

A Study for the Value of Confucian Concept of Adult and Its Modern Humanism-Based Management

【作者】 帅建华

【导师】 刘启良;

【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 中国哲学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 儒家思想是东方文明的主要内容。由于儒家成人观所体现的是从“下成”于“人之为人”,到“上成”于“至善”的所有人格理想,比单纯提倡的“君子圣贤”人格理想,既显得在内容上更为完善,又显得在基础上更为扎实,千百年来一直在起着教育、激励和督促人们努力向上的积极作用。因而,儒家成人观实际上是儒家思想的核心。儒家的许多思想都是围绕它而展开并追索的。现代人本管理是自工业革命以来集哲学、经济学、社会学、管理学等于一体的西方文明的主要内容。两种文明各有其优点和缺陷,作为东方文明的儒家思想长于“内聚”而短于“外化”,注重“义理”而轻慢“事功”;现代人本管理尽管在形式上要求做到两者的统一,但一方面由于它产生于资本主义竞争的社会背景,另一方面由于它缺乏“内存”的“功夫”和手段,使它不可能真正做到两者的统一。在资本趋利的惯性驱使下,取“资本”而代之的“人本”往往会因过分的利益追求和严酷的市场竞争而难以照顾义理的需要,显现出重事功而轻义理的本相。两种文明恰好在此际遇。对于儒家思想而言,现代人本管理的“外显”能力和“事功”取向,能够极好地使儒家思想得到检讨与反思,特别是能够激活以“成事”和“成就”为目标的儒家成人观的成人意志,使儒家思想的活力与“功夫”得到更好的显现。对于现代人本管理而言,儒家成人观向上追索的价值取向,不仅能够使管理主体克服自身动力不足,而完全需要依赖制度约束和功利激励的弊端,而且能够使管理主体产生拒斥外来影响与诱惑的能力,从而摆正现代人本管理“以人为本”的发展朝向,真正起到既有利组织,又成就个人,既彰显社会正义,又维护个体之间公平,既保证社会的稳定发展,又维持生态和谐统一的作用,最终从根本上实现“人的自由、地位与全面发展”。文章的主要内容共分为五个方面:1、现代人本管理的本真涵义。现代人本管理的本真涵义应该包括三个层面的内容:即“道本”、“义本”和“力本”。所谓“道本”即是指“自然之本”,是本体论意义上的人本,是人本管理的前提和基础。它指的是:人应该被作为管理要素中的第一要素或根本要素,亦即要优先予以考虑的要素来对待。具体地说,就是当“人的生存、自由与全面发展”与其他管理要素相冲突时,要优先考虑“人的生存、自由与全面发展”。这一原则精神的来源在于“人是万物的尺度”、“人生而是自由的”等人本主义本体论思虑。它所衡量的是管理主体的“法性”问题,即当系统的对象在非主观意愿情形下丧失践履能力时,系统别无选择的一种本质性规定;所谓“义本”,即是指“道德仁爱之本”,是人本管理的主体与内容。它是根于人的本性,立足于道德与良心而生发的人本意识,包括善待自己与友爱他人、成就个体与体恤社会,是“人之为人”与“人之所以异于禽兽”的一种特质反映。而“力本”,即是出于物用之需,以人的有用性为特征的“用度之本”。是与“资本”、“物本”相对而提出的。2、现代人本管理存在的机理缺陷。如果我们把“力本”作为第一层面的“本”,把“义本”作为第二层面的“本”,而把“道本”作为第三层面的“本”。那么,很显然,现代工具性人本管理主要是停留在第一层面的“人本”管理,即注重和利用人的有用属性的“人本”管理,能够进入到第二层面的“人本”管理的组织,则既要受其基于道德修养的组织文化(通常以“企业文化”指称)的制约,又要受其组织物质条件的制约,更要受其组织生存竞争环境的制约。因此,能够立足或者坚持在第二层面进行“人本”管理尤其是希望上升到第三层面的“人本”管理的组织或系统,我们要讨论的不是它主观愿不愿意或努不努力的问题,而是客观上存不存在这样的可能性问题。3、儒家成人观思想探析。尽管儒家思想存在短于“外化”而轻慢“事功”的倾向,即存在人本管理第一本——“力本”方面的不足。然而,恰恰是儒家长于“内聚”而专于“存养”的特点,使得以儒家成人观为核心的儒家思想成为弥补西方人本管理重大缺陷——功利性人本管理和制度化人本管理所引致的“义本”不足和“道本”缺失的主要途径。儒家管理思想虽然立足于“民本”,形式上是“形下”管理思想,存在“人本”上基奠不够的问题。但,由于儒家成人观所倡导的社会主体自主地无限向上的超越精神,它实质上是“形上”管理思想,具有“人本”追求的动因和能力。正是这种特征,使得受它影响的个体和群体能够达到德性自觉和本体尊重的境界。因而,在现有条件下,我们必须而且能够借助这一思想理论弥补因功利性人本管理和制度化人本管理所引致的“义本”不足和“道本”缺失问题。4、儒家管理实践总结。将儒家成人观思想应用于管理实践已经成为一些国家的成功经验,尤其是日本和韩国,儒家思想不仅没有如亨廷顿所预示的那样造成文明的冲突。相反,它的积极向上的态度和精神,极其有力地提升了国民素质,促进了两国的工业化进程;新加坡政府把儒学上升为“国家意识”,把儒家成人理念作为国民素质教育的核心,为新加坡的经济发展和社会稳定起到了重要作用;近年来,英美等发达资本主义国家的“儒学热”不断升温以及“儒教资本主义”的兴起,在很大程度上体现了儒家思想的普世性,特别是儒家成人伦理的普世性。5、儒家管理价值研究。由于现代人本管理存在的“基因”缺失和机理缺陷,使得它不可能在管理过程中落实真正意义上的“以人为本”。因此,儒家成人价值观的提倡,其一是能够克服和弥补这一对历史进程产生过重大影响的管理制度的缺陷和潜在危机;其二是对于构建未来和谐社会具有精神奠基的作用;其三是对于延续中华民族的文明传统,提高民族整体素质和能力,增强综合国力和民族自信心具有重要的强化作用;其四是对于发掘中国传统文明的现代价值,发挥中华民族促进、维护世界和平与发展的积极作用,提升和巩固中华民族的历史地位提供了重要契机。

