

Study on the Libu Shangshu in the Tang Dynasty

【作者】 董劭伟

【导师】 张金龙;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中国古代史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 唐代职官制度是政治制度的重要组成部分,职官担任者是推动各种制度运行的具体实施者。唐代中央职官制度继承了前此演变数百年至隋基本定型的三省六部制,其中尚书省是唐代中央行政执行部门,设有吏户礼兵刑工六部,这一职官设置对唐及其以后各代的制度皆有深远影响。系统了解各部职官的制度与人事情况能加深对制度史的认识。学界已有的研究对吏部的关注尚缺乏全面性与系统性。吏部负责官员选任与勋爵等人事问题,因而其长官吏部尚书的地位与作用不同寻常。有唐一代吏部尚书可考者计有一百四十四任,本文上篇围绕吏部尚书职官的行政制度展开,运用历史学、政治学等学科方法考述吏部尚书的职掌及其与政治的关系。下篇则在历史学方法基础上结合地理学、统计学等对吏部尚书的人事制度进行探讨。上篇主要围绕吏部组织结构、吏部尚书职掌以及吏部尚书与唐代政治关系等进行论述。第一章,关于唐代吏部职官设置情况。吏部起源自汉代,历经魏晋南北朝隋数代,除北周因复古改制不同外,其他各代基本以吏部作为尚书分部之首,而两晋南北朝时期尚书省是宰相机构,吏部尚书为八座之一。唐代前期吏部尚书、侍郎的职官设置与员额及名称曾有几次变化,中后期基本定型。吏部所辖吏部司、司封司、考功司、司勋司基本定型于隋代,入唐后亦有一定变化,其职责为协助吏部尚书、侍郎进行铨选、执掌官员勋封以及考课等。第二章,关于唐代吏部尚书的职掌。吏部尚书行使吏部长官的一些职责,通过签署有关文书体现其长官地位,另外要领导本部门工作以及丰持修订有关律令和族姓书籍等。吏部尚书参与文官铨选,其铨选范围为六七品官员,后来与吏部侍郎通掌六品以下官员铨选,唐中后期还负责科目选等。为完善铨选程序,吏部尚书要调整吏部铨选时间与程序,这一点主要体现在安史乱之前。吏部尚书作为朝中要官,近六成的担任者有兼职,根据朝廷需要其亦被委任担任临时差遣,主要担任考校使、参与军事活动、主持营造山陵、充任盐铁使等。第三章,关于吏部尚书与唐朝政治的关系。唐朝前期中央政治为三省六部制,吏部尚书作为其中重要文官,每每兼任宰相或以旧相担任,或迁为宰相,而且在职能上有明显表现;唐后期,由于尚书省地位的削弱,吏部职能亦削弱,作为吏部长官的吏部尚书虽亦不少曾任职宰相等重要职官,但担任吏部尚书时由于处于其仕途衰退期,因而任职时政治作为并不显著,对本部门的职能的加强亦贡献不大。总的来看,吏部尚书的政治表现与唐朝政治形势演变及制度变化有较大关系。下篇对吏部尚书担任者的人事情况进行考察,主要围绕其任职情况及出身展开。第四章,关于唐代吏部尚书的籍贯与出身阶层。从籍贯分布来看,整个唐代主要集中在北方关内、河南、河北、河东四道,河南道与河东道吏部尚书数量总体呈增长趋势。河北道由于受安史乱影响人数减少。南方诸道于唐后期出现几任吏部尚书,主要为北方南迁后新落籍人士。就出身阶层来看,共出自四十二个郡姓,出身这些郡姓者有九十八人,占唐代可考吏部尚书约八成,可见吏部尚书担任者绝大多数出身于士族阶层。且吏部尚书出身于大士族阶层的比例亦很高,超过一半,近达六成。但唐代新兴士族出任吏部尚书者则属少数。第五章,关于吏部尚书的入仕与履历情况。吏部尚书担任者其初仕获得出身的情况,除前期元勋功臣入唐时多已为官可不计外,其他入仕者以进士科举最多,门荫出身次之。中期门荫出身者有所增加,占同期可考近一半,科举出身者人数未变。至后期,吏部尚书中进士出身者为绝对多数,其中明经出身者仅一例。门荫出身者则在中期回升的基础上反而大幅度下降。总体来看科举出身者在吏部尚书担任者中逐渐占据主要地位。其中单由制举出身者仅在前期出现,中后期已无。起家官情况为,前期多有前隋旧官,其他情况也较复杂。至后期较多起家于校书郎和县级佐吏。起家于节度使属官的情况是后期独有现象,且人数不少。第六章,关于吏部尚书的迁转情况。迁入官以宰相、尚书省、地方官属所占比例最多,其中三十五任自宰相迁入吏部尚书后仍兼任宰相,显示唐代以宰相增加吏部尚书一职,是对宰相权力的进一步增强,另外也反映着吏部尚书地位非同一般。迁出官机构则主要为宰相机构、地方官属、尚书省及东宫官属。另外有卒于任上及被贬情况。由近五分之一的非正常迁出来看,吏部尚书一职在唐代仍有一定风险性,因非正常迁出与政局往往有较直接关系,从而进一步说明吏部尚书一职与政局关系较紧密。第七章,唐代吏部尚书可判断任期者,总体看任期小于二年的在八成以上,而唐中期任期相对较长,后期任期多数较短,可见后期吏部尚书迁转较为频繁。就吏部尚书在职官中所处位置看,计有八十五任吏部尚书处于其仕途高峰时,四十任为趋于仕途衰退期。有唐一代,这两种情况居多。尤其后期处于高峰与衰退皆最多,但前期中期处于衰退期吏部尚书比例占同期很小,总体分析后期处于衰退期较多,加上后期吏部尚书任期较短者颇多,兼任宰相之吏部尚书比例已明显减小,说明吏部尚书职权与地位随吏部职权的削弱而变动。

