

A Study on Supply Chain Coordination of Engineering Project Manufacturing System with Large Logistics and Its Synergetic Evaluation

【作者】 阎颐

【导师】 汪波;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 制造业是国家的支柱产业。国内外学者对制造系统的研究给予了普遍重视,研究成果丰硕;但对于制造系统中的重要而特殊的一类——大物流工程项目类制造系统的研究尚处于起步阶段,对其供应链、协同供应链进行研究的文献更不多见。本文紧紧围绕此类系统的大物流和工程项目两个重要特征,以复杂系统和协同学理论为指导,以海洋石油平台制造企业为背景,将理论研究与实践相结合,用定性与定量相结合的方法,从系统宏观层面对大物流工程项目类制造系统供应链协同问题进行研究,具有一定的理论意义和实用价值。本文的主要研究内容如下:1.系统分析大物流工程项目类制造系统的体系结构和技术特征,以及此类系统的生产方式、物流和供应链形态、结构及其特点。2.基于复杂系统和协同学理论,分析大物流工程项目类制造系统供应链的复杂性,阐述其协同机理并构建协同适应策略模型。3.研究大物流工程项目类制造系统的物流协同模式,构建物流协同模式决策模型和决策流程。4.对大物流工程项目类制造系统供应链的协同动因、协同关系和协同利益进行深入分析,用数学模型揭示其内涵和相互作用机理;构建协同动力、协同激励约束、协同支持保障、协同风险防范和协同运行的协同实现机制整合模型。5.基于协同学的序参量原理和使役原理,对大物流工程项目类制造系统供应链协同程度进行评价研究;寻求和识别序参量,建立二级序参量层次结构和协同测度模型。以HG公司为背景,用基于复合熵权的模糊综合评判法和模糊信息熵法,对其供应链运行协同程度进行实证评价,并对有序度水平的评价结果进行解读;将供应链运行的有序度和HG公司主营业务的经济效益进行相关性分析。在实证研究的基础上,对改进HG公司供应链管理、提升其供应链运行有序度水平提出建议。

【Abstract】 Since manufacturing industry is the pillar industry in each country, scholars at home and abroad have paid much attention to the research on manufacturing system and have achieved fruitfully. However, there is an important and special kind in manufacturing industry, engineering project manufacturing system with large logistics, which lacks of attention and study. Few papers and literatures on the research of its supply chain and collaborative supply chain have been found.Focusing on the two main characteristics of the system: large logistics and engineering project, and based on the theories of complex system and synergetics, a study on supply chain coordination of engineering project manufacturing system with large logistics has been carried out from macroscopical points of view with the background of an Ocean Petroleum Platform Construction Company. Research methods of standard research and case study, qualitative and quantitative analysis have been applied, which result in achievements with theoretical and practical significance to some extent.The main contents of the study include:1. Based on general manufacturing system, systematic analysis is given out on technical characteristics of engineering project manufacturing system with large logistics, forms and structures of its logistics and supply chain, and features of its manufacturing style.2. On the basis of theories of complex system and synergetics, analysis is carried out on the complexity of engineering project manufacturing system with large logistics. And its collaboration mechanism and co-adaption strategy models have been set up.3. With study on the collaborative logistics modes of engineering project manufacturing system with large logistics, logistics collaboration selection-making model and procedure have been established.4. A comparatively thorough analysis on the motives, relations and benefits of collaborative supply chain of engineering project manufacturing system with large logistics has been given with the mathematic model to disclose its meaning and functional mechanism. An integrated model comprising of collaboration motives, encouragement and control, support and safeguard, risk prevention and operation has therefore been set up. 5. The synergy degree of supply chain operation of engineering project manufacturing system with large logistics has been evaluated based on initial parameter and slaving principles in synergetics. First seek for and distinguish initial parameters, set up two-grade initial parameters system, and then form synergy measuring model. Taking HG Company as the case study object, an example evaluation is carried out on the collaborative degree of its supply chain with two methods of fuzzy evaluation and information entropy based on complex entropy weight, and the evaluation results have been explicated. The degree of order of the supply chain operation has been taken into pertinence analysis with the economic profits of HG Company’s main manufacturing business. Therefore, suggestions on raising the level of its degree of order of supply chain operation and promoting SCM in HG Company have been given out on the basis of example evaluation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 05期
  • 【分类号】F224;F252
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】1602
  • 攻读期成果

