

Research on Storage and Exploitation Models for Rainwater and Flood Resource Based on Eco-enviromental Water Requirement

【作者】 涂向阳

【导师】 高学平;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 水力学及河流动力学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 鉴于海河流域当前水资源匮乏和水环境恶化的现状,针对该区域内控制性河流、重要湿地的健康状况和生态环境需水量开展研究,通过应用工程措施和非工程措施相结合的雨洪资源联合调度技术,着重对雨洪资源存储和综合开发利用模式进行研究。(1)以海河流域境内河流、湿地监测站水文数据为基础,对海河流域境内控制性河流和重要湿地的生态健康状况和生态环境需水量研究。构建了考虑水量供应、水质、物理结构和生物指标状况、河流社会价值和人类感知等方面的河流健康状况综合评价理论体系(IRHAS);建立了基于河流基本生态、自净、输沙和生态景观等功能的河流系统生态环境需水量理论体系;研究湿地生态系统健康指标体系,构建了包括基本生态环境需水量和年均补水量在内的湿地生态环境需水量模型。(2)针对河网联合调度技术支持下雨洪资源存储模式开展研究。基于蓄滞洪区蓄洪过程的动态模拟和蓄滞洪区的损失和效益评价,在现存水利工程设施条件下,构建了集河渠、闸门、分洪口门和蓄滞洪区于一体的水系联合调度系统,在此基础上提出了区域性雨洪资源存储总体实施思路。(3)对雨洪资源的开发和利用模式进行探讨。建立了潮白河-青龙湾减河-永定新河河系一维非恒定流水动力学—水质耦合模型,以满足河流基本生态环境需求为目的,着重探索利用洼地、蓄滞洪区在汛期或丰水期所存储的雨洪水回调入平原河网的开发模式,可为该地区重要河流生态修复工程和雨洪水资源利用提出明确的量化指标和水量调配方案。(4)对基于风险理论的洪水综合管理模式开展研究。提出了利用湿地、蓄滞洪区和水库等实施雨洪资源存储利用过程的风险识辨和定量评估方法,建立了具有普适性的以时间和蓄水水位为优化变量的雨洪资源存蓄过程的风险决策模型。(5)建立了考虑人工回灌的区域性地下水水均衡模型,提出了在海河流域利用雨洪水资源实施地下水补源、灌溉工程,通过建立回灌井防治海水入侵的思路和基本原理。对注水系统、抽水系统和抽水-注水联合系统等工程措施防治海(咸)水入侵的工程效果进行研究。

【Abstract】 Whereas contradiction between water supply and water demand became more and more deteriorative in Haihe River basin, the ecological healths status and eco-enviromental water requirement of principal rivers and important wetlands ware approached. Applying integrated dispatching technology for rain and flood resource management based on the engineering measures and non-engineering measures, the storage and exploitation models for rainwater and flood resource ware studied with emphasis.(1)Approaching from the connotation of river system health, the theory constitution of an integrated river health status assessment system (IRHAS) was established which consider water supply condition, water quality, the physical structure of channels bed and biology index status, social significance and public cognition on river. Then, an eco-enviromental water requirement calculation model for river system was created considering river’s multiple functions including principal ecological, self-depuration, scouring and landscape. A health index edifice for wetland water ecological system was established, moreover a calculation model was created which considering the primary ecological environment water demand and supplemental water per-year. After the analysis on hydrology dates the real dates acquired from hydrological stations in Haihe basin, system health status of principal rivers and wetlands were discussed, furthmore, the eco-enviromental water requirement for principal rivers and wetlands in this district were investigated and studied based on those calculation models described above.(2) A demonstration module for impounding process was programmed to meet real-time calculation on impoundage and impounded area of detention basin. A comprehensive impounding evaluation system for detention basins was presented. Coupling with rivers, draw-gates, flood diversion orifices and detention basins, a combined schedule system of hydrographic net was established by applying present water conservancy facilities. Finally, general implement strategy of rainwater and flood resource utilization was discussed for releasing water resource crisis and improving water ecological environment.(3) Taking on the aim of meeting river basic Eco-enviromental water requirement, a one-dimension hydrodynamic and water quality coupling numerical model of Chaobaihe-Qinglongwanjianhe-Yongdingxinhe drainage network was created, and research emphasizes ware focused on development pattern for rainwater and flood water resource impounding into the depression land and flood detention area during flood season. Rsearch achievements can contribute to unambiguous quantilzing indexes and water resource allocation budgets for river ecological renovation engineering and flood resource utilization programming in the future.(4) Main missions of representative flood risk management process were discussed followed by a risk recognition and quantitative evaluation method for rainstorm and flood resource storage project using wetlands, floodplains and reservoirs. A two dimensional risk decision-making system model was created for maximal net risk benefits consisted of water resource storage benefits and economic losses.(5) A sectional groundwater equilibrium model integrated with artifical recharge for reconditioning groundwater resource was created. Considering the feasibility of recharging groundwater by utilizing rainwater and flood in Haihe River Basin, implementing methods and fundmental theories of recharging freshwater in preventing seawater intrusion ware studied. Three engineering countermeasures such as injection system,pumping system and injection-pumping integrating system ware proposed to cure seawater intrusion in littoral area.A two-dimension cross-section numerical model for variable density groundwater and solute transport was established to explore the efficiency of those engineering programming.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 04期

