

Studies on Chinese Urban Adolescents’ Conformity, Non-Conformiy & Counter-Conformity Behavior

【作者】 代祺

【导师】 胡培; 周庭锐;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 青少年市场是一个由现时市场、影响力市场、未来市场组成的“3合1”市场,庞大的实际购买力、对家庭购物决策的影响力、未来潜在的消费力,使得任何一家企业都不能无视它的存在,越来越多的企业也意识到,培养忠诚的顾客应该从他们年轻的时候开始。因此,对青少年消费行为的研究,开始成为一个新兴的前沿性课题。由于青少年处于特殊的消费者社会化阶段,求同和求异需要都非常强烈,由此引发的从众、不从众与反从众是青少年有别于其它年龄阶段消费者的主要消费行为。然而过去社会心理学界和消费行为学界过份地强调了从众,忽视了不从众和反从众行为,对消费者如何权衡冲突的求同和求异需要的研究也十分匮乏。本文以此为切入点,围绕以下3个问题展开研究:(1)哪些因素导致青少年在面临同龄群体的从众压力时呈现出不从众、反从众?产品固有的功能属性和享乐属性如何影响青少年的从众、不从众、反从众行为?(2)青少年如何在两种冲突的需要之间进行权衡?权衡的规律、机理和个体差异是什么?(3)成年人与青少年在从众、不从众、反从众消费行为上有何异同?成年人如何权衡求同和求异需要?为了解答上述问题,首先,笔者在充分吸收社会心理学领域的研究成果的基础上,引入了一个新的干扰变量——自我一致性,通过剖析该变量与同龄群体反馈意见的交互作用对青少年态度和行为改变的干扰机制,不仅解释了青少年的不从众和反从众消费行为,也为深入理解从众行为提供了一个新的理论视角。在排除了自我监控、求异需要等可能影响消费者从众与否的变量后,证明了“自我一致性×同龄群体反馈意见”干扰效应的稳健性。不仅如此,笔者还将产品的功能属性和享乐属性纳入研究视野,比较了青少年消费者在选择功能型和享乐型产品上的行为异同。研究结论表明,与自我一致性低时相比,当自我一致性高时,青少年更容易出现不从众或反从众行为;与选择功能型产品相比,青少年选择享乐型产品时更容易出现不从众或反从众行为。在与成年消费者的对比研究中发现,在选择功能型产品时,成年人比青少年更难从众。成年消费者之所以从众,都是建立在同龄群体反馈意见与自己固有的对产品的评价相一致、相符合的前提下。从这个意义上说,成年消费者的从众显得更为理性。当同龄群体的意见与自己对产品的评价不符时,成年消费者则表现出了不从众甚至反从众的行为。其次,笔者立足于独特性理论,整合了认知失调理论、自我肯定理论、自我一致性理论,发掘出青少年在异太过和同太过情境中对求同和求异冲突需要的权衡规律,揭示了权衡规律内在的本质和机理,辨析了不同自尊水平消费者权衡规律的异同。研究结论表明,无论高、低自尊的青少年消费者,在感知到自己与他人异/同太过的情境下均会产生认知失调。然而高、低自尊者在减少失调的方式上有所不同,依据的理论基础也不同。除了在异太过的情境下高自尊青少年的求异需要占主导地位外,高自尊青少年在同太过、以及低自尊者在同太过和异太过情境下的求同需要均为优势需要。在与成年消费者的对比研究中发现,成年消费者在感知到异/同太过时也会产生认知失调,但高、低自尊者减少认知失调的机制也不同。无论感知到异太过还是同太过,高自尊者的求异需要均占有主导地位;而低自尊者在感知异太过时将激发求同需要,感知同太过时将激发求异需要。自我肯定理论可以解释我国消费者大部分的权衡规律,对于两种无法解释的情况——低自尊青少年在同太过时的权衡规律、以及高自尊成年人在同太过时的权衡规律则符合自我一致性理论的猜想。笔者从自我标准模型的角度,对此进行了深入的剖析和诠释。笔者还对我国消费者求同与求异需要权衡规律的普适性进行了检验,证明本研究得出的权衡规律具有一定的普适性。本研究的创新点体现在:(1)不仅考虑了影响从众的产品因素和个人因素之间存在的联接作用,而且深度挖掘了影响从众的产品因素,从而丰富和完善了营销界颇具影响力的从众影响因素模型。(2)通过引入认知失调等理论,对Snyder的独特性理论进行了有益的补充,弥补了该理论仅描述了个体在同太过、异太过两个情境中的情感与行为反应之现象,而无法解释其内在原因的缺憾。(3)本研究证明了深受儒家文化熏陶的中国消费者同样也存在求异需要,证实了最优独特性理论具有跨文化的普适性,拓展了该理论的适用范围。(4)社会心理学领域对自我一致性理论和自我肯定理论的适用性一直存在着争论,这两个理论对于不同自尊水平的消费者在减少认知失调时的行为反应倾向的预测是截然相反的。本文的结论表明,中国消费者的消费行为呈现多元化态势,无论哪一个理论都无法完全解释中国消费者的行为,研究从自我标准模型的视角进行诠释,这无疑对消除和缓解学术界的质疑和争论是一次有益尝试。同时,本研究也为国内外企业捕捉青少年优势需要、洞察其主要消费行为、成功开拓青少年市场提供了有价值的指导。

