

The Research on Conflicts of Labor and Capital of China’s Non-public-owned Enterprises in the New Period

【作者】 潘啸

【导师】 王韶兴;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 科社与共运, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 党的十一届三中全会以来,我国的改革与发展取得了举世瞩目的巨大成就。1978年—2007年,我国GDP年均增长达到9.5%,是新中国成立以来经济增长最快、波动最小的时期。其中,非公有制经济的发展已成为推动我国国民经济持续、快速、健康发展的重要力量。随着改革开放的深入发展,目前我国正在经历由传统的农业社会向工业化、城市化、现代化社会转变,由计划经济体制向社会主义市场经济体制转变,由公有制经济占统治地位向以公有制经济为主体、多种所有制经济共同发展的基本经济制度转变。在这三个历史性转变的过程中,随着我国非公有制经济的大发展,非公有制企业的劳资冲突问题日趋尖锐化。目前我国劳动争议案件每年以30%—40%的速度增长,而在劳动报酬争议案件总数中,非国有部门占80.3%。这表明非公有制企业已成为我国劳资矛盾的“多发地”、“重灾区”:外资企业劳资矛盾日益凸显,民营企业劳资关系日趋紧张,国有企业改制为非公有制企业的劳资冲突出问题日趋尖锐。非公有制企业的劳资冲突已逐步成为新时期我国最突出的社会问题之一。虽然从基本性质上看,我国非公有制企业的劳资冲突属于社会主义市场经济条件下劳资双方根本利益一致基础上的人民内部矛盾,但是,劳资冲突问题在某种情况下也有可能激化,向对抗性矛盾的方向发展。因此,正确认识并处理好非公有制企业中劳资双方之间的关系,是落实“尊重劳动、尊重知识、尊重人才、尊重创造”方针的重要体现,是团结社会各阶层人士共建小康社会的现实要求,是协调处理好新时期我国人民内部矛盾的客观需要,是构建社会主义和谐社会的内在要求,因而它是我国理论界面临的一个重大课题。我国目前尚处于社会主义市场经济建设的初级阶段,新时期非公有制企业的大发展只有十几年的时间。非公有制经济的大发展与非公有制企业劳资矛盾的集聚及尖锐化成正比例关系。近些年来,我国理论界对非公有制企业劳资关系存在问题即劳资冲突问题很重视,出版、发表了不少相关的研究成果,有的已经和正在对实践发生重要的指导作用。但总的来看,对该问题的研究尚处于起步阶段,还有许多问题需要我们进一步认识和把握。笔者认为,关于新时期我国非公有制企业劳资冲突问题的研究,不能搞“拿来主义”。即对劳资关系存在问题的理论研究既不能推崇西方发达国家的“阶级调和论”,也不能硬套马克思经典作家的“阶级斗争论”,更不能照搬国外对劳资关系研究的现有理论成果,而必须从我国目前尚处于社会主义初级阶段并且长期处于初级阶段的这一最大的现实出发,按照中国特色社会主义建设的总体布局和实践要求,加以深入系统研究、全面归纳;尽管理论界有的学者从经济学、管理学、法学等不同学科的角度,对非公有制企业的劳资关系、劳资冲突做了不少的理论研究,但从政治学的角度来研究非公有制企业劳资关系存在的问题还不够深入,需要加强。本文则是从政治学的角度,以进城雇工为雇工主体的视角来研究新时期我国非公有制企业的劳资关系中存在的问题即劳资冲突问题。本文所研究的劳资冲突即指非公有制企业中劳资双方——劳动力所有者与资本所有者,在涉及到与劳资双方相关的经济权益和其他合法权益时所产生的矛盾及其激化的外在表现。本文基于最主要的理论和方法是:以马克思主义的辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义为指导,采用大量的实证资料分析研究劳动与资本的数量对劳资冲突的影响,运用图文数据来深刻揭示劳动与资本的本质关系,进而分析劳资冲突的程度。本文特点是以马克思主义为指导,从我国目前处于社会主义初级阶段的实际出发,从我国非公有制企业劳资关系的特殊性出发,运用政治学的理论和方法及大量实证案例和数据资料来分析和解决我国新时期劳资关系存在的主要问题;指出了政府服务职能的“缺位”、“越位”及“错位”之所在,政府在劳资关系的重塑过程中应居于主导地位,政府是劳资基本权利的保护者,更是劳动者权利的“守护神”;对非公有制企业的剥削问题做了深入的分析和探讨,提出了雇工同样具有企业利润的分享权;揭示了我国新时期非公有制企业劳资关系的失衡不仅仅是劳动力供大于求所导致,而更是在劳资关系中缺乏公正、权威、有效的裁判监督所致。本文的基本框架是:第一章是导言,共分四个部分:问题的提出、研究综述、研究方法及内容框架、本文特点及不足。主要介绍了文章选题的理论意义和实践价值;对我国新时期非公有制企业劳资关系的研究现状做了综述,同时对新时期我国非公有制企业劳资关系问题研究的欠缺之处予以指出,由此形成本文的研究起点。第二章在对新时期我国非公有制企业劳资冲突问题的相关概念进行梳理的基础上,明确了本论文的研究对象及其科学内涵;阐述了新时期我国非公有制经济及其劳资关系问题的历史发展脉络。第三章从经济权益、政治权益、社会权益和文化权益四个方面,对新时期我国非公有制企业劳资冲突的主要表现做了概括。第四章从资本天生的逐利性,劳动力市场的买方主导;政府管理职能的“缺位”“越位”“错位”;工会维权不到位;社会主义初级阶段劳资双方的利益博弈;雇佣双方小农意识的生产观等方面分析了我国非公有制企业劳资冲突问题形成的主要原因。第五章对新时期我国非公有制企业劳资关系的和谐发展从理论认识和实践对策两方面作了探讨。在认识方面,本文从要从战略的高度认识和处理非公有制企业劳资冲突问题的重要性和严重性;正确看待新时期非公有制企业雇主的剥削问题;正确认识和处理好新时期“建设者”和“劳动者”的关系;辩证看待劳资共决,利益共享;正确把握政府既是劳资双方基本权利的保护者,更是劳动者权利的“守护神”等五个方面进行了理论思考。在实践方面,本文主要从建立工资支付保证金制度、加大职业安全卫生的执法力度、逐步取消户籍的福利差别、合理定位政府职能、提高劳资双方的整体素质,以及切实解决工会维权难、劳动合同法执行难、党组织组建难等方面提出了构建和谐劳资关系的政策建议。实践证明,我国非公有制经济快速发展并不能自动消除劳资矛盾、带来社会文明的进步,并不必然导致和谐社会的建成。我们要从增强党的阶级基础、扩大党的社会基础、巩固党的执政地位的高度,从国民经济和社会发展战略全局的高度,正确认识和有效处理新时期我国非公有制企业劳资冲突问题,进一步采取有力措施,切实维护好和发展好劳资双方特别是劳方的经济权益、文化权益、政治权益、社会权益,避免两极分化,实现经济增长与社会发展的双赢。

【Abstract】 Since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th National Party Congress, China’s reform and development has made tremendous achievements in the world. During the time from 1978 to 2007, China’s GDP increased by an average of 9.5%, is the fastest growing economies, the smallest fluctuations in the period since the founding of new China. Among them, non-public economic development has boosted China’s national economy’s sustained, rapid and healthy development of a major force. With the deepening of reform and opening up, China is experiencing from a traditional agricultural society to industrialization, urbanization and modernization of social change, from a planned economy to socialist market economic system, from public ownership economy dominated by public ownership economy to the main, common development of various economic sectors of the basic economic system changes. In the three historic changes in the process, as China’s non-public economic development, non-public enterprises conflicts of labour and capital increasingly acute. At present, China’s labor dispute cases annually to 30% -40% growth rates and in total remuneration for labor dispute cases, the non-state sector accounted for 80.3 percent. This shows that the non-public enterprises have become China’s conflicts of labour and capital "multiple", "hardest hit": conflicts of labour and capital is becoming increasingly prominent foreign-funded enterprises, private enterprises increasingly tense relations of labour and capital, state-owned enterprise restructuring non-public enterprises conflicts of labour and capital increasingly acute problem. Non-public enterprises