄合口一三等合口介音在晋东南晋语中是以帮系、泥母、来母、端组、精组、知章组的顺序呈阶梯式状态消失的。关于[i][y]韵母的舌尖化现象。在沁县、新店沁县、武乡、涌泉武乡、韩北武乡、景凤沁源、西营襄垣、南涅水沁县、王和沁源方言中存在此现象。本文根据[i][y]韵母舌尖化后对韵母系统所产生的不同影响将其分为四种类型并讨论了其历史层次。关于[i][y]韵母舌尖化的音变性质,本文认为把其看作是一种拉链式音变更合理,并在此基础上分析了其拉链式的音变过程。阳声韵部分主要讨论阳声韵韵尾的读音情况、消变次序以及与阳声韵有关的韵类分合。本文在全面考察阳声韵韵尾读音情况的基础上总结出晋东南晋语阳声韵韵尾的消变次序由快到慢依次为:咸山摄>宕江摄>深臻摄>曾梗通摄。而且,还讨论了阳声韵与阳声韵的韵类分合以及阳声韵与阴声韵韵类合并的问题。入声韵部分主要讨论入声韵的读音类型、入声韵今读韵母的演变规律以及入声韵的舒化问题。入声韵的今读有三组入声韵母型和两组入声韵母型两种类型。入声韵今读韵母在发展演变的过程中表现出以下两个规律:①较高元音组入声韵母相对稳定,低元音组入声韵母容易变为较高元音组入声韵母。②三组入声韵母型方言中,中元音[ε?]组入声韵母不稳定。各方言在保留入声韵的同时都不同程度地存在着一小部分入声韵丢掉喉塞尾变为阴声韵的现象,本文分别从古声母清浊和古韵摄的角度对晋东南晋语入声韵的舒化字进行了全面的考察。第四章,声调。主要讨论平声不分阴阳、去声分阴阳以及入声舒化、舒声促化等问题。在前人研究的基础上,结合晋东南晋语部分方言平声不分阴阳的事实,本文认为平声不分阴阳是阴阳平分化之后又合流的结果。在晋东南晋语的长治等24个方言去声分阴阳,沁县等26个方言去声不分阴阳,本文认为去声分阴阳是声母的清浊影响声调分化的一种超前形式,而去声不分阴阳则是一种存古现象。晋东南晋语在保留大量入声的同时,还存在入声舒化和舒声促化现象。晋东南晋语入声舒化后的归调情况是不论声母清浊大多数都归入去声(或阴去和阳去)。与舒声促化字的比例相比,入声的舒化是不可阻挡的趋势,但与未舒化的入声字的比例相比,入声舒化字的比例则相对较少,因此,入声在相当长的时期内仍会继续存在下去。第五章,语流音变。主要讨论两字组连读变调、特殊变调和变韵现象。本文以16个重点方言为研究对象对其非叠字组连读变调和叠字组连读变调的情况作了详细的描写,并在此基础上总结归纳出非叠字组连读变调的四个特点以及叠字组变调涉及到的四个条件。此外还讨论了晋东南晋语的轻声、儿尾变调、儿化变调、子尾变调和z变调等特殊变调现象。在有轻声的多数方言中,轻声的调值要受前字调类的制约。在有儿尾和子尾的方言中,儿尾多变读轻声,子尾都变为入声调。在有儿化变调和z变调的方言中,入声字儿化和z化后一定都变为舒声调。变韵现象部分讨论了儿化韵和z变韵。儿化韵在晋东南晋语中尚未彻底形成,在有儿化韵的方言中,其儿化韵都属于元音卷舌式,本文在对各方言儿化韵读音情况全面描写的基础上讨论了其儿化韵的音变规律。z变韵分布在晋城等7个方言中,本文在详细描写各方言z变韵读音的基础上,通过与晋南、豫北方言中z变韵的比较,揭示了晋东南晋语z变韵的语音特点及其发展趋势。余论部分在与晋语腹地方言、官话方言的语音特点进行比较的基础上,从语言内部特征和地理历史背景两个方面对晋东南晋语的形成问题作初步的讨论。

【Abstract】 This paper focuses on Jin dialect in the southeast part of Shanxi province.By using some basic study methods,i.e.description and comparison,the paper describes comprehensively and discusses in depth types of synchronic and diachronic changes about the phonological system of Jin dialect in the southeast part of Shanxi province basing on the data investigated by the author and of related publications.The paper covers five chapters,and the four of which constructs the main body of the paper.Furthermore,8 dialect maps are contained in it.Chapter one is the general introduction of the southeast part of Shanxi province, such as its geography and history.Then the definition of what is called Jin dialect in the southeast part of Shanxi province in this paper,and a review of previous research on this topic is presented.In the end of this chapter,the meanings of the research,purposes, materials and study methods are given.This paper mainly discusses the synchronic features and diachronic evolvement of initials,simple or compound vowel of a Chinese syllable and tones from chapter two to chapter four.These chapters have the same writing patterns.Firstly,every chapter briefly introduces the general characters of the phonology on Jin dialect in the southeast part of Shanxi province.Secondly,every chapter describes and analyzes some main phenomena of phonology.Chapter two mainly discusses the pronunciation forms and evolvement of sharp and rounded sounds,zhi group,zhuang group and zhang group initials,ying initial and chinese characters belonging to mid-ancient secondary voiced initials in the Jin dialect in the southeast part of Shanxi province.The pronunciation of sharp and rounded sounds is distinguished in 13 dialects. Compared with other Jin dialects of Shanxi and Fen River parts of middle area Mandarin,the pronunciation forms of sharp and rounded sounds are colorful in Jin dialect in the southeast part of Shanxi province.The part discusses the diachronic strata based on descripition of the pronunciation of sharp and rounded sounds.The pronunciation of zhi group,zhuang group and zhang group initials is complicated.It has two types which are called incorporative pattern and divergent pattern.Seen from the sound value,the type that is called incorporative pattern has[ts] group,[t(?)]group and[t(?)]group.The type that is called divergent pattern has[ts]group, [t(?)]group,[t(?)]group and[t(?)]group.Furthermore,the divergent pattern has eleven subordinate types including Dianshang