

On Environmental Responsibility

【作者】 孟庆垒

【导师】 徐祥民;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 环境规划与管理, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 环境责任问题并非一个新问题。早在1972年,《人类环境宣言》就向世人宣示了人类所负有的保护和改善这一代和将来的世世代代的环境的庄严责任。但是谁也无法否认,三十多年过去了,环境责任落实得并不好。地球环境不但没有因此获得真正改善,反而有进一步恶化之势。除了社会历史条件的局限之外,缺乏对环境责任问题的系统研究恐怕亦是重要原因。研究环境责任及其落实问题,首先必须对环境责任本身有一个准确的认识,并牢牢把握住它的理论基础。从根本上来说,环境责任并不是为了解决环境问题而虚构的一种责任。它是来自于人类环境共同体的客观要求,是任何人类个体或群体作为人类环境共同体成员都应当担当的责任。环境责任是一种社会责任而不是人类对环境本身的责任;环境责任主要是一种事前责任,但也包括事后责任的内容。环境责任具有行动全球性、主体广泛性和对象特殊性等特征。如果从宏观层面进行理论划分的话,环境责任观念是责任伦理的组成部分;从必要性的角度看,履行环境责任是可持续发展观与科学发展观的必然要求;从可能性的角度讲,共同体主义的兴起将对环境责任的落实将起到促进作用。另外,从可行性角度来说,制定环境责任分配的正义原则对环境责任实践的开展将非常关键。环境责任是一种道德责任,因此人们的道德实践将在环境责任落实过程中占有重要地位。对于个人来说,关键是要反对已经走向“大众化”的物质主义、消费主义,树立负责地消费的新型消费伦理,学会适度消费、自主消费,重视非物质消费,实行绿色消费、公正消费。对于企业来说,应当从长远和战略角度思考利益与责任的关系,建立负责任的企业文化,实现利益与责任的双赢。对于政府来说,应当主动担当起环境时代的主导性角色,合理地运用环境管理职权,在国内层面履行对全体国民的环境责任,同时又要有全球眼光,积极履行对整个人类大家庭的环境责任。环境责任不仅仅是一种道德责任,它又是需要全面法律化的责任。这是环境责任得以履行的关键所在。环境责任法律化的进程可以借助“环境法责任”这一概念,以义务路径、权力路径和权利路径等理论路径以及循环经济法律制度、环境公众参与制度、环境激励制度等若干制度路径全面展开。同时,环境责任的法律化呼唤环境法的理论变革:环境法既不是类似于民法的“权利之法”,也不是类似行政法的“权力之法”,而只能是“责任之法”;环境法环境责任原则的内容应继续扩展,它理应成为环境责任在环境法基本原则层面的集中体现;自然体法律保护方式的问题应当以“责任”而非“权利”的手段来加以解决;环境法研究应当以整体主义方法论而不是个体主义方法论为主。另外,环境法研究应当从对本位问题的纠缠中解脱出来,以环境责任为基点来重构环境权利与环境义务的关系。我国是一个正处于工业化进程中的发展中大国,环境责任如何加以落实对我国尤为重要。目前,我国环境保护事业发展中存在环保主体“人格分裂”、公众主体性缺失、“守法吃亏”、“唯发展论”等问题和倾向,这对开展环境责任实践是非常不利的。但是,我国政府的绝对权威及良好的政治氛围或许会成为我国环境责任实践的巨大优势所在。我们必须加强对我国环境责任主体的作用、环境责任的社会意识基础以及我国环境责任立法问题的进一步思考。

【Abstract】 Environmental responsibility issue is not a new problem. Because the Declaration of the United Nations Conference on Human Environment enacted in 1972 proclaims the world that Man bears a solemn responsibility to protect and improve the environment for present and future generations. But 30 years passed, the implementation of environmental responsibility is not good. The earth’s environment has not been really improved, but shows a further deterioration trend. Apart from the limitations of social and historical conditions, the lack of systematic research on environmental responsibility is also an important reason.To study on environmental responsibility and its implementation, the first step is to have an accurate understanding of environmental responsibility and firmly adhere to the theoretical basis. Fundamentally speaking, environmental responsibility is not a fictional responsibility in order to address environmental problems. It is an objective requirement of Human Environment Community. It is a responsibility which human individuals and human groups must play. Environmental responsibility is a kind of social responsibility but not human responsibility to the environment. It’s mainly a prior responsibility but still including the content of later responsibility. It has three main features: global action, a wide range of the subject and special object. From the macro level of theory, environmental responsibility concept is an integral part of the Ethics Responsibility. From the point of view of the need, fulfilling environmental responsibility is an inevitable requirement of the Sustainable Development Concept and the Scientific Development Concept. From the point of view of the possibility, the rise of Communitarianism will play a catalytic role on the implementation of environmental responsibility. In addition, from the point of view of feasibility, establishing some principles of justice about environmental responsibility allocation will be very critical to the practice of environmental responsibility.Environmental responsibility is a moral responsibility, so people’s moral practice will be play an important role in the process of its implementation. For individuals, the key is to oppose the Materialism and Consumerism which have become popularization, and establish a new consumer ethics: Responsible Consumption. We must consumer moderately and autonomously, pay attention to non-material consumption, implement green consumption and fair consumption. For enterprise, the key is to consider the relationship between the benefits and responsibility from a long-term and strategic perspective, establish a responsible corporate culture and achieve a win-win situation. For the government, the key is to play the dominant role of the environment times initiatively, take use of environmental management authority rationally, and fulfil its environmental responsibility to all citizens and human family.Environmental responsibility is not only a moral responsibility, but also a responsibility which should be fully reflected in the law. This is the crux of environmental responsibility’s implementation. The process that environmental responsibility is reflected in the law can ride on the concept of“responsibility in environmental law”(not environmental liability), and launches comprehensively through the theoretical paths of Obligation, power and right and some systematic paths such as Recycling Economy Legal System, Environmental Public Participation System, Environmental Incentive System. Meanwhile, the process that environmental responsibility is reflected in the law needs theoretical change of environmental law. Environmental law is not“law of rights”such as the Civil Code, nor is it“law of rights”such as the Administrative Law. It is“law of responsibility”. The Environmental Responsibility Principle of environmental law which content is continuing to expand should become the concentrated expression of environmental responsibility in the level of basic principles of environmental law. The problem about how to protect natural things should be solved by responsibility means but not right means. The study on environmental law should mainly adhere to the Overall Methodology but not Individual Methodology, and should restructure the relationship between environmental rights and obligations on the basis of environmental responsibility.China is a big developing country that is in the process of industrialization, so how to implement environmental responsibility is particularly important to China. At present there are some problems in the development of our country’s environmental protection, such as the environmental protection subject’s“depersonalization”, the loss of the people’s subjectivity,“law-abiding suffer”and“the growth for the sake of growth”. These are very negative to the practice of environmental responsibility. Nevertheless, our government’s absolute authority and good political atmosphere perhaps will become the great advantages. We must think further about the role of our country’s environmental protection subject, the social consciousness basis of environmental responsibility and our country’s environmental liability legislation.


