
环境因子对青刺参和红刺参(Apostichopus japonicus)代谢与生长及其机制的影响

Effects and Mechanism of Environment on Growth of Green and Red Sea Cucumber, Apostichopus Japonicus

【作者】 包杰

【导师】 董双林;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 水产养殖, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文详细综述了棘皮动物代谢与能量生物学的研究进展,并通过一系列的室内实验研究了温度、盐度、光色对青刺参和红刺参耗氧率、排氨率、生长、能量收支的影响。研究结果总结如下:1比较研究了在7、12、17、22、27℃条件下,不同规格的青刺参和红刺参(Apostichopus japonicus)的耗氧率和排氨率。根据青刺参和红刺参的体重,设为小规格(S)和大规格(L)两种规格。结果表明:(1)温度对青刺参和红刺参耗氧率、排氨率均有显著影响(P<0.01);规格对青刺参耗氧率有显著影响(P<0.01),对红刺参无显著影响(P>0.05)。温度和体重对青刺参和红刺参耗氧率、排氨率的交互作用均有显著影响(P<0.01)。(2)在温度7-27℃范围内,S组青刺参和红刺参耗氧率均随温度的升高而增加;L组耗氧率总体随温度的升高而升高,但在22℃有所下降而后又升高。方差分析表明,S组的青刺参在7℃和12℃下的耗氧率显著高于红刺参(P<0.05),而在22℃下,青刺参显著低于红刺参(P<0.05)。L组青刺参和红刺参之间耗氧率仅在17-27℃下差异显著(P<0.05)。L组青刺参的排氨率在温度7-17℃范围内随温度的升高而增加,随着温度的继续升高而下降;L组红刺参的排氨率与耗氧率随温度变化具有相同趋势。方差分析表明,在7和27℃温度处理下,S组的青刺参和红刺参之间均差异显著(P<0.05);L组青刺参和红刺参仅在17和27℃之间差异显著(P<0.05)。(3)青刺参和红刺参的单位个体耗氧率、排氨率与体重的回归关系符合幂函数方程R = aWb,其中,对于耗氧率,青刺参a值的变动范围为14.973-26.103,b值为0.425-1.03,红刺参的a值变动范围为7.988-25.914,b值为0.755-1.141;对于排氨率,青刺参a值的变动范围为1.263-3.396,b值为0.411-0.941,红刺参的a值为0.713-2.723,b值为0.540-0.909。(4)从O:N比值可以看出,刺参主要以蛋白代谢为底物,但随着体重的增加,代谢底物中的脂肪比例增加。2比较研究了青刺参和红刺参在不同盐度和大、小两种规格下的耗氧率以及排氨率的变化规律。结果表明,盐度和规格对青刺参、红刺参的耗氧率均有显著影响(P<0.05),但盐度和规格的交互作用不显著(P>0.05)。不同规格的青刺参和红刺参耗氧率随盐度的变化具有相似的变化趋势,均呈“M”型,在盐度29-32最低,并随盐度的升高或降低耗氧率均升高,而随着盐度的进一步升高至35或降低至26后,耗氧率又开始下降。在盐度23-32时青刺参耗氧率高于红刺参,而在盐度35-38时则以红刺参高于青刺参。盐度和规格对青刺参、红刺参的排氨率均有显著影响(P<0.05),两者的交互作用不显著(P>0.05)。不同规格的青刺参和红刺参排氨率随盐度的变化与耗氧率相似,也呈“M”型。在盐度23-29时红刺参的排氨率要高于青刺参,而在盐度32-38时则以青刺参高于红刺参。青刺参和红刺参的单位个体耗氧率、排氨率与体重的回归关系符合幂函数方程R = aWb,其中,对于耗氧率,青刺参a值的变动范围为18.5963-24.980,b值为0.6393-0.913,红刺参的a值变动范围为10.5613-21.9678,b值为0.8713-1.1023;对于排氨率,青刺参a值的变动范围为18.5963-24.980,b值为0.6393-0.913,红刺参的a值为10.5613-21.9678,b值为0.8713-1.1023。青刺参O: N比值随盐度的升高而下降,表明随着盐度的升高代谢底物以蛋白质所占的比例变大;而红刺参O: N比值随盐度的升高而升高,表明随着盐度的升高代谢底物中蛋白质所占的比例变小。3比较研究了青刺参和红刺参在自然光、红光、黄光、绿光和蓝光下的耗氧率(OCR)和排氨率(AER)。结果表明,光色对青刺参和红刺参OCR均有显著影响(P<0.05)。青刺参在自然光下的OCR最高,显著高于红光和绿光(P<0.05),与黄光和蓝光的差异不显著(P>0.05);红刺参在黄光下的OCR最高,并显著高于其它光色处理组(P<0.05)。两种海参之间仅在自然光下以青刺参的OCR显著高于红刺参,其它光色之间两者差异不显著(P<0.05)。光色对青刺参和红刺参的AER均有显著影响(P<0.05)。青刺参的AER在黄光最低,绿光最高,黄光和绿光之间差异显著(P<0.05),而其它各光色处理组之间均差异不显著(P>0.05);红刺参的AER在绿光下最高,自然光下最低,并显著低于其它四个光色(P<0.05)。在自然光下青刺参和红刺参之间AER差异显著(P<0.05);在其它光色处理组,青刺参和红刺参排氨率之间无显著差异(P>0.05)。青刺参和红刺参在不同光色下的O:N均小于10,表明二者均主要以蛋白质为代谢底物。4采用封闭式呼吸器法研究了不同温度对青刺参和红刺参特殊动力作用(SDA)的影响。结果表明,在温度为16℃和20℃时,青刺参以及红刺参的基础代谢率、摄食水平、摄食代谢峰值之间均无显著差异(P>0.05),但显著高于12℃(P<0.05)。青刺参和红刺参之间在每一温度处理下的基础代谢率、摄食水平、摄食代谢峰值均无显著差异(P>0.05)。青刺参和红刺参均在摄食后代谢率明显上升,2-6h达到峰值,随后缓慢下降至摄食前水平,平均持续时间为18-40h。温度对刺参SDA持续时间有显著影响,随温度的升高而下降,但青刺参和红刺参之间SDA持续时间无显著差异(P>0.05)。温度对刺参摄食代谢峰值比率无显著影响,但是青刺参与红刺参之间在12℃和16℃时以红刺参显著高于青刺参(P<0.05),而在20℃时两者无差异(P>0.05)。温度和物种之间的SDA总耗能均差异显著(F2,22=17.698,P<0.01;F1,22=6.372,P<0.05)。温度对刺参SDA系数无显著影响,且二者之间的SDA系数也无显著差异(P>0.05)。5用封闭式呼吸器法研究了不同的食物类型(配合饲料、马尾藻、海泥)对青刺参和红刺参特殊动力作用(SDA)的影响。结果表明,青刺参和红刺参摄食不同饵料后的基础代谢之间无显著差异。两者均在摄食1h后代谢率明显上升,2-4h达到峰值,随后缓慢下降至摄食前水平,平均持续时间为4-34h。不同种类饵料对青刺参和红刺参的SDA均有显著影响。摄食不同饵料的红刺参和青刺参之间的SDA时间和SDA系数无显著差异,但是摄食配合饵料和马尾藻的红刺参摄食代谢峰值、摄食代谢峰值比率和SDA总耗能显著高于青刺参的,而摄食海泥组青刺参和红刺参之间SDA总耗能差异不显著。6比较研究了处于冬眠、饥饿、夏眠以及饱食状态下刺参的耗氧率和生化组成。研究结果表明,36天实验期间,饱食对照组刺参湿体重增加了18.5%,而冬眠、夏眠组和17°C饥饿刺参体重分别下降了19.8%,47.42%,38.07%。其中,刺参湿体重(FBW)与其初始体重(IBW)、温度(T)和饥饿时间(D)的关系为:FBW=82.102+0.662 IBW-1.704T-0.274D。当水温下降至3°C或升高至24°C时,刺参逐渐进入冬眠和夏眠状态,该过程表现为先是停食,然后代谢(耗氧)强度逐渐降低。停食36天后冬眠和夏眠状态的刺参耗氧率分别下降71.68%和44.89%,而17℃停食组刺参耗氧率也下降了48.92%。刺参在进入冬眠、夏眠和饥饿状态后由于代谢消耗使体组织生物化学组成发生了很大变化。冬眠组刺参的代谢基质主要以脂肪和碳水化合物为主,其36d后碳水化合物含量下降了63.8%,同时脂肪含量也下降了26.2%。