

Study on the Rules of Constructing Spatial Database for Regional Hydrogeological Maps

【作者】 母海东

【导师】 石建省; 张永波;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质科学院 , 地质工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 区域水文地质普查信息是基础性、公益性的信息,为国土资源合理开发利用、国民经济建设、制定区域规划、保护人类赖以生存的地质环境提供了有效的基础支撑作用,其产生的经济效益和社会效益将是长远的。空间数据库技术作为地理信息系统的核心技术,为水文地质信息的全方位共享和多领域的社会化服务提供了有效的途径,而空间数据质量的规范性将直接影响着新一代GIS的发展。在以纸介纸的成果为数据源,以空间数据为仓库,以地理信息系统技术为手段,以用户实现为最终目标的空间数据库建设意义是深远的。本文基于空间数据库技术,以水文地质信息的特性为研究主题,从理论上研究和解决区域水文地质要素由传统的纸介质存贮向空间数据表达的技术转化过程问题,结合MAPGIS软件从技术方法上解决区域水文地质图空间数据库建设过程中的数学基础、数据完整性、逻辑一致性和质量控制的规则实现问题。并以此为指导,分析和研究了水文地质信息的集成性、空间特性、实时动态特性、开放性、共享性、模糊性、复杂性和尺度效应的特性,对水文地质信息化建设现状进行了全面的分析和评价,对空间信息的技术要求进行了剖析,并以水文地质信息实现多学科共享和服务为目的,以实现空间数据建库规则为目标进行了全面论述。论文中空间数据库规则的制定严格区别于以纸介纸为媒体的信息的单一视觉表达,而注重于同一专业要素的空间信息的检索查询和分析评价。论文制定了区域水文地质图建库过程中数学基础精度控制、数据完整性规则、逻辑一致性规则和质量控制规则,建立了数据源采集、矢量扫描精度、矢量采集校正控制精度、数学投影、矢量采集方法、空间属性结构制定、属性内容采集,全要素图的完整性、空间图层分类及编码、空间图层划分、属性一致性表达、数据存贮、元数据、数据字典、拓朴一致性及质量控制的目标和过程控制等的一系列规则。区域水文地图空间数据库建设规则的制定,为区域水工环空间数据库建设中相关标准和指南的制定提供了可行性的思路,对信息资料二次开发的可行性提供了有力论据和技术支撑。

【Abstract】 As the basic and nonprofit information, the regional hydrogeology survey results play an important role in reasonable land resources use, national economic development, regional development plan and geological environment protection, and it will produce long-term economic and social benefits. The technology of spatial database, the core technology of the Geography Information System (GIS), provides an effectual way for sharing the hydrogeological information with community and society, and the quality of spatial data will affect the development of spatial database. It has important meanings to construct spatial hydrogeological database that takes the paper maps and spatial data as data sources, takes the GIS as main technology, and takes service for public community as the main aim.Based on the spatial database technology supported by the software of MAPGIS, the present work takes the characters of hydrogeological information as study subject, and the aim is to solve the technical problems of transforming the paper information of regional hydrogeology to the digital information, and to provide some rules of the mathematic precision control, the data integrity, the logical consistency and the data quality control during the process of constructing the spatial database of regional hydrogeological maps. Based on the comprehensive analysis of present study status of hydrogeology informationization, the characters of hyrogeological information were studied in detail, such as data integration, data spatial distribution, dynamic and real-time data, opening character, data sharing, fuzzy character, data complication and the scale effect, et al. And then the technical requirement for spatial information was discussed. Finally, the present work discussed the rules of constructing the spatial hydrogeological database that aimed to provide sharing service for multi-subject.Strictly distinguished from the paper information that only emphasized on the visual expression, the rules of spatial database in this work paid more emphasis on realizing the search and query function of same king hydrogeological information and the function of professional analysis and evaluation. This paper provided many rules for constructing regional hydrogeological database including precision control, data integrality, logical consistency and data quality control. Further more, some sub-rules were set up for constructing regional hydrogeological database such as the precision of data collection and vector scan, the precision of vector-map rectification, the spatial data projection, the vector collection method, the spatial data attribute frame and content, the integrity of map elements, the classification and encoding of map layers, the consistency of map layer attributes, data storage, metadata searching, data dictionary, the consistency of graphics topology and data quality control. All these rules would not only provide feasible thinking for setting up the criterion and guide of constructing spatial database for regional hydrogeological maps, but also provide technical support for redevelopment and utilization of hydrogeological data information.