【Abstract】 Adolescents market is a 3 in 1 market-a current market spending its own money for its own needs and wants,an influence market determining a substantial amount of parents spending,and a future market that eventually will constitute all the customers for a firm’s offering.More and more enterprises can’t ignore its existence and come to realize that fostering loyal customers should begin when they are young.Therefore researching adolescents’ behavior becomes a burgeoning and advanced topic.Adolescents are in especial consumer socialization phase and their need to be assimilated and need to be different is very strong,therefore,conformity,non-conformity and counter-conformity are adolescents’ typical behaviors which are different from other ages.However,the past studies in the field of social psychology and consumer behavior not only over emphasized conformity and ignored the non-conformity and counter-conformity behavior,but also laking of researching how consumers trade off between the conflicting needs.Thus the author asks three questions as follows:(1)which factors influence adolescents’ non-conformity and counter-conformity when they are in face of peer groups’ conformity pressure? How do functional attributes and hedonic attributes affect adolescents’ conformity,non-conformity and counter-conformity behavior?(2)How do adolescents trade off between the need to be assimilated and the need to be different? What are the law,mechanism and individual differences of tradeoff?(3)Is the adults’ behavior the same as adolescents’? How do adult trade off these two conflicting needs?This paper aims to give answers to the above questions.Firstly,the author absorbs the fruits of social psychology and introduces a new moderating variableself-congruity into the study.By analyzing the moderating effect of the interaction of ’peers’ feedback’ and ’self-congruity’ in the process of adolescents’ attitude changing,this study not only interpret adolescents’ non-conformity and counter-conformity behavior,but also provide a new perspective of understanding conformity behavior.By eliminating the exogenous variables-self-monitoring and need of uniquess which may contaminate the conclusion,this paper confirmed the robustness of the interacting effect.In addition,this paper compares the similarities and differences of the behavior when adolescents choosing functional products and hedonic products.The results show that adolescents are more likely to non-coformity or counter-conformity when the self-congruity is high compared with when the self-congruity is low,and when they choose hedonic products compared with when they choos functional products.When choosing functional products,adults are less likely to conformity than adolescents.The adults’ conformity behavior is more rational because they conform to others only when peer groups’ opinions are consistent with their own.When peer groups’ opinions are not agree with their own,the adults will pursue non-conformity even counter-conformity behavior.Secondly,this paper incorporate Uniqueness Theory,Cognitive Dissonance Theory,Self-affirmation Theory and Self-consistency Theory to exhume the law,mechanism and individual differences of trading off between the need to be assimilated and the need to be different when consumers confronting the situations that are too similar or different to others.The results show that high/low self-esteem adolescents will feel cognitive dissonance when they are very slight/high similar to others.But the way of dissonance reduction of high/low self-esteem adolescents is different,and the pursuant theory is also different. Except the need to be different are dominant in the situations when high self-esteem adolescents perceived very dissimilar to others,while the need to be assimilated is dominant when the high self-esteem adolescents in very simlar situation and the low self-esteemor in very similar/dissimilar situations.As to adults,they will fell dissonance in very similar/dissimilar situations;the way of dissonance reduction is also different for high and low self-esteemors.The need to be different is dominant for adults with high self-esteem wherever in very similar/dissimilar situations.For low self-esteem adults,the need to be assimilate is activated when they are very slight similar to others,while the need to be different is activated when they are very high similar to others.Self-affirmation theory can explain most of Chinese consumers’ tradeoff law,the exceptions,that is, low self-esteem adolescents and high self-esteem adults in very similar situation can be explained by Self-standard Model.The the genrality of the tradeoff law is also proved.The academic contributions of this study denoted as follows:(1)Enriching and consummating the famous conformity influence model by incorporating the joint effect of product factors and individual factors,as well as the products’ functional and hedonic attributes.(2)Reinforcing Snyder’s Uniqueness Theory by introducing Cognitive Dissonance Theory in order to interpret the emotional and behavioral reaction in very similar/dissimilar situations.(3)By proving Chinese consumers also have the need to be different and the need to be assimilated;this study enlarges the Optimal Distinctiveness Theory’s applying scope.(4)There existed drastic debate about the Self-affirmation Theory and Self-consistency Theory in the field of Social Psychology for their assumptions are contrary to each other.The author tries to eliminate and mitigate the debate by using Self-standard Model.In addition,this study provides overseas and domestic enterprises some valuable guides to catch adolescents’ dominant needs,to apperceive their vital consumption behavior and exploit adolescents market successfully.

【关键词】 青少年从众不从众反从众
【Key words】 adolescentconformitynon-conformitycounter-conformity
  • 【分类号】F713.50;F224
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】2504
  • 攻读期成果