饥饿组和夏眠组刺参在停食过程中消耗了一定量的蛋白质,它们的蛋白质含量分别下降了35.7%和34.6%,同时也消耗了大量的脂肪和碳水化合物,特别是17℃饥饿组刺参脂肪含量下降了33.6%。刺参在饥饿状态下代谢基质的组成与代谢强度和饥饿时间有关,可能还与休眠状态有关,因此,刺参养殖生产实践中避免饵料缺乏,尽量缩短刺参休眠时间,并在其冬眠和夏眠前培养高脂肪和高蛋白的天然饵料或投喂高脂肪和高蛋白的饲料,以保障休眠海参的安全。7比较研究了7-27℃条件下体重为3-4g的青刺参、红刺参(Apostichopus japonicus)的生长与能量收支。结果表明,温度对青刺参、红刺参生长有显著的影响(P<0.01),在本实验的温度范围内,青刺参和红刺参的特定生长率(SGR)与温度呈“钟型”曲线,青刺参在温度7-12℃SGR逐渐升高,在12-27℃则SGR逐渐下降;红刺参在温度7-17℃SGR逐渐升高,在17-27℃则SGR逐渐下降。根据温度和SGR关系式计算得出:青刺参的最适温度为15.1℃,红刺参的最适温度为16.3℃。青刺参的消化率(ADR)在12℃处最低,在27℃最高,而红刺参的ADR随温度的升高而升高。青刺参和红刺参的食物转化率(FCE)随温度的升高大体呈下降趋势。不同温度下,青刺参和红刺参对能量的利用对策有所不同,青刺参和红刺参的排粪能和呼吸能占摄食能量的比例较高,其中排粪能分别占摄食能的43.5-56.6%和37.7-55.5%,而呼吸能分别占摄食能的25.6-45.8%,34.05%-54.2%;排泄能所占的比例最小,为3.90-4.52%,3.40-5.05%。本研究结果表明,在12℃下,青刺参用于生长(F)的能量比例最高,而用于呼吸能比例最低。而在红刺参最适温度17℃下,虽然二者在的摄食能相当,但红刺参用于呼吸能的比例显著高于青刺参,因而用于生长能的比例相对较小。总之,温度影响刺参的食物转化率和能量分配比例,从而对其生长产生影响。8比较研究了在盐度23-38条件下,体重为4-5g的青刺参和红刺参(Apostichopus japonicus)的生长和能量收支。结果表明,盐度对青刺参和红刺参生长有着极显著的影响(P<0.01),在本实验的盐度范围内,青刺参和红刺参的特定生长率与盐度呈钟形曲线关系,随着盐度的增加,生长逐渐加快,青刺参和红刺参分别在盐度29和32时达到最大,当盐度继续上升后,生长开始下降。在盐度23-29条件下,青刺参的生长显著高于红刺参(P<0.05),在盐度的32-38处理组二者没有显著差异。青刺参的消化率变化在32.00-39.03%之间,在盐度23时最低,29时最高;红刺参的消化率变化在29.64-41.24%之间,以29处理组最高,23处理组最低。两种海参之间,各盐度组之间差异未达到显著水平(P<0.05)。青刺参和红刺参的食物转化率同生长一样,均随盐度的升高先增加而后下降;两种海参之间在盐度23、26和29时以青刺参显著高于红刺参(P<0.05),其他盐度组则差异不显著。青刺参和红刺参之间的能量分配方式差别不大,其中排粪能和呼吸能的变化主导着青刺参和红刺参的能量收支模式。9比较研究了青刺参和红刺参在自然光、红光、黄光、绿光和蓝光下的生长与能量收支。结果表明:1)光色对青刺参和红刺参生长有显著影响(P<0.05)。青刺参的特定生长率(SGRd)大小顺序为:黄光>自然光>蓝光>红光>绿光,其中红光和绿光显著低于自然光(P<0.05),而黄光和蓝光与自然光相比无显著差异(P>0.05);红刺参的SGRd大小顺序为,黄光>红光>自然光>蓝光>绿光,绿光显著低于自然光(P<0.05),而红光和蓝光与自然光相比无显著差异(P>0.05)。2)青刺参的摄食率(FId)在绿光下最低、红光下最高,而红刺参在不同光色下的FId无显著差异(P>0.05);青刺参的消化率(ADRd)在黄光下最低、自然光下最高,而红刺参ADRd在红光下最高,并与其它光色差异达到显著(P<0.05);青刺参的食物转化率(FCRd)在绿光下最低,而红刺参的FCRd在绿光和蓝光下都较低(P<0.05)。3)在黄光下,青刺参用于生长能的比例最高,呼吸能的比例最小,而红刺参则为生长能的比例最高,呼吸能的比例最大。不同光色下青刺参和红刺参用于生长和排泄的能量较少,排粪能和呼吸能所占的比例最高,因而二者在能量分配上取决于排粪能和呼吸能的比例。

【Abstract】 1. Effect of water temperature (7, 12, 17, 22 and 27°C) on oxygen consumption rates (OCR) and amomonia-N (AER) excretion rates of the green and the sea cucumbers (Apostichopus Japonicus) were studied in laboratory. The results were as follows: 1) Temperature had significantly effect on the oxygen consumption ratesand ammonium-N excretion rates for two groups of sea cucumber. The body weight was no significantly effect on red sea cucumbers, but was significantly effect on the green ones. There was significant interaction between temperature and size on OCR and AER for two groups of sea cucumber. There was significant difference between two groups sea cucumber of OCR at temperature of 7-22°C for the small group, while there was significant difference at temperature of 17-27°C for the large group. For the AER, there was significant difference between two groups sea cucumber at temperature of 7 and 27°C for small group, while was significant difference at temperature of 17-27°C for large group. 2) Under controlled temperature of 7-27°C, the regressive equation between body weight of sea cucumber and individual oxygen consumption rate (R,μg·g-1·h-1) is described as R = aWb, and the ranges of a and b values were 14.973-26.103, 0.425-1.03 for green ones, respectively; and 7.988-25.914, 0.755-1.141 for red ones, respectively. The regressive equation between body weight and individual ammonium-N excretion rate (R = aWb), the ranges of a and b values were 1.263-3.396, 0.411-0.941 for green ones, respectively; 0.713-2.723, 0.540-0.909 for red ones, respectively. 