

Research and Application of Integrated Optical Acousto-Optical Tunable Filters

【作者】 肖立峰

【导师】 刘迎;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 集成光电子学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 三年的博士生涯即将结束,值此论文落笔之际,向三年来关心和照顾过我的每一位老师、同学表示衷心的感谢,是你们的关心和帮助给了我莫大的动力,让我能够迎难而上,顺利完成自己的博士学业。我相信这段美好的求学生涯必将使我终生受益,没齿难忘。首先,最应该感谢的是我的导师刘迎教授。三年来的学习和生活多仰仗先生无私的关心和照顾,能够得到先生的指导是我莫大的荣幸。在整个求学过程中,先生一直都给予我耐心的指导和帮助,正是先生充分的信任和理解才使我能够摆脱束缚,全身心地投入到课题的研究中去。此外先生严谨的学术作风、活跃的思维、渊博的知识、诲人不倦的精神以及平易近人的态度无不给弟子留下了深刻的印象。先生就如同黑夜中的一盏明灯,始终照亮着我在科研上前进的道路。在此,向先生多年来的培养和教育表示最诚挚的谢意!同时也要感谢天津津航科工集团的高级工程师耿凡老师,感谢您在课题上的指导和生活上的关心,是您为我的实验工作提供了巨大的帮助,没有您的无私帮助,就没有我科研工作的顺利开展。同时感谢在天津曾经帮助过我的各位老师,也感谢在百忙之中抽出宝贵时间对本论文进行评阅和审议的各位专家学者。另外,也要感谢和我一起学习奋斗过的各位同学。感谢我的同窗高明亮、董德强、史磊、高峰、高鹏东、王斌,感谢你们在生活和学习上的帮助。此外还要感谢我们实验室王启樟、田萌、郭巍、曾召利、王伟鹏、田慧娟、王利军以及其它师弟师妹,是大家一起营造了一个宽松自由的科研环境,使我的工作能够顺利进行,在此对各位一并表示感谢!最后,要感谢始终支持和理解我的父亲和母亲。虽然远隔千里,但是父母的督促和鼓励始终是我前进的动力源泉。可以说,没有他们就没有我的一切。

【Abstract】 Integrated Acousto-optic tunable wavelength filters (AOTF) are very attractive as they offer fast tuning speed, broad filtering bandwidth, convenient tuning, low drive power and especially their unique property of simultaneous multi-wavelength filtering capability. At present, the AOTF is mainly used in optical communication system, such as: Switching, Distribution, Routing, Add-Drop-Multiplexer and Optical switch. In addition, the device also can be used as the tuning component of erbium doped fiber laser and the key component of near-infrared Acousto-optic spectrometer. Therefore, following the developing of optical communication technology, the AOTF is paid more and more attentions.In the paper, the theory and calculating, fabricating and testing, developing and application of the AOTF are studied. In the exordium of the paper, the integrated optical waveguide device, the developing and application of the AOTF are introduced simply. In the second chapter of the paper, we mainly studied the theory foundation and simulation analysis of optical waveguide, and the representative optical waveguide devices are fabricated and tested. In the third chapter of the paper, the character of the acoustical waveguide and the inter-digital transducer are researched. In the fourth chapter of the paper, we designed the polarization-depended AOTF and studied stabilizing frequency of the device. In the fifth chapter of the paper, we used some method to improve the capability of AOTF, and fabricated the new device to test its performance. At last, in the sixth chapter of the paper, the application of AOTF is researched, including erbium doped fiber laser, near-infrared Acousto-optical spectrometer and Acousto-optic optical switch.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 04期