pattern,Shangcun pattern,Huguan pattern, Qinxian pattern,Baiehi pattern,Jingfeng pattern,Qinyuan pattern,Lieheng pattern, Pingshun pattern,Dongyangguan pattern and Liyi pattern.As far as the evolvement strata of divergent pattern,the paper thinks Qinyuan pattern and Jingfeng pattern are the previous step of the dialects in which the pronunciation of zhi group,zhuang group and zhang group initials is[ts]group.The type which is called incorporative pattern and the rest of the type which is called divergent pattern are two kinds of patterns that zhi group, zhuang group and zhang group initials develop parallel after they are united.The part mainly discusses ying initial and mid-ancient chinese characters belonging to mid-ancient secondary voiced initials.In Jin dialect of the southeast part of Shanxi province,there are six pronunciation forms of kaikou ying,yi and yu initials according to the factual value.Compared with other parts of Jin dialect,the pronunciation of[Y]and[θ]is special.Based on it,the paper discusses their evolvements.The pronunciation of hekou ying,yi,yu and wei initials mainly has three types including Changzhi pattern,Qinxian pattern and Yangcheng pattern.Ni initial and lai initial can be distinguished in most of dialects,but they can partly be distinguished in Gaoping dialect.There are five pronunciation patterns of ri group,namely, [(?)][z][(?)][θ][1].There are three pronunciation patterns of er group including[(?)r][(?)][(?)]. Furthermore,pronunciation of which matches the pronunciation of fricative zhi group, zhuang group and zhang group initials.The paper also discusses the evolvements of ri group and er group based on the fathers’ research achievements.Chapter three includes three parts such as yin rhyme,yang rhyme,and ru rhyme.The part of yin rhyme discusses jiashe kaikou san-deng,the final of words that belongs to yushe hekou san-deng zhi group,zhuang group and zhang group initials, xiezhishe kaikou yi-san-si-deng and the phenomenon that[i][y]finals are pronounced as [(?)][(?)]finals.Seen from the difference of pronunciations of the mid-ancient jiashe kaikou san-deng jing group and ying group,the course that the primary vowels of finals gradually become high vowels is presented:ia→i(?)→iE→i(?)→ie,i(?)→i.The formation of pronunciation has relation to the pronunciation of mid-ancient initials of zhang group initial.The disharmony of zhang group initial and medial[i]leads to change of initials and finals.Qinxian pattern chooses the means of change of initials,and Jincheng pattern chooses the means of change of finals.There are two pronunciation patterns of finals of yushe hekou san-deng zhuang group initial and zhi-zhang group initials.One is that their pronunciation are different, the other is that their pronunciation are same.According to sound value ofyushe hekou san-deng zhuang group initial and zhi-zhang group initials,the first type is divided into five subordinate types including Licheng pattern,Liyi pattern,Changzhi pattern, Jingfeng pattern and Qinyuan pattern.Furthermore,the paper discusses the evolvement of the finals of yushe hekou san-deng zhi group,zhuang group and zhang group initials in these dialects.The pronunciation of the final of xiezhishe hekou yi-san-si-deng jian group words is hekouhu,the pronunciation of bang group words is kaikouhu,the pronunciations of finals of words that belongs to the rest initials of xiezhishe hekou yi-san-si-deng are different in the dialects.According to their difference of pronunciations,they are divided into five types,namely,Beiliu pattern,Changzhi pattern,Wuxiang pattern, Qinyuan pattern and Changzhi pattern.In a word,final[uei]dispears orderly by ni initial,lai initial,duan group initial,jing group initial and zhi-zhang group initials.There are phenomenon that[i][y]become[(?)][(?)]in Qinxian,Wuxiang,Xindian, Yongquan,Hanbei,Jingfeng,Xiying,Nannieshui,Wanghe dialects.The paper