the conflicts of labour and capital has gradually become the new period of China’s most prominent social problems. Although the basic nature of speaking, China’s non-public enterprises belonging to the labour disputes under the socialist market economy the same fundamental interests of both employers and employees on the basis of internal contradictions among the people, but the conflicts of labour and capital in certain circumstances may also be intensified to the confrontational Contradictions direction. Although the basic nature of speaking, China’s non-public enterprises belonging to the labour disputes under the socialist market economy the same fundamental interests of both employers and employees on the basis of internal contradictions among the people, but the conflict of labour and capital in certain circumstances may also be intensified to the confrontational Contradictions direction.China’s current socialist market economy is still in the initial stage of construction, the new period of non-public enterprises the great development of only 10 years. The largest non-public economic development and non-public enterprises and conflicts of labour and capital sharply into the gathering direct proportion relations. In recent years, China’s theory of non-public enterprises sector relations of labour and capital problems that the conflicts of labour and capital very seriously, publishing, expressed a lot of relevant research results, some have to practice and is an important guide. But in general, the study of the issue is still in the initial stage, there are many issues we need to further understand and grasp. The author believes that in the new period China’s non-public enterprises on the conflict of labour and capital, we can not engage in "out of." That is, on relations of labour and capital problems in theoretical research should not respected the developed western countries of "class to reconcile theory" can not Yingtao Marxist classical writers of "class struggle" and not simply copy the foreign relations of labour and capital on the existing theoretical results, must be from China is still in an initial stage of socialism for a long time and the initial stage of this line with the realities of the largest, building socialism with Chinese characteristics in accordance with the overall layout and practical requirements, to be in-depth research system, comprehensive summed up, although some of the theoretical circle Scholars from the economics, management, law, and so the perspective of different disciplines, the non-public enterprises in relations of labour and capital, labour disputes done a lot of theoretical study, political science from the perspective of non-public enterprises to study relations of labour and capital problems still exist Not enough depth, needs to be strengthened.This article is from the perspective of political science, to migrant workers for employment on the main point of view of the new period of China’s non-public enterprises relations of labour and capital problems that exists in that conflicts of labour and capital. This paper studies by the conflicts of labour and capital refers to non-public enterprises in both parties - the owner of labour and capital owners, in relation to both employers and employees associated with the economic rights and other legitimate rights and interests generated by the intensification of the conflict and its external performance.Based on the most important theories and methods are: to the Marxist dialectical materialism and historical materialism as a guide, a lot of empirical data analysis of the number of labor and capital on the impact of labour disputes, the use of data to profoundly revealed by labor And the essential relationship between capital, labour further analysis of the extent of the conflict.This paper characterized by the guidance of Marxism, from China is currently in the primary stage of socialism reality, from China’s non-public enterprises the special nature of relations of labour and capital, the use of political science theories and methods and a large quantity of empirical data and case analysis and China’s new period relations of labour and capital to resolve the major problems; that the functions of government services, "Absent", "offside" and "wrong" lies, in relations of labour and capital in the process of remodeling living in a dominant position, the Labour government is the protector of fundamental rights, the rights of workers is more " Patron saint "; the non-public