

The Study on the Discourse of the Journal New Youth

【作者】 李静

【导师】 郑春;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文是以话语研究作为切入点,从而对《新青年》杂志展开相关论述。以话语作为研究对象,主要讨论的是一个特定的群体为什么要选择与之相应的话语以及怎样论述这些话语,这些话语又发挥了怎样的实践功能,完成了怎样的话语再生产等问题,《新青年》杂志的话语研究也主要是从这个层面展开。无论是微观细读还是宏观把握,《新青年》都不单单是一份被历史尘封的“五四”杂志,更可以看作一个多层次、多领域的话语体系。“新青年话语”不同于“之乎者也”的传统表达方式,它是由关于新世界、新期许的叙事模式建构起来的话语体系。从这个意义上讲,本文将《新青年》单独作为话语研究的对象应该是个有益的尝试。本文的创新点在于从《新青年》的众多话语中抽取了最为重要的思想话语和文学话语,并以此为出发点讨论这两种话语如何成就了《新青年》与传统文化之间的断裂,如何塑造了《新青年》及其以后的不同于传统的“新文学”与“新文化”,又是如何为中国“新文学”与“新文化”的规范立法,本文试图论述这一问题并将其引向深入,其目的就是要从《新青年》的诸多话语中梳理出一个脉络,重新阐释一段历史,从而探讨《新青年》的话语形态如何影响中国“新文学”与“新文化”的发展。论文共分为六部分。导论主要论述了本文的选题意义、选题研究现状。“五四”的思想革命是一场话语体系的革命,《新青年》则是“五四”精神最鲜明的物化形式。作为现代思想史、文学史追溯的原点,这一文本开启了不同于传统的诸多方面,尤其是在思想层面和文学层面,现代文学的重要理论都离不开从《新青年》开始的话语建构。因此,回到“五四”,回到《新青年》,对于理解现当代文学具有重要的意义。《新青年》文本的研究也因此有着丰硕的成果,立足报刊史、思想史等角度,出现了多部研究专著和大量学术论文,从而使我们能够更加贴近《新青年》的真实历史面目。第一章主要介绍了论文研究所采用的方法,即话语和话语研究范式,并且论述了《新青年》的诸话语与话语研究之间的关系。话语是伴随着西方哲学的“语言学”转向而出现的一种新的范式,话语是一种言说,一种叙事,一种实践,它通过一定的术语、概念和范畴来表述,但它又不是纯粹的语言问题,话语更多的是承载着思想及其相应的历史。《新青年》与话语的结缘是基于它作为思想—文化—文学杂志的性质决定的。首先,《新青年》本身就是一个大叙事,它的创办与发展是当时文化和思想话语实践过程中的重要组成部分,它以《新青年》所承载思想的变革作为脉络,从而展现出传统与现代之间的断裂。作为“五四”时期新兴的杂志,《新青年》为中国知识分子的思想阐发、观点交锋以及创作交流提供了良好的平台。其次,《新青年》中包含的话语在一定意义上可以从思想话语和文学话语两大纬度上来理解。思想话语中所包含的民族国家话语、个人话语、国民性话语、科学和民主话语等,这引发了中国反对孔教、反对家庭、反对专制的热潮,从而在文化上真正产生了与传统的断裂,也正是在这个意义上,这些话语共同塑造了不同于传统的“新文化”。而文学话语则包括新的文学史话语和文体秩序的新话语,这些话语使《新青年》之后的文学不同于传统的文学,由《新青年》开始的文学话语塑型了以后“新文学”的基本规范。第二章主要论述《新青年》同人“借思想文化以解决问题”这一话语策略,这是研究其思想话语和文学话语的起点。从晚清到辛亥革命,知识分子从器物层面到制度层面的革新未能取得应有的成效。直至“五四”,具有开放意识的知识分子把目光转向思想领域,使思想革命成为继政治、军事之后的另一种救亡武器,加之北大同人的参与和知识分子对“新青年”的召唤,使得《新青年》的思想话语格外突出。作为依托现代高等院校,集合了最先进知识分子而形成的现代同人期刊,《新青年》高举启蒙主义的旗帜,一方面呼应了新国家需要新国民的文化需求,另一方面也在用“新文化”不断填充着这个主体空间。而线性进化时间观念中东方—落后/西方—先进的思维方式、进化论的观点、以及激进的“要么全部要么不”的态度,成就了《新青年》独特的话语体系,这使得《新青年》能够在短时间之内掀起思想的运动、文化的革新,使得文化领域不再被所谓的“风月闲谈”所占据,而是成为提倡现代性的重要阵地。当然,在对《新青年》九卷做了文本和内容的分析之后,我们不难发现,《新青年》的话语也并非一成不变,它存在着从“趋重思想文化”到“有特别色彩”的变化。随着线性时间观的不断进步,《新青年》同人把“革命”作为了历史进化的必然,革命的进化论为后期的《新青年》蒙上了“特别的政治色彩”。第三章主要论述《新青年》的思想话语。《新青年》的思想话语主要包括启蒙话语和民族国家话语。无论是个人话语、科学话语、国民性话语还是无政府主义和社会主义等诸话语都可以包含在启蒙和民族国家话语之中,因为这些都是为达到启蒙和救亡的目的而存在的。而在探讨这些话语之前,首先要讨论白话文运动。《新青年》的白话文运动不同于晚清时期单纯的文字改革,它开辟了现代的语言体系,带来了新的概念、术语和话语方式,带来了新的思想和思维方式,并承载起启蒙和救亡的双重使命。启蒙话语主要包括个人主义话语和科学主义话语。个人主义话语在《新青年》中不仅从内容上而且从价值上都有所变动,个人主义话语的运用成为意识形态领域的重要革命。尤其是《新青年》前期,个人主义话语因其对中国旧思想强烈的针对性,深深影响了“五四”的学人。而科学主义话语在《新青年》中并非是从自然科学的角度,而是从社会科学的功能方面被广泛认同,作为一种真理性的话语,它可以弥补中国国民性以情感为本位的不足,使得人们对传统的批判游刃有余。民族国家话语则主要考察了这一话语从晚清到《新青年》的变化。晚清的爱国主义是一个高潮,在此基础上,《新青年》既继承了晚清对国家的学理性思考,同时又对国家主义有所反思,尤其是到后期,由于“一战”的影响,使得众多知识分子超越国家主义而开始了对人类和世界主义的想象,所以本文也考察了《新青年》中学界论述较少的世界话语。伴随着世界语的讨论,其背后的世界主义也开始受到关注,这是对民族国家话语超越和反思的结果。国民性话语始终是民族国家话语的重要组成部分,国家衰落的根本原因是国民性的堕落,要想改变这一境况,必须提高国民性,而要塑造新的国民,所输入的学理必须是西方的启蒙主义话语。民族国家话语和启蒙主义话语在《新青年》中交叉互动,通过国民性话语这一个案,我们可以发现这一存在。第四章主要论述《新青年》的文学话语。《新青年》是文学杂志,作为新文化运动的强有力阵地,《新青年》见证了中国“五四”时期文学话语的形成,本章从新文学诸种话语的分析入手,从而阐释由《新青年》开始的中国文学的基本理论预设和知识框架。《新青年》同人大力提倡文学革命,塑造了新的文学史话语。他们引进了西方的“纯文学”概念,即以诗歌、散文、小说和戏剧为主的新的文学体式,在中国古典文学之外开创出一种新的文学观念和文学实践,到今天它仍旧是我们现当代文学发展的主流。同时,《新青年》文学话语的革命是以西方的文学话语来作为中国新文学话语的标准,其背后的文学历史观念仍然是来自西方的文学进化观念。另外,《新青年》同人还积极提倡“为人生”以及客观写实的文学创作观,由此,我们经常可以从《新青年》各种文体承载的内容当中看到当时国家、个人所面临的复杂的社会处境和现实境况,这也正是因为在中国知识分子那里,文学不仅仅是文学本身,它还为国家和民族承载着更为沉重的使命,于是《新青年》的作家们结合西方文学与落后国家文学的发展经验提出了适合中国新文学发展的写实主义道路,即如何用文学的方式重新认识中国的现实。本章还详细考察了《新青年》中诗歌、小说、散文和戏剧这四种文体的创作理论和创作实践。作为新的文学形式,它们以其特有的方式,参与了“五四”时期中国人对现代民族国家的想象,也正是这些文体在《新青年》中的出现和发展,丰富了新文化的创作实践,为以后众多文学史的梳理和中国文学的发展提供了可以借鉴的内容。第五章主要论述《新青年》对当前现代性研究、“重返八十年代热”以及文学未来走向的意义。《新青年》的话语考察是对自身的一种重新认知,同时也有利于我们理清对八十年代和当前这些话语的认知。虽然在新的世纪,文学已经出现了众多变化,但是《新青年》中对文学话语的大量叙述,包括对“纯文学”和文学之作用的考察,仍旧可以给我们研究当前的文学现象一些重要启示。