3) Temperature had no significant effect on O:N ratios (P>0.05), and the O:N ratios indicating that the green and red sea cucumbers in our testing conditions mainly utilized protein as its energy sources for the small size, while the percentage of lipid and carbohydrate increasing with the increase of body weight.2. Effect of salinity (23, 26, 29, 32, 35 and 38) on oxygen consumption rates and amomonia-N excretion rates of the green and the red sea cucumbers (Apostichopus Japonicus) were studied in the laboratory. The results were as follows: 1) Both of salinity and size had significantly effect on the oxygen consumption rate (OCR) and ammonium-N excretion rate (AER) for two groups of sea cucumber. There was no interaction between salinity and size on OCR and AER for two groups of sea cucumber. The OCR and AER were lowest at salinity of 29-32 for the green and the red sea cucumbers, and increased with the salinity changed to 35 and to 26, then declined at salinity of 23 and 38 again. The OCR of the green sea cucumber was higher than that the red ones at salinity range of 23-32, and lower than the red ones at salinity of 35-38. Whereas, the AER was higher than the red ones at salinity range of 23-29, and lower than the red ones at salinity of 32-38. 2) Under controlled salinity of 23-38, the regressive equation between body weight of sea cucumber and individual oxygen consumption rate (R,μg·g-1·h-1) is described as R = aWb, and the ranges of a and b values were 18.5963-24.980, 0.6393-0.913 for green ones, respectively; 10.5613-21.9678, 0.6393-0.913 for red ones, respectively. The regressive equation between body weight and individual ammonium-N excretion rate (R,μg·g-1·h-1) is described as R = aWb, and the ranges of a and b values were 18.5963-24.980, 0.6393-0.913 for green ones, respectively; 10.5613-21.9678, 0.8713-1.1023 for red ones, respectively. 4) O: N ratios were increased with salinity for the green sea cucumber indicating that the protein content of energy sources was increased; however, the O: N ratios were decreased with salinity for red sea cucumber indicating that the protein content of energy sources was decreased.3. The effect of light colors on the oxygen consumption rates (OCR) and ammonia-N excretion rates (AER) for the green and the red sea cucumber, Apostichopus japonicus, were examined at 16°C, and the five light colors were natural light (590nm), red light (700nm), yellow light (580nm), green light (525nm) and blue light (450nm), respectively. The results showed as followed: 1) There was significantly effect of light color on OCR for the green and the red sea cucumbers. The OCR at natural light was significantly higher than that at red and green light for the green sea cucumbers, and no difference was observed at different light color except at natural light. OCR at yellow light was significantly higher than that at natural light for the red group, and no difference was observed at different light color except at natural light. The OCR was significant differing at natural light between two groups of sea cucumbers. 