

The Turnover Path Model and Value Appraisal of Knowledge Worker

【作者】 王森

【导师】 赵涛;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 建立一支相对稳定的知识型员工团队对企业的生存和发展至关重要。本文以知识型员工的流动为对象,从员工和企业两个角度对员工流动进行研究。全文的研究内容和结果如下:1)员工主动流动受多种因素影响,因素之间的相互影响导致难以确定不同因素对员工流动的影响程度。本文在国内外研究的基础上,建立员工离职路径模型。通过问卷调查,获得了384份知识型员工流动调查问卷,根据问卷调查的结果,利用聚类分析和主成分分析,获得影响因素的共同性并解决因素间的多重共线性问题,最后通过结构方程模型确定了不同因素对员工主动流动的影响程度。员工主动离职影响因素按照影响程度依次是成就与发展类因素、安全与保障类因素、兴趣与能力类因素、流动成本类因素、生活质量因素、流动难度因素和家庭与责任因素。2)员工择业是流动过程中的重要步骤,国内外对此研究相对较少。针对择业评价过程中存在的不完全信息,包括模糊权重、语言评价值、不确定信息的特点,本文建立了不完全信息多准则评价模型,并用算例对模型进行了说明。算例表明,员工的个性特点、对工作机会信息的掌握程度都会对员工的流动决策产生影响。3)本文在现有人力资本理论、剩余价值理论、绩效理论等的基础上,考虑到企业所处的日新月异的经营环境和频繁的人员流动,提出对员工价值评价不仅要考虑当前绩效,还要考虑潜能和忠诚度等因素。在此基础上建立了员工价值评价模型。为解决传统评价方法过多依赖于专家主观评价的问题,本文提出了基于粗糙集理论的员工价值评价模型。通过案例分析,验证了该评价方法的有效性。4)在员工价值评价的基础上,建立了基于员工价值的员工离职预警模型,考虑到有效性和实用性的要求,本文提取了员工忠诚度、敬业精神等四个指标作为员工流动的预警指标,并通过粗糙集理论确定了四个指标的权重。针对常用员工流动评价重“出”不重“入”,重“量”不重“质”的问题,本文建立了基于员工价值的员工流动评价体系。本章最后通过案例对这两个模型进行说明和验证。

【Abstract】 As the origin of the corporation key competency, building and sustaining a relative stable knowledge worker team act an important role for the corporation to survive and develop in the drastic competition. Take the turnover of the knowledge worker (KM) as object, the dissertation researches the turnover of the KM from both the worker and the corporation sides. The content and conclusion are as followed.1. The voluntary turnover of the KM is influenced by lots of factors, and the interaction of the factors makes it difficult to quantity the relation of these factors and KM turnover. Based on the researches oversea and inland, the turnover path model is build. By Classify Analysis and Principal Analysis, the influence factors are classified and the multiple-interaction question is solved. The relation of the factors and KM turnover is gotten by Structure Equation Model (SEM). Achievement factors, work and life security factors, interesting and ability factors rank the top three among factors influence KM turnover, followed by turnover cost factors, life quality factors, turnover difficulty factors and family obligation factors.2. There are relative little research on how the KM appraisal and choose a job. Focus on the fuzzy value, language value, uncertain value and utterly ignorant information among the job hunting and appraisal process, a MCDM model with incomplete information is set up. To illustrate the model, an example is input, which improves that both the attitude to the risk and other characteristics of the job-hunter, together with the information he has have will influence his appraisal result.3. Take the frequent turnover of the KM and dynamic operation environment into consideration, a KM value appraisal model, which consider the performance, the potential, the loyalty of the KM is set up based on human capital theory, surplus value theory, performance theory, supply and demand theory, surplus value theory. To eliminate the influence of subjective factors, Rough Set (RS) theory is introduced. A case study is also used which improve the effectiveness of the model.4. Based on the result of KM value appraisal, KM turnover forecast mechanism is build up. Take accuracy with practicability, four index are integrated to forecast the turnover of the KM, and the weight of the four index are determined by Rough Set Theory. The dissertation also research how to appraisal the turnover of the KM for the ordinary appraisal index, such as turnover rate, can only tell how many workers quit but not who quits. Based on the worker’s value, a new appraisal system is build up. By this appraisal system, the corporation can monitor not only how many workers turnover, but also the effect of the turnover. The system also shows how many workers is hired while the conventional appraisal index, such as worker turnover rate can only show the output of the worker’s turnover. At the end of this chapter, a case is used to illustrate the application of the KM turnover forecast system and turnover appraisal index system. The validity of the forecasting system is also been approved by the case.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 04期
  • 【分类号】F272;F224
  • 【被引频次】20
  • 【下载频次】1505
  • 攻读期成果