【Abstract】 The main objective of this dissertation is to unfold the journal New Youth by observing its discourses. In order to achieve this objective, the dissertation will discuss and analysis this discourse paradigm from three perspectives: why and how these discourses come to be, what practical functions they have and what discourse reproduction they expand. And, this discourse research of the New Youth starting from this paradigm tries to provide a new field of vision for all the researches about the New Youth, and deepens it.The New Youth is not only the ’May 4’ magazine in the history, but also a multilayer and multi-subject discourse system. Therefore, based on the historical and research significance, choosing the New Youth as the studying object would be a good try. The most innovative and interesting point of this paper lies on the method that used to study. Specifically, I select the most important and significant thoughts and literature discourses as the starting points to discuss that how two different discourses (i.e. thoughts discourses and literature discourses) bring up the rupture between the old traditional culture and literature, and the new ones; how the New Youth is created by these two discourses and the "new literature" and "new culture" that are different from the traditional ones and how to legislate the Chinese new literature and new culture which will be deepened in this paper. The main purpose of studying the New Youth is to re-explore a particular moment of the history and discuss how the New Youth influence the development of Chinese new literature and new culture.This paper will be divided into 6 parts as following: The introduction illustrates the significance of choosing this topic and current situation of research. As the origin of modern thoughts and literature, the New Youth opens up the perspectives differing from the traditional ones, especially the thoughts and literature. There is no doubt that the crucial role that The New Youth plays in the development of new literature cannot be overlooked. Its classic statement has emerged from The Collection of Chinese New Literature.The first chapter will mainly introduce the method used in the research (i.e. the definition of discourse and what the paradigm of discourse study is) and discuss all the discourses of the New Youth and their relations to discourse study.Discourse is a new paradigm emerged as the turning of the ’language studies’ in western philosophy. It is a speech that expressed by certain terms, concepts and categories. However, it is not only a pure language, but embodies thoughts and relevant history.The attachment between the New Youth and discourse is based on its nature of being thoughts-literature-literature magazines. Firstly, the New Youth itself is a big narrative, the establishment and development of which is the big component of the process of the cultural and thoughts discourses practices at that time. As a rising magazine, it provides the Chinese intellectuals a good place for exchanging thoughts and creative ideas. Secondly, the discourse of the New Youth also can be understood from discourses of both thoughts and literature. The discourse of thoughts mainly includes national discourse, individualism, citizenship, science and democracy discourse and so on, giving rise to Chinese wave of fighting against Confucianism, family and autocracy and therefore bringing the rupture from the tradition. In this case, these discourses create the ’new culture’ together that is different from the traditional culture. With regard to literature discourse, it includes new literature historical discourse and stylistic system discourse, which also makes the literature of the New Youth different from the traditional. And the ’new’ literature beginning from the New Youth gives birth to the basic paradigm for "new literature" and "new culture".The second chapter discusses the strategy of the discourse of thoughts in the circle of the New Youth, that is, "to solve problems through thinking and culture", which is the start of the research about the discourse of thoughts and the discourse of literature. From the Xinhai Revolution, the reform emphasis of Chinese intellectuals changes from material aspect to thoughts. And we can see the calling-up of the circle of the New Youth plays a role in it. All these added up to the prominence of the discourse of thoughts of the New Youth. The New Youth which relies on the universities and the most prominent intellectuals advocates enlightenment, which on the one hand meets the cultural needs that new era of the nation needs new citizens and uses "new culture" to fill this main body on the other hand.And the common discourses came from the common linear evolutional time conception of the New Youth, which is the stereotype thinking of the Orient -unenlightened / the Occident - enlightened, or the radical attitude of "All or Nothing", especially in the discourse of thoughts. This makes the New Youth bring the movement for thoughts, spirit movement in such a short time and become the battlefields of calling for modernism.It is not difficult to found that the New Youth is not unalterable but has the great changes from "emphasizing on thoughts and culture" to "having special features". With the improvement of linear evolutional time, the New Youth regards ’revolution’ as the inevitable result of the evolution and this theory brings special feature for the New Youth.The third chapter discusses the discourses of thoughts of the New Youth. The discourses of thoughts of the New Youth include the discourse of enlightenment and the discourse of nation-state. The discourses such as individualism, the discourse of sciences, citizenship, anarchism and socialism and so on are all included in the discourses of enlightenment and nation-state due to the fact that all their purposes are to enlighten and save the nation from extinction.Before getting these discourses any further, the Vernacular Movement should be mentioned first. The Vernacular Movement of the New Youth differs from the character revolution in the late Qing period, opening up the modern language system. It brings new concept, term and discourse style, new thoughts and new ways of thinking and embodying double missions, which are enlightenment, and saving the nation. The discourse of enlightenment mainly illustrates the discourses of individualism and science. Individualism in the New Youth was not only an intrinsic concept but also a series of transformations of the western humanism thoughts in China. As an important revolution in the ideology realm, individualism especially in the prophase of the New Youth has a deep influence on the intellectuals of ’May 4’because of it strong pertinence to the old thoughts. And science was a general accepted thing not from the meaning of natural science, but from its role in the social science, almost as the Truth.As to the discourse of nation-state, I review the thinking of nation-state from late-Qing to the time of the New Youth. In late-Qing, there is a climax of patriotism, succeeding from which the circle of the New Youth keeps on the theoretical thinking of the nation, and also reflects on it. Especially in the late period, influenced by the First World War, they start to surpass the nationalism and open the door of the new imagination of human and cosmopolitism. This thesis reviews the discourse of the Esperanto in the New Youth, which is seldom discussed. As discuss of the Esperanto goes on, cosmopolitism behind it is paid more regard, which