

Study on the Evaluation of the Growth of Sci-tech Innovation Teams in Colleges

【作者】 张海燕

【导师】 陈士俊;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 科学研究不仅需要独立作战,更需要团队攻关。如何构建高校科技创新团队并促进其成长,已成为高等学校科研管理的重要内容。为避免将有潜力的科技创新队伍排除在科研管理部门资助视野之外,迫切需要研究团队成长性评价问题。对团队进行成长性评价需要理解团队成长的内在机理及其影响因素,本文第三章系统地研究了团队成长的模式与机理,构建了团队螺旋式成长模型,进行了团队成长过程的“力场分析”。第四至五章从总体上分析了团队成长性评价的内涵,构建了团队成长性评价模型及其分阶段、分类别评价指标体系。第六至七章,将前文所述评价思想从单纯的定性描述发展到定量与定性相结合的评价实践,综合运用多种技术、方法与工具进行了团队成长性多维度评价。具体而言,所做主要工作及创新点为:1.在团队成长机理分析的基础上构建了团队螺旋式成长模型,进行了团队成长过程的“力场分析”。2.提出了“分阶段、分层次、分类别”的团队评价思想,分别构建了团队静态及动态评价模型。3.提出了“分维度”开展团队成长性评价研究的思想。重点评价团队成长过程中的合作潜力、创新潜力、科研方向潜力及总体相对进步率等指标。4.在团队评价中引入了社会计量学、科学计量学及运筹学等多学科研究技术与方法,提供了具体的团队成长性评价的思路与方法。运用SNA技术,利用Ucinet软件进行了团队及团队内部各凝聚子群的合作密度计算。提出了团队合作的绝对效果评价及相对效果评价的思路及可行的、详细的实施过程。5.提出了设置评价“标杆”的思想,综合运用多种软件工具深度挖掘团队所处学科研究前沿,绘制团队所处学科的顶级科学家合作网络图及各类知识图谱,建设各学科代表人物所使用的高频词词库以树立团队科研方向成长潜力评价“标杆”。通过构建标引词向量空间模型计算被评团队与国内外前沿研究相似性得分。6.提出了团队自身“相对进步率(效率)”评价及团队之间“相对进步率(效率)”评价的思想,并运用DEA方法给出了具体的实施步骤。7.尝试设计高校科技创新团队成长性评价决策支持系统,为团队评价工具的开发提供思路。

【Abstract】 Scientific research not only need work by oneself but also collaborate with other people, that is to say, it need teams to fulfill difficult tasks. How to construct sci-tech innovation research team and promote it to grow in colleges became the important contents of research management. To avoid excluding some potential research groups to the manager, we need to study the evaluation of the growth of sci-tech innovation teams in colleges and judge its growing potential urgently.We should understand the principle of teams’growth and the factors which may influence the growing processes of such teams. Chapter 3 in this article had analyzed the model and the main contents of the principle of teams’growth. Then it constructed a growth model of helix and analyzed the force power and the hinder power in the field. The focus of this dissertation’s research is from Chapter 4 to Chapter 7. it described the content of the evaluation of teams’growth, established the models of such assessment and the indicator system of this evaluation in different phases and different teams in Chapter 4 and Chapter 5. from Chapter 6 to Chapter 7 it applied the theory to the real operation and turned the pure qualitative analysis into the quantitative analysis with qualitative description in order to evaluate the real teams’growth properly, roundly, gradually and deeply.Specifically, the main work and innovations would be described as follows: Firstly, analyzed the internal principles of teams’growth, constructed a helix growth model of such teams, described the force power and the hinder power in the growth field of teams.Secondly, presented a frame model of static and dynamic evaluation based on the thought of different appraisal in different phases, levels and sorts of teams. Thirdly, presented the thought of evaluating on different dimensions of teams’growth. Divided the evaluation into following four dimensions: the collaboration, innovation, aspects of research and the efficiency of teams.Fourthly, introduced the technology and methods of sociometrics, Scientometrics and operational research, presented the specific and workable methods of assessment. counted the density of collaboration in and between teams’subgroups by Ucinet software and presented the steps of the processes.Fifthly, setted the surveyor’s pole by using the Ucinet, Pajek, Wordsmith Tools, Bibexcel and SPSS software. Through drawing different kinds of maps, deeply mined the frequently used words of research fronts. And then constructed a model to count the similarity between the evaluated team and the research fronts.Sixthly, presented the thought of evaluating the efficiency of teams and show readers the steps of evaluation with DEA.Seventhly, tried to design the decision support system of evaluation on teams’growth and provide a thoughtway of developing the instruments of teams’appraisal.

【关键词】 高校科技创新团队成长性评价模型SNATDM
【Key words】 CollegesSci-tech Innovation TeamsPotential GrowthEvaluationModelSNATDM
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 04期

