

Study on the Visual Behavior Verbs of Modern Chinese

【作者】 武文杰

【导师】 盛玉麒;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 视觉行为动词是按照意义特征划分出来的一个动词小类,是对视觉行为进行语言描述的主要方式。现代汉语动词小类的研究尚处于起步阶段,在研究的深度和广度方面都存在一定不足,有必要进行多角度的深入研究。本文对现代汉语视觉行为动词从静态和动态、共时和历时等方面进行了深入研究。本研究的意义有:1、通过研究,使我们对现代汉语视觉行为动词的各种属性有了充分掌握。2、为汉语其他小类动词的研究提供理论和方法上的帮助。3、为计算机对视觉行为动词的自动识别和对外汉语教学提供相应的语言学支持。本文包括以下主要内容:第一章为本文绪论,介绍与本研究有关的研究现状、研究难点和意义,最后介绍本文的理论基础和研究方法。第二章对视觉行为与视觉行为动词的关系进行论述说明,指出二者是联系密切又相互区别的两个概念。视觉行为与视觉行为动词之间的关系是所指和能指的关系,前者为后者提供存在的意义,但是它们之间的关系并不是一一对应的,而是受到了词语自身特点的限制。不同语言对视觉行为的描述存在着差异,同一种语言对视觉行为的描述也存在着时间和空间上的不同。在对二者关系进行详细阐述分析的基础上,结合现代汉语的词汇特点,本章给视觉行为动词进行了明确的定义,并且提出了界定的原则和标准。第三章内容包括三个主要方面:一、通过前一章所提出的词语界定的原则和标准,对现代汉语视觉行为动词的范围进行了明确的界定,共确定了210个现代汉语视觉行为动词,使研究范围具有可控性。并且对部分非视觉行为动词与视觉行为动词的区别进行了分析,进一步廓清了研究对象的范围,同时也是对研究对象的主要特征的初步阐释。二、从构词、及物性和语义特征角度对现代汉语视觉行为动词进行分类。其中,重点通过义素分析对现代汉语视觉行为动词的基本意义特征和附属意义特征进行了归纳,建立了完整的《现代汉语视觉行为动词语义属性信息表》,并对语义特征从多个角度加以阐释。三、分析现代汉语视觉行为动词的静态语义特征之间的相互关系。通过对部分语义特征之间相容度的计算,考察了这些特征之间相容性的显著程度,并且通过计算结果与人们认知直觉的比较,揭示了这些特征之间的内在联系。研究表明,视觉行为动词语义特征之间的存在着“相容”和“相斥”的关系;而且视觉行为动词语义特征之间的相关程度与我们的认知直觉之间并不完全一致。第四章使用自建的现代汉语平衡语料库和相关分词检索软件,对210个现代汉语视觉行为动词的使用频度情况进行了封闭测查。在词频统计时,不仅考察该动词在语料库中的出现次数,而且考察它的视觉义项、非视觉义项、视觉用法、非视觉用法的使用频次,再将这些数据汇总成《现代汉语视觉行为动词降频表》,为下一步的研究作好了充分的数据准备。通过逐词分析,建立了《现代汉语视觉行为动词语法功能表》,并且结合视觉行为动词语义特征对其语法功能的特点,数量分布情况进行了阐释。语法特征分布状态表明,视觉行为动词词义的特殊性会对动词语法功能产生影响。视觉行为动词词义的特殊性表现在相对普通动词而言较弱的动作性,以及词义一般包含较强的对行为方式状态的描述,这是由视觉行为在人类行为中的特殊性决定的。在上述研究所得到的数据基础上,通过相关系数的计算,对现代汉语视觉行为动词词频与部分功能之间的相关程度进行了对比分析;另外,通过相容性的计算,对这些功能之间的相容程度进行了对比和分析。分析结果显示,现代汉语视觉行为动词的功能与词频之间普遍呈现正相关,在相关性的显著程度上则存在一定差异。第五章研究汉语视觉行为动词的历时变化,包括:一、现代汉语视觉行为动词与《说文解字》视觉行为动词比较分析。这部分内容在方法上主要以现代汉语视觉行为动词与《说文》中出现的视觉行为动词相比较,对它们在数量和语义类型上的差别进行了分析。二、汉语视觉行为动词的演变。汉语视觉行为动词的演变主要表现为原有视觉要素的消亡和新的视觉要素的出现,前者包括视觉行为动词的消亡和词语的视觉行为意义的消亡,后者主要指新的视觉行为动词出现,包括新的词语形式的出现、旧词语获得视觉行为意义。另外,还对核心视觉行为动词的历时替换情况进行了对比和分析。三、对汉语视觉行为动词词义引申情况进行研究。研究结果表明,隐喻是汉语视觉行为动词词义引申的主要方式,表现为词义由表示物理视觉意义向表示心理视觉意义的转化,视觉行为动词词义的隐喻基础是视觉行为与人类心理行为的相似性以及行为过程的共现性。语法化是词义引申的一个重要结果,汉语视觉行为动词的语法化具有多样性,本章对其中语法化程度较高的几个动词进行了考察分析。从语法化过程来看,它们都是通过视觉意义与其他意义之间的联系,在语法化规律的作用下完成了词义由实到虚的转变。结语部分对本文所采用的理论、方法、结论进行总括说明,并且指出研究中存在的不足。几个主要统计表是本文研究成果的主要方面,由于所占篇幅较大,所以未在正文中出现,全部放到文后的附录之中。