is connected with the exceeding and reflecting of the nation-state. Through the case of the discourse of nationality, we can find the cross-existence of the discourse of nation-state and enlightenment. And we can see that nation-state was still the border of the imagination of the discourse of enlightenment and cosmopolitism.The Fourth chapter focuses on the discourse of literature of the New Youth. Holding a strong position in new Cultural Movement, the New Youth witnesses the formation of literature discourses in this period. This chapter will explain the basic theory and knowledge framework began from the New Youth by analyzing the various discourses within new literature discourses."New Youth" promotes with great effort the literary revolution, molding the new history of literature words. It introduces the western "literature" concept, namely by novel, prose, play and poetry primarily "pure literature" concept, forming a new literature idea and the literature practice outside the Chinese classical literature, which has become the mainstream of modern literature era. At the same time, the revolution of literature discourse considers the western literature discourses as standards and the concept of literature history also comes from western evolution idea. Moreover, New youth positively advocated the "literature for the life" as well as the realism creation idea. In creation activities of the New Youth, we can often see the complicated cultural situation that the nation was facing, which indicates that literature is not only about literature itself but also embodies the nation. Further more, the writers of the New Youth bring forward the idea of realism that fits for the direction for development of Chinese new literature (i.e. how to use literature to find and understand the current situation of china) by combining western literature and the experiences of the literature development in undeveloped countries.This chapter also investigates the theory and practice of four styles f literatures that are poetry, novels, essays, and drama. It is these styles in the New Youth and their development that provide the valuable contents that we can learn from and use for reference. At last, the discourses that are sheltered and marginalized by the New Youth due to their irrelevance will be presented. As Guliyagawa maintained in his Artistic Evolution that according to the literature evolution, the emotional and subjective literature is the mainstream. However, due to the fact that they are not fit for the realism discourse, what is retrained is the argument about evolution while its essential contents are ignored. Moreover, another kind of discourse in the New Youth emphasizing the relative independence of literary discourse is also marginalized from the mainstream.The fifth chapter mainly concentrates on the studies of modernism in the New Youth, "the fashion of returning to 80’s," as well as literary significance for the future. The discourse investigation of the New Youth is a re-cognition of itself, the clarification of the 1980s and the present understanding of these words. The New Youth has done a large number of literary discourse narratives, among which it also has the "pure literature" and the role of the study of literature. Although in the new century, literatures there have been many new physiognomies, its discourses can give us some revelations for studying literary phenomenon. Therefore, this chapter will explains the significance of the New Youth from the aspiration of studying modernism, fashion of returning to 1980s, the current situation of literature and its future development.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 12期