【Abstract】 Confucian thought plays a key role in the oriental civilization. The topic of this paper is based on the Confucian concept of adult, but its cultural background and thinking connotation are still the Confucian thought. Moreover, the Confucian concept of adult embodies all personality ideals from“lower ideal”(person’s concept) to“upper ideal”(person’s perfection), and compared to the personality ideal of“sages and gentlemen”advocated by traditional society, it is more perfect in its content and more substantial in its basis, which has always played an active role of educating, inspiring and urging people to pursue for a higher ideal for over one hundred years. Consequently, the Confucian concept of adult is actually the core of Confucian Thought, around which many Confucian thoughts are developed and searched for. Modern humanism-based management is the main content of western civilization integrated with the philosophy, economics, sociology and management science since the industrial revolution. There are disadvantages and advantages for the two civilizations. The Confucian thought in the oriental civilization is good at“connotation”, but lack of“exteriorization”, pays attention to the“philosophic idea”, but slights the“achievements and successes”. The modern humanism-based management requires the unity of the two civilizations in the form, but on one hand, because it originates from the social background of capitalism competition and on the other hand, because it is lack of the inherent ability and means, it is impossible to realize the real unity of the two civilizations. Driven by the inertia of capital benefit pursuit, it is usually difficult to meet the requirement of philosophic idea through replacing the“capitalism”by the“humanism”because of the undue benefit pursuit and fierce market competition, which displays the essence of paying attention to the achievements and successes and slighting the philosophic idea. The two civilizations are exactly encountered herein.As far as the Confucian Thought is concerned, the“explicit”ability and“achievements & successes”orientation of the modern humanism-based management can review and rethink profoundly the Confucian Thought, especially can activate the adult will of the Confucian Concept of Adult targeted at“achievements”and“successes”, which can significantly reveal the vitality and“ability”of the Confucian Thought. As far as the Modern Humanism-Based Management is concerned, the upper-tracing value orientation of the Confucian Concept of Adult can not only make the management mainbody to overcome the disadvantage of relying on the system restriction and utilitarian simulation due to its own insufficiency of power, but also make the management mainbody to produce the force of refusing the external influence and temptation, thus establishing the“human-oriented”development trend of the Modern Humanism-Based Management and really playing the role of not only benefiting the organization, but also accomplishing the individual, showing off the socialism, but also maintaining the justice among individuals, and not only ensuring the stable development of the society, but also maintaining the harmonious unity of the ecology, and finally realizing the“human freedom, position and all-round development”.This paper is described by five aspects:1. Real Connotation of Modern Humanism-Based Management. The real connotation of modern humanism-based management shall contain the contents of three layers, namely,“doctrine of nature”,“doctrine of morality”and“doctrine of force”. The so-called“doctrine of nature”refers to the“foundation of nature”, the human priority of the ontology, and the premise and foundation of the humanism-based management. It refers to that the human shall be regarded as the primary element or basic element in the management elements, that is, it shall be treated as an element for priority consideration. Specifically, when there is a conflict between the“human survival, freedom and all-round development”and other management elements, the priority shall be given to the“human survival, freedom and all-round development”. This principle is based on the consideration of humanistic ontology that“human being is the measure of all things on earth”, and“all human beings are born free”. What is it measured is the“law value”of the management mainbody, that is, it is a nature-based regulation when the system’s object fails to perform its things under the condition of non-subjective intention. The so-called“doctrine of morality”refers to the“basis of morality and humanity”, and it is the mainbody and content of humanism-based management. It is the human-based nature and the humanistic consciousness generated by rooting in the morality and conscience, including the friendly treatment to oneself, friendly affection to other people, the accomplishment of the individuals and understanding and sympathy with the society, which is a kind of characteristic reflection of“man as man”and“men differ from brutes”.