【Abstract】 Visual behavior verbs are a subcategory classified according to their meaning features. They are the main method to give language descriptions to visual behaviors. The research of the Modern Chinese subcategory verbs is now in its initial stage, so there is certain inadequacy in the depth and breadth of the research. This paper does a multi-angle research of the Modern Chinese visual behavior verbs.The significance of the research is as follows: Firstly, it provides us with the diverse attributes of the Modern Chinese visual behavior verbs; Secondly, it provides theoretical and methodological help to the study of other subcategory verbs; Thirdly, it provides the corresponding linguistic support to computational auto-recognition of visual behavior verbs and the Chinese teaching to foreigners.The main contents of this paper are as follows:Chapter 1 is the preface, introducing the relevant current situation, difficulties and significance relating to this research, and in the final part the theoretical basis and research methodology of this paper.Chapter 2 discusses the relation between visual behaviors and visual behavior verbs, showing that these are two closely-related but distinctive conceptions. Their relation is one of the signified and the signifier, with the former making the existence of the latter meaningful. They are not corresponding, but are limited by the characteristics in the words themselves. Different languages give different descriptions to visual behaviors, and even the same language describes them differently because of temporal and spatial divergence. On the basis of an elaborate analysis of their relation and the characteristics of the Modern Chinese vocabulary, this chapter gives a precise definition to visual behavior verbs, and also provides the principles and standards to it.Chapter 3 is mainly composed of three parts: Firstly, the range of the Modern Chinese visual behavior verbs is delimited precisely according to the principles and standards provided by the previous chapter. 210 Modern Chinese visual behavior verbs are within the range, which makes the research controllable. Additionally, it analyses the difference between some non-visual behavior verbs and visual behavior verbs, so it further clarifies the scope of the research objects and at the same time discusses briefly the main features of the objects. Besides, this chapter clarifies the Modern Chinese visual behavior verbs from the aspects of word formation, transitivity and semantic features. It includes the basic meaning features and attached meaning features of relevant verbs through the analysis of semanteme, thus an Information Chart of the Modern Chinese Visual Behavior Verbs’ Semantic Attributes is made. It also discusses semantic features from different angles. Thirdly, this chapter analyses the correlation among the static semantic features of the Modern Chinese visual behavior verbs. Through the calculation of the consistence degree among some of the semantic features, this chapter studies their consistence degree. Moreover, their internal relations are revealed through the comparison of the calculation results and people’ cognitive intuition. The research shows that the semantic features of visual behavior verbs have both "compatible" and "incompatible" relations, and the relevance degree of these features is not totally identical with our cognitive intuition.Chapter 4 does a closed research on the usage frequency of the 210 Modern Chinese visual behavior verbs, with the help of the self-established Modern Chinese balance corpus and relevant particle retrieval softwares. While the word frequency is being calculated, the focus is not only on how many times a certain verb occurs in the corpus, but also on the frequency of its visual items, non-visual items, visual usages and non-visual usages. These statistics appear on The Frequency Chart of Modern Chinese Visual Behavior Verbs, which makes a full statistical preparation for further researches. Through analyzing the words one by one, a Chart of the Grammatical Functions of Modern Chinese Visual Behavior Verbs is made. This chart is illustrated from the aspects of the semantic features of visual behavior verbs, the features of their grammatical functions and their frequency distribution. The distribution of the grammatical features reveals that the semantic specialness of visual behavior verbs affects their grammatical functions. Compared with general verbs, the semantic specialness of visual behavior verbs lies in their actionness and their emphasis on description of behavioral modes in their meaning. This emphasis is determined by the special role of visual behaviors among all human behaviors. On the basis of the statistics obtained from the previous research and the calculation of correlation coefficients, this chapter makes a comparison and analysis of the relevance degree between the frequency and part of the functions of Modern Chinese visual behavior verbs. What’s more, an analysis is also made on the consistence degree of these functions through the calculation of consistence. The result of the analyses shows that the functions and frequency of Modern Chinese visual behavior verbs have a general direct correlation, whereas there is certain difference in their relevance degree. Chapter 5 studies the diachronic changes of Chinese visual behavior verbs. It has the following contents: Firstly, a comparison is made between the visual behavior verbs in Modern Chinese and those in the book Origin of Chinese Characters. This part compares the visual behavior verbs in Modern Chinese and those in the book Origin of Chinese Characters methodologically and analyses their difference in quantity and semantic types. Secondly, it illustrates the changes of Chinese visual behavior verbs. The changes of Chinese visual behavior verbs are mainly the result of the occurrence of new visual elements and the disappearance of the existing visual elements. The former mainly refers to the appearance of new visual behavior verbs, including the appearance of new word forms and the old words’ acquiring visual behavior meanings; the latter mainly refers to the disappearance of visual behavior verbs and words’ losing their visual behavior meanings. Moreover, it makes a comparison and analysis on the diachronic substitution of core visual behavior verbs. Thirdly, it studies the meaning extension of Chinese visual behavior verbs. The study reveals that metaphor is the main method for Chinese visual behavior verbs to extend their meanings, which can be seen from the transformation of word meanings from their physical visual meanings to psychological visual meanings. The basis for semantic metaphors of visual behavior verbs is the similarity between the visual behaviors and human psychological behaviors, and its co-appearance with behavioral processes. Grammaticalization is an important result of word meaning extension, and it’s diverse in Chinese visual behavior verbs. This chapter analyses several verbs with a relatively high degree of grammaticalization. In the respect of their grammaticalization process, these words have transferred from being notional to being functional under the rules of grammaticalization through the relation between visual meanings and other meanings.The concluding part gives a summary of the theories, methodology and conclusions in this paper, and points out the imperfectness in this research.The statistical charts are the main research achievements of this paper. For the sake of space, these charts are not put in the text but in the appendix.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 02期