2) There was significantly effect of light color on AER for the green and the red sea cucumbers. The AER at yellow light was significantly higher than that at green light for the green sea cucumber, and there was no difference among natural light, green light and red light. AER was highest at green light, and was lowest at natural light for the red sea cucumber. The AER was significant difference at natural light between two groups of sea cucumbers. The O: N ratios were less than 10, which indicated that the green and red sea cucumbers in our testing conditions mainly utilized protein as its energy sources.4. The effect of feeding on the oxygen consumption rate for the green and the red sea cucumbers, Apostichopus japonicus, was examined in a closed respiration chambers at 12, 16 and 20°C. Temperature had significant effect on the specific dynamic action (SDA) for the green and the red sea cucumbers. The results showed that the postprandial metabolic rate of sea cucumber displayed a general pattern, i.e., the specific dynamic action (SDA) peak occurred with 2-6 h, increased about 2-fold, and lasted 18-40 h. The basic metabolic rate, meal size and peak metabolic rate were no difference among temperatures and between two groups of sea cucumbers, which were no difference between 16°C and 20°C, but significant higher than that at 12°C. The SDA duration inversely related to temperature, but there was significant difference at various temperatures and no difference between green and red sea cucumbers. For the factorial metabolic scope, it was no differing at various temperatures, but those were significantly different at 12 and 16°C between green and red sea cucumbers, and no difference at 20°C. The magnitude of SDA was significantly different among various temperatures and groups of sea cucumbers. However, there was no difference for the SDA coefficient among various temperatures and groups of sea cucumbers.5. The present study examined the effects of diets on specific dynamic action (SDA) of green and red sea cucumbers, Apostichopus japonicus. The oxygen consumption rates (VO2) of the sea cucumbers fed with formulate diet (FMD), macroalgae (ALG) and sea mud (SMD) were measured in closed respiration chambers, and the SDA parameters, including peak VO2, factorial rise, duration and magnitude of SDA were calculated. It was found that A. japonicus exhibited a typical SDA response after feeding, where the metabolic rate increased soon after feeding, and reached the peak VO2 about 3 h, and then backed to the basic metabolism within SDA duration of 4.8-31.7 h according to the diets they were feeding. The meal ration and the time to reach peak metabolic rate were not affected by the diets and species (P > 0.05). The factorial rise was not different between FMD group and ALG group (P > 0.05), but they were significantly higher than those in SMD group (P < 0.05). The metabolic rate rose by up to about 2.1 times over the prefeeding value in the green sea cucumber ingesting FMD and ALG, and up to about 2.6 times in the red sea cucumber, whereas the factorial rise was average about 1.3 ingesting SMD for green and red groups of sea cucumber. The duration and magnitude of SDA was the highest in FMD group, followed by ALG group, and the lowest in SMD group, and there was significantly different in magnitude of SDA among diets for sea cucumbers.6. Compared studied the oxygen consumption and biochemical component of sea cucumber, Apostichopus japonicus, under the conditions of hibernation, aestivation and starvation. During the 36 d experimental period, no mortality was recorded. A. japonicus started hibernation or aestivation under the water temperature of < 3°C or > 20°C, showing feeding cessation and metabolic depression. The wet body weight