“Doctrine of force”, out of demand purpose for substance, however refers to the“doctrine of use”that is characterized by human being’s usefulness, and it is proposed opposite to the“doctrine of capital”and“doctrine of substance”.2. Mechanism Defect for Modern Humanism-Based Management. If we take“doctrine of force”as the“doctrine”of the first layer,“doctrine of morality”as the“doctrine”of the second layer, and the“doctrine of nature”as the“doctrine”of the third layer, it is significant that the modern humanism-based management mainly contains the“humanism-based”management of the first layer, that is, the“humanism-based”management of laying stress on and using the human being’s useful property. The organization of“humanism-based”management that is able to enter the second layer is restricted not only by the organization culture (usually refers to“corporate culture”) based on the moral culture, but also by the substantial condition of the organization, even by the competitive environment of the organization survival. As a result, with regard to the organization or system of“humanism-based”management setting root at or keeping in the second layer, especially the“humanism-based”management that is hoped to uplift to the third layer, what we will discuss is not its subjective will or its effort, but its objective possibility.3. A Probe into the Ideology of Confucian Concept of Adult. Although there exists a trend of shortening the“exteriorization”and slighting the“achievements and successes”, namely, the insufficiency of“doctrine of force”, the first doctrine in the humanism-based management, however, it is exactly its characteristics of being good at“connotation”and excelling at“cultivation”that make the Confucian Thought centered on the Confucian Concept of Adult become the main way to make up for the great defect of western humanism-based management, that is, lack of“doctrine of morality”and loss of“doctrine of nature”that are caused by the utilitarian humanism-based management and systemized humanism-based management. Though the Confucian thought of management is based on the“doctrine of people”, and it is a kind of“downward”management idea in the form, with an insufficient founding for the“humanism”, it is in fact a king of“metaphysical”management idea with a motive and ability for“humanism-based”pursuit due to its limitless transcending spirit of social subject advocated by the Confucian Concept of Adult. It is exactly this feature that makes the individuals and groups affected by it to realize the moral consciousness and ontology respect. For this reason, under the existing condition, we must and are able to rely on this ideology to make up for the lack of“doctrine of morality”and loss of“doctrine of nature”that are caused by the utilitarian humanism-based management and systemized humanism-based management.4. Conclusion of Confucian Management Practice. The application of the Confucian Concept of Adult to the management practice has become the successful experience in some countries, especially in Japan and Korea. The Confucian Thought did not cause such a conflict to any civilization that is predicted by Mr. Huntington, on the contrary, its active attitude and spirit has greatly improved the national quality, promoted the industrial progress of the two countries. The Singapore government even uplifts the Confucianism to a“State Awareness”and takes the Confucian Concept of Adult as the core of national quality education, which exerts an important action for the economic development and social stability of Singapore. In recent years, the“Confucianism Surge”and the rising of“Confucian Capitalism”in the developed capitalism countries such as England and the USA have embodied the generalization of the Confucian Thought to a great degree, especially the generalization of the Confucian Adult Ethics.5. A Study of Value for Confucian Management. Because of the“gene”loss and mechanic defect in the modern humanism-based management, it is nearly impossible to fulfill or carry out the really significant“human-oriented”management during the management. Therefore, the advocating of the Confucian Concept of Adult, firstly, may overcome and make up for the defect and potential crisis of management system that exerts great impact on the historic process, secondly, may play a spirit-founding role in structuring a harmonious society in the future, thirdly, is of an important intensified role in continuing the civilization tradition of Chinese nation, improving the whole national quality and ability and strengthening the comprehensive national power and national self confidence, and fourthly, has provided the important opportunity for exploring the modern value of traditional Chinese civilization, developing the global action of Chinese nation, uplifting and consolidating the historic position of Chinese nation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湘潭大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 05期