【Abstract】 The official system is an important part of the political system, the official is leading the Operation Mechanism, The central official system is Three Province Six board which successes the former system. Shangshu province is the Administrative Execution, which leading six boards. This kind of official system influences the latter deeply. So in order to understand the history on system, we must research the official system. Libu is the primacy of Tang dynasty’s Shangshu province. Libu Shangshu is the chief of Libu, and the status is very important. This article is to analyze the authority and status of Tang Dynasty’s Libu Shangshu from the Shangshu’s functions and the parentage and the situation of representation and the relationship with government.The chapter one is to review the setting and duty of Tang dynasty’s Libu, to expound concretely the shift of Libu officers’ setting、number、name, and to summarize the system origin and the setting and duty of Libu department and Sifeng department and Kaogong department and Sixun department in Tang dynasty.The chapter second is to discuss the duties of Libu Shangshu in Tang dynasty. Libu Shangshu carry outs the power of the chief of department such as singing the document and deciding government affairs, and leads the department and participates in compiling books about personnel matters and in constituting laws. LIbu Shangshu is charge in officers-select and adjusting the program. As the important officers in government, Libu Shangshu is also commissioned to act some temporary official positions. Such as taking part in military activities, taking charge of building tombs of emperors and holding the post of Yantieshi and so on.The Chapter three is to review the relationship between the Libu Shangshu and Tang’s politics. In the early period of Tang dynasty, the central politics is Three Province six board, As the important civilian, Libu Shangshu often assumes the office of prime minister as the part time job. In the late period, because of the weakening of position of Shangshu province, the duty of Libu is also weakening. As the chief of Libu, Libu Shangshu although assume the office of prime minister or other important positions, but because they are in the low tide of undertaking, their political achievement is not prominent, and also to the enhancement of Libu’s duty. In view of the general, there has great connection between the political performance and evolvement of Tang’s political form. The chapter five is to review the complexion of entering political stratum and their experience. As Libu Shangshu, except the heroes who have most been the officers, the most are the Jinshi exam, and family status which become officers is the second. In the Medium-term, family status which become officers are near the half. The total number of imperial examinations is not changed. Until to the late, Libu Shangshu who is scholar status takes the absolutely majority. From of which, there is only one person from Mingjing. The numbers of Family Status which become officers descend greatly on the contrary on the basis of rising in the Medium-term. Generally speaking, the officers taking part in imperial examinations take the important position gradually, and the officers who join the Zhiju exam sigle appear in the early period, but disappear in the middle and late period.The Qijiaguan are the old officers of Sui dynasty in early period, and other circumstances are also very complex. Until to the late, many Qijia are Jiaoshulang. The single phenomenon in the late period is that Qijiaguan is the local officer and also the underling of Jiedushi, and the number is great.The chapter six is to discuss the Shift of the occupation. Qianrenguan are prime minister, Shangshu province and local officers mostly. The institutions of Qianchuguan are prime minister institution, local officer institution, Shangshu province and Donggong institution. In addition, there are complexions that they are dead in the position and demotion. There are thirty five officals who also pluralized prime minister since the Libu Shangshu moving into the prime minister. It shows that in Tang Dynasty adding Libu Shangshu to prime minister further enhances the power of the prime minister, and also reflects the unusual position of Libu Shang shu.The institutions of Qianchuguan are mainly prime minister institutions, local governments,Shangshu province and Donggong government. In addition,there are the circumstances about someone dead in the Work or being demoted. From the view of almost one-fifth abnormal moving out,the post of Libu Shangshu is still risky in Tang Dynasty.Because the abnormal moving out is often related in political situation,it further illuminates that the post of libushangshu is closely related to the political situation.The Chapter seven , of which Libu Shangshu who can be estimated tour of duty in Tang dynasty, the number is over 80% whose duty is less than two years. The tour of duty is oppositely longer in the middle period and shorter in the late period, which explains that the shift in this period is frequent.As the Libu Shangshu’s position in officers, there are 85 Libu Shangshus in the climax of their undertaking, and 40 in the low tide. The two complexions take the majority. In the late period, the most officers are in the high and low tide, but in the early and middle period, Libu Shangshu who are in the low tide of their undertaking have a small number. To analyze totally, in the late period, Libu Shangshu in the low tide are more. The number of Libu Shangshu whose tour of duty is comparatively short is large and the percentage of Libu Shangshu who are also prime minister is obviously decreased. These explain that the duty and the position of Libu Shangshu shift with the weaken of the Libu’s duty.

【关键词】 唐代吏部尚书行政职能人事
【Key words】 Tang DynastyLibuShangshuAdministrationFunctionPersonnel
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 01期
  • 【分类号】K242;D691
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】1178
  • 攻读期成果