of the control group increased by 18.5%, while the hibernation, aestivation and starvation groups decreased by 19.8%, 38.1% and 47.4%, respectively. The relationship of final wet body weight (BWt) to the initial wet body weight (BWo), temperature (T) and duration of starvation (D) of A. japonicus could be expressed as the regressive equation: BWt=82.102 + 0.662 BWo - 1.704T - 0.274D. The oxygen consumption rates of sea cucumber in hibernation and aestivation groups declined by 71.68% and 44.89%, respectively, while for the starvation group, the oxygen consumption rate declined by 48.92% compared with the initial day. Biochemical components of A. japonicus during hibernation, aestivation and starvation also showed significant change. Hibernation group catabolized lipid and carbohydrate as their main energy sources during the experimental period, and lipid and carbohydrate content declined by 26.2% and 63.8%, respectively. The protein content of starvation and aestivation groups decreased by 35.7% and 34.6%, respectively, indicating the utilization of protein as energy source. Meanwhile, lipid and carbohydrate content also decreased considerably for these 2 groups, especially for starvation group in which the lipid content declined by 33.6%. The results showed that the metabolic substrates of sea cucumber in stress groups were not only related to the duration of starvation and metabolic activity, but also related to the dormancy status. Therefore, in practical aquaculture of sea cucumber, lacking feed should be avoided and dormancy time should be shortening artificially. Feed with high protein and lipid content should be supplied before their dormancy to meet the metabolic and nutritional requirements of sea cucumber in dormancy.7. The growth and energy budget of young Apostichopus japonicus were studied under constant temperature of 7-27°C. The results showed that there was significantly effect of temperatures on the growth of A. japonicus (P<0.01). Specific growth rate (SGR) of the green sea cucumber increased from 0.359 %·d-1 at 7°C to 1.567 %·d-1 at 12°C and decreased to 0.36 %·d-1 at 27°C, while for the red one, the SGR increased from 1.049 %·d-1 at 7°C to 2.114 %·d-1 at 17°C and decreased to -0.323 %·d-1 at 27°C. The optimum temperature for the growth of the young green and the red sea cucumbers were 15.1°C and 16.3°C, respectively, calculated from the equation, which was derived from the relationship between SGR and temperatures. The apparent digestive rate (ADR) were lowest at 12°C and highest at 27°C for the green sea cucumber, while the ADR of the red ones were increasing with the temperature. The food conversion efficiency was deceasing with the temperature for two groups of sea cucumbers.The SGR-Salinity relation can be expressed as the following:Green SGRd = -0.0115 + 0.3467T - 0.6856T2 (R2=0.92, n=20)Red SGRd = -0.0139 + 0.4541T– 2.3117T2 (R2=0.867, n=20)The optimal salinity in terms of maximum growth was 15.1 and 16.3°C, respectively, calculated from the equations. The energy assimilated into metabolism and spent in feces as percentages of the energy from food were major factors that influenced the model of energy allocation. The metabolism as percentages of the energy from food increased with the increase of temperature and the growth energy decrease. The high growth rate for sea cucumber at higher temperature can be ascribing to the higher food consumption and lower