enterprises to do the exploitation of the in-depth analysis and discussion, the proposed employment with the same share of their profits; revealed the new period of China’s non-public enterprises relations of labour and capital is not only the imbalance caused by the oversupply of labour and relations of labour and capital is in the lack of a just, authoritative and effective oversight by the magistrate.The basic framework of this paper is:Chapter 1 is the introduction, is divided into four parts: the proposed study reviewed research methods and content of the framework, the paper features and deficiencies. The article on the topics of theoretical significance and practical value of the new period of China’s non-public enterprises in relations of labour and capital on the review of the status quo to do, at the same time in the new period of China’s non-public ownership enterprises relations of labour and capital, the lack of research to be pointed out that the resulting starting point for this research.The second chapter in the new period of China’s non-public enterprises conflicts of labour and capital to sort out the relevant concepts on the basis of this paper defined the object of study and its scientific content, described the new period of China’s non-public ownership economy and relations of labour and capital in the context of historical development.ChapterⅢfrom the economic interests, political rights, social rights and cultural rights and interests of four aspects of the new period of China’s non-public-owned enterprises are the main conflicts between labour and capital issue is described and analyzed.ChapterⅣof capital from the profit-driven nature of the labour market buyer-led government management functions of the "Absence", "offside" and "wrong"; union IPR protection is not in place; initial stage of socialism for the interests of both employers and employees Game; employers and employees Xiaonongyishi concept of the production areas of China’s non-public enterprises Labour formed the main reason for the conflicts of labour and capital.ChapterⅤof the new period of China’s non-public enterprises the harmonious development of relations of labour and capital from the theoretical knowledge and practical countermeasures two aspects were discussed. In the understanding of this paper, from a strategic point of view to understand and deal with conflicts of labour and capital non-public enterprises and the seriousness of the importance of the issue; correct view of the new period of non-public-owned enterprises in the employer’s exploitation; correctly understand and handle the new period "builders" and "laborers"; dialectical view of the Labour summary, the benefit-sharing; correct grasp of the Labour government is to protect the fundamental rights of both sides , is the rights of the workers "patron saint" five aspects of the theoretical thinking. In practice, this paper from the establishment payroll deposit system, and stepping up enforcement of occupational safety and health efforts, the welfare of the phasing out of the household registration differential, reasonable positioning functions of the government, improve the overall quality of both employers and employees, as well as effectively solve difficult trade union rights, the labor contract law enforcement difficult, difficult to set up party organizations, such as the proposed construction of a harmonious relations of labour and capital policy recommendations.Practice has proved that China’s rapid economic development of non-public ownership can not automatically eliminates conflicts of labour and capital and brings the progress of social civilization, does not necessarily lead to the completion of a harmonious society. We must enhance the party’s class foundation, expanding the party’s social base, consolidating the party’s ruling status, national economy and social development from the overall strategic height, to correctly understand and effectively deal with the new period of China’s non-public ownership enterprises conflicts of labour and capital, and further take effective measures to earnestly safeguard, and develop both employers and employees in particular the economic rights of the workers, and cultural rights, political rights, social rights, avoid polarization, and achieving economic growth and social development of a win-win situation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 02期
  • 【分类号】F121.23;F249.2
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】1617
  • 攻读期成果

