

Research on Assessment Methods and Application of Loss of Marine Fishery Resources Assets

【作者】 袁栋

【导师】 王淼;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 渔业经济与管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 中国是世界上拥有丰富海洋渔业资源的国家之一,渔业资源的开发利用为中国海洋经济及国民经济发展做出了突出贡献。然而,海洋渔业发展潜力有限,总量高增长性无法掩盖渔业资源质量下降、部分种群濒于灭绝的事实。这一切固然与环境、生态等自然因素有关,根源却在于渔业资源作为一项重要的国有资源性资产,未遵循资产化模式进行界定与管理,产权虚置、管理弱化及资源价格调节机制的失效导致大量的海洋渔业资源性资产流失,直接影响海洋渔业可持续性发展,动摇海洋事业的根基,甚至会威胁到国民经济的稳定运行。目前,缺乏科学、客观和系统的评估方法来测定这一流失程度,也没有一种可行的衡量尺度和标准,无法评价渔业资源性资产的流失对国民经济的影响范围,渔业资产的保值增值及有效治理更是无从谈起。因此,建立海洋渔业资源性资产流失测度的理论与方法已成为我国海洋渔业流失研究亟待解决的重要课题。本文围绕这一主题,基于国内外海域、森林、土地等资源性资产评价、国有资产流失评估、资产评估等一系列的理论与方法,尝试性地提出了国有海洋渔业资源性资产流失测度的方法与模型,并予以应用,以填补海洋渔业资源性资产流失定量化的空白。具体研究的内容和成果主要体现在以下几个方面:1、首次从理论上研究了海洋渔业资源性资产流失的测度问题,补充和完善海洋渔业资源性资产的流失理论。2、界定了海洋渔业资源性资产流失的内涵和外延,从资源利用方式角度将其划分为海洋捕捞资源性资产流失与海水养殖资源性资产流失。3、在论述海洋渔业资源性资产流失理论的基础上,系统地构建了海洋渔业资源性资产流失测度的方法与估价模型。海洋渔业资源性资产流失评估的基本思想为国家应获得的资产净价值与现已获得的资产价值的差额,前者由资本价值、生态价值、补偿价值和开发耗费成本四大模块构成。这一研究为海洋渔业资源资产化管理和决策提供科学依据。4、从国家所有权角度,创立了海洋渔业资源性资产价值构成体系及其计量模型,并构建了海洋捕捞资产价值与海水养殖资产价值的分类指标体系,为渔业资源性资产价值的评估奠定了理论根基。5、创建了海洋捕捞资源性资产补偿相对水平的发展阶段系数理论及计算方法。海洋捕捞资源性资产补偿是一个动态的过程,国家不可能对所有损失价值一次性补偿,而应针对社会经济不同发展阶段的承受能力补偿价值。海洋捕捞资源性资产补偿系数充分考虑到资源、经济、社会的因素,以国家(或某个区域)的捕捞产值和总GDP的比值(定义为贡献率)为基本参数,结合恩格尔系数和皮尔曲线来表达。避开了直接计算补偿实物价值的难题,有效地解决了不同发展阶段捕捞资产补偿价值差异的难题。6、提出了海水养殖资源性资产补偿价值的评估标准及指标,运用模糊综合评价模型,评估海水养殖资产的补偿价值,使其价值的判断更具可操作性。基于上述理论和方法,系统计算了青岛市海洋渔业资源性资产流失值。运用租金法、替代成本法、阶段系数法等方法对海洋捕捞资源性资产流失价值进行评估,选取收益还原法、模糊数学法等方法测定海水养殖资源性资产流失价值,得出2004年青岛市海洋渔业资源性资产总流失量为209286.06万元,总价值221464.86万元,流失量约占全市海洋产业总产值的3.65%,占GDP的0.98%。国家已获得的所有权价值明显低于应享有价值,流失情况严重。研究表明,海洋渔业资源性资产流失评价涉及面广,评价指标较多,数据采集难度大。尽管如此,研究和评价其流失方法与模型具有重要的现实意义。本文的研究内容不仅可以为海洋渔业资源性资产流失问题研究提供技术支持,还可作为其他海洋资源性资产的价值评价与流失测评的借鉴。

【Abstract】 China possesses a wealth of marine fishery resources which have made great contribution to the development of marine economy and national economy. However, the development potentiality of marine fishery is finite. In fact, there is low quality of fishery resources and parts of them are on the edge of extinction. These are no doubt in relation to the natural factors such as environment and ecology, but the origin is that fishery resources, as important state-owned resources assets, are poor in property right management and free use of it, which leads to the loss of marine fishery resources assets, influences directly on the sustainable development of marine fishery and undermines the foundation of the development of oceanic economy and even threatens the movement of the national economy. There is a lack of scientific, objective and systematic standard assessment of the loss recently and can’t evaluate effect range of the loss on national economy and the way of maintenance and appreciation of fishery assets. Therefore, establishing the assessment theory and methods of the loss of marine fishery resources assets has becoming a burning issue of the research of fishery loss.The research is trying to put forward to the assessment methods and application of the loss of state-owned marine fishery resources assets based on the theories of natural resources assets assessment, loss of state-owned assets estimation and capital estimation in order to fill one of the gaps of it. The major innovation of the dissertation is summarized as follows:1、It firstly deals theoretically with the assessment of marine fishery resources assets and the theory of the loss of marine fishery resources assets is supplemented and perfected.2、It defines the loss of marine fishery resources assets and the loss of marine fishing resources assets and the loss of mariculture resources assets are put forward from the perspective of the resources exploitation. 3、It systematically constructs the methods and models of the loss of fishery resources assets assessment based on the analysis of its theory. The basic idea of the assessment is that the loss of state-owned marine fishery resources assets is net assets value the country should have plus assets value the country have had, the former of which contains capital value, ecological value, compensation value and the cost of development. The research provides scientific basis for the assets management of marine fishery resources and decision making.4、It establishes the value system of marine fishery resources assets constitution and models, and classification index of system of the value of marine fishing resources assets and mariculture resources assets from the point of state ownership, which can lay the theory basis for the assessment of fishery resources assets value.5、It builds the theory of the development coefficient of marine fishing resources assets’compensation value at relative stage. Marine fishing resources assets’compensation value is a dynamic process, the country couldn’t compensate all loss of value at one time. So it should consider the bearing capacity of the society at various levels. The development coefficient of marine fishing resources assets’compensation value is based on the ratio between fishing output value and GDP combined with Engle coefficient and pearl curve, considering resources, economy and society parameter. It evades the difficulty of real value calculation and efficiently solves problems on the compensation value at different developing stage.6、It brings forward to the evaluation criteria and index of mariculture resources assets value and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model to assess its compensation value and judge the value more operationally.7、It systematically calculates the loss value of marine fishery resources assets in Qingdao. The loss value of marine fishing resources assets is tested by using rent method, substitute cost method and stage coefficient method and so on. The loss value of mariculture resources assets is also manipulated by using income approach, fuzzy method and so on. The result reveals the total loss value of marine fishery resources assets in Qingdao is 209286.06 million yuan and the total value is 221464.86 million yuan, which accounts for 3.65 % of the ocean industry out value and 0.98% of GDP. The ownership value the country has had is significantly lower than the country should have and the plight is seriously.The results show that the loss assessment of marine fishery resources assets covers a wide range and various evaluation index and difficult data collection. However, the research has important realistic significance, which can not only offer the support of the loss problems of marine fishery resources assets research but also the reference of other ocean resources assets assessment.