metabolism rate.8. The growth and energy budget of the green and the red sea cucumbers, Apostichopus japonicus, were conducted under salinity of 23-38. The results showed that salinity had significantly effect on the growth of two groups of sea cucumbers. The specific growth rate (SGR) of the green sea cucumber was increasing with the salinity from 23 to 29 and decreased as the salinity increasing further. There was similar change of SGR for the red sea cucumber, but was grown fastest at salinity of 32. The SGR of the green sea cucumbers were significantly faster than the red ones at salinity of 23-32 and no difference was observed at salinity of 35-38. The apparent digestive rate (ADR) of the green sea cucumber was highest at salinity of 38 and lowest at 29, and changed from 33.46-39.94%. However, the red one of ADR was highest at salinity of 32 and lowest at 35, and changed from 38.87-42.79%. The ADR was higher at salinity between 23 and 38, but there was significant difference at salinity of 38. The trends of food conversion efficiency were similar to SGR, and were significantly different at salinity of 23-39 between the green and the red sea cucumbers. The SGR-Salinity relation can be expressed as the following: Green SGRd = -9.8181+0.7752S-0.0127S2 (R2=0.8199,n=24) Red SGRd = -11.617+0.8539S-0.0134S2 (R2=0.8593,n=24)The optimal salinity in terms of maximum growth was 29.6 and 31.86, respectively, calculated from the equations. The energy assimilated into feces and spent in metabolism as percentages of the energy form food were major factors that influenced the model of energy allocation. The former decreased with the increase of salinity and the latter increased. The energy budget of the green and the red sea cucumber did not have marked difference.9. The growth and energy budget of young Apostichopus japonicus were studied under five light colors. The results showed that light colors had significantly effect on the growth of two groups of sea cucumbers. 1) The specific growth rate (SGR) of green group under different light color was as follows: yellow > natural > blue > red > green, and for the red group was yellow > red > natural > blue > green. The SGR for the green sea cucumber was lower 19.62%, 58.68% and 10.50% under red light, green light and blue light compared with natural light, respectively. While for the red sea cucumber, the SGR was higher 22.57% under yellow light, and lower 27.07% and 13.52% under green and red light compared with natural light, respectively. 2) The minimal feed intake (FI) was under green light for the green group sea cucumber, and FI was not observed under different light color for the red group sea cucumber. The apparent digestive rate (ADR) was lowest under yellow light and highest under red light for green and red sea cucumber, respectively, and was no significant difference at other light color. The food conversion rate was lowest at green light for both of green and red sea cucumber. 3) Since the energy assimilated into feces and spent in metabolism as percentages of the energy form food were major factors that influenced the model of energy allocation, the energy allocation under five light colors was different. The growth energy to energy from food for green and red sea cucumber were highest under yellow light, however, the metabolism energy o energy from food was lowest for green sea cucumber and was highest for red sea cucumber.