divided into four patterns according to the different effects on vowel.The paper thinks that this phenomenon belongs to mutation of drag chain and analyzes the process of mutation.The part of yang rhyme discusses the pronunciation forms and change order of yang rhyme.Based on the disciption of its pronunciation forms,the paper analyzes the change order of it is xianshanshe>dangjiangshe>shenzhenshe>zenggengtongshe. Furthermore,the paper discusses some problems about the combination and separation of yang rhyme.The part of ru rhyme discusses the pronunciation patterns,the mutation laws and the vanishment of tail vowel of ru rhyme.The pronunciations of it have three groups pattern and two groups pattern.And there are two laws of evolvement.One is that low vowels group changes easily and the high vowels group is steady,the other is that mid vowels are unstable and finally change into low vowels or high vowels.Furthermore, there is the phenomenon of the vanishment of tail vowel in ru rhyme in the dialects. And the paper mainly analyzes the phenomenon from two aspects:yunshe and voiceless and voiced sound of initials.Chapter four is the discussion of tone with emphasis on the situation of departure and conflation of pingsheng and qusheng,the unification of all kinds of tones and the vanishment of tail vowel in rusheng.Pingsheng is divided into yinping and yangping in most dialects and is not divided in Gaoping,Yongquan and Jingfeng dialects.The paper thinks that the phenomenon that Pingsheng is not divided is the result of combination basing on separation.Qusheng is divided into yinqu and yangqu in 24 dialects such as Changzhi dialect and is not divided in the rest dialects.And the paper thinks that the phenomenon that qusheng is not divided is the mid-ancient phenomenon.After the vanishment of rusheng,entering tone becomes qusheng regardless of qing-zhuo of initials,which is different from Mandarin Chinese.In the meanwhile,there is phenomenon of checkedization.Furthermore,compared with the proportion of rusheng words,shuhua words and cuhua words,the paper thinks the vanishment of tail vowel in entering tone needs an endless process.Chapter five is synchronic description of mutation in Jin dialect of the southeast part of Shanxi province.It is composed of three parts including disyllabic tone sandhi, special tone change and final change.The part of disyllabic tone sandhi discusses the reiterative locution tone sandhi and irreiterative locution tone sandhi of 16 dialects that are investigated.Based on it,the paper generalizes four characters of irreiterative locution tone sandhi and the four conditions of the reiterative locution tone sandhi.The part of special tone change describes neutral tone,tone change of er suffixation and er tail,tone change of zi suffixation and zi tail.The distribution of neutral tone is imbalanced.The neutral tone of most dialects is light and small.The tone of er tail becomes neutral tone in the dialects have er tail.In some dialects that have tone change of er suffixation and zi suffixation,entering tone must change tone after it is followed by er suffixation and zi suffixation.The tone of zi tail becomes different tone in the dialects have zi tail.The part of final change discusses the final change of suffix zi and suffix er.The suffix er belongs to coiled vowel.The part discusses the change rules of retroflex suffixation based on description of pronunciation of retroflex suffixation.There is final change of suffix zi in 7 dialects.Based on the description of final change of suffix zi,the paper discusses their characters and development trend,compared with Jinnan dialects and Yubei dialects.Compared with phonological characters of the central dialects of Jin group and Mandarin Chinese,the conclusion discusses the form of Jin dialect in the southeast part of Shanxi province.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 02期

